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HD Haven




IMDb: 8.0
44 min

A group of inarticulate half-naked men run amok in Haven and kidnap a small boy. To bring him safely home, his father must first learn the meaning of kindness and find the spirit of humanity.

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 9.7
58 min

Rebels bands, whose leaders each pretend to be Spartacus, striking all over the region confuse the Romans. One of two columns with mainly women and children thus escapes, the other is captured and bloodily made into examples, crucified along the Via Appia. Once Crassus realizes the truth about Tiberius, Kore suffers the same fate. Spartacus cunningly prepared the battle field he chose to oppose Crassus's legions in a desperate last battle, with Gannicus in commanded of a mounted reserve to pincer the Roman infantry. Nevertheless, the last true gladiators fall one by one, so Crassus and Caesar triumph, only to be forced politically to allow Pompey, who actually arrived to late, to take the main credit, so as to forge the triumvirate which will take over Rome. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 9.1
57 min

Capturing Roman scouts, Spartacus realizes that the feared general Pompey is back in Italy, while survivors report the massacre of Crixus and most of his army. Ynwilling to let his glory by stolen, Crassus only agrees to confer with Pompey by envoy. Tiberius eagerly accepts Caesar's suggested to represent his father, but at arrival is captured as Spartacus used to looted uniforms to impersonate Pompey's delegation. Tiberius and his escort are captured and destined as sacrificial victims in improvised gladiator games in honor of the rebels countless losses. Realizing Crassus won't return to ruthless military reasons while his heir is captured, Caesar accepts to negotiate his exchange for 500 slave prisoners, including Argon, who thus survives crucifixion. Spartacus leaves the dilemma to Crixus's bloodthirsty widow, but Kore proves even more vindictive. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.9
53 min

Spartacus gets his horde away from the ridge but lost the taste to risk huge casualties among the many weak runaways, so he resolves to flee over the Alps. Crixus however gets his blessing to take an army of volunteers, including Agron but not his gay lover Nasir, to attempt taking Rome, which is only defended by Varrius's single legion if Crassus pursues Spartacus. In the Roman camp, Crassus uses brute force against 'disloyal' senator Metellus's protest. Caesar wants Tiberius to help control his father's dangerous temper, but threatening to expose Kore's fate fails when Tiberius personally submits Caesar to anal rape. Crixus's battle goes well, until they are surprised and crushed by Crassus's legions, after which Crixus's head is severed by Tiberius's sword. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.6
53 min

Crassus is confident the trench and palisade he had built secretly will contain Spartacus's army and successfully sets a trap by advancing his general's tent perilously, but the braves get away. To see his debts paid, Caesar controls his fury, being relegated to lower command, while Tiberius is reinstated as Marcus's right hand. Kore conspires with Caesar to expose Tiberius's rape, but hearing her lover admit his paternal pride will forgive any filial flaw decides her instead to defect to the rebel camp. There Spartacus overcomes Crassus's impatience, which even peeks at a bloody brawl. An icy storms kills the thousands weakest rebels, but their frozen corpses achieve revenge by bridging the trench, so Spartacus's men break free. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.7
56 min

Caesar's masterly manipulation allows a triumphant Roman recapture of Sinessa. Gannicus stays behind to cover the retreat of Spartacus and most warriors onto the icy mountain ridge, where they are pinned down in dire conditions. Crassus rewards Heracleo with gold and 'traitor' Laeta, but Gannicus manages during his escape with Sibyl to kill the pirate captain and rescue the new 'slave'. Crassus orders Tiberius, who hoped to resume deputy command, to preside over the celebration of Caesar's victory and bribes senator Metellus to share the looting of the whole city. Instead of befriending Caesar, jealous Tiberius tries to trick his rival during the bloody execution of prisoners, but Caesar triumphs again. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.9
53 min

Tiberius seems a bitter, broken boy, having had to beat his comrade Sabinus to death, lashing out at surviving true cowards. Father Marcus Crassus sends his mistress to coax his heir with wine and tenderness, but the knave chooses to rape the 'mere' slave by way of compensation. Senator Metellus is ignored when he rudely inquires why the army hasn't moved on Sinuessa, but will soon see. Spartacus tests Cricus' loyal patience to breaking point by leaving him behind during raids on Crassus's food supplies, announces he's sailing on Heracleo's ships to Sicily and releases the last Romans. While Crixus learns it's a diversion for a pincer movement on Crassu's camp, Caesar fuels the dissension to the extreme before opening the gate with fellow undercover soldiers. Spartacus finds his maritime pincer leg sabotaged as the Cilician pirates sold out to Crassus. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.6
56 min

