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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.1
26 min

Ondina meets with the mermaid council to discuss Zac and Mako Island but she doesn't tell them about Erik and Evie. They give her until the next full moon to break Zac's connection with the island. A young mermaid named Neptina follows her back to Rita's house and volunteers her services to help with the mission. Ondina is left in charge of Neppy but she slips out while Ondina is getting her something to eat. Neppy finds Erik and follows him causing mischief. When Ondina scolds her for it, she takes off so she enlists Zac and Evie's help in the search for her. Written by grrlpunk

Country: Australia
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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.7
26 min

It's the first day of the new school year and Mimmi wants to know all about it. She follows Rita there and sits in on a science class where she makes quite an impression on Mrs. Trumble, the teacher. Erik shows Cam the photos he took in the Merman Chamber before questioning Rita about her knowledge of it. Zac continues not to trust Erik. After finding out that Mimmi is Rita's niece, she quizzes Mimmi in front of the class. Rita comes to get her but they get splashed with water in front of the whole classroom. Written by grrlpunk

Country: Australia
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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.4
26 min

Ondina wants to sever Zac's connection with Mako Island. Zac and Evie wish to stay indoors together to help each other the night of the full moon. Zac's father reminds Zac that he, Zac, and Cam will be going on their annual camping trip to Mako Island... the night of the full moon. Erik suggests that he goes too. Cam agrees but Zac does not. The girls decide to keep an eye on Evie at her house. When Carly shows up, they pretend that Evie is sick but she still stays. Mimmi has a vision of Mako Island when the moon begins to effect Zac. Ondina and Mimmi leave Sirena with Evie and Carly while they head to the island. Unfortunately, Evie sees a reflection of the moon in her glass of water and starts acting bizarre. On the island, Erik follows Zac to the Merman Chamber when he wanders off. Written by grrlpunk

Country: Australia
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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.3
26 min

Erik investigates Mako Island. Sirena shows Ondina and Mimmi how to fit in with land people and about social interaction. Cam tries to recruit Erik as a beach lifeguard. Zac tries to convince Evie that there are good things about having a tail. Erik takes a seafood delivery to Rita's house and questions Ondina about Mako Island. They go for a walk and talk. A fisherman accidentally sprays her with a hose, revealing her secret to Erik and swimming away. With Ondina very upset, the gang discusses what to do. Ondina confronts Erik and asks her to keep her secret. He agrees and reveals a secret of his own. Written by grrlpunk

Country: Australia
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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 7.7
26 min

Evie tries to adjust to her new situation. Sirena pressures Ondina and Mimmi to change Evie back. Mimmi quickly hatches a plan but it only results in Zac and Cam trying to hide Evie and her new tail while she is at work. Sirena arrives to help conceal her while Zac runs over to Rita's to stop Mimmi's misfiring magic. Carly and Erik become suspicious when Cam blocks the entrance to the cool room where Evie and Sirena are hiding. Written by grrlpunk

Country: Australia
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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.7
26 min

Ondina and Mimmi run away from the Pod to help Sirena take Zac's power.

Country: Australia
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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 9.3
26 min

Cam shows Nixie that he is hiding the trident in his school locker. Evie agrees to keep everyone's secret until after Zac is turned back into a normal human. Cam apologizes to Zac for betraying him. The girls look forward to returning to the pod. Sirena says a tearful goodbye to David. Cam lies to Evie about the mermaids' intentions. Everyone catches on to Cam's scheme and races to Mako Island. Will they succeed in stopping Cam and be allowed to return to the pod? Written by grrlpunk

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.6
27 min

Zac has a nightmare involving the trident and the Moon Pool. Cam apologizes to him and expresses his disappointment in Zac's locking it back up. Zac almost tells Evie his secret. Cam approaches Nixie with a bogus story and a plan for the two of them to put the trident out of Zac's reach. Evie tags along with Cam to Mako Island. Nixie, displeased by Evie's being there, opens the cave with a stolen Moon Ring so Cam and Evie may go in. The two enter the water chamber and Cam takes a hold of the trident. With the Moon Ring losing its power, Cam makes it out, leaving Evie trapped inside and losing air. Carly informs Zac, Lyla, and Sirena that she saw Cam and Evie headed for Mako. Will they make it in time to save Evie and what will become of the trident, now in Cam's hands? Will Evie become a mermaid or will Cam become one? Written by grrlpunk

