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IMDb: 9.0
42 min

With crime in Starling City at an all-time low thanks to the Arrow and his team, Oliver thinks he can finally balance being both the Arrow and Oliver Queen and asks Felicity out on a date. However, when a new villain emerges, who has claimed the name Vertigo from the recently deceased Count, Oliver is caught off-guard and someone close to him is hurt. Oliver and a newly suited up Roy take on the Count. Laurel joins Arrow's inner circle and Felicity gets a part-time job at a tech store to make ends meet. Also, Oliver fights to regain his company, Queen Consolidated, but comes up against a very worthy adversary. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 9.5

Slade moves forward with his plan to kill one more person in Oliver's life. While Oliver has fought all year to be more than the killer he once was, when Slade kidnaps someone close to Oliver's heart, Oliver is pushed to the edge and realizes sometimes it takes doing the unthinkable to stop the monster. Meanwhile, Diggle takes on Amanda Waller with a little help from some friends, and Thea turns to Roy in her time of need. Written by anonymous

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IMDb: 9.3
42 min

Oliver rallies his team as Slade's soldiers attack the city. Felicity gets a call from S.T.A.R. Labs with game-changing news and Thea comes face-to-face with her father.

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IMDb: 9.1
42 min

After Slade threatens to take everything Oliver loves away, Oliver decides the fastest way to stop further bloodshed is to surrender to his enemy. Knowing that surrender will surely lead to Oliver's death, Diggle and Felicity go to extreme measures to keep Oliver from confronting Slade. Meanwhile, Thea considers leaving town, and Laurel resumes her crusade against Sebastian Blood. Finally, Slade unleashes his assault on Starling City. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 9.4
42 min

The mirakuru sends Roy into an uncontrollable rage and he unleashes on the city. Oliver realizes the mirakuru has taken over Roy completely and must figure out a way to stop him. Things get more complicated after Sara declares that Roy is too far gone and the only way to stop him is to kill him. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 9.1
42 min

Oliver, Canary, Diggle, and Felicity return to the lair and find Slade waiting for them. An epic battle breaks out and one member of Team Arrow is sent to the hospital. Thea hits her breaking point, but just as Oliver is about to reach her, Slade intervenes and Oliver is faced with a choice - his battle with Slade or his family. Meanwhile, Laurel struggles with a new secret. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 9.3
42 min

After taking a ride home from Slade, Thea becomes his prisoner. Can Oliver and his friends save her? Also, someone close to Oliver is working for Slade, since his return from the Island after Tommy's death.

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IMDb: 8.4

When Frank Bertinelli is arrested, Oliver knows it's only a matter of time before his daughter, Helena, AKA The Huntress, returns to town. To make matters worse, Laurel is picked to try Frank's case, putting her right in the path of Helena. Oliver tells Sara he will handle his ex-girlfriend, but when Helena takes hostages at the courthouse, including Laurel, the Canary will stop at nothing to save her sister. When The Huntress and Canary meet, an epic battle begins. Meanwhile, Roy realizes he needs to keep Thea safe, but doesn't like the way he is forced to go about it. Written by John Behring directed the episode written by Mark Bemesderfer and A.C. Bradley.

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IMDb: 8.7

Lyla asks Diggle to go on a mission alongside the Suicide Squad, a team assembled by Amanda Waller to undertake high-risk missions, even though the team includes Diggle's nemesis, Deadshot, and Oliver's enemy, Bronze Tiger.

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IMDb: 9.2

Oliver is shocked when he learns that Slade has come to Starling City. Back on the island, as Oliver, Slade and Sara prepare to take over the freighter from Ivo, Sara pulls Oliver aside and tells him he needs to kill Ivo to prevent him from telling Slade what happened with Shado. Oliver feels immense guilt over the situation but realizes Slade's growing rage from the Mirakuru makes him unpredictable and he could turn on his friends if he thinks Oliver is to blame. Oliver agrees to kill Ivo and the battle begins. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.9
42 min

Oliver brings Sara into the Arrow team. Watching Oliver and Diggle spar with Sara and talk old scars, Felicity starts to feel left out. The team is investigating a villain named William Tockman, a.k.a. The Clock King, who is a brilliant thief armed with technology that can open any bank vault in Starling City. After The Clock King infiltrates the computer systems in the lair, Felicity feels pressure to prove her worth. When she gets a lead on Tockman's whereabouts, she heads out without the team, putting her in peril. Meanwhile, Oliver throws Sara a welcome home party, but Laurel refuses to attend. After Lance makes his case for a family dinner, Laurel acquiesces, but when Oliver shows up with Sara, she loses her temper on both of them. Written by Salman Ali

