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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 8.3
45 min

Buchan explains that the killers are cannibals, eating their victims to assume their power and goodness. Following Josie's disappearance Miles and Chandler learn that she too was interviewed by Dunn and that he is part of an exclusive dining club - though they feed on endangered species, not people. After Josie's body is found Miles installs a CCTV camera in the police station, which captures Louise Iver committing acts of sabotage which have caused the recent disasters. He believes she is an immortal succubus, inciting others to murder, though Buchan is sceptical. After a vicar, a member of the dining club and another person hailed for good deeds, is killed his widow points the police to a Domesday cult expecting the end of the world and dining on the godly to save their souls. They are successfully pursued but Iver remains at large to have the last word. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 8.1
45 min

In the sewers beneath as Whitechapel church two workmen find the disembowelled corpse of young runner Thomas Griffin. Dr Llewellyn believes his killer removed his stomach and entrails. A camera rigged up in the sewer leads to zoologist Mark Hooper but he was only testing an urban myth to see if feral pigs roamed the sewers. The next victim, Anne Ayres, is found in the same state as Thomas and, like him, was feted for local charity work. Both were profiled by journalist Peter Dunn, who, when visited by the police, is cooking something that smells very strange. At the same time urban farmer Josie Eagle is also pursued by a sinister group. Miles is concerned as to how Wingfield seemed to have known so much about the police's cases whilst Megan stops Mansell from killing himself. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 7.8
45 min

Following the discovery of a third corpse, flayed like the others, Sabina Masud talks to Chandler. She explains that Baldaev was the leader of a Russian extortion gang demanding money from her father. When he refused to pay Baldaev stalked her and she was in the graveyard when he was killed, describing his slayer as resembling an old woman wearing a leather mask. This fits the description of the person who abducted young student William Tierney Clark. Clark, like the other three victims, was acquitted in a case where somebody was killed, suggesting a revenge motive by the murderer. Clark survives and, in hospital, questioned by Chandler as to the identity of his attacker, writes the letter W. A suspect is brought in but Buchan pursues his own enquiry, confronting the killer and having to be rescued by the other team members. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 7.8
44 min

A young woman is menaced in a graveyard but her stalker is slain by an assassin, who runs away. Next morning a human face is found in an art gallery exhibiting the works of Sebastian Marlowe, the body being later fished from a river. Numerous tattoos on body and face identify the dead man as Nikolay Baldaev, a member of the Russian Mafia and, on the house-to-house enquiry butcher Anjit Marsud and his daughter Sabina deny knowing him but appear to be lying. Chandler establishes that Sebastian Marlowe does not exist, the work being created by his supposed assistant Abigail Perkins, a young woman with a disfiguring birth-mark on her face. Then mechanic Harry Barnett is also killed and flayed, the same sequence of letters found in his house as in the gallery and a third victim, another tattooed man, is also taken. At the same time the police station is beset by power cuts, floods and mildew and Wingfield's notes which were sent to Chandler after his suicide reveal that he was ... Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 7.9
45 min

Buchan theorizes that the killer believes they are a modern Witchfinder General and that the markings on both Dorothy's house and the scene of Alexander's murder are to warn off evil spirits, though homeless Lee Bysack claims they are to show houses friendly to vagrants. Another woman is killed and it seems that each victim gave the murderer the name of an associate, who was then slain. Dr. Llewellyn tells Chandler that Dorothy's killer lost a finger through gangrene and Buchan explains that the gangrene was probably the result of ergot poisoning, which causes madness and paranoia. This leads to a disused bakery and a killer who believes they were cursed by witchcraft as the police manage to save the last victim. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Chandler and Miles attend the launch of Buchan's book on murders in Whitechapel, where they are baffled by cryptic remarks made by an eccentric old lady, Louise Iver. At the same time, elderly vagrant Alexander Zukanov is lured to a house with strange markings on the wall where he is pressed to death, giving the name Dorothy Cade to his killer before he dies. Miles and Chandler visit Zukanov's doss-house and learn that the other occupants were frightened of him and regarded him as a warlock. Buchan confirms that Zukanov was a member of the Bulgarian secret service and Stella Knight from MI-6 names him as having been an interrogator of a former British spy, Crispin Wingfield. Wingfield is questioned but released, though he tells the police that the manner of Zukanov's death was a punishment for witches in the 16th century. Meanwhile, Dorothy Cade, living with her sister Cecilia, is also murdered, burned at the stake like a medieval witch. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 8.0
45 min

