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HD American Gods

American Gods


American Gods

IMDb: 0
50 min

Despite his past following him to Lakeside, Shadow makes himself at home and builds relationships with the town's residents. Laura and Salim continue to hunt for Wednesday, who attempts one final gambit to win over Demeter.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD American Gods

American Gods


American Gods

IMDb: 7.4
50 min

Shadow explores notions of purpose, destiny, and identity with a newly enlightened Bilquis. Elsewhere, Technical Boy struggles with an identity crisis of his own. In his efforts to free Demeter, Wednesday asks a reluctant Shadow to assist in a new con.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD American Gods

American Gods


American Gods

IMDb: 0
50 min

As the search for the missing girl continues, Shadow dreams of Bilquis. Wednesday discovers the whereabouts of his old love, the Greek goddess Demeter, and resolves to free her from the grip of an unscrupulous antagonist.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Will and Grace

Will and Grace


Will and Grace

IMDb: 7.4
21 min

Marilyn goes behind Grace's back to fix her up with a beagle-breeding couple interested in adopting Grace's baby; Will helps Karen deal with a PR nightmare; Jack and Estefan go to extreme lengths to get rid of a mouse.

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD American Experience

American Experience


American Experience

IMDb: 7.9
114 min (original)

Chart the ways in which the bloodiest battle in American history, and the ensuing peace, forever changed a president and a nation. In the fall of 1918, the deadly flu swept through cities at home and at the front. When the tide of war turned, the Germans wanted a cease-fire on Wilson's terms. On November 11, 1918, the war was over, but for Wilson, the last fight remained. He negotiated the terms of the peace treaty and won the world over to his League of Nations, but felled by a stroke, he failed to convince the Senate to ratify the Treaty of Versailles, with tragic consequences. While Wilson had heralded the triumph of American values abroad, many were worried about democracy at home; with citizens persecuted, aliens interned, and cities torn apart by race riots. The Great War changed the country forever. African Americans who had fought in the war found ways to continue to push for change. Women's suffrage gained converts, including Wilson. And America stepped onto the world stage.

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HD American Experience

American Experience


American Experience

IMDb: 8.0
114 min (original)

Americas entry into World War 1 is recalled, including the speed of mobilization.

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HD American Experience

American Experience


American Experience

IMDb: 7.9
114 min (original)

Explore America's tortured, nearly three-year journey to war. In August 1914, a war unprecedented in size and violence broke out on the European continent. Ever the idealistic diplomat, Wilson vowed to keep his country out of the Great War. His neutrality was supported but reports from Europe began to challenge America's delicate position. From behind the battle lines came reports detailing German atrocities in Belgium and France: history's first chemical attack and the sinking of the British liner Lusitania, killing 128 Americans. But Wilson stood firm, asserting that America would not fight - this was not her war. Despite Wilson's pleas, American men and women, volunteered in the hospitals and on the fighting fields of France, and by 1916, there was a growing sense that the war was coming closer to home. On April 2, Wilson asked a joint session of Congress for a declaration of war against Germany, proclaiming that the world must be made safe for democracy.

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HD Saturday Night Live

Saturday Night Live


Saturday Night Live

IMDb: 6.0
90 min

The host for the episode is Blythe Danner, and the musical guest is Rickie Lee Jones (her second appearance). The skits for this episode are as follows: Lorne Greene pitches Alpo dog food, only to be attacked by his canine co-star. During Blythe Danner's opening monologue, Mary Gross confuses her with another actress and presses her to do a series of impressions of famous women. Americans everywhere rush out into the streets to announce that they're gay. A couple embraces celibacy until they inadvertently discover that neither of them wanted to give up sex in the first place. Geraldo Rivera, searching for sensationalist conspiracies, ransacks a hospital delivery room during a birth. Colonel Khadaffi promotes his new line of designer clothes. A reclusive and deranged poet lives hidden away until an ex-con poet breaks into her house and they start comparing poems. A couple at a dance party explain the 50's have returned for the 80's. During the Weekend Update, Mary Gross reports on ... Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Will & Grace

Will & Grace


Will & Grace

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

Friends and family gather for the funeral of Will's father. During the reception everyone shares fond last memories of Will's father, while Will's last memory is not as pleasant. As he tries to come to terms with their last fight, Marilyn helps him realize the changes he must make in his life. Meanwhile, Grace attempts to comfort the grieving younger members of the family and begins to doubt her ability to be a good mother. Written by Alex

