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HD Flophouse




IMDb: 0
22 min

Andrew Holmgren and David Gborie show off Sylvan House, a group house full of comedians in San Francsico. They throw a house party and standup show in the backyard. Brent Weinbach, Caitlin Gil, and friends perform.

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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.4

Christine is shocked to find that Vaughan, already admitting defeat, cannot be bothered to attend the public consultation and argue against the schools' merger, so she decides that the pupils do the presentation. Rob shows his true colours when it becomes apparent that he has no interest in saving the school, only trying to bully Lorna into a reconciliation and he is arrested after assaulting Marco and locking him in a cupboard with Kenzie, who is due to lead the presentation. At the same time Darren accidentally makes a discovery proving that the take-over is not as ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Justin is expelled for cyber-bullying Bonnie but Kenzie believes he is innocent and has her own suspicions as to the culprit, leading to an accusation, an act of selflessness and the truth finally coming out. Lorna's estranged husband Rob turns up, anxious for reconciliation. He has a PR company and offers to help prevent the merger through a press campaign. This includes high-lighting Sonia's supposed cancer and she reluctantly agrees but comes clean at the press conference. An angry Rob rounds her whilst the revelation does the resistance to the merger no good.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 5.3

Now aware that Hassan bought him illegally Abdul meets his real mother Yasmeen and is charmed by her though Leo encourages him to be sympathetic to the man who brought him up as his son. Ultimately Abdul's loyalties are tested as he must decide with which of the two he wants to live. Dale goes from bad to worse and Lenny is suspicious when Maggie's car is found crashed into a tree and shocked to find his sister in bed with Dale. After Maggie finds cannabis in Dale's possession he gets stoned and climbs onto the school roof but loyal Lenny rescues him and makes him see...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Abdul reconciles with his father, who explains that his adoption was hurried and not quite legal, in order to get him out of a filthy orphanage. They plan to go away together but before they can do so Abdul receives devastating news. Dale goes off the rails now that he is out of the cycling team, taking Maggie's car for a joy ride with a terrified Lenny as his passenger. Kenzie finds both Justin and Scott literally fighting over her and decides to dump them both whilst Bonnie's persecution continues and things get worse between Olga and Leo. Sonya and Guy get close ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Dale is desperate for a place in the national cycling team, starving himself to be the correct weight but this proves disastrous when he takes his trial. Abdul is baffled when his father Hassan is evasive regarding the family background for Abdul's genetic science project. He initially suspects that he may have a genetic disorder but is appalled to learn that he was adopted and his father never told him. Kenzie leaves home after rowing with her mother and Scott is an unexpected peace-maker whilst Leo agrees to help Bonnie trace her stalker but uses her computer to ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

The PTA group, led by the hostile Steph Norton, arrives at the school and Vaughan is anxious to make a good impression to prevent it being merged with Havelock High. Sadly things do not go to plan as the evil Lisa sabotages Marco's science lesson, injuring Carrie, Leo, obsessed with a computer game, trashes the library when Vaughan challenges him and an erotic book - written by Audrey - is read out loud. Bonnie admits to Lorna that she is receiving malicious texts whilst Sonya gets the results of her cancer test, leading to a misunderstanding.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Vaughan launches Waterloo Wheelers, a free bike loaning service but the obnoxious Scott Fairchild, thinking it funny, crashes Dale's expensive racing bike, which Kevin mends. After Scott has sabotaged other bikes Kevin challenges him to a race, which lands him in hospital though Kenzie tries to point out Scott's stupidity to him. To get parents on side against the merger Lorna suggests forming a PTA but both she and Christine go head to head as to who should run it though Christine steps down as Kenzie's literacy teacher as Lorna gets on better with her. Olga backs ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.5

With the Lowsleys and Hector gone Vaughan brings in a new deputy, Lorna Hutchinson, and surly gym teacher Danny Spencer, with his protégé, budding cycle champion Dale Jackson, whose single-mindedness alienates the other boys. New pupils include kleptomaniac Kenzie Calhoun and Scott Fairchild, both having been excluded from several schools and both hating each other. Vaughan is shocked to find Olga has arrived as a supply teacher and there is worse to come when, thanks to Olga turning on the Tannoy, Vaughan 's conversation with Lorna regarding taking on problem pupils ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.2

