Parent Show
HD vera




IMDb: 8.0
89 min

When young Jamie Thorne's corpse is found wrapped in bin bags in a cave Vera establishes that he had recently worked for funfair owners Morven and Bobby Pevensey and had a poor relationship with stepfather Philip Marsh - to his mother Grace's dismay - so that he had been to stay with vicar George Haleford and his family. Jamie had rung Grace before he died to ask for help but she had ignored him and Vera finds a link between Jamie and the Halefords' delinquent son Brendan, who also argued with his father and whose crucifix was found near the body. In addition to solving Jamie's murder Vera has the added task of attending a funeral for a colleague. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.1

On the last day of term when the school is preparing for the prom Michael arrives to find that Alan Dixon has already sent letters to the staff announcing Waterloo Road's closure. However he tells them he has agreed to run Lorraine's school and invites them to come with him,most of them agreeing despite it being in Scotland. He gives a motivational speech to the pupils telling them they represent the spirit of the school and will take anybody who wants with him as Maggie,previously a care worker,will be superintending a lodgings house. Josh returns to school,improved in his mental health, but Eugene Garvey's gang,seeing Finn as a traitor after his rescuing Naseem,capture him though they are observed by Ronan,who alerts Tom and they rescue Josh. However he has overheard that Kyle and Tariq are planning to smuggle a crossbow into the prom to fire at Finn. Kyle takes his position as the dance starts but Tariq,unable to see it through,alerts Michael,who calls the police. Kyle fires but ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.6

Michael tries unsuccessfully to discover the sender of yet another email and,after the local press expose his salary,is consoled by Sian,whom he tells of his break-in. A new teaching assistant,Greg Barrington,arrives and quickly gets Tom to tell him his grievances about Michael. However he is an undercover journalist out to discredit Michael and is exposed by Tariq. After yet another argument Vicki and Ronan decide to call it a day whilst Matt is attracted to the joys of fatherhood when Rosie announces her pregnancy. Sian arrives at Michael's house saying she wants to leave Jez and rekindle her affair with the head. They kiss but are observed by Linda,who is displeased with Michael after he accused her of employing Greg without checking his credentials. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.8

Vicki sees a counsellor whilst Matt becomes a sperm donor for his friend Rosie. Matt is not happy when Michael wants him to include Tariq in the school orchestra but is impressed when Daniel records Tariq rapping. In an effort to leave home Scout gets a job as a night carer for a woman with Multiple Sclerosis,lying that she has experience in a retirement home. However Emily steals the woman's drugs and gets high at school,leading to Scout having to quit. Michael tries to distance himself from Linda after their little fling though Linda tells Sian. There is more trouble for Michael when an aggressive Wayne Johnson turns up at school,blaming him for his homelessness. A fight ensues,which spills out onto the road and Wayne is run over,the whole thing being captured on film by Phoenix Taylor. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.8

Phoenix begins to hit it off with Nelson,to the extent that Michael must insist he stops truanting to work with his father on the building site whilst Daniel impresses Scout and the members of Matt's orchestra with his prowess on the guitar. Vicki is stressed out,revising for resits and,after Ronan has borrowed money from Madi as a tide-over for the rent,she becomes jealous and hits him. However she walks into a shelf and Ronan is accused of hitting her. Jez organizes a rugby match against St Mary's School,aided by ex-pro Ken,who drops Zack from the team. Matters are not helped by the tension between team members Finn and Tariq and hostility towards Ronan. Fimally Vicki makes a public announcement exonerating Roanan and they are reconciled. After the match Linda and Michael share a kiss. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.5

Michael makes Sian and Tom joint deputies and gives an impassioned speech to persuade more students to take 'A' Level English in the wake of Grantly's efforts to scupper his initiative. The school is interrupted by Sarah,Jez's bitter ex-wife who turns up and dumps their children on him, pleasant Zack and extremely stroppy Madi,who makes a show of herself at Vicki and Ronan's flat-warming - where Tariq warns Fin off his sister - as well as ruining the Diamonds'dinner party for their colleagues. Michael discovers that Phoenix Taylor has deliberately set his father Nelson up to appear as a drunk out of spite when Nelson has been dry for years. Matt encourages Scout's talents on the guitar. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.7