Although Sinuesse's food supplies are running out and Cilican pirate captain Heracleo can't promise enough (except wine) even at premium prices, Spartacus orders to admit new slaves, after screening for undercover Romans, a group of which fails to force the gate. Young Caius Julius Caesar manages to pose as a escaped shepherd slave and wins the confidence of dishonest schemer Nemetes. thus he discovers and fuels dissension in Spartacus's camp, yet causes only the slaughter of most Romans and doubt in Crixus's mind whether Spartacus should still be obeyed. In the fortified Roman army camp, Crassus decides the 'cowardly' retreat of Tiberius's men requires the harshest exemplary punishment to instill terrorized obedience: decimation. Tiberius's loyal officer friend nobly decides against a plea for exemption with Crassus, who ends up ordering even his son to draw a lot, but it's the officer who actually suffers beating to death at shattered Tiberius's hands. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.5
56 min

Crassus sends Tiberius ahead with instructions to observe Sinuessa and wait. Caesar won't stand for being the boy's deputy and beheads the 'cowardly' gate keeper who escaped and reports Spartacus took the city easily. Despite Spartacus's explicit instructions, surviving Roman citizens suffer excessive cruelty, especially at the hands of Crixus's traumatized Naevia, who even kills blacksmith Attius. When Cilician pirates arrive, Spartacus learns their captain Heraclea has a secret deal with the late aedilius Ennius to use his seal to sell his thus laundered loot at market prices. Heracleo offers an Alliance. Spartacus agrees, mainly to buy urgently needed supplies. The suspicious leaders meet outside the city, but are observed by Tiberius, who decides to attack. The pirate fleet's artillery however makes the difference, Tiberius is carried off badly wounded. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.6
52 min

Spartacus decides his army now needs a city to pass the winter, and lets escaped local slave Diotimos inspire his war council to choose and plan how to take over well-guarded Sinue (modern Sinuessa). Marcus Crassus completes preparing his legionary army. Eldest son Tiberius hopes his help will be rewarded with second rank, but fears being side-tracked in favor of seasoned young, general Caius Julius Caesar. The aristocrat last needs a rich, ambitious ally to pay his debts and finance his campaign, but loses points with Marcus by cockily playing with his slave-lover, Kore, who unlike the spouse is invited to join the army's train. Posing as a merchant, Spartacus scouts the city and is disgusted by the aedilis (magistrate) and further Roman elite's cruelty to slaves. Spartcus circumvents the strict security measures thanks to easily bribed blacksmith Attius and quickly starts a ruthless attack, which depends on his small party opening the gate from inside. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.7
51 min

Furius and Cossinius can't capture the rebel slaves army, nor properly keep their plans secret. Realizing hiding will be much harder in winter, Spartacus decides to capture a town. First he and a trusted band sneak up to the commanders' hideout villa to slay them. The senate fears Rome itself may be endangered but lacks funds and men to mount a suitably large army. So Metellus turns to immensely rich, ambitious Marcus Crassus, who accepts, to eager son Tiberius's frustration without even negotiating an accordingly exalted status or mandate, and continuous private sparring with a dearly paid gladiator, whom he ends up killing in a fair duel. Spartacus's victory unwittingly plays into Crassus's hand, as he now formally 'inherits' sole command. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD DuckTales




IMDb: 8.0
21 min

Fed up with just being considered a Gadget Man, Gyro uses his time-tub to go back to medieval times to become a brave knight. However, his penchant for invention soon gets the better of him.

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HD DuckTales




IMDb: 8.1
21 min

When a spy who looks exactly like Launchpad is caught, Launchpad is offered to impersonate that spy in order to foil an evil plot.

