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HD Everybody Hates Chris

Everybody Hates Chris


Everybody Hates Chris

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Julius' successful younger brother joins Chris' family for Thanksgiving dinner and Julius works hard to prepare the perfect Thanksgiving meal.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Shameless




IMDb: 7.8

Having served six months for benefit fraud Frank is discharged from jail to be welcomed by a heavily pregnant Monica,so pregnant that she gives birth in the Jockey. Soon she is suffering severe post-natal depression,upset that she had a termination that disposed of her surviving child's twin.With little help from Frank she summons Fiona,Lip and Carl for a show funeral for the dead child but Fiona,recognizing the inadequacy of her parents to raise more children,steals Stella and the baby and,helped by Lip,hides them with Kev Ball whilst she talks to Steve about housing them. Stella,babe in arms,wanders off,causing panic on the estate but she eventually tracks Frank down and cleverly forces him to publicly admit that he loves her. He takes the pair of them home,where there is a huge family row,which,in turn,leads to reconciliation and a celebration at the Jockey whilst another fight starts and the police are called - just like old times. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Shameless




IMDb: 6.2

Gun-toting 'Biddy' Baxter arrives at Frank's house. He is Derilee's husband,anxious for her to return to him though she flatly refuses and soon the police are besieging the house with Frank,Stella and Derilee as Biddy's hostages after Biddy has accidentally shot a postman. News coverage brings Monica back to the estate. Courting press publicity she volunteers to be a hostage in Stella's place but,whilst she and Frank seem to get on,Derilee and Biddy's differences come to the fore. As the residents hold a party in the Jockey police storm the house but Biddy lies dead,shot by Derilee - in alleged self defence. She is not prosecuted and she and Sherilee leave the area. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Shameless




IMDb: 6.8

Hoping to gain respect on the estate Billy goes for a job selling security devices but after a conversation with the sympathetic waitress in the café next door ends up as a short order cook,maintaining the illusion to everybody but Aidan that he has the sales job. To get extra money he arranges for his house to be burgled to claim the insurance but is eventually found out though Mimi is pleased that he did it for her. Esther is shocked to find that Thalia is the school bully and goes around apologizing to everybody though it gets her into trouble from which her artful daughter extricates her with sympathy-gaining lies. Lilian meanwhile takes in Stella,as a result of which the brothel suffers an infestation of nits. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Shameless




IMDb: 7.0

Chesney is surprised when Remona's father Barry shows up as she had said that he was dead. He gives her a cheque for thirty grand from his house sale and endears himself to Jockey customers with his generosity and anecdotes but Remona is hostile. Learning that Mindy,Barry's new wife,has left him Chesney feels sorry for him but soon learns that Barry has lied about his relationship and joins Remona in helping Mindy escape her husband. Frank accompanies Esther to a Polish evening,hoping for free vodka,but her son Tam,in revenge for Frank stealing his stash of drugs,feeds everybody laxatives whilst WPC Randall becomes jealous of Esther's innocent chats with Shane. Billy gets a tattoo to impress Mimi but the result is a failure. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Shameless




IMDb: 7.9

Frank is dismayed to discover that Lip has been living nearby with his little daughter Katie but not bothered to visit though he has been in touch with Katie's maternal grandma,Mimi. He invites them to tea,which requires Esther's help in cleaning the filthy house and they meet Stella,Monica's youngest,whom he has been minding. Whilst Lip has fun with the other estate lads and Karen and Jamie welcome him at the Jockey Frank sulks. Worse is to come when Lip catches his father having sex with Derilee and Sherilee and,after getting drunk,decides he and Katie should leave. Thus,whilst all the Maguires are invited to Katie's confirmation Frank is absent. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Shameless




