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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.6
22 min

Ted, Robin and Barney accompany Marshall and Lily to St. Cloud, Minnesota to support them at Marshall's father's funeral. At funerals, Robin always plays the role of vice girl. Ted and Barney come to a decision that the best way they can help Marshall is to make him laugh during the day. And Lily vows to help Judy through the day despite the two never having been that close. The day gets off to a shaky start when their regular priest, Father Platt, can't perform the service, leaving that task to his son, Reverend Trey Platt, who, during their growing up period, was Marshall's nemesis, despite a physical disparity between the two. In preparing for the service, Marshall is asked about the last words his father ever spoke to him. As Marshall remembers back to the last day he saw his father, all he can remember are meaningless words uttered instead of something profound. Marshall then realizes that he has yet to listen to his father's last words to him. He's not sure he can as he ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Initially excited Lily and Marshall get a positive reading on a home pregnancy test, but find out 36 hours later from Lily's gynecologist that she is in fact not yet pregnant. Those 36 hours not only affect Lily and Marshall who have differing emotions about life as a threesome, but Barney and Robin as well, each who reflect on their immediate futures, the major decisions they are contemplating which could also turn on a dime as quickly as Lily and Marshall finding out about the false positive. Robin has to decide whether to take a high profile job as a game show model, or to take a less prestigious and hard behind the scenes research job at a cable news network. Barney, who just received a huge Christmas bonus, has to decide whether to spend the money selfishly on himself by buying a diamond encrusted suit, or the use the money for more philanthropic purposes. Through it all, Ted feels like he has to be the voice of reason, he who is also dealing with his high school friend Punchy's ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

Barney has found a DVD of Robin's Canadian television show, Space Teens, which featured Robin Sparkles and Robin's BFF on and off the show, Jessica Glitter. Robin considers it a children's educational show about two teen-aged girls solving crimes in space using math. As the others watch the show, they feel that it more closely resembles porn wannabe. Despite stating that she and Jessica were BFF's, Robin hasn't been friends with Jessica for about five years. Ted deduces that Robin's friendship ended when Jessica had a child, which makes Lily believe the same thing will happen to her when she and Marshall have a baby. Since Robin won't talk about it, the only other person who could tell the gang the full story is Jessica Glitter herself. Meanwhile, Ted wants to prove that unlike Robin and Jessica, he and his old friend Punchy truly are BFFs. But when Punchy unexpectedly takes Ted up on an offhanded offer, Ted's assertion is tested. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Ted has just started dating a woman named Royce. Like all the other relationships he's ever had, he's waiting to learn what baggage Royce is carrying that will ultimately ruin the relationship. When Ted and Royce go to see a movie called The Wedding Bride, Ted learns that he too carries some baggage, namely that he was once left at the altar. What makes this baggage worse is that the movie, which is now a big hit, was written by Stella's husband, Tony Grafanello, about Ted and Stella's relationship and break-up where the Ted character, named Jed Moseley, is painted as the bad guy and the Tony character the good guy. Perpetually happy Marshall helps Ted understand how to deal with his baggage. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Marshall no longer has his wallet because he was mugged while walking through Central Park. He changes his story slightly because Lily, now afraid of life in the city, wants to get a gun to protect herself. Robin feels that Marshall's new story is newsworthy and wants to interview him on the morning show. He is reluctant to do so if only because telling the story to the public would make him a laughing stock... or does he have another reason for not wanting to go public? Ted is somewhat perturbed because he feels he being responsible for building the Empire State Building for the largest scale model version of the New York skyline is more newsworthy and doesn't understand why Robin won't ask him to appear on her show. Based on circumstances, Ted thinks he has a plan to get on the show, but the outcome, straight out of a Hollywood movie, may not be what he was envisioning (at least not the Hollywood movie he had in mind). And Barney wants to use Marshall's story to pick up women for ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 9.1
30 min

