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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Dr. Bashir is talking with Cardassian tailor Garak when suddenly a Bajoran man with a Cardassian boy enters the bar. Garak tries to approach the boy but he seems very afraid and bites him. Rugal is a war orphan left behind by the Cardassians after the occupation as many others and was adopted by Bajorans. Just a minute after Bashir tells Sisko, he gets contacted by Gul Dukat. He seems very concerned about the orphans on Bajor and wants to rectify the situation. He is concerned the Bajorans are manipulating them into thinking the Cardassians are bad and asks for an investigation. While Rugal's Bajoran father tells he's been treating the boy well and Rugal seems to prefer staying on Bajor, an alien, Zolan, contradicts that story. Meanwhile Garak thinks the situation is a bit too coincidental and starts his own private investigation with Bashir. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 6.9
46 min

A plasma storm is approaching the station and almost all personnel has been evacuated, only a skeleton crew remains. Suddenly a distress call from a cargo ship comes in and Sisko decides to respond. A tractor beam pulls it in, but it's no cargo ship at all. Two Klingons, a Trill and a female Khefkan overpower Odo and O'Brien and then the rest of the crew. The Trill, Verad, is unjoined and seems very frustrated about that. He thinks his life is mediocre and wants Dax's symbiont. Bashir is forced to perform the operation that will mean Dax's life will end soon. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.9
46 min

Admiral Chekote has told Sisko he can't get involved in an internal Bajoran conflict, and must evacuate the station, but Sisko has no intentions of leaving. He's come to care about what happens to the Bajorans, and tries to muster support from the crew of the station. They'll try to delay the takeover as long as possible, and set up a resistance, until the Cardassian involvement is revealed. As there's still no communications possible to Bajor, Kira sees no other alternative then to bring the evidence to the Chamber of Ministers, but all the runabouts are in use for the evacuation. Li Nalas thinks there might still be raiders intact on the Lunar V base and Kira and Dax take a look. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.7
46 min

Minister Jaro has Kira replaced by Li Nalas in security, and is surprised Sisko is not pleased by this. He tells Sisko the main reason for putting the war hero on the station, is the escalating unrest on Bajor. While Kira's friends from the station say goodbye, she gets a sudden visit from Vedek Bareil, who invites her to the Vedek monastery, which she accepts. Soon after her arrival at the monastery, Kira finds life there is not for her, and gets restless. Bareil then shows her the monastery possesses of one the Orbs of the Prophets. Meanwhile, Quark has some important information for Odo. He has heard the Kressari, normally botanical DNA traders, have been supplying weapons to The Circle. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.7
46 min

Quark receives a Bajoran earring from a smuggler. She tells she received it on Cardassia IV. It needs to be delivered to Bajor and any Bajoran will immediately recognize it. Quark brings it to Kira. The earring is that of Li Nalas, one of the greatest war heroes of the resistance. She thinks he is being held captive on Cardassia IV and asks Sisko for a runabout since she doesn't get any support from the Bajoran government. Kira tells Sisko she believes he will be the leader Bajor is in desperate need of ever since Kai Opaka left. Bajor is on the verge of civil war as the terrorist group The Circle is getting more and more power. The Circle strives to get rid of all aliens on Bajor and they have extended their activities to the station already. Odo finds their logo graffiti-ed on a wall. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

Keiko's teaching the station's children about the wormhole, when Vedek Winn, one of the most important religious leaders of the Bajorans and a possible candidate to become the next Kai, arrives. She despises the scientific way Keiko chooses to explain the phenomenon, and calls it 'blasphemy.' She'll not allow it, and takes the Bajoran children of the school. Both Keiko and Winn are not willing to give in, and Sisko travels to Bajor to get the support of Vedek Bareil. Meanwhile chief O'Brien finds an interlock's missing from his toolkit. Together with a new engineer, Neela from Bajor, they start looking for it. They find it back in a corridor, together with the remains of ensign Aquino. It looks like an accident, but O'Brien has his doubts. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 9.0
46 min

Aamin Marritza, a Cardassian suffering from Kalla-Nohra, turns to DS9 for medical attention. Major Kira Nerys immediately recognizes the disease. He could only have contracted it when an accident occurred in the labor camp Gallitepp on Bajor during the Cardassian occupation. Kira herself helped liberate the camp and she knows of the atrocities camp commander Gul Darhe'el committed. She is determined to convict Marritza for war crimes. The Cardassian first denies having Kallo-Nohra, then claims he was only a filing clerk. With Bajor wanting to convict him and Cardassia wanting his release, Sisko faces a tough decision. Then photographic evidence arrives. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.0
46 min