Sue realizes that Hector's plans for them are selfish and unrealistic and she drops him whilst Rhiannon and Darren successfully reunite Grace and Ted to lead a ballroom dancing display at the school. Vaughan hands Justin over to the police after the boy punches Allie but he gets bail, only to be met by Tiffany, who tells him that no longer has any interest in him after what he did. Allie has had enough and she and her children leave Waterloo Road though Vaughan has an even bigger bomb-shell on his hands when George Windsor reappears, asking for his job back and ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Justin lets fly at Allie for taking Tiffany away and demands Leo help him but Leo has his own problem when Mandy, to whom he spoke on the help-line, arrives at the school and persuades him to play truant and trash Justin's room. Vaughan is anxious when Audrey discovers that Mandy is not a school-girl but a fugitive from a psychiatric ward. However Leo calms her down and stops her self-harming and Vaughan realizes that he has neglected Leo in order for him to take Mandy on board. Discovering Sue's affair Simon attacks Hector in front of his class before resigning and ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Allie persuades Vaughan to send Justin to a boarding school to part him from Tiffany but, whilst pretending to cooperate, he plans to run away to London with her. Aware of how unrealistic this is she alerts Allie and refuses to go. When Vaughan relents of his decision Allie moves out, taking Tiffany with her. Gabriella believes Darren could model for her designer mother Amelia's fashion catalogue but Amelia chooses Rhiannon to represent the fuller figure. However Rhiannon feels she is being exploited and joins Gabriella and Darren in visiting elderly Grace instead. ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Police descend on the school after Leo and Kevin have hacked into Wire Data's system, confiscating the computers and causing chaos. Company owner Jackson Whittaker arrives at the school and, after Kevin owns up, is set to prosecute, though Kevin has his own insurance policy which could land him a role in the organization. Under pressure from Floyd Tiffany tells her mother that she is sleeping with Justin whilst Christine is less than pleased to find her alcoholism the subject of Sonya's short story and Hector's advances lead Sue to suggest that she and Simon find work...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.4

Justin steps in to help Mickey McArthur, a grubby boy he sees shop-lifting but the boy repays him by stealing his wallet so Justin goes after him, leading to a fight. However the realization that there is urban poverty on his doorstep inspires Justin to open a food bank at the school. Sonya is entering a short story competition but her trashy romance does not impress her colleagues so Christine suggests she write about something from experience. Meanwhile Kevin and Leo hack into the computer system of technology giant Wire Data and Floyd catches his sister kissing ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Lenny Brown is studying hard for his mock exams but with no help from his controlling, idle sister and lacking self-confidence, he cracks up, spoiling his paper and having a panic attack. Matters are not helped when the projected exam grades are leaked, leading to a pupil walk-out led by Lisa but realizing that it is Lisa holding him back he returns to school to successfully resit his exam. Knowledge that Vaughan is paying Olga's medical bills causes another rift between Floyd and Justin. The latter is consoled by Tiffany, who ends up in bed with him whilst Hector ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.2

Gabriella Wark returns to school from therapy, a far gentler person, though she encounters general hostility from most of the staff and pupils, except Rhiannon and Allie's children, whom she invites to her house in her parents' absence. The vindictive Shaznay and Lisa alert dozens of students to the house and chaos ensues, with the two nasty girls trashing Gabriella's dead sister's room. A fight breaks out and Gabriella is knocked unconscious and falls into the swimming pool, from where she is rescued by Kacey. Sue and Hector are summoned and order the gate crashers ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.0

Allie starts a virtual baby scheme to teach pupils parenting skills but few of them take it seriously. One exception is Rhiannon, who confesses to the understanding Harley that she may be pregnant. Darren is less than sympathetic and, although the pregnancy test proves negative, she ends the relationship when she sees how shallow she is. She is consoled by Maggie, who suggests a career working with children. Carol stages a kitchen accident in the hopes of suing the school but is thwarted by Vaughan, who sacks her ,whilst Tiffany attempts to get through to Justin.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.6

Vaughan encourages the students to offer their services to members of the community, a decision which leads Lisa and Shaznay to rob elderly Mr Carmichael of a vase which, unbeknown to them, contains his wife's ashes. He comes to the school insisting that they stole two thousand pounds but Vaughan realizes that he is as much a chancer as the girls. Simon's efforts to reconcile Floyd and Justin fail due to Justin's hate-filled recalcitrance and after a run-in with the boy George resigns, having scooped fifteen grand in compensation from the cruise company. Dynasty also ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.1

With Christine demoted a new head teacher arrives - Vaughan Fitzgerald, with his partner, art teacher Allie Westbrook and her children Tiffany and Floyd. Soon afterwards Olga, the unstable wife he left for Allie, arrives with their sons Leo and Justin. She is about to enter a psychiatric unit and dumps the boys on Vaughan. Leo is affable but Justin is hostile towards his father, picking a fight with Floyd and though he apologizes he is insincere and makes it clear he does not want to be at Waterloo Road. Returning from their cruise George dumps the mercenary Carol who...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

