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IMDb: 7.3
40 min

When Todd, a wealthy artifact collector, walks into his own funeral, the Jeffersonian team must find out to whom the cremated remains at the funeral belong. The investigation gets complicated when the team determines that there are three sets of remains in the urn. Meanwhile, Finn enjoys his newfound wealth from his hot sauce venture with Hodgins, but is heartbroken when Michelle has devastating news for him. Written by Ester Castro

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IMDb: 7.2
43 min

A repo man's remains are found in a septic tank, and the Jeffersonian team must work together to figure out who the killer is. When the team discovers that the victim had a troubled past, some key witnesses from his earlier days become potential suspects. Meanwhile, handsome and charming Rodolfo Fuentes has defected from Cuba, where he was a forensic anthropologist, but now needs an internship to complete his degree. Brennan agrees to try him out as an intern on a case, and Brennan and Booth discuss whether or not Christine should have a religious upbringing. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 7.5
43 min

When a CIA informant is found murdered, Booth and CIA Agent Danny Beck must work together to track down an Afghani terrorist. Meanwhile, Brennan wants to work more closely with Booth in the field, and the duo must confront the implications of what that means to their family. Written by Ester Castro

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IMDb: 7.5
44 min

A car struggling to get out of deep mud 'unearths' a corpse, decomposing for a week, identified as Mr. Drew. The divorced former shopkeeper was one of foreman Juan Chiquez's day laborers on fairgrounds, notably hired for a show of legal, yet partially wild animals organized by well-reputed Eric Neilbling, whose claim all goes by the book doesn't stand up. Sweets starts regretting his plan to move in with Daisy as he realizes that implies greater expectations for a woman. Written by KGF Vissers

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IMDb: 8.0
44 min

The corpse of the boss of the Hollywood studio where extravagant British director Joco Kent is filming Bone of Contention, an action movie based of a book by Bones, is dropped in a clumsy attempt to cover up a bizarre stabbing. He had enemies and his demise opens opportunities. While investigating, Booth is offered a lucrative security job there. The Jeffersonian team is jealous of scientific consultant Dr. Douglas Filmore, but they all get to prove their worth. Written by KGF Vissers

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IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Small parts from a completely messed-up corps float in the sewage system. A lens implants serial number allows identifying the victim as Lazebnik, a convict presumed escaped weeks before. Booth, in overprotective father to be mode, and cocky Bones, who insists on giving birth out of hospital, visit the prison, where Lazebnik was badly abused since arrival. Sweets is flattered that Booth asks him 'as a friend' to talk sense into Bones and put the baby's safety first. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Post staff finds several mail boxes filled with goo - actually a chopped-up human corpse. Their address labels were deliberately messed up so as to strand them in a specialized post office, but a code traces them to a local Ship 'n' Print, where one employee is missing and proved to be the victim. Most of his colleagues resigned after jointly winning a fortune in the lottery. Sweets helps cut trough their endless lies. Booth gets a surprise visit from grandpa, on account of the death of Seeley's ever-absent father, which he's most unwilling to discuss. Bones leaves most of the field work to Booth's ambitious FBI cadet Genevieve Shaw, to accommodate her pregnancy, which renders Clark most uncomfortable. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.5
44 min

A body disguised as a scarecrow is found with a bullet wound in a remote cornfield, and the team is forced to work against the clock to avoid a storm and potential complications that would affect the evidence. Booth and Brennan interrogate the victim's three wives, who are also sisters, and learn that jealousy between the sisters and their desire for their husband's attention had caused a major rift in the family. Booth and Brennan also question one relative who disapproved of the victim's polygamy. Meanwhile, Cam loses confidence in her relationship with her on-call doctor boyfriend, but they both realize they need to make their relationship a priority. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.1
60 min | 43 min (DVD)

A cabin burns down in the woods revealing two bodies - one of a modern-day witch and one from the days of the Salem Witch Trials - leading Booth and Brennan into the world of Wicca to find a killer. Meanwhile, when Hodgins' reckless driving gets him and Angela arrested and thrown in jail, Sweets and intern Clark Edison step into unfamiliar territory to help out the team. Written by Fox Flash

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.1
44 min (DVD)