Kira has found out a Valerian ship, known for transporting dolamide, used in Cardassian weapons, to Bajor, is about to dock at DS9. She is convinced the Valerians are still trading the stuff and wants to deny them, but Sisko disagrees with her. He is only prepared to let Kira take action when she provides evidence. Meanwhile a Klingon ship returns early from a mission in the gamma quadrant. It explodes in front of the station and a Klingon who managed to beam aboard dies almost instantly. Odo tries to find out what happened, but after he experiences some weird pain that causes his head to split in two, he notices something has happened to the crew. All over the ship people seem very adamant to choose sides between Kira and Sisko. It looks there's a mutiny as Kira has plans to get rid of Sisko and tries to get as much support as possible. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 6.8
46 min

Dr. Bashir has to take care of a delegation of ambassadors visiting Deep Space Nine to take a look at the wormhole. In Quark's bar, an ambassador from Betazed, Lwaxana Troi, gets robbed of her brooch. Odo is able to find the culprit and suddenly Troi is very interested in him, romantically. He doesn't like it. Meanwhile, O'Brien is totally frustrated with the Cardassian computer. It doesn't do the job right and gives opinions on every one of his commands. He suggests installing a new one from scratch. Then an unidentified object appears from the gamma quadrant through the wormhole. It looks like a probe, but has a very sophisticated computer. After downloading information from it, O'Brien notices the station's computer seems to be working better. Then several malfunctions appear, leaving Odo and Lwaxana Troi trapped in a turbolift. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 6.4
46 min

The crew detects an unusual energy reading; elevated thoron emissions near the Denorios belt. Sisko and Dax think it might have something to do with the increased traffic since the wormhole was found and Dax investigates to find out if it poses any danger to the station. Meanwhile chief O'Brien is telling the story of Rumpelstiltskin to his daughter Molly and after he leaves Molly tells him the fairy character appeared in her room. To his astonishment Molly tells the truth, he faces Rumpelstiltskin. All of the sudden all over the station people secret imaginations are appearing in the open, causing chaos. Quark is escorted by two beautiful ladies and seems very happy until he finds out everybody is winning with dabo. Bashir finds a Dax that is in love with him and baseball player Buck Bokai appears before Sisko. Odo must work in the snow to keep the promenade safe. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 6.8
46 min

The Federation is helping the Bajorans to tap the molten core of the moon Jeraddo. This will provide much-needed energy for hundreds of thousands of Bajoran citizens, but will make the moon uninhabitable. All 47 known inhabitants have been evacuated, but Dax still detects one life sign. Major Kira Nerys beams down to investigate and meets three people, farmer Mullibok and two mute helpers. Mullibok invites her to dinner and makes it perfectly clear he has no intention of leaving. Although he is very stubborn Kira starts to grow fond of the man. Meanwhile Nog overhears his uncle Quark punishing his father for buying 5.000 wrappings of yamok sauce, loved by Cardassians but hated by the rest of the universe. Secretly Nog and Jake try to sell the stuff for bars of latinum. They contact a Lissepian trader, but he only has self-sealing stem bolts to offer. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 6.0
46 min

Much to his dismay chief O'Brien is ordered by Sisko to escort Bashir to a Bajoran village. He is to help out with a medical emergency that endangers the entire community. After arriving there's only one person sick, the Sirah. He seems very pleased with the arrival of O'Brien and designates him as 'the one'. It soon becomes clear the Sirah is the only person capable of defeating the Dal'Rok, a terrible monster that attacks every year after the harvest and doesn't show up on tricorder. Meanwhile on DS9, Sisko tries to negotiate between the Paqu and the Navot, two rivaling Bajoran factions. Ninety years ago they agreed to a river being the border between their lands, but after the Cardassians diverted the river, Paqu territory became bigger. The leader of the Paqu, Tetrarch Varis Sul, is a young girl and Nog and Jake try to impress her. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 6.6
46 min

Kai Opaka, the spiritual leader of the Bajorans announces a visit to DS9. She doesn't say much, but makes it implicitly clear she's interested in the wormhole. Sisko, Bashir, Kira take a runabout to show her the wormhole and pass through it to the other side. They receive a strange distress call coming from an unknown source. Sisko wants to return home, but Opaka tells him they should not take notice of her. The signal leads to a mysterious satellite network, which releases an energy burst, disabling the runabout. They make a violent crash-down on a moon, where Opaka dies almost instantly. It isn't long before the surviving 3 are picked up by a group of unfriendly locals, the Ennis. They say they are put as prisoners on the moon after a long war with the Nol-Ennis, a war ehich is continued on the moon. When the Nol attack, something strange happens. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.0
46 min

