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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 7.8
50 min (DVD)

While trying to reach the newspaper on the sidewalk, Samuel Wayne Hoviak, who was the best high-school friend of Nate, falls and his truck run over him. In the funeral service, Nate meets their other former best friend, Tom Wheeler; they recall their adolescence and realize that they are getting up. The bitter and deranged Ruth has no patience with George, and they receive his daughter Maggie. David proposes Claire to donate her eggs for the baby of his own with Keith, but she refuses. Claire feels her art rejected by the owner of a gallery and Billy misses his former personality. Rico dates Sharon and does not understand her hint that she does not want to see him again. Brenda begins an internship in a free clinic and does not support her first day, seeking Margaret's influence to help her to find a better place to work. Written by Claudio Carvalho from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.1
52 min (DVD)

The insecure Andrea Kuhn is encouraged by her psychiatrist to disclose her true feeling to her family, and when she is happy being herself, her husband accidentally kills her after an argument. Ruth recalls how stress triggered a depressive psychosis in George and his treatment with electroshock. Brenda has a miscarriage in the eve of her wedding day. Billy invites Claire to move to his place. David and Keith are discussing the alternative for their baby, adoption or to rent a belly. Rico misses a steady relationship while dating women from an Internet site. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.5
58 min (DVD)

George's infatuation with impending disaster is causing him nightmares. His daughter Maggie joins him and Ruth for dinner and she has a lot of stories about her dad. Later, Ruth is quite concerned when she finds George talking by himself to an imaginary person. Claire's showing of her work is a huge success but she ignores her friends in the process. Nate is stressing over Barb's threat to take Maya away from him. He learns more about the circumstances of Lisa's death, leading to another tragedy. David hopes that if he faces his attacker, who is now in prison, he will feel liberated. It doesn't quite work out that way. Keith gets an interesting offer from Roger, who had promised to drop his lawsuit against Dave in return for sex. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 7.9
48 min (DVD)

Brenda feels the clock is ticking and wants to have a baby sooner rather than later. Nate wants to think about it for a while. A lunch with her mother Margaret doesn't go particularly well - Margaret is rushed to the hospital. The event does give Brenda and Billy a chance to see each other again. George feels they should be preparing for whatever catastrophe may befall mankind. Ruth tells him of the old bomb shelter and he thinks it's just perfect. Claire's latest project gets raves from Billy and several of her classmates but she reacts badly when Russell claims to have originated the concept with her. She's thrilled though when she gets the opportunity display some of her work at a show. David learns that the man whose ear he's bitten is suing him for $500,000. There's one way he can get out of it but it involves Keith. At the funeral home, Rico and Nate deal with a particularly tragic case when four members of the Gorodetsky family - parents and two children - are killed in a car ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.6
56 min (DVD)

Although their earlier visit did not go very well, Ruth suggests they invite George's estranged son Kyle for dinner. She's also thinking of inviting a friend of hers and introduce them. Nate goes to a grief management class but has trouble relating to the other participants. At the funeral home, Rico and Dave console Anne Thornton's husband who blames himself for his wife's death. Claire doesn't react well to criticism of her self-portraiture photos. David picks up an apparently stranded motorist but it all turns nightmarish for him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 7.7
56 min (DVD)

Ruth is more convinced than ever that Arthur is responsible after they receive yet another package with feces. She decides she's going to lay a formal complaint with the police but George finally tells her it's not Arthur and knows who is sending these packages to them. David receives a frantic call in the middle of the night from Jennifer, his one-time fiancée, telling him that her father Lawrence Mason died from a lightning strike. He wants to help her out as much as possible but worries when her current fiancé seems less than supportive. When he reaches out to her she unleashes her pent up anger over their failed relationship. Nate begins to think that Lisa may not be dead. Brenda and Joe have dinner with Brenda's mother and Olivier. Keith has yet to come out at work and it's starting to weigh on him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.4
49 min (DVD)

Convience-store owner Dorothy Kim Su is fatally shot during a robbery. Nate is forced to file a missing-person report when he continues to hear nothing from Lisa. Construction-worker Edward Tully hits some electrical wires in the site where he's working during an earthquake, is electrocuted, and falls to his death. Nate calls David, where he's sleeping with Patrick, and tells him he's starting to panic, especially after the earthquake. Ruth has convinced herself, as usual, that everything, including Lisa, is fine, but doesn't convince Claire, who is set to believe she's died. David Jordan Monroe suffers a fatal heart attack while on a treadmill at his health club, giving Fisher and Diaz a full schedule of 3 funerals in one day, 2 at the same time. forcing David and Rico to quickly escort the mourners out. Brenda is now living in an apartment to avoid Billy, but Margaret forces both of them to show up to dump Bern's ashes, and when she can't be persuaded to place them where her kids know... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 7.8
53 min (DVD)