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HD The Fall

The Fall


The Fall

IMDb: 7.6

Gibson is faced with the shocking impact Spectors crimes have had on his family. She is also asked to hand her personal dream diary in as evidence and calls Spector a contagion that is still able to harm anyone that crossed his path even though he is incapacitated. Spector is confronted with audio and video recordings of him talking about his crimes. Spector is transferred from Belfast hospital to a high security psychiatric institute and still seems to have 6 years memory loss. Rose opens up to Gibson about the details of her relationship with Spector. Written by echapman-4

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Fall

The Fall


The Fall

IMDb: 7.8

Stella is shocked by Spector's journal illustrating his crimes though aware it can be used as evidence against him, since he is claiming to have no recollection of any events during the past six years. Healy tries to use this to prevent his standing trial at the preliminary hearing but the district judge commits him to crown court, ordering his detention at a secure psychiatric hospital under the supervision of Dr Larson. Meanwhile Tom Anderson tells Stella that David Alvarez, who was in the same care home as Spector, was imprisoned for murder in London in 2002. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Fall

The Fall


The Fall

IMDb: 7.5

Gibson and Burns are hauled over the coals by the Police Ombudsman and the Policing Executive for their conduct and handling of the case. When Spector's name is released to the press as the arrested suspect in the Belfast Strangler case, his wife and family are forced to deal with the consequences. Katie enraged at the media treatment of him, decides to take matters into her own hands. All the while Nurse Kiera Sheridan and the medical team continue to fight to keep Spector alive. But even if he survives will he ever be fit enough to stand trial? And do Gibson and her team have enough evidence?

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 9.3
43 min

Jamie's dream comes true: daddy Nathan finally gets an NBA post, with the Charlotte Bobcats. Peyton is hospitalized bleeding badly, but gives Lucas a healthy daughter and pulls trough. Julian stood by Brooke, then has great goodbye sex. Chase loves Mia enough to applaud her impending tour although it means being separated. Still terminal Dan visits retired coach Whitey Durham, considering suicide. Seeing newborn Sawyer restores his will to live. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 8.9
43 min

In a flashback of three years into the past, an event between Lucas and Peyton changes their relationship forever. Brooke has to decide about the fate of her fashion line since Victoria is putting pressure on her. Whitey has doubts about Nathan as he has a sudden temper problem before a championship game because of Haley who is trying to find the balance between her school and motherhood. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 9.5
43 min

Haley gives birth to Nathan's son: James 'Jamie' Lucas Scott. After Karen nearly dies having her and Keith's daughter Lily, Dan confesses Keith's murder and goes to prison. Two weeks later, Deb babysits when Rachel hosts a nostalgic graduation class exit party. Chase and Lucas insist Brooke and Peyton try their career opportunities before returning to them. The Scott brothers gather the courage to visit dad, Dan, in jail, then decide against it, while he fails trying to hang himself. Lucas accepts becoming Jamie's godfather and Coach Whitey's college assistant. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 9.1
60 min

Graduation finally arrives, but while Lucas holds Dan at gun-point accusing him of murdering Keith, his pregnant mother, Karen, has collapsed and must be brought to hospital to deliver a girl. Nathan believes that nobody will ever take him into another basketball team and goes for a manual labor job in Skill's dads steel factory team. Brooke happily with Chase, although they'll be separated after summer, and finds the courage to tell the principal about cheating at maths, yet is allowed to graduate. When Nathan asks his dad just to believe that he's innocent, Dan chokes: he can't. Lucas is convinced to attend graduation while Karen is in a stable condition at the hospital, but suddenly she has a crisis; Haley's valedictorian speech is also cut short. Coach ponders his an Nathan's options and comes up with a way out of town and out of trouble. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 8.9
60 min

Nathan and Haley grow closer in spite of the recent scandal. Brooke wonders if a spark might be rekindled with Chase. Peyton receives a tempting offer that would ultimately take her away from Tree Hill. Mouth reconnects with Gigi, while Lucas tells Karen that Dan is a murderer, setting off an explosive series of events.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 8.9
60 min