As the term draws to a close Christine is summoned to the board of education and faces a possible ban from teaching altogether. Back at the school Simon is having terrible problems as acting head. Upstaged by Kasey again Gabriella has caused her to have an accident which jeopardizes her boxing future and when Mrs Wark comes to Waterloo Road Carol fights with her whilst Gabriella contrives to make it seem that Nikki assaulted her. However Christine takes charge of the situation, getting Gabriella to admit that her actions were to get her parents to notice and love her as she believes they still value her dead sister above her. Simon is so impressed he contacts the board and Christine's teaching career is saved. Vix comes to support Nikki and they move away together whilst Imogen gets a college place in London near to Connor and Dynasty is accepted for police training. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Dynasty goes for her police interview, where she excels, but one of the panellists later informs her that she knows she is from a criminal family, which would seem to ruin her chances. However when she discovers that her brother is people trafficking she turns him in and, helped by Simon, gets a return interview. Audrey promises Harley she will help him try to contact Lula but is surprised by a gift from Gabriella. Meanwhile Christine returns and tears strips off George for mishandling Lula's situation. Discovering that daft Darren Hughes has been taking indecent photos in the girls' changing room she visits his mother in her shabby flat. The woman is clearly a prostitute who shows Christine the door and, in her frustration, Christine goes to a pub and starts drinking. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

As he is about to leave for Edinburgh to be interviewed for his university bursary Kevin collapses in class. He has had a stroke and requires an operation though he does pull through. Gabriella sees Nikki and Hector arrive at school together and reveals that they are having an affair. Nobody believes her - except Vix, who breaks up with Nikki as a result. Dynasty has an interview to join the police whilst Lula has an offer from Strathclyde university but there is bad news when her mother Cecile tells her that they face deportation. She goes to see Audrey, who determines to do all that she can to help her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Nikki, the Lowsleys and Hector take a party of students on the 'resilience camp' weekend to hone initiative skills. Gabriella, still besotted with Hector, steals a boat and rows to the middle of a lake, where she rings him to come and save her. Hector is more interested in trying to seduce Nikki and has his phone switched off but eventually goes to Gabriella's aid. Nikki rings Christine, who cancels the weekend, making Gabriella even more unpopular with her peers, who take their revenge on her. Back at school Christine, who is struggling with her own feelings for George, is concerned about George's relationship with Carol, whom she feels is exploiting him but he writes off her concern as jealousy. Hector admits that he turned his phone off to prevent Christine ending the whole resilience project. Berated by the Lowsleys he feels sorry for himself and starts drinking. Nikki looks in on him and finally succumbs to his advances. Written by don @ minifie-1, carlagodfrey

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Lenny Brown becomes obsessed with the idea that local newsagent Mr Kowalski is running a vice ring and, having misinterpreted George's advice, persuades dumb Darren to help him thwart it - though of course he is proved wrong. George himself gets a surprise visit from his snobbish mother, who discovers - and exposes - his relationship with Carol, of whom she disapproves. George finally stands up to her and blasts her snobbery but later learns that she has died suddenly and looks to Carol for her support. Carol meanwhile refuses to allow Barry Barry and his ridiculous new hair cut back in her house whilst Gabriella continues to throw herself at Hector. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Christine is left reeling at Conor's departure for London, and he himself seems to be giving her the brush off. Meanwhile, Simon tries to gain more support for his resilience education programme by putting on an afternoon of activities that will show the teachers just how much the kids engage with the new project. However, Christine is quick to bite as he forgets to clear it with her. Gabriella continues her ways of trouble and aims to drive a wedge between Dynasty and Imogen. After humiliating Dynasty and Imogen having hijacked her presentation, Imogen is swayed by Gabriella's kindness and accepts an invitation to a night out after school. Later, at Simon's assault course activity, Dynasty and Gabriella are made Team Captain's and Gabriella decides to let Dynasty win to give her a confidence boost, much to the dismay of Imogen and causing Dynasty to flip out in the changing rooms afterwards. Dynasty later confides in Kevin, revealing she hasn't been accepted to one her chosen ... Written by Matt W

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Strapped for cash Carol Barry agrees to work for a day in the school kitchen. She robs Gabriella's purse but Dynasty retrieves it. Also working in the kitchen is Connor, thrilled to have been accepted for the London job. Christine initially believes he is wasting his talents but agrees to let him go after Maggie has told her it is what Connor wants. Divorced from Princess a lonely George asks Christine on a date but she prefers to remain friends. He goes to drown his sorrows in the pub where Carol works and, after punching the landlord who insulted her, he ends up back at her flat drinking. Meanwhile Nikki and Vix decide to get married. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

