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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.0
47 min (uncut)

On a rainy night, Ben, a boy who became a music prodigy after coming out of a coma, is kidnapped after his father is put in a hypnogenic state using a red, blue and green lights. Walter proves this really happened when he puts Peter in the same state in the lab. The abduction is just one in a series of kidnappings of people who are geniuses in their fields. After they are brought back, the people go insane and commit terrible acts. In the lab Walter and Peter find a connection between Ben and an old colleague of Walter, at Saint Claire's, who was also kidnapped. In order to save the kid, now Walter needs to go back to Saint Claire's and speak with the old colleague. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

In Afghanistan a Marine Corps photojournalist, SSgt. Shooter Roe, while accompanying a joint Army-Marine task force, took a photograph of an Army first lieutenant in a compromised position; an unknown person leaked the image to the press; the lieutenant now faces a court-martial for the execution-style killing (allegedly for revenge) of the Afghan villager in the picture; the photographer, due to testify as the key witness for the prosecution, disappears; Gibbs and company lend a hand. Roe's current assignment concerns homeless military veterans in the DC area. Tony and Ellie find evidence inside Roe's pad; later they and McGee find his body elsewhere amid unpleasant circumstances; Duckman and Abby present important clues and an implication to Vance and Gibbs. McGoo goes undercover. The gang find a lucrative moonlight enterprise, they solve two murders, and the Army court-martial resumes. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.7

A chef finds a naked sailor inside a freezer in the galley at a restaurant in Rota, Spain, during a port visit by USS Enterprise (CVN-65); shortly afterward at sea another petty officer freaks out on the flight deck. Each of them tests positive for meth, even though each of them recently passed their random drug tests; soon one of them dies in the sickbay, apparently by homicide. The resident NCIS special agent aboard the ship calls for Gibbs and his team; they all investigate, and, with the help of Abby and Ducky, back at the Navy Yard in Washington, they discover both the answers and the unlawful system not only providing the illicit drug to innocent users but also rigging the test results. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Welcome to Sweden

Welcome to Sweden


Welcome to Sweden

IMDb: 6.8

Bruce gets the dubious honor to train a barnlag in basketball. The children can not speak English, and laugh at Bruce's attempts to make himself understood in Swedish. The confusion is total and the team plays worse than ever. Eventually snatches Gustav in as interpreter and scares the life out spelarna. Emma suffering from the aftermath of the bachelorette party and Olof punish her by putting his tedious tasks on the already pressured Emma. She refuses to acknowledge that she is stressed out but in the end she is forced to realize that she has a problem. Birgers housing association wants to do if the wind to vindsvångar which Birger is against because he has a carpentry shop there. The others try to drill him in the argumentation skills before the annual meeting, but it will not be easy for the konflikträdde Birger. Written by umj

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Welcome to Sweden

Welcome to Sweden


Welcome to Sweden

IMDb: 7.0

The whole family Wiik going on their traditional ski excursion and Bruce overestimate their ability skiers. Emma, however brag about how good skier she is and that she even hit Anja Persson in a race as a child which Bruce has hard to believe. When Emma suddenly see Anja of the hill, she becomes obsessed with the show for Bruce that she told the truth. For Birger's traditions important and he does everything to make our trip will be as it always has been, but is forced to realize that times förändrats.Gustav forced to take hold of his life by Emma and Bruce and instead to follow along and go skiing, he gives out to try to fix a flat. Something that proves more difficult than he thought. Written by umj

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Arrested Development

Arrested Development


Arrested Development

IMDb: 9.3
23 min

After returning home from Iraq, George Sr. is finally cleared of all charges, and Michael is relieved to be the head of a successful company for a change. The real brains behind the madness is revealed, and just as the family begins to celebrate their victory, a whole new set of problems emerge. Written by halo1k

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Arrested Development

Arrested Development


Arrested Development

IMDb: 8.8

Michael's quest to locate the mysterious N. Bluth leads him to Nellie, a prostitute who he believes is his long-lost sister, and the woman who just might be able to clear everything up. Meanwhile, Buster's fake coma incurs the wrath of real doctors. Written by halo1k

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Arrested Development

Arrested Development


Arrested Development

IMDb: 9.1

While Buster looks for ways to get out of serving in Iraq, Lindsay's quest to score a date at the Bluth Company Christmas party backfires after GOB's sexual harassment speech. Michael and Maeby get in trouble singing Afternoon Delight, but are quickly overshadowed by Oscar and Lucille's afternoon delight. Written by halo1k

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Arrested Development

Arrested Development


Arrested Development

IMDb: 8.7

Michael decides that it's time to retire a long-running joke involving George-Michael and Take Your Daughter To Work Day, so he brings Maeby along for the ride instead. The police get involved in the disappearance of Kitty Sanchez, the company's former secretary, and Michael discovers shocking video evidence of Kitty's last known whereabouts. Written by halo1k

