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HD Glee




IMDb: 8.1
60 min

The Glee Club performs in front of the school for the first time and pushes their performance to the limits. When Quinn realizes Rachel's realizes her feelings for Finn, she goes to great lengths to keep her man. Meanwhile, Mr. Schuester's wife reveals some surprising news, forcing Will to figure out a new way to make ends meet. Written by NBC Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Glee




IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Optimistic high school teacher Will Schuester tries to refuel his own passion while reinventing McKinley High's Glee Club and challenging a group of outcasts to realize their star potential. Going up against McKinley's cruel high school caste system and facing harsh criticism from everyone around him, Will is determined to prove them all wrong. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 8.3
86 min

Jason is determined rescue his fellow prisoners from the amphitheater, and makes a daring return to Atlantis, which is becoming an even more dangerous realm under Pasiphae's villainous rule. The hero and his friends face treachery at every turn, and come to realise that the only hope for the future is to kill the queen.

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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 7.5
44 min

Jason beats an arrogant bully who is striking an old man but the bully is Heptarian, nephew of queen Pasiphae - who is also betrothed to a reluctant Ariadne. For punishment Jason, along with Pythagoras and Hercules, must join a group of slaves training for the sport of bull leaping. If they can jump over a charging bull they will be spared. Aware of Ariadne's attraction to Jason Pasiphae, a witch, acquires a lock of his hair, with which she fashions a doll and sticks pins in it to incapacitate the boy on the day of the bull leaping. However Hercules sends a message to Medusa, who destroys the doll and breaks the spell. Thus Jason and all the slaves manage to leap over the bull and win their freedom. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
41 min

The BAU team members head to Yakima, Washington for their next case. Several 911 calls were made to report a young woman, described to be dressed like a hooker, frantically knocking on doors yelling for help, she who eventually was seen abducted. The reason the BAU is called is that in the search for the woman, two dead bodies are discovered by the local creek, one skeletonized and the other stabbed multiple times, wrapped in burlap and tied with barbed wire, she a known sex worker. The abducted woman is eventually identified as Cherry Rollins who is indeed a prostitute. When the team discovers two more bodies, they are aware that the unsub has been active in his serial murders for some time. They believe the burlap and barbed wire is a religious ritual. The skeletonized victim's identity is important as the team believes she is a connection to the unsub. The team hopes that their presence will throw the unsub off his routine to give Cherry a fighting chance until they can find her ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
43 min

The BAU heads to the Appalachian Trail less than one hundred miles away from Quantico as State Trooper Jim Carson, investigating a shoplifting case by a homeless man, found the man's camp just off the trail - but no man - his camp which included a bag of body parts. After separating the body parts, the medical examiner determines that they belong to four middle aged Caucasian men and one twenty-something Caucasian woman. The bodies were crudely hacked apart, the victims killed anywhere from approximately one year ago to a few weeks ago, the woman the latest victim. The store where the shoplifting occurred has surveillance footage of the homeless man, who, according to one account, looks like he would not have the cognitive ability to tie his shoes. All he stole was dog food and nothing for himself to eat, leading to the team believing that his food source is his victims, and that the killings are not targeted but rather incidents of opportunity. When the team is able to identify the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

It's six months after Morgan's abduction and eventual rescue. He and Savannah have since gotten married and are awaiting the imminent birth of their first child. On what is his first day back at work, his welcome back is interrupted by a new case, which takes the team to Wichita, Kansas. A child named Ronnie Brewer is abducted from his rural farm home, with both his parents, Jim and Lyla Brewer, murdered on site. Both parents had their eyes filled with sand and glued shut. The team will learn that the ritual with Jim was done post-mortem, while Lyla was still alive. In addition, each parent was killed differently, Jim by having his throat slashed, Lyla by blunt force trauma to the head. By the time the team arrives in Wichita, Ronnie's dead body is discovered. However, a second victim family, the Zumwalts, is discovered. The early teen daughter Josie Zumwalt has been abducted from the home, father Luke Zumwalt dead on site with the ritual with the eyes and the throat slashed, but ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