IMDb: 7.3

Mary Mae and Chesney are mutually smitten but fear Patreesha's disapproval. After Avril starts work at the shop - and identifies some rather odd manufacturing by Remona - Letitia and Aidan read that an adrenalin rush will bring a man's passionate nature to the fore and stage a robbery whilst Mary Mae is in the shop. It works but for the wrong reasons when Mary Mae discovers that the thieves have genuinely spent the spoils and confesses everything to Chesney. Shane's music festival is all set to go until Lilian catches him having sex with WPC Randall and tells Mimi.Mimi is convinced her son is being used so the police can launch a drugs raid on the festival and orders him to end the affair. He refuses but the policewoman's love of kinky sex ends it anyway. Fearing antagonism from the family Shane considers calling off the event but Karen persuades him to go ahead with it and it is a success - as is his first attempt to have straightforward,non-kinky sex with his girl in blue. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Shameless




IMDb: 6.6

When Avril loses her job Patreesha insists she work at the car wash Patreesha owns with ex-husband Bernard. However Avril discovers that Bernard was gay and that his lover has been running the business. Determined not to be a sleeping partner Patreesha decides to take an active role and put her stamp on the car-wash. After a disaster with the freezer Chesney decides to refurbish the shop,adding a pharmacy,and brings in British Muslim Remona to run it. Soon he and Patreesha's daughter Mary Mae find evidence to suggest that Remona is making bombs and suspect she is a terrorist - though it turns it she is teaching boy scouts how to make soap. Kassi is arrested after a night out with Jamie and it is down to Jamie to look after his wife Esther and their children. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Shameless




IMDb: 6.3

Short of cash Gloria gets a loan with a huge interest rate and gets drunk,waking up at Mimi's. Next day Billy finds a positive pregnancy test kit and,assuming Mimi is pregnant,gets advice from Jamie - who concludes that Gloria is actually pregnant after their fling. He offers her money for an abortion but,finding that the result was a false alarm, she rejects it. However Dominic gets Jamie to pay her to keep the secret from Karen. Chesney and Aidan are shocked when Jamie sends them to collect the meat for the pub raffle and end up with a live cow,which they call Alan. Too attached to it to kill it they let it go and buy in meat instead. Shane engineers a meeting with Ruthie,the widow of the man he ran over,whilst Avril annoys Jackson by clubbing with young colleague Calum but draws the line when the lad gets too serious. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Are You Afraid of the Dark?


Are You Afraid of the Dark?

IMDb: 7.4

Alex and Chandler both want to be in their private school's greatest club, the Lions Society, but the club decide they don't want Alex since he got in on a scholarship and isn't wealthy. Chandler breaks his promise that he won't go in on his own, since he's desperate to be a part of the club that two generations of his family have been in. Stealing a photograph of a headmaster to put on the detention-board for an initiation prank, he hides the theft by taking off what turns out to be a cover picture to reveal a photo of a boy on the porch of a building. Alex notices that the subject vanishes, but Chandler doesn't until he looks - then he is drawn into the picture by the student holding a camera when he does reappear. Alex finds out through Professor Barish, a former Lions Society member, that the boy was Jasper Davis, a scholarship-student rejected from the Lions Society in the 1940s, who fell off a roof and died when he ran off after getting the news chased by the merciless club. ... Written by

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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 6.4
22 min

The friends plan to meet their idols, but when their carefully laid plans begin to unravel they realize the importance of patience.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

The children are ready to redeem their rewards for a school achievement trip to the water park, but their ''pootybucks'' go missing.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

When a simple lie morphs into an out of control event, CJ and the boys discover the power of words and the messy business surrounding lies, truths and the consequences of telling both.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.1
22 min

CJ and the boys decide to make their voices heard during the 7th grade elections; a friendly competition turns negative.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

CJ challenges her friends to sit at another lunch table during lunchtime and see how events occur differently.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

CJ is determined to end Principal Hader's dislike of Halloween in time to rescue the school's canceled Halloween festivities; Crispo and Fenwick deal with costume-related crises.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.5
23 min

CJ is left without her friends when they each join a club; CJ works to create a club that will reunite her with Crispo and Fen.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.2
23 min