A beautiful woman named Karina starts working as a bartender at MacLaren's. Robin believes Karina's hotness is all circumstantial. Many men are mesmerized by Karina, but none more so than Barney, who has never slept with a bartender. Barney has a plan to woo Karina, but Karina, who has so far treated all the patrons at the bar like her best friend, is immediately turned off by Barney. Marshall learns it's because she previously had a bad experience with a man who worked on Wall Street, so now she immediately is turned off by anyone wearing a suit. Can Barney give up his suit wearing ways to impress Karina, or put aside his suits long enough to sleep with her? Meanwhile, Ted has started dating Cindy, a student at the university. Cindy breaks it off with Ted when she learns that the university has a strict no professor-student dating policy, which means that if they are caught, Cindy could lose her scholarship and Ted could lose his job. But something about Cindy makes Ted feel that he ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Marshall and Lily are hosting 2009 Thanksgiving at their new apartment for the first time. Because Ted and Robin come through with what Marshall deems the make or break item for Thanksgiving, he shows his ultimate gratitude: he is giving them the fourth of only five slaps to Barney Marshall won in a bet with Barney in 2006. The terms of Marshall's gift: it must be done before sundown so as not to interfere with dinner, Ted and Robin can decide between themselves who gets to deliver the slap, and they will tie Barney down to a chair for the slap. Barney, who has always hated the anticipation of the slap as much as the slap itself, is hoping that time will run out as Ted and Robin discuss then argue over who deserves to deliver the slap more. Thanksgiving may end up being as bad for Lily, whose deadbeat father Mickey Aldrin, who has always disappointed her and from who she has officially been estranged for three years, shows up at their doorstep. Marshall tries to convince Lily to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Robin is still so surprised when she realizes that she and Barney are dating. She reconsiders her relationship with Barney when it seems that he really doesn't want to be in a relationship, and then makes a 180 degree turn being too attentive, which makes Robin believe he's cheating on her. By breaking into Barney's briefcase, Robin and Lily learn that Barney hasn't been cheating on her with another woman but that he has been going to night school. The class: Robin 101. The teacher: Professor Ted Mosby. Ted convinced Barney that he had to be attentive to Robin's needs to keep her, and who better than Ted to teach him what those needs are. Will Robin be flattered or offended? Meanwhile, Marshall says goodbye to his old friend Mabel... or so he thinks. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.8
30 min

It's approaching Ted's thirty-first birthday, and he's at a desperate time in his professional life. He refuses to take the job as an architecture professor since he sees that as a failure of not being an actual architect. So he takes the only design job offered to him: to design a restaurant, a rib joint, in the shape of a cowboy hat. For three solid days, this job is the focus of his life to the exclusion of all else including celebrating his birthday (much to his friends' chagrin, they who planned a surprise party for him on the rooftop). But Lily's pet goat throws a small wrench into Ted's life. Up on the roof, Marshall is contemplating making the literal six or seven foot horizontal leap to the roof of the adjacent building (where there is an inviting hot tub), missing which would mean falling several stories to the ground. Although he's thought about doing it for years, he seems closer now to doing it than ever. And Barney thinks that he's in love with Robin and plans on telling... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Barney provides Ted with what both may consider the greatest opportunity in Ted's career. Barney is part of the search committee to hire the architectural firm to design Goliath National Bank's new headquarters, which would be a building integral to the Manhattan skyline. A Swedish architectural collective called Sven is currently being considered, but Barney has gotten Ted and his company at least the opportunity to make a pitch. Ted works hard to come up with what he believes is the perfect design, but it ultimately isn't chosen. What Ted doesn't know is Barney's role in the committee and why his design didn't come out on top. Meanwhile, Robin, single and jobless, wants to spend more quality girl's time with Lily. When Lily invites Robin to join her at her conservative colleague Jillian's birthday party, Lily and Robin are surprised that in her personal life, conservative Jillian is unfortunately what they call a woo girl, someone who always yells woo at the top of her lungs ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