Russian diamond courier Yuri Antonov was shot in a long-term parking facility, his hand severed to steal his case, the corps ran over and nibbled on by stray cats for two days until found. Inexplicably, he passed customs as a diplomat without such visa. His rental car, in Bond style, is found containing a murder weapon and the long-tortured corps of CIA website analyst Greg Dorit, who was on the trace of a dirty operation. His break-up with colleague Mandy Summers was a front. Wendell's scholarship is disestablished. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6
55 min | 44 min (DVD)

Meriel Mitsakis' body is found, mechanically crushed in a recycling plant. She had experimental plastic toe surgery, as final touch for a life long-planned perfect wedding with Mike. Tracing her wedding dress, Booth and Bones see Sweets' bossy girl, crazy Daisy, being fitted for one, presumably with her fiancé. Against Booth's and the others' advise, Bones ends up telling Lance. Meriel's multiple infidelity made her enemies, some without alibi. She was overrun by the car owned by her date (from the cellphone-proximity dating service) which Hodgins also uses. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8
55 min | 44 min (DVD)

Rock Creek Wildlife Park keepers find their tiger is eating a large adult. He's identified as Cam's ex, Dr. Andrew Weldon, so she takes an exceptionally active part in this investigation. He was drugged and killed during a hospital benefit at that zoo, which Sweets reconstructs by hypnosis. Possible motives include Weldon's infidelity, his complex relationship with his daughter Michelle and his refusal to grant a major benefactor's gifted son Dr. Rick Annenberg a hospital post, which Rick didn't want. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.7
60 min | 55 min | 44 min (DVD)

Remains are discovered by a newly wed couple after they literally take the plunge. The squints soon determine the identity of the victim, but discovering the cause of death presents interesting dilemmas as a mysterious corrosive foam secreting from the bones is destroying the remains and causing the Jeffersonian's alarms go off with each test they try. Also, Bones tries to work on her interpersonal skills. Written by Jesse Sanchez

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.2
60 min | 55 min | 44 min (DVD)

On Booth and Bones' flight to China for an archaeological examination, a travel reporter's body is found, cooked to death in the microwave. Sweets gets Bones' editor to name her possibly relevant adulterous flirt and her next article subject, pilot alcohol abuse. The Smithsonian team must help with forensics on transmitted data before the Chinese authorities get jurisdiction after the plane lands. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

A state police anti-drugs-bust training meth-lab explosion reveals an adult male corpse, circa 48. It seems to correspond to inventor Paul Stegman's absent, recently turned-up father Jim, an addict, last seen by Paul's ex-business partner, Mike Campbell. That proves a set-up, the exploded corpse is conman Anthony Pongetti, who was tortured. The real Jim's corpse was shot and found at sea near a naval base. Pongetti stole Jim's identity, fooling even the family. Seeley Booth enjoys a visit from his kid brother, US Navy lieutenant commander Jared Booth, an ambitious smooth operator and Cam's ex, but with an alcohol problem. More family and drug cash complicate the case too. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.3
44 min (DVD)

A teenager's urination into a sewage pond makes it turn purple. Via a rare medical drug this leads to discovering the headless corps in 12 more hacked-up pieces of SciFi cult author Jared Addison (25), who has a 'sexier' impersonator, C. D. Howard, hired by editor Gary Tushman. The Jefferson is working in another gifted intern, Wendell Bray. Ralph, Jared's fellow germ phobia therapy patient with professor Jim Amerian, volunteers a confession based on a crazy compulsion. Meanwhile Booth has back trouble. Sweets proves an excellent third investigation partner and team confident. Hodges visits Zack in psych ward and leaves the case file with him, which inspires more then brilliant insight. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.7
42 min

Booth and Brennan investigate the death of a motorcycle racer, and when another seeming accident occurs on the track attention turns to the team owners and a reporter, meanwhile Dr. Sweets manipulates them into a social outing with him and his girlfriend. Written by layle

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Students at a make-out wood stumble over a recently dumped body, first shot and boiled. It's Franklin Curtis (54), founder of an organic supermarket chain. A pesticide indicates he met Andrew Harding, a tobacco farmer he tried to force into organic production, even flirting with his wife. Autopsy shows his skin melted with another. Meanwhile FBI psychoanalyst Sweets must examine if Booth can keep working with Bones after arresting her dad. A pineapple plant bug points to Virginia farmer Lyndon Page's hothouse, or the compost plant it uses. There works Charlie Rogan, who dated daughter Kat Curtis. The second corpse is found and identified as Emma Billings. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Bones