Stress and competition take their toll on each friend's quest to take home the winning prize at the Pootatuck science fair.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.8
23 min

When Crispo is unable to afford a concert ticket, CJ and Fen devise a plan to get him a ticket without revealing it is from them.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 8.6
22 min

When CJ begins feeling like she does not have any special talents, she teams up with Fen and Crispo to discover their ''special thing''.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.6
23 min

CJ's mother challenges her to take care of a flour baby in order to prove that she is responsible enough to have a pet; Crispo and Fenwick also take on the challenge when they bet on who is more responsible of the two.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

CJ, Fen and Crispo are determined to stay awake all night and witness the sunrise.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

CJ tries to convince the guys to say yes for the day, but agreeing to everything creates problems.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

CJ and her friends make flyers to start auditions for a new band but run into many accidents.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Kicking & Screaming

Kicking & Screaming


Kicking & Screaming

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

In the series premiere of the comedic competition series KICKING AND SCREAMING, hosted by Hannah Simone, 10 survivalists and 10 novices pair up in the wilds of Fiji to win half a million dollars. As the novices adjust to life in the jungle, the survivalists quickly realize that the competition and gameplay aren't the only obstacles to overcome.

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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.8

Vicki sees a counsellor whilst Matt becomes a sperm donor for his friend Rosie. Matt is not happy when Michael wants him to include Tariq in the school orchestra but is impressed when Daniel records Tariq rapping. In an effort to leave home Scout gets a job as a night carer for a woman with Multiple Sclerosis,lying that she has experience in a retirement home. However Emily steals the woman's drugs and gets high at school,leading to Scout having to quit. Michael tries to distance himself from Linda after their little fling though Linda tells Sian. There is more trouble for Michael when an aggressive Wayne Johnson turns up at school,blaming him for his homelessness. A fight ensues,which spills out onto the road and Wayne is run over,the whole thing being captured on film by Phoenix Taylor. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Red Oaks

Red Oaks


Red Oaks

IMDb: 8.1
27 min

After revealing their feelings for each other at the end of last summer, David and Skye finally reunite in Paris to ring in New Year's 1986. But surprise guests threaten to ruin their romantic week in the City of Lights.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Smash




IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Eileen and Agnes are working hard to place Bombshell in the best possible light for the entire cast and crew in the lead up to the Tony nominations. One of the projects is a tribute night for Tom and Julia. Already seen by the online community as having slept her way to her current lead position, Ivy is feeling uncomfortable in her role for the tribute night - where Tom has asked her to portray a stripper - which may further kibosh her chances of a nomination. But what may be a bigger problem is Tom and Julia's partnership. News of the partnership's dissolution could spell disaster, which is not helped by Julia being preoccupied with Hit List's move to Broadway, the show which is currently in previews. Hit List's creative team is aware that the transition from the small downtown theater to a large Broadway theater has not been an easy one. Derek feels that part of the problem is Ana, who may just be under-performing if only due to exhaustion. He works behind the scenes to find a... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical,
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HD Real Husbands of Hollywood

Real Husbands of Hollywood


Real Husbands of Hollywood

IMDb: 7.8
20 min

Kevin goes back to high school to get his degree. Trina and Wayne go on Lets Make a Deal.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Real Husbands of Hollywood

Real Husbands of Hollywood


Real Husbands of Hollywood

IMDb: 6.6
19 min

Kevin and Nick compete for the last star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Real Husbands of Hollywood

Real Husbands of Hollywood


Real Husbands of Hollywood

IMDb: 6.7
20 min

Kevin is initially offered the lead in a Sammy Davis, Jr. biopic, a role which he realizes could be his Ray, or Ali, and propel his career to new level.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Real Husbands of Hollywood

Real Husbands of Hollywood


Real Husbands of Hollywood

IMDb: 8.1
20 min

Kevin inadvertantly takes drug-laden candies while in the company of an annoying acquaintance, Rapper, LIL TWEETZIE. Kevin ends up out of control at Nelly's event.

Genre: Comedy,
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