For the two weeks following Stella dumping Ted immediately before their scheduled wedding, Ted outwardly is fine if not happy - too happy. Lily in particular thinks that Ted isn't dealing with what he is really feeling, while Barney thinks that Ted may indeed be happy in believing that Stella perhaps was not the one for him. Ted admits that part of the way he is dealing with the situation is to avoid running into Stella at all cost. But when the five go out for dinner and see Stella in the same restaurant, they go to extraordinary lengths to make sure she doesn't see them. While Ted contemplates if he should actually speak to her, the others discuss the people in their lives they most fear seeing and if they did what they would say to that person. Ted's thoughts of what he would say to her changes when he figures out her new circumstances. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.9
30 min

Buoyed by the success of an intervention concerning their friend Stuart's over-consumption of alcohol carried out by a large group of their friends, the gang decide to hold interventions for everything that bothers them about the others. So when Ted, Marshall and Lily are packing up the apartment to move on with their respective lives, Ted finds the intervention box with envelopes addressed to him. The others admit that they were going to hold an intervention when Ted first got engaged, believing he was rushing into things, but decided not to after they got to know Stella. As Ted makes them read their letters anyway, Ted comes to realize that they may be right, which in turn makes Marshall and Lily realize that moving to their new apartment does not feel right, and makes Robin realize that moving to Japan does not feel right. Only Barney, trying to win a bet that he, wearing make-up and pretending to be eighty years old, can still pick up a twenty-two year old, may inadvertently have ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Robin is excited about seeing her first boyfriend, Simon, again, he who is coming into town for a visit. In reality, Robin wants to prove that she's done better than him since he dumped her ten years earlier. On paper, she knows she's done better, and even in person it is obvious to Robin's friends that she's done better, as he is just an older, balding version of his immature teen-aged self. But Robin comes down with a case of what Marshall calls revertigo: turning back into one's old self in the presence of friends from that era. Robin, not seeing what the others do, falls head over heels for Simon all over again. Beyond wanting to date Simon again, Robin gets another case of ten year old déjà vu. Meanwhile, the gang discuss and don't discuss Ted and Lily's cases of revertigo, Ted's in relation to his friend Punchy and Lily's in relation to her friend Michelle. And Barney makes it his mission to find Robin Sparkles' second music video which Robin had never mentioned previously even ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.8
21 min

Of late, Barney has been trying to pick up women as usual, and as usual things are initially going well with his scam pick-ups, but after he steps away for a few second he returns for the woman to give him a harsh slap across the face. He finds out what's going on when seen with Barney, Lily is approached by a woman telling her that Barney is a lying cheat that will say and do whatever just to get into her pants. As the woman Lily describes could be a number of the women that Barney has slept with through lies and deceit, Barney has to figure out who she is. To narrow the list down, Barney is inspired by Ted and Marshall's love of NCAA basketball and decides to have his own version of March Madness, with the top sixty-four prospects pairing off in individual matches - with the gang deciding which girl is the winner in each pairing - until the final girl is determined. But they are only able to narrow things down to the final four. As only Lily knows what the girl looks like, she ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.9
22 min

Ted visits a tattoo removal clinic to get his butterfly tattoo removed and he's attracted to his doctor, Stella. She warns him that he will have to go through ten one hour sessions and it it will be very painful. Ted understands and he wants to go out with her, but she can't, as long as Ted is her patient and it's a violation of AMA rules. In addition, she tells Ted up front when he suggests that they can go out when the sessions are over, the answer will be no. Ted is convinced that he can change that no into a yes after ten sessions. During these sessions, Ted tries to charm Stella, but it appears it's not working. One ploy he tries is to be very nice to Stella's receptionist, Abbey, but Stella still says no and Abbey is attracted to Ted. When session ten arrives, and the tattoo removal is complete, when Ted asks her once again, we find out why Stella can't go out on a date with him. Ted, upset that this isn't going to happen, finds a way so they can go out together. Written by goleafs84

