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HD Royal Pains

Royal Pains


Royal Pains

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Evan and Paige prove the perfect guests at Divya's engagement party, but her father's crisis-motivated expectations on groom Raj compromise the bride's resolve to go through with her London wedding, mainly a show for business relations. Jess Walsh, whose boyfriend Hank couldn't save from cardiac arrest while they worked on Wall Street, has started a pilot training school in the Hamptons for a quiet life, but calls him as unprecedented stress seems to be killing her worse than ever. Boris is displeased with Marissa's pregnancy, Hank's silence and the very idea not to let his congenital disease die with him. The brothers are moved out of his castle. Written by anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Royal Pains

Royal Pains


Royal Pains

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Evan estimated his chances of winning Paige back feeble, as the General is against such an unfocused young man, but is soon forgiven. After being accidentally locked in an adjoining hall and misunderstanding a seemingly conspiratorial secret meeting of the General's, he even wins the General's respect by mediating a row over a heritage Candle House with the neighbors whose daughter Natalie is Hank's patient, and by his handling of the the press. Adam is in serious kidney trouble, but he and Hank refuse to let Divya help him in anyway after she broke up their physical relationship. Hank decides against the planned partnership with his too casual ex, Dr. Peck. Written by anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Royal Pains

Royal Pains


Royal Pains

IMDb: 7.7
42 min

Coincidentally at the right place to save reality show Share House star Kyle from drowning, Hank is soon asked by producer Tony Lee to star in a medical reality show, an idea which greatly appeals to Evan. While Hank examines a mysterious epidemic among the reality candidates, Evan compromises Paige's trust by extending her invitation to bring a guest to her exclusive country club to the whole cast and crew. Boris can't get Hank to break medical confidentiality for Marissa, who is hiding carrying his, probably genetically-impaired, child. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Royal Pains

Royal Pains


Royal Pains

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Eddie is moving in with Mrs? Newberg finally gets the benefit of the doubt from Hank, who is puzzled and ethically challenged by elusive patient AJ. Evan convinces Hank to help plead his investment cause and proudly dresses up when they're all invited to an evening meal at Boris's, but after flying in lover Marissa, rescued from Cuban prison, he has an awkward surprise for the Lawsons. Hunky patient Adam Pierce insists to remain in Divya's care. After treatment, they kiss, despite her impending wedding. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Royal Pains

Royal Pains


Royal Pains

IMDb: 7.6
42 min

Midwest backwater truck-driver Roy fears he and wife Ginnie are cursed since they won the lottery and bought a Hamptons estate. Each gets a weird medical condition just when they prepare a renewal of their marriage vows. Hank's initial diagnosis and therapy only works for her. Paige confirms Evan's fear: none of the snob neighbors can be expected to follow up on the invitations, yet surprises him despite being asked for a date rain-check so he can plan Roy's finances as a gift. Socialite heir Adam Pierce, a documentary maker who donated his kidney to substitute mother/maid Tali, needs HankMed's help when she gets very sick. Jill digs him, but Divya gets to spend time with the hunky prince. Boris may be Eddie's next target and gets terrible news from Cuba. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Royal Pains

Royal Pains


Royal Pains

IMDb: 8.0
42 min

Evan acts again as Paige's faux beau, this time meeting her impossible to please parents, and does far better then she dared hope. A single remark however traps him to join her father, general William Collins, hunting in a private club, where Evan's inexperience ends up painfully exposed in either sense. Hank is startled that his latest boy patient, strapping Jake, is the son and main bone of contention between tycoon Jamie Zimmerman and his ex, Dr. Elizabeth Blair, the heartless hospital board chairman. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Royal Pains

Royal Pains


Royal Pains

IMDb: 8.0
42 min

Foxy socialite heiress Paige Collins needs a 'faux beau' to present to her parents instead of much older fiancé Graham Barnes, an adventurous freelance photographer and first Dr. Emily Peck's patient, then Hank's. Paige wanted Hank but settles for eager Evan, who does a great job but feels dirty after she pays him almost like an overpaid prostitute. While Jill consults Hank on the hospital board's plan to divert funds she destined for a free clinic, they visit her favorite beach food stand. the owner, mac from Queens, has curious symptoms since they left the metropolis to sell their lobster pasta. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

Eight year old Owen Farhidi disappears from school and his mother Dana receives a ransom request. When surveillance footage shows that Owen recognized his abductor, Detective Amaro works with Dana and her ex-husband Sam to find and arrest the suspect, but tensions between the estranged couple obstructs the investigation. Meanwhile, Sgt. Benson is asked to take the Lieutenant's exam to formally take the lead over her squad.

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HD Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

The detectives deal with a 10-year-old boy who is displaying extreme psychopathic behavior.

Country: USA
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HD Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

IMDb: 8.5

As the prostitution scandal continues to grow, key witnesses against the alleged madam begin to die under mysterious circumstances, and undercover agent Cassidy becomes a victim of friendly fire.

