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IMDb: 7.9
44 min

The victim: Avery Bowman, the wife of Russell Bowman, the famed starting quarterback for the BC Furies, and head of Russell's charitable organization. The killer: Courtney Meisenger, the owner/operator of a suburban bakery/catering business, with Russell's charity one of her recent clients. Angie is acting staff sergeant on this case while Oscar is away in court. Avery's dead body is discovered thrown from her vehicle following a seeming single vehicle traffic accident along a remote road. However, Betty discovers that she didn't die from injuries from the accident itself, but rather from anaphylactic shock from a peanut allergy, peanut oil which is found smeared onto parts of her body. In checking Avery's cell phone records and in interviews with people on that cell phone list and those close to her, the detectives find that Avery's latest actions were in a effort to hide something she did or was about to do, with Kennecki believing what she was hiding was an affair. But when Betty ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The victim: Maria Snow. The killer: Neville Montgomery. Two eyewitnesses saw Maria's body crashing atop a car parked on the street, she apparently falling from the seventh floor of the adjacent heritage building, recently purchased by Neville. Everything is consistent with the fall being the cause of death. The homicide detectives are certain that Neville is behind Maria's death, despite they working leads pursuing Robert as the murderer. They see it tied into Neville's harassment of Angie through his goon breaking into her home, and her beloved car being blown up in front of her eyes. That belief is only solidified by Deputy Chief Halford placing Mark in charge of the investigation. With Mark in charge, the question concerning him is if he will do anything to cross Halford, which in turn could jeopardize what looks to be his upward trajectory in the force. To tie the murder back to Neville, the detectives are going to have to find out exactly what Maria's game plan was, namely why ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The victim: Rick Wyatt, an insurance adjuster. The killer: Lawrence Frampton, a collections agent who is mourning the recent death of his wife, Helen Frampton, from complications from COPD. Rick's dead body is found behind the wheel of his car in the parking lot at his workplace, his hands handcuffed together around the steering wheel and a duct tape fastened plastic bag over his head, asphyxiation the cause of death. The detectives initially find that Rick is generally well liked by his colleagues, but that the more they delve into his life that he was involved in some subversive behavior, one issue dealing with jealousy against anyone who paid attention to his wife, Lisa Wyatt, who the detectives cannot seem to locate. Evidence seems to indicate that she has recently left him, placing her on the suspect list. Although Angie is eventually able to tie evidence at the crime scene to Lawrence as well as other issues between the Wyatts and Framptons, the case becomes just as much about ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.4
43 min

The killer: social worker Charlie Monahan. The victim: Ken Leung, the deputy leader of the ruthless Golden Tiger Triad, the largest criminal organization in the city. The triad makes money in part through their illegal mah jong gambling den. Leung's bullet ridden dead body is discovered in his home, the murder weapon on the scene. His is only one of three concurrent homicides, Angie, Oscar and Brian each taking the lead on one of the three. The other two are Dr. Ronald Hanlon DDS, whose wife was away in Seattle receiving fertility treatments at the time of his death, and Andrew Gorman, a former juvenile delinquent who, according to his mother, was turning his life around. In the Leung murder, the detectives interview among others: Ken's brother, George Leung, the head of the triad who isn't speaking but who they know did not commit the murder; Teri Leung, Ken's estranged ex-wife who blames Ken for orchestrating their daughter being sent into foster care, the rationale being that if ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.3
44 min

The killer: Ashley Kirkwell, the former owner/operator of Purgatory, a strip club which has now been renamed the Blu Lounge. The victim: Dr. Garrison Osgood, a plastic surgeon with his own private clinic in partnership with Dr. Lucy Everhill. When Angie, Brian and Oscar first encounter Dr. Osgood, he is still alive in the clinic, the chief suspect in Dr. Everhill's murder, she on one of the operating room tables slashed to death. However, Dr. Osgood spouts off a cryptic sounding message before he quickly crumples to the floor and dies in front of Angie and Brian's eyes. Despite suspecting that the two business partners were having an affair hence part of the reason they were in the clinic in their evening attire with champagne and a cigar late at night, the doctors' assistant, Paul Murphy, who found Dr. Everhill, tells the detectives that the doctors didn't socialize outside of the office. Dr. Everhill's husband confirms that there was tension between the two doctors of a legal nature... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.0
44 min

The victim: Nika Reid, an assistant to renowned but sleazy photographer Eric Sharpe, who likes to party hard with his young female models and staff, most who will do whatever he says to gain his influence to get ahead in the business. The killer: Stacy Lawford, who works at a local online gossip blog called Wicked City, which specializes in salacious local stories. Stacy also happens to be Nika's roommate and best friend. Eric discovered Nika's dead body in bed with him when he woke up after a boisterous late night party at his live/work studio. The detectives believe Eric is the person who stabbed Nika to death as he seems to be doing whatever required to protect himself, including cleaning himself up and calling a lawyer even before calling 911. When Eric finally decides to talk, he vows that he remembers nothing between the time the cops came by the previous evening on noise complaints to shut the party down to when he woke to find Nika already dead beside him. Angie, the lead on ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.8
44 min