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

While by himself at MacLaren's, Ted runs into Trudy, a wild woman with who he once went out. Trudy's old sorority sister Rachel shows up, the two who seem to be competitive with each other. Ted isn't sure if either is into him, so via cell phone, he asks for Marshall, Lily and Barney's advice, they who are at his apartment. It doesn't matter as Ted figures out what they really want is a threesome. Ted brings Trudy and Rachel up to his apartment, where Marshall, Ted and Barney - hiding out in Ted's bedroom - give him advice on how to proceed. Up front with his motivations, Barney has ulterior motives in the advice he gives in his and Ted's quest for what they have coined the championship belt. Meanwhile, Robin has a new dating rule, where she hides her non-shaven legs underneath knee-high boots for three dates with the same guy, so that she will behave i.e. not sleep with him until the fourth date. However, she cries out for help when she changes her mind with her current date, a sexy,... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 9.5
23 min

Ted is learning a few secrets about Robin: she's scared of the seven dwarfs, and she refuses to go to the mall. Although she is up front about why she fears the dwarfs, she refuses to tell Ted and the others about why she won't go to the mall. Marshall believes it's because she got married in a mall and is still married. Barney believes it has something to do with Robin having performed in a porn video. The two of them make a slap bet with each other: whoever is right gets to slap the other across the face as hard as he can. They even ask Lily to be the slap bet officiator, as long as she promises to be unbiased. Ted tries to find out Robin's secret, but she asks him to respect her privacy on this issue. When Ted does eventually pry it out of her, he wishes he didn't know as he doesn't know what to do with the information. But as time goes on, Barney actually finds out that it has to do with a video starring someone named Robin Sparkles. It is only then that Robin makes full ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.4
55 min

Nucky returns to New York to find out who tried to have him killed in Cuba and further renegotiate his Prohibition networks in anticipation of repeal. Eli and George are running the bootlegging in Atlantic City under Capone's supervision. Charlie and Meyer play a risky game behind Maranzano's back. Gillian is residing in a woman's psychiatric facility - where she has an understanding with the head matron. In addition, we get more glimpses of Nucky's childhood and his nascent relationship with the Commodore. Written by duke1029

Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire


Boardwalk Empire

IMDb: 8.5
58 min

in 1931 Nucky foresees the coming end of Prohibition, and he and Sally attempt to align themselves with Bacardi Rum as American distributors. Chalky struggles to survive on a tough Southern chain gang while Charlie betrays his loyalty to Masseria during a vicious gang war. There are parallels with Nucky's youth which depict flashbacks of his initial relationship with the Commodore. Written by duke1029

Genre: Crime, Drama, History,
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HD The Americans

The Americans


The Americans

IMDb: 8.3
51 min

Philip and Elizabeth are thrown off balance when things with Tuan take an unexpected turn. Meanwhile, Henry makes a startling proposition and Stan has a disturbing encounter with Frank Gaad's widow.

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HD The Americans

The Americans


The Americans

IMDb: 8.1
48 min

The KGB hired a hit-man to murder US scientist involved in the missile defense shield program but changed its mind, fearing the backlash. Philip and Elisabeth must find and stop him, without details. They track him down, but can't prevent a bomb taking out a scientist and an FBI agent on guard, so grim retaliation is sworn. Both sides profit from pillow talk, as new rezident Arkafy has inherited the undetected mole, but Elisabeth's jealousy over Philip's relationship with the mother of his son undermines their 'front' marriage, which is now only kept together by parenting. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Line of Duty

Line of Duty


Line of Duty

IMDb: 8.6
58 min

The discovery of new forensic anomalies appears to provide AC-12 with a major breakthrough. Meanwhile, Nick Huntley comes under scrutiny.