Peyton is scared by images of Psycho Derek, so she decides to confront him. Meanwhile, Lucas continues seeking answers about his Uncle Keith's Murder.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Skills finds Lucas sleeping besides Peyton and Brooke who made up and felt scared alone after fighting fake Derek. When they get a message from Mouth he's in trouble, they all decide to go together as a road-trip, and drive on taking turns. After sleeping in a small-town park, 'vagrant' Mouth is in jail, where a giant biker type who recognizes him from Brooke's fashion show protects him, till he makes friends with all jailbirds. On the back-road they took in Texas to see the Elvis-shaped sandwich, their car breaks down and Chris Keller's tour-bus driving by stops and gives them a lift right to Mouth's jail in Honey Grove; they bail him out and decide to go to the local Prom as make-up for their own bummer gala. In the hotel Marvin explains to Chris he only followed Rachel on an impulse because she made him feel worthy, but would never truly love him, so he decided to return home and finish high school; Skills tells Lucas how strange it is Jimmy Edwards spared Abigail just because of ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 9.3
42 min

Lucas isn't surprised Peyton doesn't open when he calls on her to go to the prom, but ignores she is inside shivering in the hands of the false Derek, who gives her an injection. Nathan was delighted Haley's leg is out of the cask just in time for the Prom, but their car breaks down on the way; without cell phone reception, they decide to walk a mile back to a convenience store, where Deb comes pick them up. Brooke sneaks out and borrows from Mouth his grandpa's car to check on Peyton. When principal Turner denies Rachel entry, she calls out she has a limo with a loaded bar- only Mouth follows her. Peyton shivers when waking up tied down in the basement as 'Derek' photographs her and confiscates her phone in time to make Lucas wait for her at the prom; Lucas tells Glenda he appreciates her company meanwhile. Brooke uses her key and finds Peyton, but is also caught. When Derek hears the girls bitch and offers to cut Brooke open as Peyton's revenger, she asks him rather to let her cut ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 9.2
42 min

Two years ago, when Peyton dumped her still wild, philandering boyfriend Nathan the n-th time for being an inconsiderate bastard, he wasted no time to jump in bed with drunk Brooke and taped the scene himself. Now Peyton sees that at the pre-prom party, and knocks her 'rival' a black eye, just as publicly. Nathan assures Haley it was before he even met her and utterly meaningless. Deb arrives then, thinks she left the party mess and is told just to clean it up. Nathan tries to explain and apologize to everyone who was at the party. Peyton is at least as angry at Brooke as Haley, who ruins all Nathan's tapes plus the camera and demands a list of all the girls he ever slept with. Lucas tries to calm Peyton down after she stole Brooke's dress but their row keeps escalating, and is startled his ma goes to the prom with Dan, whose infidelity-expert advice to Nathan not to make the list is ignored- so Haley tells her poor husband she only wanted him to be unable to, but now insists anyhow, ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

Haley believes Brooke didn't cheat, but Rachel has to stop her turning herself in by pointing out the morality clause in a Victoria's Secret contract. Principal Turner holds a test, which she passes, Rachel is caught and hence Haley sacked as tutor. With Karen's permission, Dan helps Lucas prepare for the prom, buying him an Armani and advises him to stop worrying about Keith's death; Karen overhears them both having the heart disease. Deb didn't expect any visitors after her misbehavior, but Nathan comes tell her she's not sick but weak, and must get her act together or she won't have anything to return to; when Haley hears Deb still worries about her living alone after her release, she offers to go live in the house with Deb, safe for her and saving them a fortune; when the boys clean up and notice all the alcohol, they seize the ideal opportunity to have a state championship celebration party that evening. Lucas tells Peyton he gave Glenda his manuscript; she signs over her fashion... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 9.5
43 min