Country: USA
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HD Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

IMDb: 8.7
85 min

After Cragen is accused of murder, the team works secretly around the clock to defend him. Meanwhile, when Amaro also becomes implicated in the scandal and his personal life falls apart, he refuses to go down quietly.

Country: USA
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HD Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The murder of a prostitute at a bachelor party sends SVU on a dangerous investigation that could lead all the way into the highest reaches of New York power and influence.

Country: USA
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HD Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

When a pregnant woman is raped, Detectives Olivia Benson and Eliot Stabler arrive at the hospital to find that she has fled. Even when someone is arrested for a similar offense, ADA Jo Marlowe says she doesn't have a case in court unless they find the victim and get a statement from her. Soon, Benson and Stabler connect the woman to an illegal adoption operation, forcing them to go undercover and expose the truth. Written by NBC Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.3
21 min

Linda could lose her position as the leader of the Wagstaff bake sale when Louise gets in trouble at school.

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Gene learns that the formula for his favorite chocolate has changed, so he works with the head of the company to fix the problem. In the meantime, Bob gets wrapped up in one of Teddy's not-so-perfect plans.

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.6
22 min

With Valentine's Day around the corner, the kids find themselves in love-caused chaos and Bob comes up with a romantic gesture to impress Linda.

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

After finally convincing Bob and Linda to send her to horse camp, Tina realizes she has to part ways with Jericho, her imaginary horse. Meanwhile, Linda decides to create a restaurant camp in an attempt to make things fair for Gene and Louise.

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Don't YOU love cotton can-DY...? The Belcher children, Tammy, Jimmy Jr., Zeke and Jocelyn get Saturday detention for a glitter bracelet/school fire alarm fracas. Unfortunately, detention is the same day as the Cotton Candy Festival at Wonder Wharf. Bob tries to avoid a magazine slash turtle camp scam, but Linda feels sorry for salesgirl, Sally. Mr. Frond wants to go from sweater mess to sweater best, challenging the kids to rehabilitate: Scared Fabulous style. The winners get to leave detention early. Bob finds a silver lining when he helps Sally and her mentor, Trish, turn the screws to Jimmy Pesto. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.1
22 min

The kids tease Linda about her stray grays so Gretchen helps Linda have more fun. Louise is proud when Tina quits her cult. But Ginny, Thundergirls Leader of Troop 119 drags her back to the pack. Ginny enlists Tina to sniff out a mole at Troop 119; she is convinced this mole is leaking cookie secrets to feral Troop 257, their greatest rival. Tina is the only one Ginny can trust to save Troop 119. Enter Tina Smiley Belcher, wannabe queen of mole hunting and espionage. Gene raids trash, looking for clues and Louise becomes double joined. Thundergirls lore rages deep inside of Tina but can she bait any of the perfect traps to catch the cookie mole? Does Linda Belcher automatically Get Smart when she loses the blonde? Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.2
21 min

The first North Atlantic Burger Lovers Conference is being taken offline and held at the Indefinite Stay hotel, home of the no amenities weekend. Jen ran off to France; Teddy offers to stay with the kids for the weekend. BurgerBob is psyched to be amongst his people: Just Grillin', Beefer Sutherland, Beefgeek and a gal called Meatcute ...until he realizes they all hate him. They are all amateurs and have the wrong impression of Bob, who does not know the ABCs of messaging... LMAO BIG FROWNY FACE! At home, Teddy is a big hit with Gene and Louise (yay, Uncle Teddy) but up in her room, grounded by Teddy, Tina fumes and obsesses over Jonas, the delivery boy with the hair from Reggie's Deli. When Tina sneaks out, Teddy is willing to do whatever it takes to find his temporary niece---even if it means turning himself in to the po-po. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.4
21 min

Tammy Larson turns into a Bat-Zilla in the planning of her Bat Mitzvah gala. Tammy invites everyone but her first friend, Tina, and she is very snotty about not inviting her. Tammy learns Shauna Glassman had 5 caterers at her Bat Mitzvah, so Tammy screams at her mother via mobile; Tina offers up the Belcher family as caterer #6. Now, Tina has her big entre to Tammy's celebration at Sunsets Hotels and to the BFOS: Boys From Other Schools. A little prank lets Louise get inside Tammy's head and gives her a way to watch the new horror unfold: the unleashing of Tin-Zilla. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Linda has an upcoming 25 year reunion at Cardinal Gennaro High. Debbie, chairman of the reunion, needs entertainment for the gala. Linda's old band, The Ta Tas, are not even her 3rd choice, but she asks Linda to round up the band: Angie, Patsy, Nancy, and Gayle. Linda does not want to do it: 25 years ago, Bad Hair Day rocked the talent show; and BHD still rocks the pro circuit. The kids egg on Linda until she agrees to perform. Tina plans to babysit, so the kids plan to attend. Like Louise says, who would miss the train wreck of all train wrecks? The kids fail to consider a key variable: Jen, the boring babysitter. All of a sudden, BHD... Woo! BHD will make one appearance; things are looking black at the Belcher house. The Ta Tas sound like cats being electrocuted while gnawing on tin cans and toenails. But Bob still has the most interesting date in the joint. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