A Mindaran ship has arrived with the brothers Ah-Kel and Ro-Kel, known as smugglers, and a mysterious individual, Croden, has been spending quite a lot of time in Quark's bar. He is from the Gamma quadrant and there are reports of them having extensive conversations. Odo doesn't trust it and he;s right. He catches Quark negotiating with the Mindarans about an artifact that was probably stolen. He can't stop Croden however from killing Ro-Kel while trying to steal the artifact. While Ah-Kel vows revenge, Croden tells Odo something that really piques his interest. He mentions he has seen shape-shifters before and calls them Changelings. Croden tells they once lived on his planet, but were driven out, but he encountered them again on a secret planet. Odo is skeptical, but gets interested when Croden shows an artifact that contains a living shape-shifting fluid. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.1
60 min

The leader of the Ferengi, Grand Nagus Zek and his son Krax arrive at DS9. Quark and his brother, Rom are in awe and quickly arrange for everything Zek needs. Zek praises Quark's business instinct, but Quark fears for the worst; thinking Zek wants to take over his bar for free, and won't take no for an answer. Instead, Zek tells Quark a conference will be held in the bar, where Ferengi politicians will discuss how to exploit the business opportunities in the Gamma Quadrant. Zek tells the members he won't be the Ferengi leading the Alliance into the Gamma Quadrant and will appoint his successor. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 5.9
46 min

Deep Space Nine is expecting a visit from a species from the Gamma Quadrant, the Wadi, to make official first contact. Commander Sisko and other high ranking officers put on their special uniforms, but the Wadi don't seem to be interested in speaking with them. They have heard from the Vulcans Quark is hosting games and want to be taken there immediately. Quark is very pleased when he sees their precious gems to be at stake on the dabo tables, but not for long. The Wadi keep winning and winning and Quark sees no other solution than cheating. The Wadi find out however and force him to play one of their own games, chula. Quark has to move four pawns along 'shaps' and is promised a lot of gems if he succeeds. Suddenly Sisko, Kira, Dax and Bashir find themselves off the station in a puzzle labyrinth. Odo tries to find them. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 6.3
45 min

Deep Space Nine expects a deuridium shipment for Kobliads. They are a dying race who need the material to extend their life. Kira and Bashir respond to a distress call of a Kobliad ship on fire. On board they meet Ty Kajada. She's escorting a dangerous prisoner, Rao Vantika. Ty claims prisoner Rao set the ship on fire, something he'd done previously. Bashir wants to rescue him against Ty Kajad's advice, but, is unable to do so. He confirms Rao died, but Kajada isn't convinced. She claims Vantika faked his death many times, and she has the feeling this time as well. No one on Deep Space Nine believes her, until suddenly all memory banks are purged. Meanwhile a new security officer, George Primmin, is assigned. Odo dislikes him and the feeling seems mutual. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.1
46 min

A group of aliens follows Jadzia Dax and then overpower her. They try to take her of the ship and commander Sisko is only barely able to stop the ship from flying off. Their leader introduces himself as Ilon Tandro from Klaestron IV. He has a warrant for Jadzia, as Curzon Dax is accused of murdering his father, a famous general, thirty years ago and of treason. While Sisko tries to stall her extradition by calling in a Bajoran juror, Dax seems not even willing to defend herself. Sisko tries to convince the judge Curzon and Jadzia are not the same person and sends Odo over to Klaestron IV to investigate. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 6.8
46 min

The runabout Ganges returns to Deep Space Nine in serious trouble. The ship has no power, the hatch can't be opened and oxygen is running out. Also there seems to be an extra person on board. O'Brien is able to open the hatch and recognizes the guest as Vash, a corrupt archaeologist, from his time on Enterprise. She tells them she has been traveling in the Gamma Quadrant for two years and has collected artifacts there. O'Brien meanwhile can't find anything wrong with the ship other than the power was being drained. Then the same malfunction appears on DS9. Dangerous blackouts are hitting the station. Meanwhile Vash gets a unexpected visit in her quarters. It's Q, the omnipotent being, and he seems upset Vash left him. He wants her back. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.7
46 min

Deep Space Nine detects an unknown ship coming from the Gamma Quadrant at the other side of the wormhole. The ship has severe engine trouble and its pilot seems very nervous and reluctant to accept any help. Finally O'Brien convinces him to come on board. He introduces himself as Tosk and he apparently comes from a very different culture as he understands nothing of the ways of the Alpha Quadrant. He claims the wormhole caused the ship's problems. O'Brien seems to really like the guy, but senses quickly he has a secret. He also finds out Tosk lied, discovering his ship has weapons damage. Then Tosk is caught by Odo trying to open a weapons locker. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 6.9
46 min