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Will & Grace

Will & Grace


Will & Grace

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

After losing his job as the host of JackTalk, Jack vows never to return to acting. An unrelenting Karen, however, will not let Jack give up on his passion and decides to do whatever it takes to get Jack to an audition. Meanwhile, Grace accompanies Will to dinner at his parents' home, but a simple dinner soon turns into a showdown between Will and his father when his dad decides to give Grace's unborn child Will's cherished baby blanket. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Will & Grace

Will & Grace


Will & Grace

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Karen, Grace, Jack and Will visit Will's family over the Christmas break. Also, Will's brother Sam and his two children are there, too. Everyone suspects that Sam's son Jordy is gay. Will is worried that his mother would freak out about having another homosexual in the family, and tries to stop Jack from encouraging Jordy and some of his gay antics. When Jordy wants to put on a Christmas show, Will forbids it. Grace, who always had a fling for Sam, tries to get closer to him, but he cuts her off every time she tries to talk to him. When she confronts about him avoiding her, it turns out that Sam is still attracted to her. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Will & Grace

Will & Grace


Will & Grace

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

Jack meets an old student from his acting class, whom tells him about his successor Wendell. When Jack meets Wendell, he realizes that Wendell teaches the McFarland method which he stole from Jack. Jack wants to take the class over, but Wendell doesn't let him do so. After having an accident at the Jeans store, Grace is worried about dying one day. Grace decides to make a will and wants to leave some money to Will. When she confronts him about how much money he leaves to her, he doesn't want to tell. So, Grace asks Will's mother Marilyn, who is the only one who knows about it. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Will & Grace

Will & Grace


Will & Grace

IMDb: 7.1
21 min

Karen's step-daughter Olivia visits her for Christmas, but Karen wants to get rid of her as quickly as possible so she makes Jack take care of her. Other than expected, Jack has a lot of fun with Olivia and Karen suddenly wants to hang out with them. Grace starts to get along with Will's mother pretty well until she ruins her favorite figuring. But since Marilyn doesn't know about it neither Will nor Grace tell her about it. The guilt over not telling Marilyn drives Grace nuts. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Will & Grace

Will & Grace


Will & Grace

IMDb: 7.3
20 min

Elliott announces that he's going to apply into the school cheerleaders, which makes Jack very proud of him. Tina confides in Will that she suspects Will's dad is seeing another woman since he is now always too tired to have sex with her. Will has to go to see his father to find out what's the truth but he isn't prepared for the truth. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Will & Grace

Will & Grace


Will & Grace

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Grace is abroad with Leo. Will has to take care of his injured mother and while in the park, they meet a man called Tom who also has to take care of his mother. Tom and Will hit it off, but the thing is, Tom really likes taking care of his mother, so Will has to fake that he too likes taking care of his mother in order not to drive him away. Karen is on the trail of Lorraine Finster and has tracked her to a hotel, but finds that the L. Finster who has checked in is actually her father Lyle. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Will & Grace

Will & Grace


Will & Grace

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Jack walks into Will and Grace's apartment, all full of himself and announces he has a part on a off-Broadway play opposite James Earl Jones. There's just one detail Jack forgets to mention to Will and Grace... Will's mother living under his roof is starting to get on his nerves. Grace wants to tone up because Leo's sex drive has increased. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Will & Grace

Will & Grace


Will & Grace

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

Karen has invited Grace to the country club to play tennis. Will is going to Connecticut to see his mother and is taking Jack along for company. When Grace brings Leo along, Karen says she intended to play one-on-one with Grace. Karen has to accept a surprise partner for a doubles play. Tensions rise and Karen ends up revealing her true opinion about Leo. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Will & Grace

Will & Grace


Will & Grace

IMDb: 7.4

It's the wedding anniversary of Will's parents. Will and Grace have a dinner with them in a restaurant. Will's father seems excited by his wife again and Will suspects that his father does not have a lover anymore. Will gives his father cruise tickets for an anniversary cruise and learns that Tina is still very much his father's lover. Meanwhile, Karen and Jack are climbing the stairs from street level to the 65th floor because Karen has a mental trauma involving an incident in the elevator. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Will & Grace

Will & Grace


Will & Grace

IMDb: 8.9

When Will, Grace, Jack, and Karen want to spend Thanksgiving together. But they each have to visit someone or go to another Thanksgiving dinner. So Will comes up with the plan to visit each place for one hour at a time. But each visit leaves them reeling and leaves them unable to enjoy their own celebration.

