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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

Frank's brief stint of camaraderie is over; he is back to being a weasel. He listens to an early a.m. broadcast of a Giants-Dodgers game. A few minutes later, the nurses come calling Hawkeye, the only one who can fix their temperamental gas heater. There is a loud explosion and lots of yelling: Hawkeye has been blinded. Potter asks Radar to call the 121st Evac.; Gen. O'Reilly kicks butts and takes names getting Dr. James Overman for his friend. Overman bandages Hawkeye and promises to return Friday. At the Giants-Dodgers rebroadcast, to which most of the 4077 listens, Frank makes a killing by betting on a Dodgers Cinderella comeback over the Giants with a 3-run homer. This gives Hawkeye a devilish idea how to get even with Frank. On Friday, Dr. Overman is back; either way, Hawkeye says he never spent a more conscious week, relying on his other senses. Will Hawkeye see again with his eyes? How many 4077 personnel will it take to unscrew Frank's wallet from his pants pocket? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
25 min

In the Army's infinite wisdom, Hawkeye is named Payroll Officer for the enlisted men at the 4077 and Radar pays the officers. Hawkeye has $10 left from the enlisted pay; Radar looks at the scrip like he is facing a firing squad. All Hawkeye wants is to nibble on a giggly nurse; Radar keeps coming at him with paperwork and dire predictions. Hawkeye shrugs him away, waxing poetic about what the U.S. Army SHOULD be paying him... unfortunately Radar writes it all down. Most of 4077 sits in a poker game; Trapper loses everything but his charm. In the next pay envelope, Radar smells the firing squad coming closer: $3,000.00 for Hawkeye. So, Hawkeye makes a huge donation to Father and the orphans and tries to continue nibbling. Kim Chun Quoc (Jack Soo) is Korea's Tiffany's on wheels; he sells Frank two strands of pearls: one fake set and one genuine set. Margaret finds out and plays her hand cleverly, never once doubting Frank's rat-finkery. When Captain Sloan, Supervising Acc-Fin comes to ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8

After Hawkeye makes an insulting remark about Margaret, Frank snaps him with a towel and Hawkeye responds with a nicely placed right cross to Frank's eye. Hawkeye is then placed under house arrest and instead of being treated like a criminal, he is treated like a conquering hero for what he did even to the point of getting some very tasty water buffalo steak and having movies shown in the Swamp. In the meantime, Colonel Reese, the woman in charge of all the nurses in Korea, arrives to observe Margaret and her staff and, for some strange reason, becomes attracted to Frank and tries to seduce him. Also, Radar begins acting very strangely, even having the hem in his pants let out two inches. Written by Brian Washington

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Radar loves animals; besides his zoo, he feeds a stray dog. Unfortunately, the dog bites Radar; unless they find it, Radar will have to take rabies shots. Frank does not believe in psychiatric cases and calls a GI with hysterical paralysis bug-nutty. The more humane Trapper wants to slug him. Cpl. Richard Travis (Michael O'Keefe) is the sole survivor of a tank slaughter. By following the methods of Dr. Sidney Freedman, Hawkeye and Trapper believe Travis can get well and rejoin his unit; the alternative is a lifetime of guilt and paralysis. Sidney cannot get away, so Hawkeye agrees to try to help Travis...but the treatment is as heinous for the staff as it is for the patient. Henry frets as Radar gets sicker and sicker from the rabies shots and Margaret and Frank are appalled at the treatment Travis is getting at the 4077. If a dog and a backbone can be located, they might be in business. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
25 min

Henry is drinking bi-carb as he listens to the griping of Hermann Goering in drag, (Hotlips) going on and on about putting a poor little nurse on bed arrest. Radar tells Henry an enemy attack is imminent; Henry regards it as the best news of the day. The nurses are taking the patients to the 44th Field Hospital and the men will be left to fend for themselves and try to fight off the enemy paratroopers. The guys gain new, genuine appreciation for the nurses; they miss them, especially when they have to do their jobs. The 4077 nurses made it all look so easy--the guys find out how hard their jobs really are. Will the nurses return from the cushy 44th Evac? Will they miss the guys at 4077...even half as much as the guys miss them? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
25 min

With Henry in Tokyo giving a lecture, Frank turns into Carry Nation. He calls Trapper and Hawkeye alcoholics; his surveys show 57.230% of all military personnel in the Asian theatre have a drinking problem. So Frank declares Prohibition. Fr. Mulcahy is asked to give a temperance lecture and he has a packed house; naturally, he is a bit nervous. He is better with the standards. Klinger suggests a bracer that will take the good priest there and back again. When all hell breaks loose, will the 18th Amendment be repealed, for good? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

It is just another day: $10 to anyone who can tell Trapper where he slept last night. Lots of UN Forces are represented in OR; Hawkeye draws an Ethiopean patient he cannot understand. Poor Henry drops almost as many instruments as he uses; Hawkeye worries he may have arthritis. It could be his ticket home. Hawkeye and Radar enjoy a few quality minutes before Radar's blood drive; Klinger carries a litter with Hawkeye's Ethiopean. Hawkeye gets the nicest fee he will ever know when his grateful Ethiopean kisses his hand: the currency of a kiss is international. As Father Mulcahy takes true confessions to write to a wounded GI's wife, Trapper wonders when the promiscuous soldier had time to get wounded (and he cautions Father not to send the letter.) MacArthur gets paper thrown on him; Hawkeye hopes it was bundled. When a stabilized patient sickens, Hawkeye and Henry perform the first ever open heart massage at the 4077. Henry says it is the greatest thing he has ever seen. Klinger breaks... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

