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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.3
75 min

Stacey and The Virginian are driving a herd of cattle back to Wyoming from Dunn Flat. Joe Willard watches as a banker counts out $500 at the local bank for supplies to Stacey. While driving the wagon load of supplies out to the herd, Stacey is held up by Joe and in the ensuing gunfight kills him. Before he dies, Joe asks Stacey to return his body to his nearby farm. Stacey takes the body to the family where the sister Ellie is understanding but warns Stacey to leave the area as their younger brother, Toby, will want revenge. When Toby returns, he leaves to track down Stacey joining the Shiloh cattle drive to look for his brother's killer. Being the new and young hand on the drive Toby draws the attention of Belden who constantly picks on him. At one point Toby draws his pistol on Belden but he backs down at the urging of Stacey. Stacey takes Toby under his wing on the drive. He saves Toby as they run into a trio of locals who burn the grasslands to force the herd to pay a toll to pass... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.3

Howie Sheppard is a natural cowhand working at Shiloh. He and Winky have roamed the west punching cattle enjoying the free life. Howie has fallen for the spoiled daughter, Donna Maguire, of a successful Medicine Bow store owner. Once he gathers the courage to ask her father for her hand, they marry. Howie opens a saddle and tack shop where the couple lives in a rear apartment. He buys the shop with a low down payment but after a few months must make a $300 final payment. The business is successful, however, Howie feels the urge to return to the open life of a cowhand while working in the shop. As he goes into the saloon on the eve of the day his final payment on the shop is due, he meets an old friend who lost all his money in a poker game. He urges Howie to enter the poker game which creates complications for him and his now pregnant wife when he loses the $300 payment in the game. Without telling anyone, he gets a five day extension but when he can't raise the money, he turns to his... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1
75 min

Jim Boyer Sr. decides to return to his wife Jessica and son Jim Jr. after deserting them three years earlier when he has no success in his mostly illegal endeavors with friend Ed Simpson. At the same time Jim Jr. is at an age where he wants to do a man's job rather than help his mother in her café. The Virginian and John Grainger agree to give Jim Jr. a try at Shiloh where he starts in the barn taking over for caustic Dawkins. Jim Sr. makes an appearance at Jessica's café but she spurns his attention. From there he rides to Shiloh where he breaks a mustang that threw Trampas to prove he can do the job. Jim Sr. is an extremely capable man but impatient to succeed and feels luck goes against him. Jim Sr. hopes to get the job of foreman at a ranch rumors have Grainger buying. When his carelessness rounding up strays gets him into trouble with Grainger, he sees The Virginian as a rival for the position he wants as well as his wife and son. His lack of attention to detail creates problems ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.7
75 min

Elizabeth falls for a wild white stallion and convinces her grandfather to buy the horse for her after her, Trampas, and Stacey fail to catch it. When Trampas is unable to quickly break the horse, her grandfather tells everyone to stay away from the horse and she promises not to try to ride him. Elizabeth stretches the promise and begins to tame and break the stallion she names Aladdin. Aladdin comes to trust only her as her grandfather relents letting her break and ride him. Elizabeth notices that each ranch enters a horse in the Founder's Day race. Until she learns Trampas always represents Shiloh, she hoped to enter but instead stays silent. Her grandfather and Stacey talk to Trampas who is happy to let her race if she wants so he plots a race which Aladdin wins. However, the day of the race one of the hands is injured as is Aladdin when Aladdin thinks the hand is about to hit him. Although the horse and Elizabeth become close, she eventually runs into complications from the ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.6
75 min

Easterners Marjorie Hammond and her mother Lucille are visiting Lucille's sister Livvy Underhill in Medicine Bow. Marjorie as a teenage girl is smitten with dime novels about the west and meets a man like the hero, Dead Eye Dick, in The Virginian when he quiets Mrs. Underhill's docile horse. Later, while on a ride she sees The Virginian so she fakes a runaway horse to let him save her. The Virginian tries to aim her interest toward Bob Foley who is her age and likes her but as an aspiring attorney, he doesn't measure up to The Virginian. Marjorie agrees to attend a dance with Bob when he confirms that all the cowboys will be there. After a few dances with Bob, she asks to leave due to an headache but when she spots The Virginian, she dances the night with him. Her mother suspecting something amiss reads her diary. She and her sister talk to The Virginian asking his help so The Virginian tries to enlist the help of everyone to re-target Margorie's interest with limited and comical ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.4
75 min