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.2
26 min

Cam is angry with Zac for locking the trident back up. Rita invites Zac to come over for training with the girls. Nixie isn't happy when he arrives. She doesn't trust him and is suspicious of his loyalties. Rita and the girls inform Zac of their plan to return him to a normal human but he wishes to remain a merman. As Lyla and Zac grow closer, Nixie becomes more upset, especially since Sirena and David have become close. Cam approaches Nixie about him not wanting Zac to be a merman either. Lyla reveals her wish for Zac to join the pod to Rita, Nixie, and Sirena but they are unsure. Nixie notifies Cam of her interest in teaming up with him to return Zac to normal but can she trust him? Written by grrlpunk

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.4
26 min

Rita catches the girls looking through her mermaid phials and informs them that they are not ready to learn about them yet. When David goes to deliver Rita's fish order, Evie tags along to snoop through her house. Poseidon steps through a puddle of mixed mermaid phials and sees Evie causing him to transform into a doppelgänger of her. The doppelgänger leaves with David and ends up at the beach with Carly where Cam watches her act bizarrely. Zac pairs up with Lyla to keep an eye on the doppelgänger while Nixie and Sirena try to find an antidote before the real Evie sees her double. Written by grrlpunk

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.0
25 min

The Halloween costume party at the Ocean Café falls on a full moon. Zac and Cam make preparations to go for the trident. Zac tells the girls that he isn't going to Mako Island, he'll be at the party. The girls are suspicious and plan to keep an eye on him all night. Lyla and Nixie cover Carly's waitressing shift for the night while Sirena performs with David and a live band. They keep a close watch on Zac but he makes a dash for Mako and gives the girls the slip. Can they stop him from getting the trident? Written by grrlpunk

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.3
26 min

Rita continues to train the girls (to control water, whatever form it takes). Zac finds a moon ring stuck in a rock on the ocean floor. He breaks it out and gives it to Evie as a gift. The girls confront Zac about how dangerous the ring could be once it gets hit with moonlight. He agrees to get it back from Evie but not to hand it over to the mermaids. Zac's parents have Rita over for lunch. Zac invites Cam and Evie too with a plan to get the ring back. The girls show up lying that Rita invited them so they can alert Rita to the situation. Zac gets hold of the ring but Lyla and Sirena try to take it from him. Rita walks in on them quarreling, is hit by magic from the moon ring, and becomes unconscious. Can they save Rita and get the moon ring from Zac? Written by grrlpunk

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.6
26 min

Showing off his new smart phone, Cam takes pictures and video of Zac swimming in merman form which makes Zac uneasy. Cam annoys Nixie at the Ocean Café, causing her to send his phone flying. Cam sees David put it in his pocket. Rita tells Lyla that she needs to take her powers and training more seriously. The girls clash with Zac and Cam on how to get a hold of the phone. Lyla and Zac have a telekinetic tug-of-war with the phone while Sirena and David perform at the Café. When David's brother calls him on the phone, everyone realizes he does not have Cam's phone. The girls, Zac, and Cam search the Café after it's closed but to no avail. Cam and Nixie deduce what really happened to the phone. When Carly finds it, they quickly hatch a plan to solve the problem. Written by grrlpunk

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.3
25 min

Rita continues to train the girls (this time, how to squeeze lemons from a distance using their fingers). David is holding auditions for a singer to join him in performing at the Ocean Café. Zac gives Evie a glass figurine of two dolphins for their eight month anniversary. Lyla and Nixie see how Sirena and David interact with each other and become concerned that if she gets the singing position, they'll fall further in love and Sirena will leave the pod forever (just like Rita did). Sirena tries out and sounds terrific but Lyla and Nixie interfere using the technique Rita showed them to strain Sirena's vocal chords. Her voice goes so high, it smashes Evie's figurine. Zac witnesses them do it and practices the technique on Cam. When Carly tries out, Zac uses it to make her sound fabulous so David hires her. Evie fills Zac in on David's real reason to audition singers: so he could be with Sirena. The girls see each other's sides and make up. Zac regrets what he did and does not assist ... Written by grrlpunk