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Arrested Development

Arrested Development


Arrested Development

IMDb: 8.2

Some company funds have been unfrozen, and everyone in the family wants a cut of it. Michael makes a bad investment on his uncle Oscar's land, and takes the blame for it. Meanwhile George Michael spots a mysterious man who looks a lot like his grandfather, and the Bluth Company institutes a new whistle-blowing policy. Written by halo1k

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

The precinct heads to Tactical Village Day, a mandatory training course in which all regional precincts compete. While there, Amy runs into Teddy (guest star Kyle Bornheimer), a fellow officer she used to date. Meanwhile, Holt becomes addicted to a game on his phone and Rosa is pissed at Charles for not inviting her to his wedding. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD Scorpion




IMDb: 7.7
41 min

Team Scorpion goes undercover on a cruise ship to locate and disable deadly stolen rockets. Meanwhile, as Valentine's Day approaches, Toby and Happy help Ralph, who is in the throes of his first crush.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Chicago P.D.

Chicago P.D.


Chicago P.D.

IMDb: 7.7
41 min

Antonio and his sister talk to Adrian Gish about the person they think is responsible for the fire that killed Shay; Lindsay has second thoughts about the task force; Platt's new, sunny demeanor results in curiosity.

Country: USA
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HD Chicago P.D.

Chicago P.D.


Chicago P.D.

IMDb: 7.5
42 min

Two teenage girls have gone missing and the team know the clock is ticking to find them. Halstead, Antonio and Lindsay investigate a tenement which gives them a much needed lead. Voight brings the father of one of the girls to district in order to get some honest answers. Meanwhile, Platt puts Roman and Burgess on gun buy-back duty where they ask questions when they aren't supposed to.

Country: USA
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HD Chicago P.D.

Chicago P.D.


Chicago P.D.

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

The Intelligence Unit race against the clock to find the bombers.

Country: USA
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HD Chicago P.D.

Chicago P.D.


Chicago P.D.

IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Voight pulls Halstead's badge when Lonnie Rodiger is found dead. After a car accident, Kelly Severide and Peter Mills discover the torso of Dr. Elliot, who has been instrumental in putting away high profile criminals. With Intelligence down one, Sumner is given an opportunity to prove herself. Meanwhile, Lindsay and Severide share a moment. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Motive




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

The killer: Diane Torrance, a construction site flagger. The victim: Dr. Stan Matthews, a senior coroner, and Betty's mentor. As such, news of his death hits her particularly hard. His dead body was discovered on an upper level of a downtown parking lot, he having died from several abdominal wounds made by what looks to be an ice pick. He, at the time, was testifying as an expert at a child death case, in which the four-year-old victim seems to have been shot accidentally at a meth house party by drug dealer Brad Hitchens. Betty is taking over as the expert for that case. Despite the surveillance video from the parking lot not showing any direct tie to any individual as the murderer, the Homicide detectives are able to ascertain that a car speeding out of the parking lot at the time belonged to Daniel Hitchens, Brad Hitchens' disgruntled brother, who had had run-ins with Stan before. But Angie is also able to determine from the surveillance footage that the killing was premeditated. ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Motive




IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The killer: Damian Cutter. The victim: Alicia Barclay. Her dead body is found washed up on the beach one morning. Although Betty is able to determine that Alicia did die from drowning, Betty also believes that Alicia was unconscious when she entered the water based on her sustaining two head wounds which were made with a combined sharp and blunt object, not consistent with something like a sail boom. The Homicide detectives discover that Alicia, who was still wearing a cocktail dress, was on a yacht party the previous night, that party which she organized with Meredith Taylor, the two being the wives of Peter Barclay and Kurt Taylor respectively, the two men who had just purchased the multimillion dollar yacht and who are business partners in a lucrative online gaming venture. Whoever the killer, the detectives believe that Alicia never made it off the yacht from the party conscious. They discover an interesting web of one-on-one relationships between the four of Alicia, Peter, ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Medium




IMDb: 7.2
43 min

On his way home home from a business trip to Hawaii, Joe calls Allison to let her know what time he's arriving. He never makes it however. Flash-forward to seven years in the future, Allison is a successful Assistant District Attorney working as second chair prosecuting a major drug dealer, Luis Amenabar. She's raised the girls on her own and has done a good job. Ariel is now married and will soon have a baby; Bridgette is going to college; and Marie is now a teenager. It all begins to change when she dreams that Joe survived the plane crash and has suffered memory loss. He's tied into Amenabar somehow and she sets out to find him. Not everything is as it first seems however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Medium