As class assignment for a teacher who explains they now are what their classmates think, in stereotypical terms, but that will change in the real world after graduation, the kids must draw a name to spend the rest of the class with, and return each with a picture representative of that partner for use in the yearbook, after some tasks to get to know each-other better, such as telling something personal and a secret or doing an impression. Lucas tells loner Glenda Farrell his new dream, now basketball is over, is to become a novel author; she confides her terrible relation with her mother. Brooke tells Chase Adams the truth about her calculus, and is forgiven. Skills tells Haley he's desperate not to end up in the factory like his father, she retorts motherhood is great but she still wants to make her mark, at least as a teacher. Shelley confides she only started Clean Teens after being dumped hard to Mouth, who is tired of being the 'good kid' and starts kissing. Peyton warns Nathan ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Clean Teens president Shelley Simon is ironically the one who presents man-eater Brooke to the virgin club's cute new male member, Chase Adams; he doesn't respond to her usual moves, but asks her as Maths tutor, in exchange for dinner. An intercepted note in class gets Lucas and Peyton's love made public, and both of them detention. Nathan is desperate for a job, but enough for Skills proposal to try together the $10,000 amateur night at the strip club? Deb scolds Karen for keeping Dan's company, but she even invites him to dinner; he tells Deb she was second choice, Karen the love of his life. When Nathan hears how unhappy pregnant Haley feels the prom is in four weeks but she'll still be on crutches and none of her party clothes still fit, he changes his mind about a strip act- Mouth is to teach them choreography, but Peyton must supply a suitably easy song for a naturally bad dancer like the gorgeous star athlete. At an emergency club meeting Shelley exposes Rachel on video as sort... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 8.7
41 min

Dan refuses an investigation and plea's guilty, forbids Nathan to confess, willing to bring a supreme paternal sacrifice atoning for his failings and to pay for his other sins. Dan is released after the autopsy shows that Daunte died from the shock of the crash, even before he was beaten. Seeing how worried Haley was for Daunte's grieving family, Nathan has already confessed to her about his panic deeds. Even Lucas can't convince her he only acted out of unconditional love, so she moves in with Karen. Brooke haughtily took her calculus test without cheating, but got an F, so she and Rachel break in at school to falsify her score, get caught and have to pretend they came to join Shelley's Virgins for Life. Deb tries to escape from rehab before she realizes she can just sign out. Gigi dumps Mouth because he's going to college next year. Nathan tells Haley what he can and won't do to get her back. Peyton makes up her mind about Lucas, who takes Keith's advice. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 9.2
42 min

Walking out after winning the state championship, Nathan was about to tell Haley everything when she sees a car approaching, pushes him away but gets ran over badly. The irate father-to-be runs to the car which slipped and stopped, drags Daunte out and knocks him senseless- Dan comes to stop him, but too late- the otherwise so selfish father sends Nathan away and risks everything, pretending to have killed the monster himself when the police arrives. Lucas has a heart-attack causing a coma, during which he is 'visited' by his beloved late Uncle Keith, who shows him things would be even worse for his loved ones if he hadn't been good, but Lucas asks more questions then even a more eloquent spirit could answer. When the doctors tell Nathan the baby isn't even a priority as Haley is hurt so badly, he breaks down, telling Brooke and Peyton it should have been him, the guilty one, he should have died in the river; he even cries out Keith shouldn't have saved him. Peyton finds some comfort ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 9.6
43 min

Nathan is even more miserable after having to admit to Lucas, who, like Coach Whitey, expects it to be his last game, that he sees no alternative but lose the state championship everyone in One Tree Hill has been hoping for. Lucas confides in Skills, and they resolve to freeze Nathan and win despite him. Karen drags Deb along. The cheerleaders complain mutually, until pregnant Haley needs to be brought to hospital. Without superstar Nathan the Ravens lose the first half badly against Pontiac. After hearing Haley is okay and that it's a boy, Nathan plays to win again, so the Ravens win it in the very last second. While the others celebrate, Dan offers to buy off Daunte's fury but hears the criminal's objective was revenge on him rather than money... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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HD One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill


One Tree Hill

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

Instead of wiping Nathan's debt as agreed, Daunte now uses the deliberate lousy last game to blackmail him into losing the state championship, or he'll tell Duke about the cheating. Just now coach tells Nathan they'll both get a public award at the Ravens' annual sports banquet, and Whitey really wants this very last title of his career. When Nathan bravely tells Daunte he won't bend, the next clear threat is to bust his leg permanently. The fake Derek is finally arrested. Rachel asks Haley for tutoring as she's about to fail calculus and thus miss out on normal graduation, but is told she's too unlikeable; however Lucas, Karen and Nathan convince Haley to give Rachel a last chance. When Karen hears Lucas is going to the banquet with Brooke, she accepts Dan's invitation to go together; Mouth is with Gigi despite Rachel's maneuvers, Peyton brings Derek in uniform. After the acceptance speeches, tearful for coach, Nathan finally confides his desperate situation to Dan, who waves his ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance, Sport,
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