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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 6.9
45 min

Brenda Collett is kidnapped but manages to miss-dial a stranger on her cellphone. Her husband, accountant Mitchell Collett, didn't dare inform the MPD. SWAT traces the call and shoots an armed man storming out, but unrelated, his partner just found the phone, which was automatically recorded in secret by Mitch's employer. A fingerprint leads to Brenda's former lover, who engaged someone just to scare her, but alleges this partner decided to ask a $5,000,000 ransom. Mitch brings in a ransom note with a severed ear, but it's from an anonymous corpse. Meanwhile Ryan asks Eric about dating Natalia. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.0
44 min

Masked men rob a spa's locker-room, mainly for the luxury car keys. Only Victoria Moreno, who uses pepper spray, is wounded, later dies of cardiac arrest, despite first aid administered by Pete Nealy, who didn't come forward because he only saw everything as peeping Tom. Among the unharmed witnesses is Eric's sister Marisol. Tracing the stolen cars by GPS partially fails as one GPS was removed, Ryan freezes while facing a thief but is saved by Horatio, who also makes him claim he didn't have a clear view. There are also private life trails. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

The team works to implicate a man, after he is acquitted, when the body of his wife finally turns up.

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

A trip to the beach for Eric Delko turns sour when a body is uncovered beneath the sand. The man was killed elsewhere and dumped here. Elsewhere, Horatio is certain that his old enemy from New York is back when two murders occur in Miami. He immediately contacts Jennifer Wilson whose parents were killed by the same murderer, Walter Resden, many years back when she was still a little girl. Written by Ploy P.

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1
43 min

The owner of a club is found hanging from a bridge, with two shots in his eyes and a joker card in his pocket. At first it looks like a Mafia work, but the suspects list drastically changes when the CSI team discovers that the murder is described in the script of an upcoming movie. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 6.9
45 min

A participant in a seminar on how to pick up women is found murdered after he's closed the deal. Elsewhere, Marisol gets into trouble that affects the lab.

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.2
43 min

In Jay Fisher's home, where he was gun-murdered, fellow drug-dealer Johnny Nixon (also colored) suddenly falls on the corps, trough the shattered glass roof-window. Hoping for a deal, while denying any guilt, Nixon points out he knows a Cuban cop-client: Erik Delko, who has been erratic for weeks. While the team's minds are mainly with Eric's IA case, handled rather harshly as IAB sergeant Rick Stetler failed to get a promotion because of Horatio, yet it ends up void because of 'poisoned fruit' evidence and irrelevant because of the real user. Still the evidence is duly processed, and soon indicates two separate shootings, one being the work of ruthless Californian bounty hunter Duane 'Bull' Merrick, who stops at nothing to collect on his man Byron Diller... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Dragging up a sports car driven from a bridge by two drunk floozies who are all right, the team find the two days old corpse of attorney Rachel Turner, which Horatio was probably the last to see, having met in court and accepted a home dinner invitation from her. He insists turning in his badge and weapon to MPD Detective Frank Tripp during the investigation. Traces at the dinner table, including Horatio's blood, indicate an expert staging after an earlier killing and cleaning. The car drove trough a spike strip, but it's gone, no accident, and the size for a CSI Hummer, traceable from tarmac to airport rental. Horatio's suspicion is confirmed when carpet fiber lures him to a nearby construction site, where never convicted New York serial killer Walter Resden, who locked up children while he tortured their parents to death, planted Horatio's fingerprint on the knife used to kill Rachel, enough for IAB Sergeant Rick Stetler. A forensic duel ensues, the key being a recent Orlando crime ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

Pool employee Armando Diaz's bloodily battered corpse is found in Craig Seaborn's 5-star hotel Graciana's gardens. He was killed in the penthouse, where three wives had a 'husbands nor sex' weekend. Beth Jacobson admits she had sex with him, but when he called her too unattractive to get hard a fight ensued, so she struck him with a towel bar, thrice. He also had safe sex with Felicia Hardy, who claims she didn't realize he was badly wounded when passing out after hitting his head against the bed. Wolfe follows a third blood trail, to the staircase and more suspects. It must all be tied in. Meanwhile chief James Burton warns Horatio his team is under scrutiny, just now there are tensions about sticking up evidence kits, labor division and Wolfe's media ambitions, apparently paying off a TV reporter. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 6.8
55 min

Tobey Hollins is caught by the Miami Police Departement and is sent to prison for murder. Horatio has some doubts about Tobey's guilt, since some evidences clearly identify some one else as the murderer. Horatio and his team now try everything to disprove Tobey's guilt. Written by Sab