Sheriff Abbott suspects Ed Wells, a close friend of Trampas, of robbery and murder. Fringe from a buckskin shirt may be from a shirt owned by Ed. When Ed and his wife Connie cannot produce the shirt, Ed is arrested. Connie had given the shirt to her brother Willy Packer who has a troubled past. Trampas learns their suspicions but they refuse to tell Abbott hoping to keep Willy out of trouble. They know traveling salesman Gabe Stiles can clear Ed but after he is found dead, Ed and Connie admit that it was her brother Willy who was probably involved but Willy skips town. With Sheriff Abbott going after Willy, Trampas decides to join him along with telegraph operator Case. Abbott is hurt when his horse is kicked by Case forcing him to return to Medicine Bow. He deputizes Trampas and Case so they can continue. Willy is forced to buy a replacement horse from two prospectors who cheat him by selling him fake food. Willy is then forced to invade a couple's home for food and takes the wife to... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.0

Charlie Ryan is in jail in Porterville, Wyoming after shooting a man during a bank robbery. The town people have their mind made up he is a killer. When the chance occurs, Charlie escapes. Charlie arrives in Bottleneck where he meets Harold Bitz, a bank employee, who helped Charlie rob the bank. They agree to meet later to split the money. Charlie finds himself helping Stacey in a fight in Medicine Bow and wins the gratitude of Stacey and his sister Elizabeth. Charlie and Elizabeth become good friends causing Stacey to worry as he has concerns about Charlie after his interactions with Charlie. The law catches up with Charlie as Sheriff Abbott tries to arrest Charlie at Shiloh. Charlie escapes but is wounded by Abbott. When they learn Charlie is wanted, Elizabeth still provides support to Charlie and convinces him to give himself up. She enlists her grandfather's help due to her belief Charlie has to be innocent. Mr. Grainger is able to secure a change of venue for the trial due to ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.4
75 min

Trampas stumbles into the yard of the Crayton family with a head injury and collapses. After a doctor tends to him, they learn he has a concussion and amnesia as well as being very weak. The daughter, Sarah, takes an interest in Trampas and helps with his recovery but Trampas does not regain his memory. A stagecoach was robbed and everyone killed within a few miles of their place. When Bobby Crayton sees the pearl handled revolver Trampas is carrying, he believes Trampas is the leader of the outlaw gang. Back at Shiloh everyone is worried because Trampas is missing but his suitcase arrived. Bobby tells Deputy Jim Tyson about the pistol not knowing Tyson is the brother of the outlaw gang leader and part of them. The gang decides Tyson should blame the robberies on Trampas but Trampas escapes. Bobby and Sarah hide Trampas while Sarah sends telegrams for him to see if someone is missing him. Meanwhile, the outlaws now decide Trampas must die as the Sheriff searches for him. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.3
73 min

Jake who can neither speak or hear runs away after accidentally killing a man in a saloon. While on the run he encounters Stacey on the other side of a river trying to pull out a calf. Jake wades in to free the calf and rides off ignoring Stacey's calls as he can't hear him. He lands at Shiloh ranch where he chops a large amount of wood for a meal from Elizabeth. Stacey hearing the story takes him to The Virginian for a job. His extreme strength allows him to become a valued hand in spite of his handicaps. However, two hands, Curley and Packer, take advantage of him but assume he is no threat to talk when he stumbles into cattle they are rustling from Shiloh. Stacey, who learns Jake cannot read or write, realizes Jake is locked into himself as he has no way to express himself. Seeing Jake's interest in a newspaper, Stacey decides to help him develop the ability to communicate via reading and writing. Curley and Packer upon learning Jake can now read and write, decide they need to ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1
75 min