As the new term starts staff and pupils alike are annoyed by the dramatic entry, staged by Simon as part of his positivity campaign, of hunky new gym teacher Hector Reid. Equally ostentatious is the arrival of Gabriella Wark, a very bright but extremely manipulative and precocious girl who has been expelled from her last two schools and antagonizes students and teachers. She immediately throws herself at Hector and, on learning that the last expulsion was for stalking a young male teacher, Christine is ready to exclude her but is prepared to give her another chance when she learns that Gabriella's cold father blames her for her sister's death. Elsewhere Nikki starts dating the newly-married Sue's sister Vix whilst Imogen is annoyed that Connor applied for a chef's job in London without telling her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

On his wedding eve and with his interview imminent Simon is overwhelmed when he finds Robert has bought him and Sue a house, and he reacts badly to single parent Avril Mack's complaint that her son Stevie is being bullied for his stammer by a vicious girl gang. Christine bravely details her own domestic problems with Connor in an effort to find out underlying home difficulties with the Macks and Simon is sufficiently impressed by her candour and bravery that he stands down from the promotion, endorsing Christine, who - with unexpected support from Imogen's mother - wins the permanent head teacher post. The theft of Kacey's travel fund is discovered and Nikki prepares to make up the money herself but Kacey discovers that her rotten brother stole it and exposes him in front of the school, as a result of which Carol kicks him out and Kacey flies to the states as planned. Sue and Simon get married but decide to elope, leaving the other staff to enjoy their - and Christine's - celebration. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Charismatic supply teacher Frankie McGregor arrives and impresses Christine when he defends bullied Lenny Brown against gormless Darren Hughes. Obsessed with her wedding Sue exploits him to teach her class - as he reports to Christine. However Simon is suspicious and with good cause for, after the new teacher has taken Lenny fishing, it is discovered that he is an impostor, the depressed brother-in-law of the real Frankie. He is arrested but Lenny is disappointed to have lost a man who befriended him. Christine and Simon, having worked together to catch him, declare a truce but Simon is angry with Sue for her negligence. Nikki learns that Kacey's American trip will cost more than anticipated and organizes fund-raising, in which Carol Barry happily joins, a visit from Olympic boxer Nicola Adams being another boost. However Kacey's vile brother Barry Barry steals her training fund money. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Staff and pupils don 40s gear for the World War Two living history week, with austerity rations which annoys the kids. For authenticity the teachers organize a foraging expedition, where Kevin, helped by a military uniform and a Glenn Miller disc, wins back Dynasty. However the stupid Barry Barry and even dimmer side-kick Darren pick and eat magic mushrooms, requiring their hospital admission. Education officer - and Sue's father - Robert Bain arrives for his school inspection, which begins well. However Rhiannon faints after taking the austerity diet too seriously and a goat gets loose in the school. At least Christine manages to stop the pupils from eating the remaining mushrooms but Sue discovers that she is employing George aware that his Mandarin is not up to teaching standard, ammunition she gives Simon in his bid to become the permanent head. Robert is displeased with Christine but also berates Simon for being underhand and trying to score points of the headmistress. Battle ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

The school turns out for Grantly's funeral, with Tariq turning up to pay his respects. The funeral over, Nikki has a difficult day. It takes a lot of persuasion for her to convince Carol Barry that Kasey should go to a boxing camp in Miami and then she has an unexpected visit from Eve, the daughter she has not seen in years and whose father told her Nikki was dead. Eve quickly sees that Nikki's maternal instincts are secondary to her professional outlook and is angry that she seems to be giving Kasey more attention than her own daughter, especially when Nikki rings Stuart, Eve's father to take her home. However, after Kasey has consoled Eve the parting takes place with the promise of more contact between mother and child. The sponsored clean goes awry when Dynasty mixes cleaning fluids and produces chlorine gas and Sue slips on a wet floor. Simon, bidding to become head, is happy to use this against Christine, who, as a result, sees Audrey's suggestion of a 'living history' week, ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Grantly makes a reluctant return to work and is asked to assume Tom's project to get the pupils to write a poem. He initially believes that Harley's excellent offering has been plagiarized but is genuinely sorry when he realizes his mistake. He also offers advice to Sue, whose lack of discipline has caused students to complain about her. Kacey takes on her first fight and loses. She feels dejected but Kevin leads the school in cheering for her, which gives her confidence to carry on. Even Barry Barry, who has won money on betting against her, offers his winnings for her future training and, after George has had a run in with the cleaners, Christine suggests a sponsored cleaning day by pupils to raise further funds for Kacey. Grantly delays his visit to the hospital for his transplant in order to award Harley his prize but unfortunately tragedy strikes and Grantly never makes it. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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