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 6.6
45 min

Tina Saunders reports missing Sara Jennings, a Georgia classmate age 18 on the Miami first leg of a Bahamas 'ultimate student dream trip'. Sara's rental, illegally provided by Ted Griffin's travel agency, is founded abandoned, with traces of blood and a spy-camera. It shows her and Brad, the bouncer of the night club where Tina claims to have left her 'early' at 2PM, but traces later to the hotel-room of her overprotective step-dad. Someone saw her dump her purse, indicating she was was drugged with a novel power drink. Sara's corps is found, died recently. She had sex during an after-party on Jeff Marshall's yacht, with his mate Thomas Woodward. Confusing forensics pile up, but are hard to process. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

A yacht is stranded on a sand dune and is on fire. Julie, the daughter of the family, decides to jump into the water despite there being many sharks around. Her brother Luke jumps in after her. Both of them disappear and one of them is possibly dead. The CSIs have to hurry as their crime scene is sinking. Written by Ploy P.

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

An inmate arrives to pay respect to his mother at her funeral. As he approaches the casket, he is gunned down, along with his police escort and the other guests, by a man who has been hiding in the coffin. The case becomes more complicated when the gunman later broke into a house and brutally raped the house keeper before stealing one of the cars. Back at the lab, the members are introduced to the newly assigned Natalia Boa Vista who will work on unresolved cases. Written by Ploy P.

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1

Sara Piper asks for the late cop Tim Speedle, who arrested the murderer of her former Vince Fisher porn colleague Ashley Anders when she was Cookie Devine, but gets Horatio's help to retrieve the missing home porn made by her boyfriend Matthew Wilton; on purpose wrongly placed French doors in his home allow identifying the thieving contractor, Connor Meade, who tells on the copier... Furthermore the body of a man with wounds inflicted hours before his staged 'death' in a car is identified as Jake Sullivan, a tester in the video studio of hugely popular popular skateboard champion Dave Strong, where he was killed with a studio board, only that tape is used as a snuff video, further traced trough paperwork and further... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 6.9
44 min

After a private cargo jet crashes, the hidden corpse is found, violently killed a few hours before, of Caitlyn Townsend, heiress of a citrus dynasty and driving force of a charitable foundation for astray girls, the finances of which were controlled by Nick Marshall, who however also had a covert intimate relationship with Heidi Dillon, one of the girls the foundation saved. Horatio's team reconstructs the corpse's whole story, including the part of Caitlyn's mother Sophie Townsend, who needed at least the $500,000 on board from foundation funds after a bad winter wiped out the citrus harvest... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

When a snake is tied to drug smuggling, DNA may be the key to Clavo Cruz's father's cooperation around diplomatic immunity. Ryan and Calleigh get caught up in an identity-theft case and linked murder. Written by layle

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 6.7
45 min

The team investigates the murder of a bellman at a hotel. A man asks Calleigh to look for his wife who is missing.

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

A presumed retaliation shooting in an ER turns out to be a bit more complicated, and Ryan begins to suspect a mother of abusing her baby.

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

Wealthy family entrepreneur Morgan Coleman says he was wounded when a carjacker intruded on him and his wife Kaye after an anniversary dinner, but after her fatally shot corps is found on the beach, evidence soon suggests his story is largely fake, yet he has no gun powder traces. DNA identifies a carjacker, Victor Tinoco with a record as such, who is found shot dead in his home, while Morgan was being interrogated. Company heading on a list there leads to identify the office printer of brother Freddy Coleman, who has a smaller share then Morgan and Sal Coleman, and had sort of an affair with Kaye, who played him for money while selling her eggs for research, the shutter firm was being sued for a fatal accident, they actually used inferior metal. Meanwhile Dr. Alexx Woods insists on a full internal investigation for a stiff's flask which one of her staff took a sip from... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

A man is seen falling from an apartment building, yet the corps found there is not his but Michael Johnson, a resident, who was deeply wounded by an unidentified round object. First subject is junkie Doug Ramsey, who is arrested by Horatio for probably abseiling to break in and steal the $100,000 heirloom ring of the condo owner, Edward Mathis, who is however found taking it back after its sale, insurance fraud. The wounding object is found, a CD recording kinky sex scenes of missing Donna Scott and reputedly strict criminal judge Isaac Greenhill, whose former court clerk is Mathis, who apparently blackmails him. Ramsay claims police abuse, IAB Sergeant Rick Stetler investigates Horatio, but Ramsay's X-rays... Speculating on a link with the judge's major cases, the team finds Donna's corps in a strangler's peat swamp dumping ground, with vomit which allows a DNA trace to Mathis, but Horatio now considers him a mere pawn... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 6.9
45 min