After a trip to deliver horses to Pueblo, Colorado, Trampas decides to stay and visit an old friend Bill living nearby. Trampas arrives at Bill's hometown in time to attend Bill's funeral who was shot. After paying respects to Bill's sister Margaret and her husband Harry, the sheriff, Trampas is asked to stay to visit with Margaret. The little she knows about his death does not mesh with what he is told by the young Chico he finds visiting Bill's grave. He returns to ask Margaret additional questions but she knows no more nor does the Sheriff when Trampas visits him. The undertaker is able to tell Trampas the gun used to kill Bill was a rare pistol firing a heavy bullet. After discussions with Delores who is a friend of Chico, he senses that there are questions to be answered even though his judgment and warnings from Deputy Morrell and his friend Griff indicate he should go home. When he gets too close to the truth, Morrell and Griff beat him up and take his gun. A later ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.3
75 min

While looking for stray cattle, Trampas and Stacey catch a trio of Arapaho Indians stealing Shiloh cattle. They are a husband and wife with an adopted girl Liliota who they discover is a white girl. The girl is not returned to the reservation while the authorities attempt to find her original parents. John Grainger decides to let her stay at Shiloh until her future is decided. The Graingers with Elizabeth taking the lead all work to ease her into a new life in the white world which is a very hard adjustment. She wants to return to her Arapaho life especially when Running Elk to whom she is promised comes to Shiloh to help her escape. Based on the information from her adoptive dad Grey Horse, they learn she was taken from a wagon train 12 years earlier. The Emory family from Oregon responds to ads about her saying she might be their daughter Katherine Ann. They come to Shiloh to meet Liliota who is not receptive to their overtures as she still does not accept the white world. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1

Lemoine Carlson and ranch hand Buxton deliver 50 head of cattle to Grainger for Lemoine's dad. When five head are found missing the next day, The Virginian feels responsible and leaves Shiloh to track them down. He finds a black sod buster Ransome Kiley and his young sons taking them to their farm near Delphi. He says he paid gold coin to a man for them but has no bill of sale. The Virginian is forced to go to the Delphi Sheriff who is in no hurry to help as Kiley is an honest man. At Delphi he thinks he runs into a friend Annie from Abilene eight years earlier. Lemoine sees the meeting between them so he invites The Virginian to dinner with his dad and new wife who turns out to be Annie but The Virginian and Annie act as if they had never meet. She has not told her husband her history. At the saloon that night he spots Buxton playing cards betting gold coins with the initials RK on them. Lemoine tells Buxton The Virginian has Kiley coming to identify Buxton as the rustler. Lemoine is... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

John Grainger and his grandchildren Stacey and Elizabeth move to Shiloh after he purchases the ranch from Judge Garth. John and Elizabeth arrive by train only to find Stacey in jail for a fight over a crooked card game. As part of the sale The Virginian agreed to stay on for at least thirty days. Besides developing a relationship with his new employees, Grainger is faced with learning about Shiloh as well as meeting and fitting in with the citizens of Medicine Bow. The foreman Jim Dawson of a neighboring ranch arrives with the Sheriff searching for several head of missing cattle. Knowing a fence is down between them, The Virginian guesses they wandered over accidentally but Dawson still wants the Sheriff to check it out. They find the cattle but the brands have been altered. When Grainger learns the neighbor is Lee Calder, he knows she blames him for the loss of her husband 25 years ago. Stacey is caught in the Calder barn holding a running iron he found there. If Dawson is able to ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1
75 min

The elderly couple Tucker and Sophie McCallum have raised two kids Tabby and her brother Bruce in a very strict household under Tucker. Tabby has a fascination with killing animals since she was a small child and Bruce has developed an eye for eye mentality in protecting the family. When Tabby is accidentally shot by Sam Hicks leading to her eventual death when she is seen running from a barn fire she set at Shiloh, Tucker and especially Bruce vow revenge. Tucker blames Dan Flood who was with her at Shiloh as well for her death since he and Tabby had a close relationship and Dan wanted to marry her. Complicating the situation is the belief by many in the community that Dan has bad blood as his father was lynched but the sheriff and The Virginian both fight the idea. Interestingly Tabby and Bruce's ailing mother tells Tucker she has born him two evil children. When Sam is shot the Sheriff has to determine who killed him. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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