Another boy is killed, and all three victims are discovered to have been in the same school form as Mantus' sister. Morgan survives another attack, injuring her assailant, but she has no connection with the other victims, and young DC Kent feels she is holding something back. Miles believes Mantus is not the murderer and the fact that the three victims all fell foul of recently deceased caretaker Dave Watney seems to prove his point. Does the late Dave have an avenger? Is Morgan the accomplice? Or is Mantus, seen to be nursing a leg injury, the killer after all? Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Babysitter Sasha Lowood is murdered by a man dressed as the mythical bogeyman at the same time that Calum Mantus, who killed his family in a manner similar to Sasha's slaying, escapes from a secure unit. The police search Mantus' old house, which feels haunted, and where there is a poster of actor Lon Chaney in the film 'London After Dark'. According to unit head Dr. Mortlake, this was Mantus' favourite film and was said to drive its audiences mad. After psychiatrist Morgan Lamb survives an attack by the bogeyman, a masked man is seen toting a gun. But is he what he seems? Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 7.6
45 min

After Buchan identifies the killer's modus operandi as aping the Marquis De Sade, who murdered women after poisoning them with an aphrodisiac, Chandler and Miles hunt for the individual who contacted a firm specializing in love potions by masquerading as a couple. This leads the team to S and M club the Hooded Crow, where Mina almost falls victim to a man with vampiric tendencies. Then two more victims are found, identical in height and appearance to the first two. Chandler overrules Mina and follows Miles' suggestion that they concentrate on finding Ella Bowe. This proves to be the key to the serial killer's identity. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 7.8
45 min

After a fox drops a woman's severed hand in Whitechapel DI Mina Norroy arrives from Richmond, where the rest of the torso has floated down river. The woman was poisoned and then dismembered. Ella Bowe, missing from home for six months, seems a likely victim but is proved not to be. The police locate the fox, following it to the garden of the heavily booby-trapped house of weird reclusive Adelina Grace. A woman's foot is in the garden and Adelina's dead husband's body is inside the house, but he was not murdered, and none of the potions Adelina makes can be identified as the fatal poison. Then another woman's foot is found. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 7.7
45 min

After another family is killed, the custody officer admits that Salter terrified him into releasing him. Salter was owed money by the victims, as he was by his brother, and he is eventually cornered in a cinema and recaptured. However he is exonerated following the slaughter of another household, the link to each slaying being that in each case a selfish young woman is spared. Buchan's research leads to a man who was familiar with the murder sites and had a grievance against an arrogant female driver. Have the police got their man this time? Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 7.6
45 min

When a vast police archive is discovered at the station, Chandler persuades a reluctant Miles that Buchan be taken on as a police researcher. That night Ben Salter and three employees are murdered in Ben's tailor shop with no suggestion of forced entry. Fear spreads through the area as folk suppose the killer to be supernatural, though Buchan sees a connection to the Ratcliffe Highway killings 200 years earlier. Chandler's main suspect is Dan Wilkie, a rival of Ben Salter as a teenager, until Ben's embittered half-brother Marcus is pulled in and placed in custody - from which he mysteriously disappears. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 7.6
48 min

Chandler and Miles survive the ambush but another team member is less fortunate. Commander Anderson publicly berates Chandler, telling him he is off the case, but this is a ruse as Anderson rightly suspects that Cazenove is allowing the Krays to control other criminals as an expedient and wants to put him off the scent. Anderson gathers the team at Buchan's house and outlines his plan. If the Krays are exposed as impostors their grip will be broken. Buchan steals Ronnie's DNA from a museum exhibit and Chandler, after taking on Jimmy in the boxing ring, gets a sample of his blood for comparison. Many consequences follow swiftly upon the DNA result, not the least surprising of which is the deal Anderson and Cheshire make to ensure that the twins are never heard of again. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 7.6
47 min