It is Bob's first time as parent volunteer for the Wagstaff Field Trip to the Museum of Natural History. With a UFMWD (United Federation Museum Workers and Docents) strike, the museum has only 1/8 of its staff and the Amazon Room is closed. Louise's trip buddy is Regular Sized Rudy; as long as he uses his inhaler every 2 hours, he can live. Linda misses her family and gets caught up in chanting on the UFMWD picket line. Tina and her trip buddy share an amazing discovery and if Mr. Frond's mother does not answer the phone, Museum Lady may see some action. Is almost dying the best part of living? Bob gets an unexpected present. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.6
22 min

Why would you waste a scream on a stupid boy band? Screams are for roller coasters, ax murderers or Dad's morning breath...such is Louise's commentary on the morning of the Boyz 4 Now concert. Gene is busy preparing to Dump Up The Volume at table-scaping regionals and his parents are always ready to help. Aunt Gayle pulls a no-show and Tina pulls a long, sad face; Louise vows to get her big sister to the concert. As the boys start to sing and the girls start to scream, Louise asks herself that all-important question: Oh my God, who the frig am I?! Tina is now a heroine to her temporarily bemused little sister, but the important lesson is put on your bra one boob at a time. First love is never so great as when it slaps you right in the face. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.1
22 min

Linda thinks Louise hates her so she drags her to an 8-hour Phenomimom seminar at Modo Time. Louise's nemesis, Logan, shows up at Modo Time with his mother, Cynthia; Louise and Logan are sentenced to the Uter-Room. Tina waits on two popular girls from school and hears them make fun of another girl with hairy legs. With Linda at the seminar and Tina unable to shave her own legs, Tina asks Bob to help her; she, Bob and Gene all end up getting waxed. The Modo Time kids revolt and head for laser tag; Linda is angry and decides to shoot it out with Louise. Tina has a Terminator moment: she regrets peer pressure caused her hair loss. But, clearly, neither Linda nor Louise will be saying farewell to arms anytime soon. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.6
56 min (DVD)

Although their earlier visit did not go very well, Ruth suggests they invite George's estranged son Kyle for dinner. She's also thinking of inviting a friend of hers and introduce them. Nate goes to a grief management class but has trouble relating to the other participants. At the funeral home, Rico and Dave console Anne Thornton's husband who blames himself for his wife's death. Claire doesn't react well to criticism of her self-portraiture photos. David picks up an apparently stranded motorist but it all turns nightmarish for him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD The Shannara Chronicles

The Shannara Chronicles


The Shannara Chronicles

IMDb: 8.2
41 min

Within the magic of the Bloodfire, Amberle learns the nature of her quest from the spirit of the Ellcrys before returning to join Wil and Eretria. Bandon escapes from prison with Catania's help. The Demon army attacks Arborlon, and the Elves and Gnomes fight to defend the Ellcrys.

Country: USA
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HD The Shannara Chronicles

The Shannara Chronicles


The Shannara Chronicles

IMDb: 8.2
40 min

Amberle, Wil, and Eretria work their way through the tunnels of Safehold. Allanon tries to help Bandon fight the Dagda Mor's will. Ander finds his rule tested.

Country: USA
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HD The Shannara Chronicles

The Shannara Chronicles


The Shannara Chronicles

IMDb: 8.1
40 min

To throw the demons off their trail, Amberle, Wil, and company take shelter in the abandoned fortress of Pykon. But is it abandoned? The Changeling twists Arion against Allanon.

Country: USA
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HD The Shannara Chronicles

The Shannara Chronicles


The Shannara Chronicles

IMDb: 7.9
41 min

Amberle, Wil and Eretria must find common ground in order to survive the perils of their quest, which includes the nightmarish Reaper. In other events, at the palace, Ander tries to forge an unlikely alliance in order to find the Dagda Mor.

Country: USA
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HD The Shannara Chronicles

The Shannara Chronicles


The Shannara Chronicles

IMDb: 8.3
40 min

Wil and Amberle prepare to leave for the Wilderun. However the Changeling continues to murder inside the palace and frames Eretria for the crimes.

Country: USA
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HD The Shannara Chronicles

The Shannara Chronicles


The Shannara Chronicles

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Wil and Allonon reached Amberle's aunt's place and it is being attacked by fury. Allonon got injured and both Wil and Amberle are captured by Eretria. Cephelo offers Wil to be part of the tribe. Meanwhile, the camp is attacked by the fury Amberle and Wil somehow manages to escape by help of Allonon. Amberle has to prove her loyalty to Ellcrys by entering in it. Written by UMAIR AHMAD

Country: USA
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