IMDb: 7.4
42 min

Boy scouts find the rotting corpse of Ed Milner in a Virginia wood, feet cut off 'surgically' and bound like a horse. It's a few miles from Lucky's sex club, The Ambassadora, where rich people discretely indulge their near-SM 'human pony' fetish. Mr. Ed's rider, Anne 'Annie Oakley' Marie Ostenback, MD, divulges widow Annie hides she found out the day of Ed's disappearance. She was tipped anonymously by British rider Calvin 'Thor' Johnson. Rider Tom Mularz, a National Guard deserter, was expelled, found out a butcher, that day. Hypnosis is Angela's only shot to find Berimbau. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Bones




IMDb: 7.7
42 min

Because Booth arranged it, Bones visits her dad Max Keenan in jail, but shows him no sympathy. Dr. Jack Hodgins is excited by Special Agent Katherine Frost, but can't handle her potentially compromising proof. The fire-consumed body in an exploded car is identified as soccer mother Amy Nash. After reconstruction of the corpse they also found it to be an alias of June Harris, a member of Marxist US terrorist organization NLA, which supposedly directed its violent crimes against the military-economical complex. However, neither her husband Jeremy Nash, who learned only weeks earlier about her double identity, nor sheriff Sam Reilly, who handled a terrorist case against them for 30 years in vain, knew she had struck a plea bargain only days before. She was shot with bullets from the gun which was used in a terrorist attack which killed a cop, the father of young cop Danny Valenti. A reconstruction shows others did know and at least one tried to prevent the deal. Their extreme-left ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Bones




IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Everybody fears a psycho is copycatting Bones's new Kathi Reich novel about murder victims posthumously fed to voracious animals, so Temperance's lover Sully insists to input his profiler experience by screening her fan-mail. Then Jim Lopata is killed and duped in the harbor, exactly like the first fictitious victim, but Bones figures out the victim abused his wife Connie, and her protective brother Greg Braley has no alibi. Then a second copy-victim is found, devoured by rats in a pet shop: unfaithful wife Sadie whose husband Ashton Keller stands to inherit her fortune. Both victims were shot with the same gun. Booth checks Bones's ex-stalker Oliver Laurier, and finds suspicious 'toys' for creative role playing, but he's just looking for attention. Then the third victim is found, eaten by fire-ants: Bones's publicist Ellen Laskow, near the book signing; her slavish assistant Hank Belden says she was secretive about her lesbian lovers; he now succeeds her. Booth keeps looking for ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Bones




IMDb: 8.6
42 min

When Booth takes Bones to jail for the identification of a corpse badly damaged in a prison fire, she and Zach find it's a fireman's, made to resemble that of the cell's inmate, serial murderer Howard Epps (see episodes The Man on Death Row and The Blonde in the Game). Howard has escaped, calls the Jeffersonian and makes good on his threats, giving word pun-clues but keeping ahead and getting to various members of the team or their loved ones, such as leaving a victim's severed head in a fridge with a hidden explosive charge releasing a mysterious, potentially fatal poison during the autopsy or proving he can approach Booth's kid son Parker at the playground, the best way to terrify a devoted heroic father. Booth tries to put the pressure on Howard by arresting his disgusting fat, abusive mother Marianne Epps, with whom he has a mutually sick relationship, but the cruelly clever chain of dangers continues, right to the last surprise act... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Bones




IMDb: 8.3
42 min

The skeleton of a teenage girl is found in a national park, and she turns out to be another victim of a serial killer who is already on death row, and Bones has encountered him before. But close examination reveals that one wrist does not match the rest of the remains... it's from another body. Written by Alex

Country: USA
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HD Bones




IMDb: 7.7
42 min

Bones meets Dr. Camille 'Cam' Saroyan, an ex of Booth and recently created the first-ever head of forensics at the Jeffersonian, at the site of a train/car crash with three fatalities, including US senator Paula Davis and Wall Street tycoon Warren Lynch, who was dead at least six hours earlier, and whose firm Lynchpin International was about to face SEC proceedings, likely to make his stock plummet - an opportunity for stock short-selling worth many millions. Lynch was also on Mexican heroin with the boosting narcotic fentanyl and found out as serially unfaithful by his wife Brianna. Lynch's P.I. Rick Turco says he was hired to investigate a yet unknown blackmailer. Booth traces the heroin to petty dealer Eddie Bean. Vince McVicar, the pig farmer who killed Bones' mother, is himself murdered in jail; his killer admits to have been hired by her own father, Max Keenan. Zack and Angela find the Lynch corpse is actually not his, dental records were expertly falsified; shortly thereafter ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Bones