After a shooting in a pub where the Kray brothers killed rival George Cornell a witness names Jimmy Kray, one of two twin brothers born to Angie Brooks thanks to Ronnie Kray's donated sperm. However, as Jimmy has an identical twin, Johnny, the witness cannot be certain as to the true killer. Whilst Serious Crimes Squad boss Cazenove thinks the twins are fakes, purely seeking reflected glory, and not killers, Chandler believes they are trying to unite all the East End gangsters in a federation, as their father and uncle tried to do. All the team are threatened, their one witness intimidated and their office ransacked. Buchan suggests Chandler try to play the brothers off against each other so, through his informant Cheshire, he sets up a meeting with Johnny, the less vicious twin. However both brothers arrive and try to kill Chandler and Miles, betrayed by Miles' former right hand man Fitzgerald. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Whitechapel




IMDb: 7.5
45 min

The mutilated corpse of an elderly man is dragged from the Thames. From his hand-made shoes he is identified as Lenny Cobb, an old lag who once testified against the notorious but long dead Kray twins who ruled London's gangland in the 1960s. East End historian Buchan believes it is the first in a series of copycat murders in the style of the Krays and is proved right when another ex-villain who gave evidence against the Krays, Slasher Gainford, is also killed. There is also a resurgence in violent attacks such as the mutilation of young Dan Street in a pub toilet, another hallmark of Kray warning shots. Prime suspect is surly pool hall owner Steven Dukes though Buchan thinks he is not the right sort. Strangely enough his more civilized business associate Jack Cheshire has requested that local officers Chandler and Miles stay on the case, rather than it being given to the organized crime squad. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD A Touch of Cloth

A Touch of Cloth


A Touch of Cloth

IMDb: 7.7

After an argument with actor Todd Carty - in costume as a TV policeman - Cloth quits the force to become a cab driver. However when Todd is killed in the latest of a series of bank raids he scrawls Macratty and Contact Jack Cloth in his blood before dying and Anne persuades Cloth to return to work. Cloth assumes the role of criminal Jacques Copper and ingratiates himself with Macratty - after giving him a kilo of heroin stolen from the Vice Squad's tuck shop - whilst falling for Katya, a pole dancer at Macratty's club. Meanwhile mayoral candidate Hope Goodgirl begins an affair with the bisexual Anne, whom she wants to become City of Town's new police chief. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 9.0
59 min

Jenny is promoted to Acting Sister at the clinic, irking the more experienced Trixie. Expectant mother of three, Doris Aston, also seems to prefer Trixie to Jenny, though Doris has a bigger problem - the child that is due was not fathered by her bullying husband, Cyril, but by a black man after a one-night stand. Sister Julienne arranges for Doris to go away for the birth and have the baby adopted, but the child arrives early, and Cyril finds out. The baby is taken away for adoption, but Jenny agrees to keep a letter for her from Doris, explaining the situation for when she is older. Elsewhere, Cynthia, inspired by the progressive Dr. Latham, impresses cynical Sister Evangelina by putting into effect the doctor's relaxation technique during a difficult home birth. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD Babylon




IMDb: 8.7
49 min

Warwick is suspended but his colleagues return to duty. However CCTV footage of Banjo viciously stamping on a rubbish bin causes public outrage and there are riots and lootings all over the city. Feeling unsupported by their superiors the armed response unit strike, followed by the TSG but Inglis gets them back to work with a down-to-earth, sympathetic speech. Liz is impressed and switches her allegiance from Sharon to Inglis, who ends up getting the commissioner's job and helping quell the riots. Learning of his betrayal by Matt Coward Robbie leads a raid on the journalist's flat and plants dope on him as a lever to retrieve the incriminating footage. However fellow officer Tony, not wanting to get involved, gives the film to Liz, who persuades Inglis to make it public, thus showing police openness and refusal to cover up corruption. Robbie is arrested, along with Banjo, leaving Clarkey with a clear field for Davina. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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