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HD Line of Duty

Line of Duty


Line of Duty

IMDb: 8.3
58 min

Prasad claims that Dryden wanted Tommy silenced as he was blackmailing him about Carly, hence the ambush. However the order was to spare Lindsay. Hastings charges Dryden for the driving scam but has insufficient evidence for the weightier charges as Dryden apparently proves that the last he saw of Carly was when he put on her on a train. Kate is surprised that Steve seems to believe in Lindsay's innocence until he admits that he is purposely trying to gain her confidence to trap her. When she is shown to have accepted a proposal by a colleague to snare a child abuser she seems less innocent than she claims but is she really guilty of conspiracy to murder? Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Line of Duty

Line of Duty


Line of Duty

IMDb: 8.6
58 min

An arrogant Dryden is questioned regarding the traffic offence and is dismissive though Steve lets him know Lindsay has revealed that he knew about the convoy route and aims to pursue it further. Rich Akers is also pulled in after £20,000 of which he claims ignorance is found under the floor boards at his house. Hargreaves is convinced this was the bribe given Jayne to betray the escort and when Steve and Kate examine Jayne's car they discover a tracking device though Hargreaves is not keen for its revelation. Furthermore Cottan and Hargreaves see video evidence suggesting that Tommy had a grievance against Dryden, whose affair with Lindsay is now proved. Lindsay gets a day release from prison to visit her mother, in hospital after a stroke, but on the way back the prison van is hi-jacked and she is abducted by two policemen, Prasad, identified by Carly's parents as her apparent boyfriend, and Cole. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Line of Duty

Line of Duty


Line of Duty

IMDb: 8.6
58 min

Following the deaths of Georgia and the witness it is Steve who gets a grilling as to the police presence at the hospital whilst Lindsay is accused of attacking her neighbour, which she denies. Steve discovers that a nurse on the witness's ward, Claire Tindall, was threatened into giving the killer access by a man she knows as Joe, but whom she is unable to identify. Lindsay continues to search for vanished teenager Carly Kirk and Kate is drafted in as her assistant - in reality a move to try and get Lindsay to admit her guilt - but Lindsay sees through the ruse. After Kate's cover is blown Lindsay is questioned again and claims that she rang the hospital to ask that the witness exonerate her but she is disbelieved and Hastings arrests her for conspiracy. At her interview she points out that Steve visited Claire unofficially and Hastings has financial problems and a broken marriage that could make him just as culpable but she is nonetheless held in custody. Meanwhile DCC Dryden finds ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Constantine




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

While in art class, Zed has a bizarre vision of snakes that lead her and John to a small town where a preacher has mysteriously gained the ability to heal his congregation.

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HD Constantine




IMDb: 8.4
42 min

When a young boy is taken over by a malevolent spirit, John must put aside his misgivings over exorcising a child and convince the parents that their boy is not all that he seems.

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IMDb: 8.0
43 min

John and Zed engage in a dangerous confrontation to save a woman and her family from sinister forces. John's efforts force him to confront the darkness in his own life - while also coming face to face with a new powerful adversary in Papa Midnite. Written by Jiilo_Kim

Country: USA
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HD Agent Carter

Agent Carter


Agent Carter

IMDb: 8.4
41 min

Peggy needs Howard Stark to eliminate Zero Matter as they are faced with a mission none of them could come back.

Country: USA
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HD Agent Carter

Agent Carter


Agent Carter

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

As Peggy plots a rescue mission, Whitney hunts for even more dark power; and Jarvis learns he should not make promises he cannot keep.

Country: USA
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HD Agent Carter

Agent Carter


Agent Carter

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

As Jarvis' precision and quick-thinking skills are put to the ultimate test, Peggy must find a way to stop an atomic explosion that threatens to destroy all of California.

Country: USA
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HD Agent Carter

Agent Carter


Agent Carter

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Peggy and the SSR discover that beautiful Hollywood star Whitney Frost harbors a dangerous secret, and that she's more than just a pretty face.

Country: USA
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