Five corpses are found tied to a stolen yacht's anchor, the crew. Three passengers are found in raft, two survivors claiming the third was killed by a shark, but the bite marks are human. The owner's excuse for not reporting the theft is soon seen through. The precious cargo comprised illegal rocket launchers, one of which was used for blowing up a Cuban former boat refugee's shop. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.0

After speed-dating 15 women, each 5 minutes, in a South Beach club, Richard Laken is found murdered in his vandalized car. The stylist date who poured the acetone -accessible in her trade- over it admits so, but did so well before the murder, so her story that Laken left early is believed. Indeed, the club's dates record shows Richard left after talking to Rebecca Briggs, who claims he was systematically using their information to commit robberies, but that proves to be the club manager's scam. However at least someone else in the club had a murder motive... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

A young girl is stabbed to death in a trendy night club. Jenny was an undercover investigative aide working for the Alcoholic Beverage Control. Her target was the club owner. As Horatio is questioning him, a loud noise draws him outside where a car speeds up and crashes into the door. The body at the back of the car leads the detectives to a spa where they suspect that there is something illegal going on. Written by Ploy P.

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.2
60 min

A woman falls from the pavement and is hit by a speeding bus. She dies instantly. A hand-shaped bruise on her back convinces both Alexx and Horatio that she was murdered. Calleigh's father thinks that he may have killed someone while driving drunk. Horatio wants someone with no biases to work on the case and assigns the rookie Ryan it. He has just hired him because he is impressed by how clean Ryan's guns are. Written by Ploy P.

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

A drive-by shooting on a cigarette boat kills a young mother at a party. The host and the deceased's son correctly identify the shooter as Byron Middlebrook aka B. Slick who decides to defend himself in court. Horatio wants to protect the young boy and decides to exclude him for his own protection, even before the other eye witness is stabbed to death in prison. Written by Ploy P.

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

When a man is found dead, they learn from his wife that his son was kidnapped and he was delivering the ransom; jewels. Horatio learns that the woman is not the boy's birth mother and that she's a grifter. She admits that it's true and that her husband was her mark but she claims that she fell in love with him and his son. When the jewels are found, they discover that they're not the genuine article but copies. So Horation and Speedle go to the place where they are cleaned and when they get there, someone pulls a gun and shoots Speedle killing him. Stetler is trying to find out what happened cause this isn't the first time Speedle choked when he was in a similar situation. But Horatio is too busy trying to find the boy. Written by

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1
60 min

Frat guy Kyle and his girlfriend discover, while frolicking in a park, the corpse of Miami porn star Ashley Anders, who was strangled using nine fingers. The porn firms group's boss David Jeffers has an abuse record, but also an alibi. His lawyer is soon found to be the one after evidence-destruction trough a prison trustee employed as CSI cleaner. Ashley's roommate Sara Piper and colleague 'Cookie Devine' as well as her dog, who bit the strangler, prove crucial, as well as some document tampering. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 6.9
45 min

When a patrolman drops dead apparently shot but he was far from where he's suppose to be. And when IAB investigates and discovers some peculiar behavior prior to his death, so he is being deemed ineligible for his family to receive his benefits, Horatio tries to proves his innocence. And at the same Calleigh discovers a woman who is being beaten by her boyfriend but is too frightened to speak out. Written by

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 6.9

Retired surfing legend Ted Henderson is shot in front of his wife by a masked man. Horatio finds packed heroine in son Jason's room, which he bought for a valuable statue from Haitian dealer Maurice Dushamp who calls Jason his best pusher. Jason's clients were school mates, caddies, Ted's factory employee Joseph 'Joe' Zellar, and Steve Davis, who is later found with an authentic suicide note. When mother Joanne refuses a rape examination, Horatio guesses she's pregnant, and starts tying all the knots... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.2

By using a flame-resistant blanket as cover during a sudden fire, Eric saves his and Alex's lives and the corpse they came to examine in the Everglades. While they recover, Speedle and Calleigh identify the hunter and check on his mates and park rangers, possibly involved in poaching. Horatio, Eric and Trip find a female corpse where the fire may have been started. From car trails they follow trails to her presumed abusive husband Dale Stahl and an Indian reserve casino, which seems central in sexual prowling. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 6.7

Juan Marco Varon is found in his cigar shop, throat slit with his own cutter, but previously marked with his own box branding iron. Fellow Cuban Eric helps Horatio work out his true identity and the parts played by Cuba Libre activist Marisela Gonzalez and newly arrived refugee Carlos Gonzalez. Matt Bolton was shot near his bank's ATM. Speedle works out the part played by haughty Melanie Hines, whose BMW, reported stolen shortly after, was registered by the security camera. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1

A plastic surgeon is found dead, hanged in his own apartment. Meanwhile, a husband of his former patient, who died from complications during a routine surgery, is suing the clinic for the death of his wife.

Country: USA
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