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Columbo




IMDb: 7.6
97 min

Music conductor Alex Benedict has an affair with a pianist. When the pianist threatens to reveal their affair to Benedict's wife, whose wealthy mother owns the company on which Benedict's career is dependent, Benedict decides to permanently silence his mistress. He arranges for her death to look like a suicide by kitchen stove gas asphyxiation. Lieutenant Columbo, a cunning detective in a rumpled raincoat, doesn't believe the pianist took her own life and suspects that Benedict was responsible for her death. He pesters Benedict with constant questions as he searches for clues to place Benedict at the murder scene. Written by Kevin McCorry

Country: USA
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HD The Slap

The Slap


The Slap

IMDb: 7.9
42 min

Anouk Rosen is Aisha's best friend, a hot redhead and successful single executive, head script writer for a popular soap; she is also writing a novel. Anouk brings her boyfriend, Rhys, to the party; he is a 23 year old soap star hottie. The Rosens are Ashkenazi (Hebrew) and Rachel, Anouk's mother, who is dying from breast cancer, has been reminding Anouk how cancer runs in their blood line since she was a little girl. Anouk holds down a responsible and high powered position but cannot let go of her adolescence. She was watching her best friend's husband, Hector, flirt and brush knees with the 17-year old blonde, Connie, when the big incident occurred. Anouk blames the abysmal parenting skills of Rosie and Gary Bryant for the incident; but she apologizes for feeling that way to Rosie and Aisha. When pressured to testify, Anouk says she does not want to be involved; she did not see the incident. Anouk loves Rosie like a little sister, but she has her own issues. Rhys wants to backpack ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Drama,
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HD Nurse Jackie

Nurse Jackie


Nurse Jackie

IMDb: 8.1
29 min

A former nurse in the hospital returns, sick from lung cancer and with a favor to ask of her friend Jackie. Dr. Cooper's mother is wheeled into the ER with abdominal pains - with his other mom at her side. Mrs. Akalitus is once again on the hunt for any wrongdoing. Written by Peter Brandt Nielsen

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Up All Night

Up All Night


Up All Night

IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Take a look back at Chris and Reagan's wild wedding day.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Up All Night

Up All Night


Up All Night

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

Reagan will do whatever it takes to make Amy's first Christmas memorable -- Jason Lee and Blythe Danner guest star.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Up All Night

Up All Night


Up All Night

IMDb: 7.0
22 min

Reagan wants to set an example for her daughter by trying to get along with her own parents. The untimely death of a crew member inspires Ava to reexamine her relationship with the staff. Meanwhile, Chris vows to make some lifestyle changes when he starts to fear that his life may be cut short too. Written by NBC Publicity

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Tales from the Crypt

Tales from the Crypt


Tales from the Crypt

IMDb: 7.1

A mousy librarian over-react reports of a serial killer.

Country: USA
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HD Odd Mom Out

Odd Mom Out


Odd Mom Out

IMDb: 8.2
21 min

It's Yom Kippur and Jill's parents come to town - to atone, and to take care of a matter of life and death.

Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 7.2
25 min

Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world... Lt. Carlye Walton had to walk into Hawkeye's. Carlye (Blythe Danner) is the one who got away; during Hawkeye's residency in Boston, the young nurse and resident lived together. Carlye left him because she knew how much Hawkeye loved medicine; she foolishly considered his passion for being a surgeon some sort of competition where there are winners and losers. BJ does not judge his pal but answers truthfully that he has never been tempted to cheat on Peggy. Col. Potter is recruiting art subjects; he does one in charcoal of Radar and another of Klinger as an Olympian. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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HD Medium




IMDb: 8.0

Allison and Det. Lee Scanlon are asked by DA Devalos to look into the disappearance of Meredith Burnes, the daughter of a local councilman. She is married to Don Burnes and has a young stepdaughter, Phoebe, who is awaiting a heart transplant. All seems well in her relationship with her husband and her stepdaughter whom she had originally met when she cared for the child as a nurse. She and her husband married after the first Mrs. Burnes ran off some years before. Allison is dreaming about the case and is slowly fitting the pieces of the puzzle together, which does point to a family member being responsible for her disappearance. Scanlon is having his own personal problems as he seems unable to make a commitment in his relationship with his now pregnant girlfriend, Lynn DiNovi. Joe finds himself falling asleep during the day and his doctor tells him that Allison is the problem. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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