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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 9.2
47 min

Hank's discovery of Gus Fring's fingerprint in Gale Boetticher's apartment is enough for DEA and Albuquerque PD to bring Gus in for an interview. He seems to have an answer for everything, including why his fingerprint was found at the crime scene. Everyone but Hank seems to be satisfied and they decide not to pursue the matter. Hank isn't so sure. Gus realizes how close he's come to being caught and in flashbacks, his entry into a world of crime and his work with the Mexican drug cartel is revealed. Hank involves Walt in his plan to track Gus' movements putting Walt in a very dangerous situation. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.8
47 min

The car wash is now in operation but Skyler isn't prepared for the amount of money Walt is bringing in. She also arranges for Walt to return the car he bought Walt Jr. but in the end decides he has other plans for it. Walt still believes his life is in danger as long as Gus is alive and speaks to Saul about how he wants to hire a hit man. He finds someone closer to home. Hank and Walter Jr. visit Gus Fring's chicken restaurant and Hank has something very specific in mind. He's slowly putting the facts together in his quest for Heisenberg. Facing a series of conflicting emotions, Jesse goes back to his group counseling session. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.5
47 min

It's the morning after the night before and Walt has a major hangover. Skyler is now convinced that Walt is in danger but he makes sure she understands exactly how important he is to the criminal organization. He's a little too blunt as Skyler's reaction is to take the baby and disappear for a few days. One of Gus' trucks has been hijacked so Mike and Jesse are tasked to get the blue meth back. Once again, Jesse proves to be unexpectedly useful. In the lab, Walt is fed up with Jesse going off on errands with Mike and so comes up with his own solution to cleaning up. He also learns that his actions may have unintended consequences. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.7
47 min

In his attempt to save Jesse, Walt visits Gus' fast food restaurant but isn't quite prepared for what he learns. Nor is Jesse for that matter. In fact, he proves to be quite useful though not everything is as it seems. Hank is convinced that Gale Boetticher was Heisenberg and tells the local police detective that he really has no further interest in the case. He mentions that Jesse Pinkman could have been involved but is not likely the shooter. Walt and Skyler close the deal on the car wash and take a major step in repairing their relationship but at dinner with Hank and Marie, a slightly drunken Walt says that from what he saw in Gale's notebook, it's obvious he isn't Heisenberg. Hank re-examines the files and finds something quite puzzling. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.7
47 min

Walt and Skyler have decided to use gambling to explain how Walt has made all of his money. It's not to be a happy story and Skyler insists that Walt admit to a gambling addiction and express deep shame for what he has done. At dinner with Marie and Hank Schrader, they tell their rehearsed story. Hank has a story for Walt however, one of a dead wannabee singer who had lab notes describing a super-processing meth lab. Hank is convinced the dead man is Heisenberg, the drug manufacturer he has been looking for for over a year. Walt tries to warn Jesse and is appalled at his living conditions. Jesse couldn't care less and when Mike gets wind of his attitude, Jesse is taken for a ride into the desert. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.1
47 min

Skyler finds a way to pressure the car-wash owner into selling, while Marie goes on a series of visits to realtors' open houses. Her antics get her in trouble, and Hank has to pull a few strings. One of his cop friends helps Marie out and, in turn, asks Hank to look at a notebook found at the scene of a murder. Meanwhile, Jesse's round-the-clock open houseparty brings no mirth. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Shaken by Gus's calm violence, Jesse cokes up; bleary-eyed and jittery, he throws a party. Walter, believing it's kill or be killed, buys a snub-nosed .38 on the black market, intent on shooting Gus and Mike. Skyler looks to launder money at a car wash, and, to Hank's increasing irritation, Marie insists on cheering his every step. Men deliver boxes of minerals and pick up boxes of crystal. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 9.1
60 min

Jesse takes out the competition, causing a crisis in Gus's multi-million-dollar basement lab. Mike holds Walter and Jesse hostage and Victor shows off his cooking skills as they wait for Gus to arrive, change clothes, and render judgment. Meanwhile, Hank's recovery is slow and humiliating; and, Skyler tries to keep Walter Jr. from getting his hopes up. Remorse is in short supply. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 9.6
47 min

In the aftermath of killing the drug dealers, Walt has a tense meeting with Gus who makes it quite clear that his patience has reached its limit. Walt professes not to know the whereabouts of Jesse who he claims has fled the State. Gus chooses Walt's new assistant, who turns out to be Gale. Walt knows that as long as he's the only cook available, Gus will have to keep him alive... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 9.5
47 min

Jess is ready for revenge when he realizes that the drug dealers who killed his friend are not only peddling their blue meth but are using an 11 year-old to do the work. He's prepared to kill them and wants Walt to help him out. Walt refuses but realizing the danger Jess has put himself in takes steps to protect him. Jess's demands that they stop using children leads to unintended and tragic consequences. At home, Walt tries to lay down the law as it pertains to his role in the family but Skyler holds her ground and refuses to give him everything he wants. Hank meanwhile is still reluctant to leave the hospital and go home, even though his doctors have told him he's free to leave at any time. Marie finds an interesting way to get him to agree. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.5
47 min