The team heads to Los Angeles, California where three people have been murdered in two separate incidents over three days, each victim shot thirteen times while sitting in a car or next to a car located in the same crime ridden neighborhood. The ballistics show the same .45 caliber gun was used in both instances. The first victim, Gary Fisher, was known to have frequented prostitutes and was found in area where he was probably meeting with one. Nate Cochran and Tasha Brooks, the second and third victims in the same car, were a john and a hooker. When a fourth and fifth victim are discovered together, they an elderly woman, Clara Miller, and who seems to be a mugger, Lamar Taylor, the team believes the unsub is a vigilante - a moral enforcer - who is looking to clean up the streets of what he sees as immoral behavior. Because of the overkill, they know the reasons for the murders are personal. Information they learn about Clara and Lamar, and the discovery of subsequent victims leads ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.7
42 min

Approximately twelve hours after she goes missing, the BAU is brought into the probable abduction case of Sophie Troy, the wife of first term Congressman Benjamin Troy, who has many enemies on all sides. The team recommends that the Congressman and his family - his mother Dinah Troy, and his brother Paul Troy who has just been released from rehab and is living with Dinah until he gets back on his feet - come in for protective custody until the case is solved. Organized Crime believes that Sophie's abduction may have been by low level Russian thugs for hire, one of their agents, Dorian Loker, who has surveillance on their hideout. While Reid joins Loker in the surveillance to see if they can find out anything on that end, the rest of the team remains at headquarters where they deal with a ransom request, and conflicting stories from the Congressman and those associated with him. They have to wade through the stories to discover the truth before the ransom demand comes and goes, and ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
42 min

The team head out to Nevada after several frozen bodies are found floating in water somewhere. Whilst the BAU investigate it is revealed the victims were apart of a religious cult which they believe could be responsible for the deaths. Meanwhile, JJ is forced to confront some difficult emotions and demons on the one year anniversary of her abduction, and leans on Reid to help her get through.

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
40 min

The BAU is called to Boston, Massachusetts, where former prosecutor turned defense attorney Jack Westbrook has just been abducted in a convenience store parking lot. He was in the process of a 911 call to report his car being vandalized at that very moment when he was abducted, which to the team means that he is probably still alive and that his abduction was targeted by the vandal. From the sounds on the 911 call recording, they can tell that there are at least two unsubs. In speaking to his seven month pregnant wife Linda and looking at his background, they see that he has led a model life including a 94% win rate, but could easily be a target of those few he was unable to get off, or in turn those that he formerly prosecuted. However, in digging a little deeper, they find that Jack has led a secret life, most specifically in the form of an apartment unknown to Linda, which they assume is a love nest. But what that secret life entails takes a turn and explains the reason for the man... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

On October 30, 2014, a frightened eleven year old Joshua Parker is found at a Halloween fair in San Diego. He went missing on Halloween day the previous year. His case mimics that of Tommy Wilcox, who went missing on Halloween 2012 in Los Angeles, only to be found on Venice Beach October 30, 2013, alive but he who eventually died of malnutrition a few hours later. Joshua, however, is expected to live. Both boys had atrophied muscles, and had splinters and puncture wounds, although Joshua seems to have been fed somewhat properly. Both boys were also considered troubled, Joshua who was never listed officially as missing since he was a chronic runaway. The problem for the BAU is that Tommy's captor, Rodney Tanner, who confessed to the crime, is currently incarcerated, meaning that he either had a partner, there is a copycat loose, or that his confession is a lie. They have to figure out this issue before another troubled early or pre-teen Caucasian boy is abducted in the next day. Reid ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

Because she has been having nightmares about the aftermath of the issue, Garcia feels the need to go to Texas to speak to Greg Baylor, the man on death row who almost killed her and Reid. She needs to tell him that his death is not what she wants and that she has tried to stop it. Hotch allows her the time off to go to Texas. She finds that she is way in over her head and needs Morgan's support, but he may not be able to provide it as he does not understand or agree with what she is doing. In Garcia's absence, Lynch takes over her analyst duties in the team's next case, which takes them to Seattle, Washington, where two men have been found murdered in separate incidents. Beyond their being in the same age range, the two victims are seemingly unrelated, with dissimilar murder M.O.'s beyond their respective vehicles being found abandoned nearby, and random mutilations around the mouth. By the time the team arrives in Seattle, there is a third victim. At the M.E.'s office, Reid discovers... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