IMDb: 7.9

Allison is more than a little dubious when the ghost of FBI Agent Cooper appears in her kitchen with information on the long unsolved murders by a serial killer known as the Gentleman Caller. The information turns out to be accurate and suddenly Cooper's back with information about another case. Feeling more comfortable now that he's come across once as being truthful,she decides to act on the information he's provided. Turns out things are not as straightforward as they first appear to be. At work, Joe comes under a lot of pressure to hire an engineer who's made very valuable suggestions on Joe's project. Ariel however has a dream that suggests the idea may have been stolen from someone else. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Medium




IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Allison dreams that a teenaged Marie is in hospital dying of leukemia. Little Marie is in good health but that doesn't stop Allison from obsessing about the future and Joe has a bit of trouble with her logic. She becomes convinced that environmental factors must be the cause and insists that they sell the house and move. Det. Lee Scanlan investigates the death of a close friend who died from a drug overdose. Although the man was a recovering addict, Scanlan suspects foul play. Allison's dream and the death of Scanlon's friend are connected, however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 7.7
21 min

In this third of a four-part story, Spider-Man, the Avengers and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. battle their greatest foes for the fate of the planet. Spider-Man teams up with Iron Spider, Agent Venom and Thor against Terrax, Attuma and Annihilus. Then Spider-Man uses LMDs to distract The Grandmaster so he, Iron Spider and Agent Venom can board Grandmasters ship to save the hostages. Can his plan succeed?

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HD Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire


Chicago Fire

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Mills is back on squad. His sister and mother show up and tell him that they've decided to move to North Carolina and run the restaurant his grandfather left them. They want him to join them. Casey continues to do renovation work at a strip club and the owner makes him an offer that he doesn't like. The Chaplain talks to Cruz and Otis about Hermann's coaching of the PeeWee hockey team because of the upcoming championship. And Kelly goes to see April and sees that she's going away for awhile. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire


Chicago Fire

IMDb: 9.2
42 min

A man blows himself up, claiming to have something worse than Ebola. Meanwhile members of Chicago Med and Chicago Fire try to handle the situation as best they can. Kelly battles for his life when he's severely injured while attempting to stop the suicide bomber.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire


Chicago Fire

IMDb: 8.6
42 min

Herrmann saves an infant in a structural fire, then goes on a quest to solve dubious circumstances about the event. Meanwhile, Severide retraces important friendships from his youth, and Cruz and Brett's relationship reaches a critical juncture.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire


Chicago Fire

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Severide's old friend arrives, hoping for a second chance with the Chicago Fire Department. Meanwhile, Mills tries to regain his active squad status, Mouch confronts his fear about meeting his child, and Brett and Dawson set out to have a big night out. Written by Dean Platt

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire


Chicago Fire

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

In an effort to further cover himself from any wrongdoing, Pridgen will enlist the help of Lt. Welch, who is faced with the choice of whether to fit in with the firehouse or follow his superiors self-serving orders. Elsewhere, Mouch is going to be floored upon learning that his donation to a fertility clinic has resulted in a child who, now a young adult, wants to meet him. In the meantime, Brett and a reluctant Cruz are going to take Dawson out on a double date and Boden will focus his efforts on his duties at home as a father. Written by Dean Platt

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire


Chicago Fire

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Interim Chief Pat Pridgen (guest star Matthew Del Negro) is brought over to temporarily fill in for Boden (Eamonn Walker), who is left to tend to his personal affairs. When tension is sparked as the result of his derisive leadership, the absence of Chief Boden (Eamonn Walker) becomes all too apparent. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Severide (Taylor Kinney) must deal with a most unwelcome addition to his squad, Brett (Kara Killmer) gets closer to a girl she previously rescued and Casey (Jesse Spencer) starts seeing a new woman, Beth (guest star Bree Williamson), but interesting complications quickly unfold.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire


Chicago Fire

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

An ice storm hits, forcing a citywide lockdown. Mills and Brett are left stranded in the elements while searching for a teen, and the firehouse members babysit a newborn. Elsewhere, Severide receives a job offer, and Chief Boden clashes with his father over his treatment.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire


Chicago Fire

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

More clues emerge about the fire that killed Shay, leading Severide to a former nemesis; Shay's sister visits; Cruz is faced with a surprise; Boden tries to help his father.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire


Chicago Fire

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Severide and Dawson discover startling evidence found at a storage unit fire that appears connected to the fire that took Shay's life. Meanwhile, the firehouse bands together when Chaplain Orlovsky is the victim of a bad car accident.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Chicago Fire

Chicago Fire


Chicago Fire

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

The firehouse receives unsettling news when two of their own come up missing following a routine call, prompting members of Chicago P.D. to lead the search. Meanwhile, Casey and Dawson have a hard time figuring how to juggle their personal and professional lives. Elsewhere, Chief Boden and Donna struggle with news that their newborn has potential complications and they receive a surprise out-of-town visitor

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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