Hotlips always gives visiting generals her special kind of welcome and Lt. General Robert Iron Guts Kelly (James Gregory) is no exception. On the day of his visit, Igor has to lay low with the crew of local business girls he imported to entertain the enlisted men. Iron Guts is such a 3-star man, he even has stars on the surgical cap he wears in the OR. Hawkeye and Trapper hate him at first sight but at second sight, Iron Guts Kelly takes on a kind of vigor...or is that rigor? His aide-de-camp, Colonel Wortman, is very proud and protective of Iron Guts: if this hero ever dies, Wortman knows Robert Iron Guts Kelly will perish in a full-scale blazing, glorious, star-spangled death. He certainly would not die with his boots off, of myocardial infarction, in the arms of a luscious head nurse. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

Working on the four-time wounded and highly decorated Private Weston, Frank asks Hawkeye if he is paid hourly; and Trapper serenades the O.R. Hawkeye notices all of Weston's bruises and injuries seem to result from brawling; Weston confesses he is gay. Frank finds out and wants to report Weston as subversive, unfit for duty and get him a Dishonorable Discharge. The guys know they cannot appeal to Frank's better self so they resort to the tried and true method: blackmail. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

During a lull in the fighting, Hawkeye and Trapper try to find ways to keep occupied. First they put Frank in a crate in the middle of the night while he is sleeping. They also order a pair of gorilla costumes and play gin as they are wearing them. Frank then asks them to perform hernia surgery on him while the lull is on. Unfortunately, the fighting starts again and as they are performing surgery the camp gets hit with friendly fire. Written by Brian Washington

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

Capt. Sam Pak (Pat Morita) is visiting and Frank bristles at the notion that he should be expected to learn a few words of Korean. An ox walks into Henry's tent, owned by a family of five Koreans who claim the 4077 stole their farm. Henry tries to get Civilian Affairs to handle the Korean family. When things cannot get much worse, a young lady named Choon Hi walks in carrying a baby, Su Yong and claiming Dr. O'Reilly is the father. Will the 4077 have to relocate? For once, Frank comes up with the good idea: blood tests. But will these tests give Radar the answer he wants? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.4
25 min

Another day, another complaint to Gen. Mitchell, compliments of Hotlips, Inc. and Henry is tired of their constant abuse. To make matters worse, Private Danny Baker keeps going AWOL. With the help of Fr. Mulcahy, Hawkeye and Trapper get to the bottom of Baker's trouble: his huge nose. Hawkeye calls his old buddy, renowned plastic surgeon, Major Stanley Stosh Robbins, (Stuart Margolin) to perform the exchange for a date with The Barracuda. The big problem: all elective surgery is against U.S. military regulations. Hotlips, Inc. are very suspicious. But promises were made and contingency plans laid. Will Baker get a new nose? Will Stosh meet The Barracuda? Dig through all of the white tape to find out! Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

The crew at 4077 is so bored, Frank and Trapper play cards together, as Hawkeye writes his dad. A patient, Condon, who is also an ignorant bigot, wants the right color of blood used in his transfusion. A soldier comes into OR with a live grenade that was shot into his body; both patient and doctor survive. Margaret may be a royal pain, but she is always there to assist in the tough cases. At Happy Hour, Henry tells Father Mulcahy how he came to be drafted. The drunken duo decide to add some color to Condon's recovery. In Henry's office, Radar screens Blake home movies for Henry, Trapper and Hawkeye. Father Mulcahy boxes a few rounds as Hotlips and Frank practice some strange mating rituals. The 4077 monthly officers' meetings are an ongoing disaster, until they officially end the war. Condon gets a lesson about Dr. Charles Drew and he leaves the 4077 with a lot to think about. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.5
25 min

Henry is in trouble; Frank and Hotlips have made serious charges against him: Radar sold shoes for the Style Rite Shoe company; Klinger tried to para-escape the Army on a red parasail wearing fuzzy pink slippers. Henry was the announcer for the Derby Day races where a guy, a girl and a gurney ran for the roses. These charges are bad enough to cause General Mitchell to place Henry under regimental arrest. Radar is sent back to the 4077 to gather evidence to answer the worst charge, giving aid or comfort to the enemy. The power-mad Majors arrest Hawkeye and Trapper and post guards so they cannot escape to help their C.O. Who will save Henry? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

Brigadier General Clayton is worried about his favorite M*A*S*H, the 4077. They treat so many casualties, so close to the front; he fears the 4077 is operating under more pressure than it can stand. Gen. Clayton sends a psychiatrist, Capt. Hildebrand, to evaluate the group on the QT. His report will determine the future of the 4077. Does Henry understand the concept of QT? Is Capt. Hildebrand smarter than he looks or does he have his own agenda? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.2
25 min

Everyone at 4077 is excited over the annual grudge fest of the gridiron (and possible payday) the Army-Navy Football Game. As a small crew gathers around the radio in Henry's office to monitor bets, drinks and yardage, the 4077 is suddenly pinned down by enemy fire. When an unexploded bomb lands in the middle of the compound, everyone protects the patients. As Henry lies wounded and dazed, the fainting goat, (Frank) is briefly in command. Hawkeye and Trapper step over Frank to examine the bomb, which they hear ticking with their stethoscopes. When Henry wakes up, he is furious: the Army blames the Navy, the Navy blames the Army and Henry is not sure they all understand there is a bigger game than football getting ready to kick off. Hawkeye gets the serial number from the casing and no one can quite believe who sent the bomb. Can Yankee ingenuity and a few hands of poker diffuse a bomb before it explodes? Are all bets off if the bomb blows up the 4077? And, if Navy won and Army lost, ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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