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.8
25 min

Rita and the girls worry about the upcoming full moon's effect on Zac. Nixie thinks they should let Zac find the trident so they can take it from him and hide it. Lyla thinks they should come clean with him so he'll in hopes that he'll understand and stay away from it. While Lyla warns Zac to keep away from Mako Island during the full moon, Evie sees them holding hands and breaks up with him. Cam discovers that the girls know Zac's secret but feels uneasy about them helping him. Under the light of the full moon, Zac goes after the trident with the girls close behind. They prevent him from attaining it but he sees them in mermaid form, causing him to become angry. Written by grrlpunk

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.2
26 min

Evie learns Zac is researching tridents while doing algebra homework together. Lyla tries to get Nixie and Sirena focused on keeping Zac from finding the trident. Rita won't keep giving the girls money so Nixie makes a deal with Evie to sell Sirena's handcrafted shell bracelets at the Ocean Café. Zac catches a glimpse of the end of Sirena's tail while she's gathering shells. Written by grrlpunk

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.8
27 min

Lyla convinces Sirena to use her beautiful singing voice to enchant Zac to follow their orders and remove his powers. This backfires, however, when her voice enchants David and he focuses his attention on Nixie, to Sirena's disappointment. Sirena and Lyla enlist the help of Rita to find a cure. Meanwhile, when Evie begins to worry about the big exam, Zac uses his powers to sneak into Rita's office and find the test answers, not knowing this would upset Evie. Written by Ashley Brooks

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.8
25 min

Believing that Zac's unusual behavior is a result of feeling lonely, Evie decides to throw Zac a surprise pool party, against both Cam and Zac's wishes. Because of his being a merman, Zac isolates himself from the party when Lyla tries to console him. After seeing the two together, Evie believes Zac's behavior is the result of him seeing another girl. When Cam hears of this, his frustration with Zac increases and he pushes Zac into the pool, where his secret is exposed to the mermaids. Meanwhile, Evie's friend Carly becomes upset when her crush, David, spends all his time with Sirena. Written by Ashley Brooks

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.6
26 min

Joe, David's brother has bought a new boat and decides to take it out for a spin. His fish finder locates a dolphin, but that dolphin is actually Nixie.

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.6
26 min

Rita tells the girls to go to the Moon Pool while it is raining, where they will be safe. Nixie obeys, but Lyla and Sirena do not. They attempt to use the Moon Ring to stop the rain, but instead make it snow indoors. They develop a rash and Dr. Blakeley, Zac's father is called to take care of them. Written by Ashley Brooks

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.7
25 min

Nixie and Sirena won't help Lyla try to zap Zac's powers, so Lyla decides to do it alone. This misfires when a waitress spills a drink on Lyla and Lyla rushes to hide in the refrigeration room before she transforms into a mermaid! When she can't dry her tail, Nixie and Sirena must save her before she is discovered! Written by Augusta Knight

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 8.5
26 min

Attempting to capture Zac in his natural environment, Sirena, Lyla, and Nixie follow him to school. When their plan fails, the school principal, Rita Santos confronts them and confiscates Sirena's Moon Ring. In trying to get the Moon Ring back, the mermaids uncover Rita's secret - she too is a mermaid! Begrudgingly, Rita agrees to help the mermaids while they're on land. Written by Ashley Brooks

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HD Mako Mermaids

Mako Mermaids


Mako Mermaids

IMDb: 7.8
24 min

It's a full moon and the three mermaids Nixie, Lyla and Sirena are tasked to guard Mako and the moon pool. While Zac and Cam go camping on Mako island. When Zac falls into the moon pool they don't know what to do and leave him on the beach. The next day Zac finds out what he is and what he can do so he tells Cam. Because the girls let the land boy as they call him in the moon pool they are being cast out by their pod. So they decide to fix the problem. Written by Victoria Petrova

Country: Australia
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HD Hack My Life

Hack My Life


Hack My Life

IMDb: 0
24 min

Skip a trip to the spa with a facial hack you can find in any schoolkid's book bag and learn how to treat yourself like it's your birthday, any day of the year. Plus, Brooke and Kevin go for a swim, in a garbage bag.