Karen's replacement is new broom principal Michael Byrne,who fails to impress Janeece,whom he sends on an administration course,and Grantly. He does make Tom deputy head,having virtually promised the role to Sian Diamond,who joins the staff with recently-wed husband Jez - who tells the others that Sian and Michael were once a couple. Finn falls for new pupil Trudi,falling foul of her brother,gang leader Tariq Siddiqui,who joy-rides in Ronan's car,Michael's failure to expel Siddiqui being another source of grievance with the old guard. After discovering that brothers Phoenix and Harley Taylor have been covering up the recent death of their grandma,with whom they live,for fear of being returned to their drunk father,Michael threatens ex-pupil Wayne Johnson,recently acquitted in court of the attempted murder of the headmaster. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.9

New girl Jody Allen,known as Scout,is dirty and prone to sleeping in class. Visiting her slatternly mother Chris is shocked to learn that she allows Scout to run drugs for her for extra money and he buys the drugs from Scout on condition she stops dealing. The police are called and Scout suspended but Eleanor is quick to use the situation against Karen. However even she is shocked to learn that Whitman wants to close down the whole school. At mock student elections Jess and Vicki begin as rivals but end up renewing their friendship and deciding to keep their babies. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.4

With exams looming Karen is hoping for good results as Whitman has served her with a notice to close the school unless its standards improve. At Sambucca's memorial service emotions are running high and when new girl Scout accidentally steals Sambucca's jumper Denzil snaps. Ronan is surprisingly generous when Vicki learns that she is pregnant by Aiden but there is a shock for Karen when Jess tells her that the boy has impregnated her as well. This is too much for Naomi who moves on. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.4

Aiden and Ronan have a fight in class,allowing Daniel to show his authority and his compassion when he listens to Denzil's fear of losing Sambucca. Rob has a heart-to-heart with his son,building up Naomi's hopes that they can reunite as a family unit. Lauren and Finn,followed by Tom,take Sambucca to find her long-lost father in Blackpool,only to learn he is serving life for murder. Back home Sambucca dies in the arms of Rose and Tom after Finn has told her he will never forget her. After recent events Karen hires P.R. woman Linda Wilks to give the school a positive image. However Whitman pays an unannounced visit,tipped off by Eleanor,making his disapproval of the P.R. exercise and the school to Karen. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.6

Rob's wife Naomi comes to see Karen,telling her that he is still with her but Rob makes it clear to Naomi they are finished as a couple whilst Vicki finally tells Jess about Aiden's duplicity. Twins Shona and Rhona Mansfield are the subject of a tug of love between single mother Sandi and leather-clad biker grandma Bette,Shona's preferred guardian,to be decided in court. On the day that Karen is opening a community cafe in the school in the presence of director of education Richard Whitman Bette chains herself to the school railings and feigns an asthma attack. This results in Shona seeing through her and wanting to live with Rhona and her mother but the embittered Eleanor uses it to show Whitman that she believes the school is incompetent and unable to keep order. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.9

On the first day of the new term Karen arrives to find the alarms going off and is annoyed by caretaker Rob Scotcher's cavalier attitude,though Rob's son Aiden proves a hit with both Jess and Vicki.Pupil Ali abandons and then reclaims her baby in the school grounds and plans to run off with the child and Kyle,who is assumed to be the father. However when her mother and aggressive,unpleasant stepfather arrive a family secret is laid bare,which allows Ali and her mother to rear the child together. New teachers Daniel Chalk and Elaine Chaudry start work,Elaine having a run-in with Sambucca over her erratic behaviour. A sympathetic Tom takes Sambucca home,only to witness her having a fit. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.7

As Ronan and Vicki unsuccessfully try to dissuade Jonah and Cesca from their affair Cesca resigns,claiming that she needs to look after her sick father. To unite the sexes Adanna plans a pantomime 'Cinderfella' with reversed gender roles and both Sambucca and Kyle look like shining in it. Denzil,ever out to impress Kyle,electrocutes himself whilst on bootleg hooch and Ruby and Grantly have a contest to see who can write the best novel,judged by Tom. He chooses Ruby, who submits her work to a publisher. Finally Chris discovers what is really going on between Cesca and Jonah,and tells Karen and Marcus,who are both appalled. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.5

The school holds a fashion show and Ronan brings in Dan Hargrove,owner of a modelling agency,to give confidence to would-be model Vicki,now his girlfriend. Adanna once dated Dan and was dumped by him,so she regards him as a creep and,when he takes Vicki for an innocent lunch,accuses him of unprofessional conduct. This causes trouble with Ronan but,after Vicki has explained that nothing untoward happened,Adanna has to apologize to Dan. Cesca,finding herself pregnant by Jonah,goes to a clinic for a termination but changes her mind after he his impassioned phone call. Back at the school they get intimate,only for Ronan to walk in on them. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.1