Skyler gets the first of Hank's hospital bills and decides the time has come to get more involved in Walt's business affairs. She's particularly concerned that the money is laundered correctly and that it absolutely cannot be traced back to Walt's illegal activities. Walt introduces her to Saul the lawyer but she thinks the investment he's lined up is ludicrous and has a better idea. Jesse meanwhile is still trying to peddle the meth he been skimming at the lab and fed up with the slow pace, decides to show how it's done. At the hospital, Marie is thrilled at the prospect of Hank returning home but he doesn't seem anywhere near as pleased. Walt's employer, Gus, invites him to dinner and dispenses sage advice. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.5
47 min

Walt and Jesse are now in full production in the new lab and are easily producing the 200 lbs per week of meth, as agreed. In fact, they're producing a few pounds more than required and Jesse can't quite understand why they're just giving it away. He decides to take advantage of the situation. Walt's brother-in-law Hank is still recovering in the hospital and Marie is at a loss about what to do when she learns that their health plan will not necessarily provide the quantity and the quality of physical therapy required for Hank to fully recover the use of his legs. Skyler proposes that she and Walt pay the bills and has an interesting story to tell about how they can afford it. As for Walt, he realizes that his life was in danger and that it was only Gus' intervention that saved him. Walt seeks assurance from Gus that his family's lives would be safe and options for extending the contract beyond 3 months are discussed. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 9.5
47 min

Hank, outraged over having been tricked into thinking that his wife has been in a horrible accident, goes after Jesse and gives him a severe beating. Jesse has every intention of pressing charges and Hank is suspended. He has other problems however when Gus points the Mexican cousins in his direction. Skyler meanwhile visits Walt in an attempt to help Hank. She wants him to get Jesse to drop the charges but he's not inclined to help out. At work, however, Walt's new assistant messes up their first batch of meth requiring them to start over again. His solution is to get Gus to hire Jesse as his assistant but he says he's not interested. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 9.3
47 min

Now that Walt has signed the divorce papers, Skyler tries to speak to him about how they'll approach the subject with Walt Jr. Walt starts working in his new lab and meets his new lab assistant. The Mexican Cousins are back, but all they seem to do is sit in Gus' restaurant, not ordering anything but certainly getting the staff on edge. Hank's investigation into the RV now gives him a connection to Jesse. Who better to call for information than Jesse's one time teacher and marijuana customer Walt? When Jesse hears that Walt is trying to get rid of the RV, he leads Hank right to them. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.7
47 min

Gus increases his efforts to lure Walt back into business, forcing a rift between Walt and Jesse. Skyler doubts her new relationship. Marie confides in Skyler about her concerns over Hank's well-being after Hank's actions tangibly affect his career prospects. Written by AMC Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.2
47 min

Walt loses control as he reacts to Skyler's admission, endangering his job and his relationships with Saul and Jesse. Meanwhile, Hank believes he finally has a strong lead on his investigation into Heisenberg's blue meth as an empowered Jesse adopts a new attitude. Written by AMC Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.5
47 min

Walt moves into the house and tells Skyler he has no intention of leaving. She won't hear of it but Walter Jr. is thrilled that his Dad is back. It doesn't stop her from calling the police however in an attempt to have him thrown out. She also decides to pursue her own interests. Jess is still having trouble coming to terms with his girlfriend's death but has moved back into his house and seems ready to get down to work. Unbeknown to Walter, Gus has arranged a meeting with his Mexican cartel counterparts and makes it clear that he wants him left alone, at least for now. Hank is still stressed and lashes out in a bar. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.7
47 min

Walt tries to reconcile with Skyler, but when his advances are rejected he takes drastic action to bring his family back together. A confused and angry Walter, Jr. lashes out at his mother. With the help of Saul, Jesse makes a significant investment. Written by AMC Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 9.2
47 min

Just as Skyler goes into labor, Walt has to deliver his 38 lbs. of meth to the wholesaler who has agreed to buy the lot for $1.2 million. Jesse and his girlfriend are now both doing heroin and when Walt races to Jesse's house to collect their stuff, he's stoned out of his mind. When Jesse wakes up the next morning, he has no recollection that Walt had been there the night before to get their stuff and freaks out thinking he's been robbed. Walt lets him stew for the day. Jane's father learns that she and Jesse are back on drugs and insists that she return to rehab or he will call the police. She agrees but Jesse has told her about his windfall and she knows exactly what to do. Walt's biggest problem is that he has all of this money but can't spend it because everyone thinks he's on the verge of bankruptcy. Walter Jr may have provided him with the solution. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 8.8
47 min