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IMDb: 8.8

Laurel continues to unravel, Oliver and Lance try to convince Sara to stay in Starling City and finally reunite with Laurel and Dinah. However, Sara's fellow League of Assassins member, Nyssa, comes to bring Sara back to the fold, but when Sara refuses, Nyssa kidnaps Dinah. Realizing she's putting her family in danger by staying in town, Sara considers re-joining the league. Written by Salman Ali

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IMDb: 8.8

Arrow offers to train Roy so he can learn to control his newfound super-strength. However, Roy is a rebellious student and refuses to listen unless Arrow reveals his true identity, which Oliver refuses to do. Meanwhile, the Bronze Tiger escapes from prison and steals Malcolm's earthquake machine to sell to the highest bidder. Oliver, Diggle and Felicity attempt to stop the transfer, but Roy gets in the way, putting everyone in danger. Laurel is disbarred and spirals out of control. Moira is thrilled when Walter asks her to dinner, but his reason surprises her. Thea encourages her mother to ask Walter to reconcile. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Oliver is conflicted after Laurel reaches out to the Arrow asking him to investigate Sebastian Blood. Oliver is unsure whether to believe her accusations against the man he has publicly supported for mayor, but decides to trust Laurel. However, when the pair gets too close to the truth, Sebastian exposes Laurel's drug addiction and has her arrested. Meanwhile, Roy reveals his new super-strength to Sin who wants to test out his abilities. Unfortunately, Roy isn't able to contain his rage once unleashed and almost kills a man. Back on the island, Oliver is surprised when Sarah reveals a secret about Laurel. Written by Salman Ali

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IMDb: 8.5

Oliver must tackle a new threat to the city when bombs start to go off in Starling City. Felicity discovers the person setting them off is Mark Scheffer, a man who goes by the nickname Shrapnel. The Arrow discovers Shrapnel's next target is Sebastian Blood's Unity Rally and tries to talk the alderman out of hosting it, but he refuses. The Arrow sets off to stop the bombing, but Shrapnel tricks him and traps him in a bomb-laced antique store where he is unable to move without setting off the device. While Felicity helps Oliver, Diggle races to the plaza to find the bomb before it goes off. Meanwhile, Roy continues to hide his new strength from Thea but, after she witnesses his super strength in action at the rally, she demands answers. Laurel's suspicions about Sebastian grow stronger once she learns that he grew up with Cyrus Gold, the man who killed Lance's partner. After Donner refuses to help her investigate, she turns to The Arrow for help. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 9.4

After a fight with Cyrus Gold, aka the Acolyte, Oliver is drugged and left for dead. Determined to cure him, Felicity makes a risky decision. The cure causes Oliver to hallucinate, and what he sees forces him to confront his past. Meanwhile, Barry Allen continues to help Felicity, and their connection grows stronger. The Arrow asks Quentin to look into Gold, but when the stakeout on Gold goes bad, someone is killed. Roy is captured and tortured by Brother Blood. Written by M. Anjum Nisar

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IMDb: 9.2

A seemingly impossible robbery at Queen Consolidated's Applied Sciences Division brings Central City police scientist Barry Allen to town. Citing a similar case back home, Barry offers to help Oliver and team with the investigation. Oliver senses there is more to Barry than meets the eye, but he's distracted by the similarities between this current case and something that happened on the island. Meanwhile, Felicity takes a liking to Barry, which doesn't go unnoticed by Oliver. Sin asks Roy for help when a friend of hers goes missing. Roy is surprised when Thea not only encourages him to help, but joins the search. Unfortunately, Sin's friend is connected to Brother Blood, and their search ultimately gets one of them seriously injured. Written by Salman Ali

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IMDb: 8.7

Oliver is concerned when a mysterious illness sweeps the city, infecting hundreds of people, including Diggle. Oliver discovers Vertigo in Diggle's blood and realizes The Count has broken out of prison and is once again distributing his drug. Meanwhile, Moira goes on trial for her participation in the Undertaking. ADA Adam Donner collapses in court with Vertigo symptoms so Laurel must step in and try the case against Moira. Oliver is torn between standing by his family during the trial and catching The Count. However, things change when Felicity follows a lead and walks straight into a trap set by The Count. Written by Salman ali

