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HD Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens


Ancient Aliens

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

Across ancient civilizations, the world's mountains were viewed as the sacred home to all-powerful gods. Why would so many different cultures share this belief that mountains had a connection to otherworldly beings? The Greeks believed their most powerful gods, the Olympians, waged an epic war for control of the universe from Mt. Olympus. Ruins of a 4000-year-old observatory discovered on a mountain in Macedonia reveal that the ancients tracked celestial movements from on high with remarkable precision. And in Peru, the descendants of the Incans continue an ancient pilgrimage tradition in order to commune with mountain spirits known as Apu. Could these gods have been extraterrestrials? Did they use remote mountain peaks to interact with early man? Might this explain why humans have been drawn to mountains for thousands of years? Written by Anonymous

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HD Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens


Ancient Aliens

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

Legends of lost and mysterious islands, advanced civilizations and Eden-like paradises have been told by sailors throughout human history. Is it possible these stories are more than just the myths of imaginative seafarers? Might evidence of our Ancient Alien origins be found by exploring the world's most remote islands--strategic spots where extraterrestrials may have once made their earthly homes... and possibly still visit today? Unidentified submersible objects going at lightning speed... strange crafts coming out of water near remote volcanic islands... and mystifying megalithic ruins in the middle of the ocean. Is it possible UFO activity could be hidden deep underwater and off the coasts of islands? Could this explain why so many islands around the world have stories of unexplained sightings of objects both overhead and beneath the sea going back centuries? Written by Anonymous

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