Melinda Mary Bloch shuts herself in he garage in her activated car by way of suicide, leaving behind only a guilty ex-lover who worries Rico when he mentions she'd actually received treatment for depression, and Nate when he admits he'd tried to end their relationship more than once but wound up staying longer than he wished. Lisa, who's been having arguments constantly with him, officially meets Brenda at Claire's art show where Billy also has a display, and Brenda confronts her about her sneaky meeting and assures her she isn't close to Nate. When she and Olivier run into Billy, Claire learns that Billy slept with Olivier when he was his student, heightening her worries about Russell. David and Keith, after both their secrets of paint-ball and 3-way sex have slipped in counseling, get approval from Frank to do the latter if both of them so desire, but David's agreement in public doesn't match his private doubts later on. Arthur gets close, in both senses of the word, to Ruth and ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 7.9
47 min (DVD)

Surrounded by his family, Bernard Asa Chenowith dies of stomach cancer, and when Nate learns of it he requests Lisa's permission to attend his funeral since Brenda was there after his father's. Lisa agrees, and Nate plans to leave Maya with Ruth, but she's out secretly stalking Arthur jogging. Claire chooses to go shopping with Russell at an arts store, where Russell buys her a gift of an expensive bottle of paint she refused to purchase. David takes a reluctant Keith to Terry's party, where he's humiliated at playing a game and eventually leaves David to take his drinks alone. Nate doesn't want to leave Maya with Arthur and almost drops her off at the Diazes', but Vanessa is so distracted and on edge he decides against it. He informs Rico, though, who worries that she's depressed over her mother's loss and despairs of getting her to talk about it openly. Nate ends up taking Maya to the funeral, which angers Lisa, who believes Nate still loves Brenda rather than her, along with the ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.5
55 min (DVD)

The Diazes' friend and former neighbor Leticia Perfect Perez dies in her sleep at a beauty parlor and leaves his family a large sum of money, causing Rico to remember how he lost his father and got into the funeral business to begin with. However, she also leaves behind a son, never close to her in life, who wishes to give her a more expensive casket than her pre-meet's choice and is jealous of Rico. Nate and Brenda attend her parents' remarriage, he goes to cheer up Aaron Buchbinder, and Keith, David, and Taylor are visited by a social worker. Nikoai responds indifferently when Ruth tries to plan what days they'll meet, and while watching a separate movie than he is, she breaks up with him. Claire likes the prospect of attending LAC Arts school but is disappointed that Gary Deitman is about to transfer jobs. The news that Kroehner is bankrupt and undergoing a federal inspection is overshadowed by bad news for both David and Nate - Keith is found innocent for his shooting, but hours ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.1
56 min (DVD)

Benjamin Srisal suffers a heart attack at home, requiring a Bhuddist service at Fisher and Sons that Nate gets a crash-course in how to conduct, but he's still got no answers as far as what should be done concerning Brenda and Lisa. Lisa apologizes for her outburst in the store but requests she have full custody of the child, causing him to be haunted by visions of the first child they conceived, as well as all the others he lost to abortion. David and Keith begin to argue again, especially after Karla accidentally hits and kills a homeless man on the street, and Taylor is too shaken to actually keep it secret and tells David under the pretense that it's a joke - David is troubled enough to tell Keith, but feels too guilty to report to the police as Keith does. After hearing her soul-twin parents have chosen to remarry, Brenda attends an orgy with Melissa where she sleeps with more than one man but then chooses to blame Melissa for her infidelity so breaks contact with her. Claire ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.6
54 min (DVD)

Christmas Eve - and the 1-year anniversary of Nate and Brenda's meeting and Nathaniel Fisher's death - is approaching, and this year, the Fishers are requested by the Hell's Angels motorcyclists to allow the funeral home to be open on Christmas Day so they can have a party/memorial service for Jesse Ray Johnson, who was involved in a motorcycle accident on his way to his part-time job as a mall Santa while greeting some kids. The family (and Rico) each remember their last moments with Nathaniel and, in most cases, regret what they didn't do for him before he died. On Christmas Eve Brenda's mother invites Brenda and Nate over for dinner with a special guest, who turns out to be Billy. Ruth prepares to take Claire to church with David out to visit Keith and Taylor, but they never make it when they enter Nikolai's shop to see it robbed and him shot in the legs with both now broken. Ruth decides, to the chagrin of the family, that he'll stay with them until he can walk, since he has no ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.1
56 min (DVD)