Victims of arsenic poisoning are found in Long Beach, California. The investigation reveals that the killer has a fascination with Greek mythology, based on handwritten death threats to the deceased and other mysterious clues. Meanwhile, Hotch is concerned about participating in Jack's third grade career day. Written by MissFortuneCookie

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

When three bodies are found with animal and human bite marks in a shallow grave near Milwaukee, the BAU has puzzling questions to answer. Meanwhile, Reid and Garcia work out for a company fitness test, but try to hide their preparation from Morgan. Written by MissFortuneCookie

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

The BAU returns to a six year old active case of nannies and their charge, one pair per year, being abducted in parks up and down the California coast. The children are found alive and unharmed within 24 hours, but the nannies are eventually found dead, with the exception of one, Tara Rios, who, in 2010, managed to escape but was so traumatized by her ordeal that she remembers nothing and now refuses to assist with the case anymore. The victims were physically assaulted, burned with hot implements, and drowned in scalding water. The unsub has always made sure that the bodies were found in a Los Angeles park on May 13, that date this year being a few weeks away, the reason for the team's current work. The team is late as the unsub has struck earlier than usual this year, abducting a nanny named Gina Mendes and her charge, two year old Phoebe Payton. This abduction ends up being different than the other five in that Phoebe is not returned within 24 hours, which is all the more dangerous... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.1
42 min

The team travels to Rapid City, South Dakota after Reid, who is suffering from insomnia, stumbles across a case. Two thirtysomething men in separate incidents were found dismembered in the area, one in Rapid City, another in a nearby native reserve. The men were also poisoned with a natural herb. Both men were also not local, they being associated with the seasonal logging industry. When a third man, Chad Dumont, goes missing, he who is also not local but a military man on furlough, the team refocuses on the non-local aspect. Ritualistic markings on the bodies also leads to the team looking into the native angle as well as the naturopathic angle. After doing further interviews, they determine that the unsub is a woman who is luring the men away using the ruse of sex. The team has to piece together all these clues to find the unsub and her motivation. Meanwhile, Rossi tries to help Reid understand the cause of and deal with his insomnia. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.3
42 min

The team is called to work on a case on the Mexico border, where two otherwise previously healthy men were found with their right leg amputated. One man did not survive the operation while the second, college student Tony Anders, only remembers bits and pieces in what he previously thought was a nightmare. The nature of both amputations show the team that the unsub has some knowledge of anatomy, but it is unclear if the unsub is/was a medical doctor. But when a third victim stumbles into a hospital, the team has a slightly clearer picture of the unsub's motives: he is trying to do live leg transplants, which is medically impossible, leading the team to believe the unsub has a God complex. They have to figure out how he is choosing his victims, and the reason he is trying to perfect this operation before they can find him himself. A secret relationship of Reid's provides a little assistance on the case, at the risk of the team discovering this relationship Reid wants kept secret and ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The BAU is called to the Los Angeles area as three men were found dead in a lifeguard station closed for the season. Two were wrapped in plastic. All died a from a single gunshot wound to the head and were castrated postmortem. All three were not local, and had differing physical characteristics, differing socioeconomic backgrounds and differing sexual orientations. Other aspects of the deaths indicate that the unsub knew his victims. As subsequent victims emerge, the team learns that all were going through some sort of personal loss, which is why they were targeted since the unsub too probably experienced that same loss. The victims' missing vehicles, a female victim whose method of death was dissimilar to the males, toxicology reports and pin-pointing the common loss between all bring the team closer to finding the unsub, and who his ultimate targets are. Meanwhile, Rossi vows to complete this investigation by week's end so that Hotch can go on his first date since Haley's death. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

The BAU is called to the San Francisco Bay area when a young couple named David Atley and Nicole Puli are found shot to death, with evidence pointing to the unsub being the Zodiac Killer, who has not been heard from since 1974. The local police detective leading the investigation believes it to be the work of the real Zodiac Killer, but Hotch, Rossi and Reid believe that it is not, especially since there has been no evolution in the nature of these latest killings since those by the real Zodiac Killer. The team nonetheless follow leads back to the original investigation, including tracking those who were involved in that investigation as well as anyone who either wrote about it or tracked the investigation. They are hindered in the investigation by an anxious and sometime media hungry public who want to cash in on the Zodiac Killer's notoriety. They are also helped and hindered when they learn the unsub has a genius IQ, he who may understand the BAU's tactics. As the BAU goes through ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