Finn and Ronan organize a rave at an abandoned mill,where they closer to Sambucca and Vicki. However interlopers,headed by gang-leader Gav,gate-crash and it is down to the newly-reinstated Tom,whom Kyle has phoned in the hopes that he will spoil the rave for Finn,to save the day. Jonah gets drunk and almost discloses his affair with Cesca,to her horror,whilst Bex goes off with Hodge to spare Jess. However Jess has alerted her mother,who follows with Chris and Hodge is ultimately arrested. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.1

Josh comes out as gay to a sympathetic Tom,admitting his mutual attraction to Nate Gurney. However when Nate's single father discovers his son's sexuality he accuses the school of encouraging it. Learning that Gurney's other son,Aaron,who knew Nate was gay,was killed serving in Afghanistan,Tom tries to heal matters by starting a foundation in Aaron's name but gets beaten up by Gurney instead. Cesca finds it hard to fight her feelings for the smitten Jonah whilst a suspicious Karen follows Bex and sees her meeting Hodge. Karen approaches him and,whilst he claims to be a concerned boyfriend,he gives Karen an envelope to pass onto her daughter. It contains hundreds of pounds. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.2

The last day of term brings mixed fortunes. Harry is in therapy doing well but the Fishers are dismayed to hear that Charlie is moving to London in line with new girlfriend Maria's teaching promotion. Steph,before leaving with Ollie,accompanies Grantly as he reluctantly places Fleur in a home but on his return to school it transpires that ,due to the stress of his domestic situation,he has been teaching the wrong A-Level syllabus. The kids are outraged though Tom and Marcus,despite the fact that he is leaving,offer extra tuition to rectify things. Steph explains to Karen all about Grantly's predicament which he has kept from her and is overheard by Ruth. Thus,when ex-footballer John Barnes arrives to present a cheque from the school's fund-raising day to a charity,Ruth has persuaded her school-mates that it should be to help Grantly with the cost of Fleur's care. There is a further bonus for Karen when she sees that her daughter Bex has returned to her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.8

Whilst Karen insists on marking the birthday of Bex,the daughter who ran away from home,Charlie and Jess believe it is morbid. Connor Lewis,an openly gay pupil,arrives and whilst Josh is rude to him,he later attempts to kiss Finn,leading to a fight. However he denies any such thing when brought before Tom and tries to compensate by getting physical with a confused Lauren. Vicki finds it hard juggling looking after her sick father and tries to blackmail Chris into giving her better grades after Jess has told her about their one-night stand. Janeece suggests that the Frys adopt her baby whilst Karen invites Marcus Kirby to teach at Waterloo Road. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.2

Ruby,now cured of her medication habit,reunites with husband John to try for a baby but her age goes against her. Karen's husband Charlie joins the staff but their son Harry sees a message on his father's mobile and suspects he is having an affair. Accompanied by Sambucca he follows Charlie,who is meeting Cesca,but when Harry tells Karen she does not believe her husband would betray. Jess,annoyed that Chris,on whom she has a crush,is getting on with Karen,publishes a piece in the school newspaper blaming Karen for the disappearance of her other daughter Bex some years earlier. With tension running high in the Fisher home Harry turns to bulimia. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Black Work

Black Work


Black Work

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

Jo pursues missing gang member Michael Parry to a cottage she read about in Ryan's diary and he is arrested but she is amazed to learn that Ryan bought the cottage without telling her. She also believes Parry may have been framed. Following Ryan's funeral she meets his handler Tom Piper, who advises her not to question her husband's death - increasing her suspicions of a cover-up, especially after she spies on him. Jo visits Parry in custody, unofficially, but is accused of jeopardizing the enquiry and suspended from duty. Then she gets an even bigger shock as she learns that Ryan certainly did lead a double life. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Black Work

Black Work


Black Work

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

Jo Gillespie is dissatisfied that her husband Ryan, like herself a police officer, spends so much time away from her and their children but resists colleague Jack Clark's suggestion that she leaves Ryan for him. She is doubly shocked to be told by Superintendent Hepburn not only that Ryan has been shot dead but had been working undercover - doing 'black work' - for three years without her knowledge. Most of the gang he was infiltrating have been arrested but Hepburn and Chief Constable Carolyn Jarecki are anxious not to publicize Ryan's murder lest it damage the prosecution and are puzzled as to why Ryan had not reported back to his handler for some days before his death. Jo is incensed by their attitude and tells his mother Barbara who leaks his murder to the press. Believing she has a clue to the killer Jo tells Jack but follows up her enquiry alone, landing herself in danger. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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