Jeffrey Marc Shapiro performs asphyxiation therapy while watching an adult video and jogging on his treadmill, but winds up hanging himself after not using his lemon slice to assist breathing. Nate befriends the man's religious leader, Rabbi Ari, and asks her the Jewish beliefs on death and afterlife. Claire chooses to go to Tapenga Canyon to visit Sarah for a weekend, despite Ruth's objections, and is interested more in the teenage son of a pair attending the artists' party there than the partying artists themselves. With Claire gone, Nate busy, and David going out to dinner with Keith after he leaves Eddie and invites him out (though dinner is canceled after Taylor undergoes appendix surgery), Ruth is lonely at home but makes a mistake in how to deal with it. Brenda continues to get advice from Melissa, cheat on Nate, and meets her mother with the usual disastrous results. Rico suspects his cousin Ramone is sleeping with Vanessa, but discovers the truth is even more shocking. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.3
57 min (DVD)

Harold Mossback falls asleep but doesn't wake up on a bus tour in Seattle, where his kids hire the Fishers but insist he should transported by land back from LA since he feared flying in life. Unable to get any transportation services, Nate chooses to fly to Seattle and stay at his ex-roommate Lisa Kemmel's, then transport him by rental-car, offering to take Claire along for the ride (and to help drive). David is stuck sitting Taylor for Keith when he's stuck on assignment for several hours, annoying Rico and causing Ruth, now trying to contact old friends and estranged relatives to discuss their relationships, to remind him he shouldn't be too candid on his gayness with a child still developing her blueprints...until David advises her to mind her own business and drop the metaphors. Brenda, still fantasizing of seeing other, preferably dangerous and exciting, men, is called to be with her mother in an emergency, only to discover she wanted attention as she stalks then attacks a ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.3
58 min (DVD)

At breakfast, egomaniacal Jonathan Arthur Hanley receives a blow on the head with a frying-pan when his wife finally has enough of his mouth. Rico's replacement David and Nate find is difficult to reason with and informs Ruth she's convinced David is gay. Nate confronts Billy after he displays a degrading picture of him at an art gallery, and Brenda too grows disgusted with him when his parents reveal what he actually did instead of attempting suicide years before...but not enough to believe he should be institutionalized as they do. Ruth shows her feelings about Nikolai, and a rival shows her feelings about her. David meets Keith at a food distribution and is disappointed to learn his feelings for him aren't mutual. Claire is concerned with Gabe's continued possible depression without any support from his family, especially when she picks up on an underlying message in his words to her. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.3
55 min

Nate finally gets to meet some of Brenda's family. he's invited to dinner but gets there to find that he is the only guest. He learns a lot about Brenda and gains some insight into her history and background. He also gets to meet her brother Billy who has moved in with her for a while. Dave is pleased when his Minister asks him to become a Deacon at the church, a post his father occupied prior to his death. His refusal to reveal that he is gay leads to a break-up with Keith however. Ruth is worried about Claire and attends a counseling session at school with Claire. She would like the two of them to be closer, as was the case when Claire was younger. She decides to visit a relative to show Claire what a close mother-daughter relationship can be like. At the funeral home, Rico is faced with a unique problem when Jean Louise MacArthur aka porn star Viveca St. John is brought in after being electrocuted in her bath tub. The memorial service is anything but ordinary. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Luke Cage

Luke Cage


Luke Cage

IMDb: 8.1
48 min

Luke gets closer to the truth about Reva and her part in his fate, while Mariah wrestles with morality of her new role. Misty hunts for Luke.

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HD Luke Cage

Luke Cage


Luke Cage

IMDb: 8.4
59 min

Luke is pulled deeper into the fight for his neighborhood when, as a favor to an old friend, he tries to help a kid who's in trouble with Cottonmouth.

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HD Luke Cage

Luke Cage


Luke Cage

IMDb: 7.9
55 min

With tension building in the streets of Harlem thanks to ruthless club owner Cottonmouth, Luke finds it increasingly difficult to live a quiet life.

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HD Chicago Med

Chicago Med


Chicago Med

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Dr. Rhodes fights to save a mother who's desperate to help her daughter beat cancer. Dr. Charles asks Sarah to conduct his daughter Robin's psych evaluation but has difficulty staying out of the case. When Will and Dr. Manning spend more time together at work, Nina goes to extreme measures to get Will's attention. Meanwhile, Dr. Choi puts pressure on Noah when a residency spot becomes available. Written by NBC

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD MythBusters




IMDb: 6.8
42 min

Adam re-visits the zombie killing myth, re-testing the ax method because of fan input along with a chainsaw. And the two test whether there is a faster way to get customers checked out at grocery stores by forming one long queue. Written by ByronButt

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HD MythBusters




IMDb: 6.8
42 min

Adam re-visits the zombie killing myth, re-testing the ax method because of fan input along with a chainsaw. And the two test whether there is a faster way to get customers checked out at grocery stores by forming one long queue. Written by ByronButt

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HD MythBusters




IMDb: 6.8
42 min

Adam re-visits the zombie killing myth, re-testing the ax method because of fan input along with a chainsaw. And the two test whether there is a faster way to get customers checked out at grocery stores by forming one long queue. Written by ByronButt