In Los Angeles, three women have been found murdered in three separate incidents. Each was knocked out by chloroform without a chloroform burn outside their nostril or mouth, drowned in methanol where they were submerged alive, dumped in a highly public place, and had a two-inch square piece of skin removed from the bottom of their right foot, the skin removed post mortem. The dump sites and the abduction sites span the entire breadth of the city. The BAU believe that the unsub is a highly anti-social man, has some sort of scientific background, and is able to move around the city easily without attracting attention especially in interacting with or abducting the women. They narrow in on taxi drivers, but because no licensed cab was within the vicinity of the time and area of one of the abductions, they believe the unsub drives an unlicensed cab. The chemicals used in the murders may provide the missing piece in zeroing in on the unsub. During this investigation, Morgan notices that ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.3
41 min

Reid is suffering from prolonged headaches and hallucinations, which he has not told the team. The symptoms are exacerbated by exposure to light, which will not be helped by needing to travel to Miami, Florida for their next case. Three people so far in a Latino neighborhood have been murdered in what looks to be some sort of Afro-Caribbean religious ritual. The victims, all murdered in their home (if you count that the one homeless man was murdered where he usually sleeps), had their eyes and mouth covered with shells. Hands or fingers were severed and some animals were also sacrificed. All the victims seemed to have willingly participated in the ritual ceremony before they were murdered, meaning that they knew their killer. The team's task in finding the unsub is made more difficult in that the residents of the neighborhood are suspect of outsiders, especially the authorities. In speaking to Hollis Walker Jr., a local college professor and authority on Afro-Caribbean religions, they... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

Oak Tree Hills is a security monitored gated community located in Las Cruces, New Mexico. In the span of two months, three women have been strangled to death in their home in Oak Tree Hills, each successive murder being more brazen in that other household members were within closer proximity when the murder occurred. With the latest murder, security showed no non-residents on site, meaning that a resident is the unsub. Because the community is homogeneous, an unsub profile is somewhat meaningless. As such, Hotch and Rossi enlist the assistance of an FBI cadet, Agent Ashley Seaver, who may be able to shed some light from another perspective as she is the daughter of a serial killer who murdered twenty-five women before she reached age twenty. Hotch and Rossi make it clear to her that she is only acting as a consultant and is in no way to take action without the approval of someone on the team. Det. Felix Ruiz, the Las Cruces police detective assigned to the case who happens to also ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

JJ has been offered a major job promotion as liaison for the Department of Defense, which she not only turned down twice but about which didn't even tell Hotch, who only finds out when Strauss tells him and asks JJ to reconsider. Ultimately, the decision may not rest with JJ. Meanwhile, the team heads to Atlantic Beach, Maryland where nineteen year old Kate Joyce has been missing for three days. She had been in Atlantic Beach on vacation for a week before her disappearance. She was last seen in a bar with two young men, longtime friends, the subservient James Barrett and the dominant Sydney Pearson, who admitted they both had consensual sex with her that evening, but who also stated they dropped her off at her hotel after the fact that evening. The team believe the two, who are in custody, had something to do with her disappearance in part as they have a long criminal past despite being only twenty. As the team question the two individually with time running out on how long they can ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
40 min | 42 min

In Uinta County Wyoming, two sets of two teens apiece commit suicide by hanging in their respective homes on consecutive Fridays. The kids showed no prior signs of suicidal tendencies. Although the BAU do not deal with suicides, JJ talks Hotch into the team taking the case as she can feel that there is something more going on than just suicides. Being a Wednesday, the BAU have two days to figure out what's going on before the next potential suicides. Initial investigations show that all the kids were model students. Upon inspection of their computers however, they were all participating in an on-line choking game, the choking phenomenon said to be akin to a drug-less high. The BAU try to warn both parents and teenagers in the area about the site and not to participate in the game, but know that they still need to track down the unsub who set up the site. Their investigation takes them to a family dealing with a death among their own. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.8
41 min | 42 min