Cardassian technology isn't as good as it seems. Chief O'Brien is very very busy as systems all over the station are failing. While Trying to free people stuck in an airlock and promising a ship's captain a repair crew by the end of the day, Dax wants him to repair a malfunction in the lab. Then he must repair the navigational computer for Kira, only to be ordered by Sisko to make sure he gets good coffee by fixing the replicators. A while later all of the sudden O'Brien has become aphasic. Bashir has no clue what happened, there seems to be nothing wrong physically with him. Then out of the blue Dax also turns aphasic, right in front of his eyes. All over the ship people are displaying the symptoms, it seems an epidemic caused by a virus. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 6.9
46 min

Life seems to be slowly becoming normal on the station. Bashir tries to make advances to Dax, Jake makes friends with Nog and chief O'Brien is having an argument with his wife Keiko. As a botanist she feels useless on the station and doesn't think the environment is good enough for their daughter Molly growing up. Meanwhile Odo encounters a familiar face on the Promenade: the Bajoran smuggler Ibudan. He's considered a hero by the Bajorans, but Odo thinks differently. He saw him let a child die because the parents couldn't afford the medicine and when Ibudan killed a Cardassian he turned him in. When Ibudan is murdered during a massage in the holodeck, all evidence points to Odo. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

While the last Cardassian on the station, tailor Garak tries to become friends with Dr. Bashir, a Bajoran vessel approaches the station at high speed, followed by a Cardassian ship. The Bajoran, Tahna Los, gets beamed onto DS9 just in time before his ship is blown up and asks for asylum. Benjamin Sisko seems reluctant, but major Kira Nerys knows him. He's a member of the Kon Ma, a terrorist organization fighting Cardassia, but also accused of crimes against Bajorans. Upon his promise that he no longer wants to be a Kon Ma, Sisko decides not to hand him over to the Cardassians, while Kira works on getting amnesty from the government for Kon Ma Members. Then two female Klingon outcasts, Lursa and B'Etor arrive at the station. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.4
90 min

Commander Benjamin Sisko, whose life has changed after his wife was killed in the battle with the Borg at Wolf 359, is to take command of the space station Deep Space Nine near Bajor. The station had been built by the Cardassians, as Terok Nor, but recently taken over by the Bajorans after a very oppressive occupation of their planet was ended. Sisko's task; The station had been left in ruins - stripped by the Cardassians after they withdrew. Merchants are preparing to leave, and its Bajoran commander, Major Kira Nerys, seems to dislike the Federation. When Sisko gets to talk with Kai Opaka, the Bajoran religious leader, she tells him he is the long awaited emissary of the Bajorans. Once Commander Sisko arrives with his teenaged son, Jake, they're introduced ticonstable of DS9, a 'shape-shifter,' named Odo, and Quark, a Ferengi, who, in affirm to owning the bar on the stations promenade, is also head of the Promenade's Merchant Association. Soon, the Federation's science officer, ... Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits


The Outer Limits

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

In a future world, nearly all humans have an embedded neural connection to a massive computer system known as the Stream. One exception to that is Ryan Unger who cannot be connected to the net because of a childhood accident that damaged his neurological system. By the standards of the time, Ryan is an imbecile relying on reading books for information while the majority simply having to think it. When a virus starts to kill some of them however, it's Ryan who concludes that it is coming from the Stream itself and all attempts to stop it will be unsuccessful. Only Ryan can save them - both now and in the future. Written by garykmcd

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HD I Dream of Jeannie

I Dream of Jeannie


I Dream of Jeannie

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

On the day of Ramdah masters must journey to Mecca to recite the ancient words or their genie will lose her powers and disappear.

Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy,
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HD I Dream of Jeannie

I Dream of Jeannie


I Dream of Jeannie

IMDb: 7.4
26 min (DVD)

When Jeannie becomes jealous of Tony dating a movie star, she tries to become one but finds out that genies cannot be photographed.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy,
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HD George Lopez

George Lopez


George Lopez

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

When Max skips school, George enrolls in college to set a positive example. But George has difficulty getting anyone to take him seriously. Even Professor Lim (recurring guest star MING-NA - ER) thinks his questions are jokes.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD George Lopez

George Lopez


George Lopez

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

A revealing picture of Angie getting soaked in the dunk tank at the school carnival shows up online for all the kids at school to see, and George plots revenge on the kid who took the picture.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD My Wife and Kids

My Wife and Kids


My Wife and Kids

IMDb: 7.0
22 min

Michael gets a ticket for reckless driving and has to appear in court. Jay becomes obsessed with getting Botox and she and Michael both get a shot, resulting in their faces being frozen the next day. When Michael appears before the judge and can't remove the giant grin from his face, he gets thrown in jail. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Vixen




IMDb: 7.9

Mari comes to grips with her new found powers and embraces the animals who have surrounded her and provided protection. Afterwards she begins to provide that same protection in the city of Detroit.

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HD Vixen




IMDb: 7.5

Mari, an orphan young woman is chased through the city exactly 3 days after she was bailed out of jail by her foster Father.

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