IMDb: 7.6
42 min

Ted Macys' corpse was found in Assateague island, a resort town near the National Park where Blackbeard's treasure is supposed to be buried but every pit floods. He was probably drowned and is found clasping a finger bone, 17th century, with tertiary syphilis. Archeologist Macy and his partner Giles Hardewicke lead the dig, funded by adventurer billionaire Branson Rose, personal protégé of mayor Frank Ney. Dr. Jack Hodgins insists on diving for soil samples in the 60 meter deep shaft which already killed a man and finds a probable pirate's corpse. Macy was probably killed after bringing up some treasure; the bones are stolen from the Smithsonian. Booth finds Hardewicke has blues, claiming the mayor kicked him after finding out Macy did his foxy wife. The pirate bones turn out to be stolen from the Jeffersonian and planted. The murderer uses the same spine-breaking Special Forces technique again. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Bones




IMDb: 7.6
42 min

Zack Addy expresses regret that it's the third case in a row he and Bones must handle without Special Agent Seeley Booth when they are called to the site of a crashed private jet which carried State Department staff and two Chinese cultural attachés (often a spy cover.) The FAA and NTSB classify the crash on a golf-course as an accident, but there is one charcoaled body more than on the passenger list, plus bone fragments of yet another person at the crash site, with cut marks consistent with amputation. Jeffersonian director Dr. Daniel Goodman accepts orders to concentrate only on identifying the sixth passenger; Bones insists to Booth the seventh man is the only possible murder victim. To the amazement of both, Jesse Kane, a reputed expert on missing persons and aspects of police work, approaches them, claiming the bone fragments are probably from his father, rich stockbroker Max Kane, whose disappearance five years earlier on the way to his cottage started Jesse's quest for such ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Bones




IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Two days before Christmas Angela, who is dressed as an elf, wants everybody to join her for a Chistmas party. Bones seizes her only chance of escape when Booth gives her the kind of present he knows she likes. The present: a 50 year old corpse found in the atomic fallout shelter of a building where Congress lodges guests! When the bones are sawed open, a fungus causing life-threatening valley disease is unknowingly released. Hodgins takes his mask off to drink eggnog and everybody is subsequently quarantined indefinitely. They learns more about each other's personal backgrounds, notably that Booth has a 4 year old son, Parker, but no parental rights and Bones' parents disappeared on Chistmas Eve. Angela is determined to celebrate Christmas even though she's locked-up and exchanges hand-made gifts, with her relatives coming visit her behind glass. Meanwhile the corpse is fairly easily identified as a white-collar white man Lionel, who hoped to get married in Paris to his -illegal- ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Bones




IMDb: 8.0
42 min

After Bones confirms to Booth the hand found in a black bear is from a human male and was hand-sawed off days earlier, they are sent to the Washington state Flathead Indian reservation. The vet Denise Randall brought to Dr. Andrew Rigby most of the arm of the 18 to 25-old victim, on which Zach finds human bite-marks; not being cooked, that must make the cannibal sick. Aurora's sheriff Chris Scutter knows only of a missing hiker Ann Noyes. Ranger Sherman Rivers shows where he found the bear to harvest the excrement, which includes skin tattooed with an Indian Haida sun, which fits missing Richland college boy Adam Langer (22), missing for ten days, who, considering a ranger career, visited Sherman, who flees into the woods, but only as bear poacher. Adam also took climbing lessons with Aurora's hunky private courier Charlie. The corpses of Adam and Ann -missing the heart- are found, shot in the head from up close, buried near a 'medecine wheel' made of stones, fit for a shaman ritual ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.7
42 min

Bones and Booth investigate the body of a teenager found hanging in a tree on the grounds of an exclusive private school.

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.7
42 min

FBI Agent Booth needs forensic anthropologist Dr. Brennan's help to solve the case of a decomposed body found in a pond in Arlington National Cemetery. She agrees to help if she is a full partner in the case.

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.7
41 min

A homicide on the Brooklyn Bridge leads Mac and Jo all the way to San Francisco to find a missing teenage girl, but they are not sure if she is dead or alive.

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6
44 min

A process server is killed, and the team finds out he treats his job just like a video game of track and complete missions. The murderer is linked to competitive video games in a tournament.

Country: USA
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