In Atlantic City, New Jersey, two women have thus far been identified as having died at the hands of the same killer. Both victims were drug-induced paralyzed and still conscious during their two-month abduction, but otherwise well taken care of. Both were also petite but physically fit, and in life were fashion conscious, although the clothes in which they were found did not match what they would have worn in real life, these new clothes which were more doll-like. And both dead bodies were found in a place that represents a fun childhood, one on a playground swing, another on an amusement park carousel. Because the two women have no other similar characteristics beyond their small stature, the BAU believe the unsub to be a woman who is collecting the victims as surrogates for a doll collection that the unsub has lost. When the BAU learn more about the doll line that the unsub is mimicking and after one of the pieces of clothing is analyzed, they stumble across a lead to the unsub ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The BAU flies to Louisville, KY on the case of a spree killer who starts in his local pharmacy. Hotch's projection of a need for attention to detail creates tension and confusion among the team. Among internal obstacles, the BAU discovers their unsub's violent and traumatic childhood. Written by glonner22

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.1
42 min

The BAU, working on less than four hours sleep after finishing the case of the abducted homeless people taken across to Canada, are called into their next case. A trauma surgeon by the name of Dr. Barton received a note from someone signing it LC. stating that his fifteen year old son Jeffrey will be killed. If LC. is not allowed to carry out this mission, he will instead kill one other person every day until Jeffrey is dead. Two surrogates for Jeffrey, both Hispanic men, are already dead. Dr. Barton has no idea who LC. is or why he or his son would be targeted. Rossi, J.J. and Morgan keep watch over Jeffrey, who sneaked out of the house to go to school, while Reid and Prentiss go over Dr. Barton's medical files with him. Prentiss, figuring they need an extra pair of eyes to go over the several hundred files, decides to try and find Hotch, who has not been answering his cell phone. Arriving at Hotch's apartment, Prentiss finds that he is not there, but that there are signs of foul ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.7
42 min

A teen girl, Jordan, and her father are killed by a bomb planted in their house. When two cops arrive, they are shot by a shooter with a full-auto weapon. The BAU soon discover that the shooter is Owen Savage, a constantly bullied teen with learning difficulties, and that Jordan, who's also been abused and has learning difficulties, is still alive and in a relationship with Owen who's planning to kill again... Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.2
60 min | 42 min

Hotchner and Reid secure a pre-execution interview for research with death-row inmate, Chester Hardwick, who had a secret agenda. Unofficially, and unbeknown to his team, Rossi checks up on the surviving children of an Indianapolis couple who were victims of a still-unsolved, brutal, double-homicide exactly twenty years earlier, that he has never let go of, and to see if their are any new leads. Frustrated with his constant yearly gifts, a painful reminder of their parents' murder, the now-grown children beg Rossi to just leave them alone, but inadvertently provide him with a new lead. Concerned about his state of mind, Morgan, Prentiss, and J.J. join him, just in time to help make sense of the only new lead in twenty years, that may finally lead to the killer. Written by Lynne Boris Johnston

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

When the contents of a self-storage facility is sold, the new owners find a number of pictures, drawings and notes that suggest that there's a possible sadistic serial killer in the making in town. The case is complicated by a local FBI agent who sees the incident as an opportunity to become famous... Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
42 min

In Cherry Creek, Colorado - a suburb of Denver - middle class families are being murdered in their homes. The houses have been robbed only of small items of monetary worth. The victims have all thus far been traditional families - mother, father and children. The parents are gagged, bound and eventually brutally beaten whereas the children are murdered by an injection of phenobarbital. The nature of the deaths lead the BAU to believe there are two unsubs, a dominant and a submissive, the latter who acts as the angel of mercy in the way he kills the children. Through evidence, the BAU know the unsubs work their way into their victims' houses through a trusted ruse of some sort, and after entry the victims have no way of outside contact since phone lines are cut and cell phone access is blocked. They get a break in the case when in the latest attack, there is one survivor, the teen-aged daughter, Carrie Ortiz. Carrie witnessed the murders and saw the unsubs' faces. Other information ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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