With the rapid improvement in his medical condition, Walt's doctors now recommend surgery as the final step to making him cancer free. It will all cost $170,000 however. Walt and Jesse have another problem when one of their dealers is shot on the street and Jesse believes someone is trying to take over. With only Skinny left as a dealer, Jesse and Walt have to find a solution to selling their product. Their lawyer-partner, Saul Goodman, suggests they get someone more experienced in the trade to help them out with the large quantities they have on hand. Jesse finally tells Jane, a recovering drug addict, what he does for a living. Skyler's doctor recommends that she have a C-section and they schedule the birth for the following week. At work however, she discovers her boss has been fiddling with the accounts. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 9.0
47 min

Walt is convinced that his medical condition is deteriorating. He continues to have coughing fits and is now coughing up blood. After his attorney and new business partner crunches the numbers, he realizes that there isn't much money left for his family. He and Jesse set off for the desert for a marathon cooking session over an extended weekend. Jesse just continues to put his foot in it, this time by leaving the keys in the ignition and inadvertently draining the battery. They find themselves in the middle of the desert, cold and without much water. Walt's knowledge of chemistry again saves the day. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 9.1
47 min

Walt and Jesse have yet another problem to deal with when one of their dealers, Jesse's friend Badger, is arrested by the Albuquerque police. They end up hiring a shady lawyer, Saul Goodman, who has a unique way of ensuring that Badger gets off with a light sentence without having to give away Jesse or Walt's identity. As Walt learns however, it may come at a very high price. Walt's brother-in-law Hank, the DEA Agent, is suffering from post-traumatic stress following the shooting in Juarez. He puts on a brave face but is having trouble just getting out of bed in the morning. Walt has some suggestions for him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad

IMDb: 9.0
58 min | 46 min (TV)

Just days after his 50th birthday, chemistry teacher Walter White's life of quiet desperation completely transforms when he's diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. To support his pregnant wife and son, he partners with Jesse, a former student, to turn an old RV into a mobile meth lab. But their first attempt at unloading their product takes a deadly turn when Jesse introduces Walt to his unstable business associates. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Chuck




IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Chuck trains a new Nerd Herder and deals with an asset with ties to The Ring. Devon gets nervous about covering for Chuck when Ellie gets suspicious of his work.

Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama,
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HD The Shield

The Shield


The Shield

IMDb: 7.4
60 min | 45 min

Vic learns that the federal agent helping them out is in the blackmail box and has ties to Cruz Pezuela. Dutch tries to find out if he has a future serial killer on his hands, and Claudette's health is brought into question.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.6
21 min

When Bart brings home folk singer Hettie Mae Boggs, who has fallen on hard times, an impressed Lisa decides to relaunch Hettie's career with a come-back concert but Hettie is unreliable and Bart fears she will let Lisa down,. Meanwhile Homer's attempts at DIY lead to his having to rescue the cat, whom he has accidentally walled up. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.7
23 min

To Marge's annoyance Homer buys a barbecue smoker rather than a new washing machine but the result is so delicious that the Simpsons become famous and are challenged to a televised cook-off by celebrity chef Scotty Boom. When the smoker goes missing Bart and Lisa turn detective to recover it in time for the contest. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.8

Homer takes Marge out for a romantic evening of ice skating and hand-holding, but upon entering the rink, they encounter a curling team practicing. Marge and Homer take to the ice and discover their love for the sport, and soon after, join the curling team and compete with them in the Olympic trials. Team Springfield claims the win and moves on to the 2010 Vancouver Games where Bob Costas covers the action. Meanwhile, sleazy vendors introduce Lisa to the world of collecting Olympic pins, and before long, Lisa is hopelessly addicted. Written by FOX Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.2

After Principal Skinner makes a chauvinistic remark towards a former female student, an uproar ensues, prompting for his demotion. Subsequently, Melanie Upfoot (Frances McDormand) is appointed the new principal of Springfield Elementary, whom divides the school into two, one for boys, and the other for girls. Frustrated with how the boys in her school are being educated more so than the girls, Lisa disguises herself as a boy to expand her knowledge, and as a result, wins the Student Achievement Award. Written by Burak H

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 8.3

Bart has his ear pierced and gets an ear-ring but Homer confiscates it.Later Homer and some colleagues join the Naval Reserve and sail on a submarine,where Homer accidentally fires the captain out of the torpedo hatch and,left in charge,allows the sub to drift inti enemy waters. It is attacked and springs a leak but Homer saves the day by sealing it with Bart's ear-ring before returning home for a dishonorable discharge. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Bart arranges for Krusty to perform at a comedy festival where his old-fashioned gags go down very badly alongside more modern comics. Bart takes the disillusioned clown home where Krusty is appalled by all the merchandise bearing his name and relaunches himself as a critic of the consumer society and its greed. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Bart gets a check he wanted signed by Krusty back stamped. As Krusty was supposed to autograph it, Bart wants it taken back to sign, but inadvertently reveals Krusty as a tax fraud. Krusty's lifestyle is stripped down to that of an average citizen, his show ruined and most of his possessions sold in an auction. Bart is mad at himself, particularly after a sobbing Krusty commits suicide by piloting his plane, the I'm-Onna-Rolla-Gay, into a mountainside. Bart sees visions of Krusty everywhere, but are they illusions or real life? Written by movieguy3

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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