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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.0
30 min

The divide between the sensibilities of Diane and the rest of the gang at the bar are first highlighted by Diane's latest date, who shows up at the bar dressed in Renaissance garb. But the greater rift is displayed when Sam invites everyone, including Frasier, to his place to watch The Magnificent Seven (1960), everyone that is except Diane. It is this act that makes Diane storm out of the bar in tears as the outsider. The next day, she's still wallowing in tears of self-pity. To make it up to her, Frasier suggests that they all partake in an activity that Diane would choose, including attending her favorite opera, Lucia di Lammermoor. Frasier makes all the arrangements, all the gang have to do is show up. Will the guys be able to endure a day of doing Diane's favorite activities, and will it make Diane change her mind about her outsider status? It may, especially in how she views Sam, who she believes arranged the evening. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Carla comes into the bar in a huff. Her ex-husband Nick is getting remarried to stereotypical dumb blonde Loretta, and Carla is invited to their wedding that evening. What Carla is upset about is that he is marrying a dish, while he knows that there is no one special in her life; he is rubbing his happiness in her face. Diane suggests that she bring to the wedding someone who would make Nick jealous. Carla jumps to the conclusion that Sam would be the perfect person. Sam and Diane are scheduled to go away for the weekend, and thus he declines Carla's offer, that is until Nick and Loretta show up at the bar and do indeed rub Carla's nose in their wedding bliss. Sam and Carla go through with the charade of being boyfriend/girlfriend through the wedding, and post-wedding at the bar, where Nick and Loretta show up. Their charade does the trick as witnessed by a resulting act by Nick. But at the end of the day, Carla may still feel that she got the short of the life stick. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Malcolm Kramer, an older gentleman in the bar, has just found out he only has six months to live. He mentions to Sam that he was happiest when he used to tend bar when he was a student, so Sam suggests that he go behind the bar and relive his old college days. He does so and has a great time, and so does everyone in the bar. Before he departs, he leaves a note in the tip jar to show his appreciation, this note unbeknown to anyone else until after he leaves. It is an amendment to his will, written on a bar napkin, bestowing $100,000 to the gang at Cheers. After getting advice from Cliff and wannabe lawyer Tom on the legalities of the bar napkin, the gang want someone to go get Malcolm back to legalize the will amendment. They also fight amongst themselves for what they feel is their rightful individual share - that is, everyone except Diane, who does not like what the prospect of money is doing to her friends. After Malcolm comes back and legalizes the document, he leaves it up to Sam ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Coach's daughter, Lisa, stops by the bar to introduce her fiancé, Roy. Unfortunately, he's an obnoxious lout, which is obvious to almost all (Diane initially gives Roy the benefit of the doubt but comes to the same conclusion). Coach has a heart-to-heart with his daughter, in which she acknowledges that Roy is flawed and is using her but says she wants to be married and have a family and thinks that Roy may be her only chance. Elsewhere in the bar, Diane tries her hand at caricature, only to find that -- as is the case with most of her creative endeavors -- her ambition exceeds her talent. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.3
45 min

Scully and Mulder are called into the investigation of a series of murders where the victims were all psychics of some sort. A tea leaf reader, tarot card reader and palm reader are all the apparent victims of a serial killer. The local police have brought in a well-known TV psychic that Mulder finds laughable. He does come across Clyde Bruckman, an insurance salesman who may be a genuine psychic. While Scully is appropriately skeptical, Mulder realizes that Bruckman can only see one thing - how people will die. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Elementary




IMDb: 7.9
42 min

When a man that Joan Watson had employed as a secret mole inside Morland Holmes' organization is murdered during a robbery, Joan and Sherlock suspect that he was actually the target and begin investigating, searching for proof that Morland was behind the man's death. Written by nlghtcreature22-33-793191

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Elementary




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Sherlock has mixed feelings about a surprise visit from his brother Mycroft, but Watson eagerly accepts the case of his ex Nigella Mason, a marquess' widow, who desperately needs a murder solved where she's an obvious suspect. Holmes digs into the case, which involves mob saboteur 'El Mecanico'. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Elementary




IMDb: 7.6
43 min

Sherlock is hired by a shady Belgian 'clients consortium' to find Ezra Kleinfelter, who fled from his civil contractor employer with sensitive information. The sole journalist to whom he gave the documents is found murdered in her apartment. Ezra stayed there but is missing again, having left things he must have had in an abandoned cold war nuclear shelter. Meanwhile Sherlock's home and computers are targeted by the hacking cyber-activists collective, Everyone, but he manages to beat them at their own game. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Minority Report

Minority Report


Minority Report

IMDb: 7.4
42 min

Things don't go as planned when Dash tries to investigate a murder on his own, forcing Vega to seek Arthur's help; personal details of the past are revealed.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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