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HD Bellevue




IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Adam is able to save Annie before Jesse's killer is about to kill her, that person killed in the process. Before Adam takes off into the night, he tells Annie that she has to understand why things have happened - the reason for the riddles - and that the cycle has to stop. Within his comments, he implies the identity of the Sandy Driver's killer. Annie slowly begins to understand part of that cycle when a group of three who were involved with what happened to Jesse the night he was killed are targeted in various ways, they who also have ties back to what happened to Sandy. But she will also learn Adam meant the cycle within their own family, that understanding when something happens to Daisy in the process. Through these issues, Eddie wants to take action in protecting Daisy with or without Annie, the possibility without based on what she decides to do with her own life. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Bellevue




IMDb: 7.5
44 min

The latest evidence discovered in Jesse's murder points to known but never charged or thus convicted ecstasy manufacturer Rainmaker Jed Martin, who, despite not being indigenous, lives on the rez due to his largely absent wife being First Nations. Upon questioning, Jed does not deny knowing Jesse - or Danny for that matter, and Jesse and Danny's relationship - but does deny everything else, including his drug dealings. More and more evidence piles up on Jed which leads to him being charged with Jesse's murder. While Peter, Brady and Virginia are certain Jed did it, Annie believes the evidence is a little too convenient, her gut telling her that he is not guilty of murder. While Peter does keep to his promise to follow up on the Riddler if only for Annie's protection - although he does not tell Annie his specific actions on the matter - Annie cannot help but believe that Jesse's murder still has something to do with the Riddler and Sandy Driver's unsolved murder from over twenty ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Bellevue




IMDb: 7.3
44 min

The missing persons case of Jesse Sweetland turns into a homicide investigation when Annie discovers his dead body on the shore of the lake, he having died from blunt force trauma to the back of the head, with preliminary evidence pointing to his head being held under the water during whatever the altercation that killed him. Information also comes to the detectives' attention that Jesse was planning on running away with his boyfriend Danny the evening he went missing, Danny who saw Jesse in a white truck when Jesse was supposed to meet him for their departure that evening. Annie divulges to Peter the clues that led her to the body being from the riddler - although Annie is uncertain if the riddle was supposed to point her to the body or something else - and the other anonymous contact she has had with him during this investigation. Annie believes she has a special bond to the riddler who knows what happened to Jesse, and probably knows what happened to Sandy Driver. While Peter is ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Bellevue




IMDb: 7.7
44 min

In the continuing investigation of Jesse's disappearance, Annie has been receiving messages from the unknown person who tormented her with riddles when she was a child following the death of her father. Beyond the evidence gleaned thus far from those riddles, Peter does not want Annie following any of those leads, knowing how traumatized she was as a child from those riddles. Those current leads point to Jesse being exposed to aversion therapy, whether it be voluntary or involuntary being unknown. That aversion therapy lead points back to a person the detectives had previously questioned, who at that time stated that he had no formal ties to Jesse. Although already questioned by uniformed officers, the detectives decide to question Jesse's peers, most specifically his classmates and those people on the hockey team. The detectives may have a difficult task in breaking through the unofficial code of silence among that group, who in general do not trust the police. The one piece of ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Bellevue




IMDb: 7.5
44 min

The Bellevue PD is called to outside the scrapyard where there are signs of an altercation of sorts. Included within the evidence at the site are a jean jacket, a bicycle, a tooth, blood covered pieces of what look to be a torn adult magazine, and a cell phone. The phone in particular points to the fact that a person involved is sixteen year old Jesse Sweetland, arguably the best hockey player his age in town, he who has now been reported officially missing. Some within the police department initially don't take Jesse's disappearance too seriously if only because he, only recently known, is gender fluid, the thought being that he may have left on his own volition to explore this side of himself more fully outside the glaring eyes of Bellevue, the small town where he grew up. He may also be escaping what is perceived to be a bad home life, his mother, Maggie Sweetland, known to imbibe too much. Everything at the site, including the tooth and the blood, are eventually positively ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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