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IMDb: 8.6

Amanda Waller sends A.R.G.U.S. agents to kidnap Diggle. Waller informs Diggle that Lyla has gone missing after following a lead on Deadshot in Moscow. When Diggle tells the team he's headed to Russia to rescue Lyla, Oliver and Felicity decide to join, but things get messy when Isabel shows up on the tarmac and insists on joining Oliver's work trip. Meanwhile, Moira's lawyer, Jean, tells Thea that dating Roy, a known criminal, is hurting her mother's case. Written by salman ali

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IMDb: 8.9

While Oliver tends to the Canary's wounds, he tries to get her to talk about where she came from but she refuses. However, after Oliver and Canary are attacked at the Queen mansion by a trained killer from the League of Assassins, she confesses to how she's connected with the nefarious group. Meanwhile with Moira facing multiple counts of murder and conspiracy for her part in the destruction of The Glades, the Assistant District Attorney offers her a choice - plead guilty now and avoid the death penalty or take your chances in court. Thea begs her mother to fight for her life but Moira seems resolute about taking the offer. Meanwhile, Oliver is furious with Laurel for joining the prosecution's team on his mother's case. Written by salman ali

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IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Oliver discovers a man who goes by the name The Mayor is bringing illegal guns in to The Glades, so Oliver sponsors a Cash for Guns event to help clean up the city. Unfortunately, The Mayor crashes the event with his gang and seriously injures Sin. The Canary is furious when she learns her friend is in the hospital and sets out for revenge. Meanwhile, Felicity stuns Oliver with a bit of information about the Canary, Donner asks Laurel to dinner, and Diggle reconnects with an old friend. Written by salman ali

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IMDb: 8.8
42 min

When a dangerous criminal from Lance's past (MICHAEL EKLUND) escapes from prison, Felicity offers herself up as bait so Arrow, Diggle and Lance can capture him...but plans go awry.

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IMDb: 8.7
42 min

Now that Oliver no longer has the list to work from, he's not sure what's next. Roy continues doing his own vigilantism and has to be bailed out of jail by Thea. When he mentions to Oliver that someone is hijacking medical deliveries to the Glades Memorial hospital, the Arrow knows exactly what he wants to do. His visit to the hospital doesn't go well when local politician Sebastian Blood takes him to task for what his family has done. When he tries to stop a hijacking, Arrow comes up against China White and her new partner Bronze Tiger. Thea tells Roy she's not going to wait around until he gets killed. The flashback to the island shows the aftermath of Oliver's violent attack on the unknown visitor. Shado takes him in hand. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.9
42 min

It's been five months since the death of Tommy Merlyn and the destruction of the Glades. Oliver has been living alone on the island where he was marooned for 5 years. Digg and Felicity want him to return to Starling City and he agrees for his family's sake but he refuses to put on the hood. Roy and Thea are still together but she's not too keen on his efforts to deal with drug dealers. She's been running the nightclub during Oliver's absence but hasn't visited her mother. Queen Consolidated is in trouble and Isabel Rochev is out to gain control. Oliver turns to Walter Steele for help. Laurel Lance has joined the District Attorney's office and is present at a fund-raiser when the mayor is gunned down by vigilantes seeking revenge for what happened in the Glades. They then turn their sights on Oliver. In flashbacks to Oliver's time on the island, 5 months have passed since they stopped Fryers but they find others are on the island. Shado is soon taken prisoner. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 9.5
42 min

Oliver awakens to find himself Malcolm Merlyn's prisoner. He manages to escape and away with help from Digg. Malcolm accelerates his timetable as a result. Felicity is questioned by Det. Lance about her hacking activities but is interrupted by Oliver who tells him about Malcolm's plan to destroy the Glades. Tommy confronts Oliver about Laurel but refuses to believe that his father is up to no good. Malcolm comes clean about his plans and Tommy realizes that his father is insane. Moira goes public with what she knows, urging the residents of the Glades to evacuate. Roy and Thea get caught up in the mayhem. While Oliver and Digg go after Malcolm, Felicity tries to neutralize the device via Lance. Malcolm has planned it all very well, however. In a flashback to his time on the island, Fyers attempts to bring down an airliner. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 9.2
42 min