Genre: Reality-TV,
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HD Married with Children

Married with Children


Married with Children

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

(Continuation of the previous episode) Lonnie is freed from prison because it was overcrowded. He asks Al's blessing for marrying Kelly. He even has a ring. Turns out that Lonnie is one of the Tots who own Tot Industries, makers of Weenie Tots. Suddenly Lonnie is most welcome to the Bundy family... Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Married with Children

Married with Children


Married with Children

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

After Al knocks out and captures a burglar that breaks into his house one night while he's sleeping on the couch after an argument with Peggy, he becomes a neighborhood hero. But the tables soon turn when the burglar sues Al for injuring him and the Bundys must go to court once again. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Feud




IMDb: 9.4
47 min

The town is abuzz that Bette was nominated for another Best Actress Oscar, while Joan was not. The situation makes the relationship between the two women even more strained. Bette, who in many quarters is considered the front-runner which if she does win would make her the first person to win three Best Actress Oscars, openly admits that she desperately wants to win to resurrect her movie career. She also calls her good friend Olivia de Havilland in Paris to attend the ceremony with her to show the world that she does have the support of her peers, Livvie who can relate in her own publicly known mutual dislike of her acting sister, Joan Fontaine. Joan, on the other hand, is livid that she was not nominated while Bette was. With Hedda by her side and largely drafting the plan, Joan conspires to take whatever spotlight she can away from Bette, especially at the ceremony itself. While Joan's initial thoughts are to present one of the big awards of the evening, she settling only for Best ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Biography, Drama,
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HD Feud




IMDb: 8.6
51 min

The film is in post-production, and Joan and Bette expect that they will be flooded with high profile movie offers, which is not the case. The scuttlebutt within the public via various leaks is that the film will be a flop. Jack, Bob, Joan and Bette react to the news in different ways, Bette's advertisement in Variety which she later states was meant to be a sarcastic response. However, the film is a smash, positive public and critical response only growing from the first preview in Long Beach. Bob feels that the film could be his springboard to the A-list and he refuses to follow Baby Jane with similar material, which is what Jack wants to do if only to build on its momentum. Despite the film's acclaim and acclaim for Bob, Bette and Joan, the latter two still do not get the recognition in the form of high profile acting offers. Joan does get a script from a surprising source, Pauline, who wrote a script specifically with Joan in mind, the movie which she wants to direct herself. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Biography, Drama,
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HD Feud




IMDb: 8.9
52 min

Although no where close to being friends, Bette and Joan find that they make a connection based on family, despite both having ulterior motives entering into making that connection. Part of the discussion includes Joan opening up about a sensitive issue from her childhood. The impetus for those discussions stem from three of their offspring being constant fixtures on set - Bette's daughter B.D. and Joan's twins, Cindy and Cathy - and their differing parenting styles. Bette, feeling that B.D. needs more of a focus in her life, follows Bob's lead, which may not sit well with Joan. Bette may regret her decision with regard to B.D., who she does not want to hurt, but who may prove a liability in the bigger picture of the movie. It is also not helped by Bette making a connection with Victor, who treats her more like a mother than his own mother when he gets into a bind. Despite that connection between Bette and Joan ultimately falling apart to those in the know, both Bette and Joan cannot ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Biography, Drama,
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HD Prime Suspect 1973

Prime Suspect 1973


Prime Suspect 1973

IMDb: 8.1

Not having entered the bank David escapes the explosion and goes home where Renee gives him the money and tells him to run, before she is arrested. The blast claims casualties from both cops and robbers but Jane, though devastated by events, finds a link between the Bentleys and Julie Ann and joins in the hunt for David. She tracks him down but soon finds herself facing a gun and witnessing another killing before the mystery of Julie Ann's death is solved. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Prime Suspect 1973

Prime Suspect 1973


Prime Suspect 1973

IMDb: 8.3

David's mother Renee admits to hiding Clifford's money but is perturbed that David knew Julie Ann far better than he admits. Jane plays Ashlley Brennan's tape of the Bentleys plotting to rob the bank next door to Silas Manato's café, and police suspicions are confirmed when a nervous Silas comes to the station to give them the date of the heist. Bradfield and his team, including Jane, catch John Bentley red-handed as he blows open the safe door but all are caught in the blast. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Prime Suspect 1973

Prime Suspect 1973


Prime Suspect 1973

IMDb: 7.6

Eddie's corpse is dragged from the river and with his last being seen at O'Duncie's flat O'Duncie is arrested but Bradfield is worried about Gibbs' violent attack on him. When O'Duncie's girlfriend claims she saw the assault Jane is under pressure to lie for Gibbs - which she does, winning her colleagues' approbation. However when her mother disapproves of a late night visit from Bradfield she moves into a police hostel, where she has sex with him. Meanwhile the Bentleys press on with tunnelling into the bank despite David's unreliability but eccentric radio ham Ashley Brennan puts Jane onto them. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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