The time is fast approaching for the Undertaking to occur and Malcolm Merlyn begins to tidy up the loose ends, beginning with the scientists at UNIDAC. Oliver and Digg trick Moira into telling just what the Undertaking is about. Oliver realizes that even if he manages to eliminate everyone on his father's list he has only, in his own words, eliminated the symptoms and not the disease. Felicity locates the UNIDAC device - sort of. Thea and Roy's relationship comes to head when they are unable to locate the vigilante. Walter files for divorce. Laurel and Oliver begin a new relationship. In a flashback to his time on the island, Oliver learns just what Edward Fyers' plan is. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.9
42 min

After taking a mob accountant's laptop, Oliver plans to return the money to its rightful owners. Felicity however finds that Dominic Alonzo - the operator of an illegal casino and the head of a gang known for kidnapping - was paid $2 million to kidnap Walter. Arrow pays him a visit and is told that Walter is dead. He tells his mother and Thea but Moira rushes to Malcolm Merlyn demanding to know why he broke their agreement. He assures her that Walter is alive and will be released as long as she continues to cooperate. Oliver is listening to the entire conversation and now knows that his mother is involved, just as Digg had warned him. Flashbacks reveal Malcolm's plan and also the the sinking of Robert Queen's luxury yacht was no accident. Laurel meanwhile tries to make up with Tommy and finally learns the real reason he broke up with her. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Oliver decides that his next target is going to be someone on Digg's list: Deadshot. They set a trap for him and Digg's spy friends get involved as well. Meanwhile, Laurel's latest clients are Eric and Nancy Moore who have agreed to testify against Edward Rasmus, a financial advisor who swindled them. The night before their deposition however, they are assassinated. Laurel takes charge of their now orphaned son, Taylor, but he saw his parents killed and is now the assassins next target. Oliver steps in to stop him but in doing so fails to back up Digg and Deadshot escapes. It creates a rift and Diggs walks out. A flashback to the island show Oliver, Wilson and Shado are preparing to free Yao Fei. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Vertigo is again appearing on the market even though The Count, who created the drug, is still in a psychiatric hospital. Soon after Oliver confirms that he's still there, he somehow manages to escape. The Count's psychiatrist says his patient overpowered him and has concluded that his insanity was just a ruse. The police suspect Tommy may be dealing drugs from the club and Det. Lance gets a search warrant. Oliver is not sure what to believe and Tommy, feeling his onetime friend has no respect for him, quits. He turns to his father for a job. Digg gives information about Deadshot to a former intelligence colleague. On the island meanwhile, Oliver begins to learn how to use a bow. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

After a major fire, Oliver decides it's time to eliminate real estate developer and slumlord John Nicol, another person on his father's list. He's beaten to the punch when another vigilante, The Savior, who kidnaps Nicol and ultimately executes him - broadcasting the whole thing over the Internet. The new vigilante is identified as a man whose wife was killed in a bodega robbery in the Glades district. When he kidnaps Thea's new boyfriend, Roy Harper, Oliver decides to stop him. Meanwhile, Laurel is upset to find that her father has come around to her mother's belief that her sister may still be alive. In a flashback to his days on the island, Oliver learns why Yao Fei refused to leave. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Oliver has a trying time ahead of him. His nightclub is finally about to open but Tommy is barely speaking to him since he revealed his secret identity. To his surprise, Helena Bertinelli aka The Huntress has suddenly re-appeared intent on killing her crime boss father. As far as Oliver is concerned, he's in prison where he belongs but Helena has learned that he is to be released for assisting the police in their investigation of other mobsters and will soon disappear into the witness protection program. Oliver initially refuses to help her but she makes it clear she will not hesitate to kill someone close to him if he doesn't help. Meanwhile, Laurel's mother Dinah has returned with a theory that her other daughter might still be alive. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.8
42 min

The plan to kill Malcolm Merlyn goes into operation. Arrow kills one assassin who has just arrived in the city and retrieves his cellphone. It's up to Felicity to break into it and find out just who the target is. A birthday dinner for Tommy Merlyn is interrupted by his father who brings him a present. Tommy makes it clear that he is not welcome and does not want a relationship with him. Malcolm is to receive an award at a civic gala and after a heart to heart with Oliver, Tommy decides to attend. When Oliver learns that Malcolm is the target, he races to save Tommy. Once the attack begins, Malcolm and Tommy takes refuge in his office and Malcolm is about to reveal that he is the Dark Arrow but is seriously wounded before he can do so. Arrow arrives on the scene and to convince Tommy that he is there to help, reveals his identity. Written by garykmcd

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