The killer: brew-master Joe Hillis, who is just about to open a craft brewery. The victim: tarot card reader Ginelle Mercier. Her mummified body is found in the wall of a for sale warehouse, which was being renovated for suspected asbestos. Because of the environment of the warehouse, Ginelle, who was placed there postmortem, could have been killed as recently as ten weeks ago. The detectives have to find who would have last had contact with her, including among her colleagues, friends and clients, the latter from who they learn that she was considered the best in the business. They learn from others who viewed her from an outsider's perspective that she was considered flaky. The detectives' search for electronic information is difficult as they also learn she felt many forms of electronics interfered with psychic energy. Stumbling on her hard copy contact list, the detectives find that a common name between her friends, clients and those that had access to the warehouse is Hillis, ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The victim: pastry chef Chelsea Richmond. The killer: pilot Brad Calgrove, a first officer for his airline. He is engaged to wealthy art gallery owner Nicole Gaynor who was recently mugged. Chelsea had recently moved from Florida to Vancouver, her cocktail dress clad dead body found frozen in the freezer in her rented house. She was knocked unconscious before being frozen. Her body is found by her absentee landlady, as Chelsea was supposed to be out of the house two weeks ago. Because of the freezing, Betty cannot pinpoint how long she has been dead, it being anywhere from forty-eight hours to six months. As such, the detectives have to work backwards to determine when she died. They will learn that Chelsea was let go two months ago from from her latest job at a casual chain restaurant, where her perfection did not mesh with the style of the restaurant itself. Her move to this job was surprising as she came from a more lucrative high end restaurant job in Florida, and had a similar ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.2
44 min

The victim: street artist Perry Doyle. The killer: fourteen year old Wesley Hillridge, an aspiring street artist himself. To do his art, Wes sneaks out of the house at night. His newly remarried mother, Nina Hillridge, overcompensates in providing as much support to Wes as she feels she can and needs to in light of Wes and her new controlling husband, Lance, clashing often over Wes' art activities, legal and illegal. The dead body, initially listed as a John Doe, is found hanging by a rope over the side of an overpass, the thought being that he was involved in a hit and run with a truck as he was just about to start an art piece on the side of the overpass. Based on the art in question, the scuttlebutt on the street is that the artist in question is Contagion, one of the most renowned street artists in these parts but who chooses to remain anonymous and thus by definition is also a loner. Angie and Oscar are eventually able to identify the dead body as Perry Doyle after Brian learns ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.4
44 min

The killer: florist Ella Rollins. The victim: Lee Ward. Lee's dead body is one of two at an attempted robbery of an armored security truck, the primary players being two robbers and two security guards. The primary surviving eyewitness, Blair Morton, one of the two security guards who happens to be Ella's husband, describes the events as follows. After returning from a coffee run, his partner, Tony Lamot, the other victim, was shot in the back from a distance with what is later identified as specialty armor piercing bullets. As Blair rushed to Tony's side to administer CPR, which is against protocol, the second gunman, Lee but who is originally listed as a John Doe, approached and was ready to shoot him. What saved Blair was that Lee just dropped dead, from what Betty is later able to identify as a massive overdose of digoxin, a prescription medication the detectives will later learn Lee was taking. The situation with Lee led to the first gunman escaping in a getaway car. Because of ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.4
43 min

The victim: Peter Glass, an employee for Fibersec, a digital security consulting firm. He is survived by a wife, full-time homemaker Olivia Glass, and a sixteen year old daughter, Sophie Glass. The killer: Wayne Hobbs, a general contractor, one of whose latest jobs was to build a backyard deck for the Glasses. Peter is eventually identified as the murder victim through DNA of his dismembered body parts strewn throughout various locations in the city. In interviewing those that knew Peter, the Homicide detectives find that he was considered an anti-social man, who seemed to control every aspect of Olivia and Sophie's lives. Regardless, Olivia and Sophie still seemed to love him yet be somewhat scared of him at the same time. They also find that Peter had a relatively small digital footprint himself. The murder investigation turns into a concurrent kidnapping investigation when they find that Wayne has abducted Sophie. In searching through Wayne's belongings, the Homicide detectives ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.1
42 min

The victim: Geoff Armstrong, a civic urban planner and a part-time scuba diving instructor. The killer: Robin Gould, an architect, who works for the high powered firm run by Isaac Griffin, who was up until two days ago also her fiancé as she called off the engagement due to what she told him were their diverging lives. The Homicide detectives, before learning of Geoff's death, have another homicide investigation... Robin's. Her blood splattered car is discovered in a remote area, no body to be found anywhere nearby. In their search for Robin and what they assume is her dead body, they question Isaac, who along with Robin, had been dealing with obtaining a variance from the city for a high profile new building, that process which seemed not to be going well and which Geoff is handling for the city. It is when the detectives check on Isaac's alibi - Geoff - for the time of Robin's disappearance that they learn of Geoff's death from a scuba diving accident. But they will learn that urban... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.1
43 min

The victim: Sienna, a prostitute who used her life coaching company as a front. The killer: Stephanie Carson, a jealous wife and controlling mother who works as an investment advisor purportedly earning seven figures. Sienna's dead body is found in the bathroom of her office i.e. a downtown condo, she injected with a fatal dose of pentobarbital through the neck, and the word SLUT written on her forehead in lipstick. Besides Sienna's work as a prostitute and the need to interview her clients, most specifically those that were scheduled the day of and after her death, the detectives will learn that she was also a mild-mannered suburban housewife named Erica Grey, her husband, Doug Grey, who, with Erica, agreed that after their marriage she would continue hooking, with set boundaries. As Sienna's client list comes up with dead ends, the detectives begin to suspect that Erica's suburban housewife life, which includes being heavily involved in her daughter Jayda's gymnastics club, ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.2
44 min

The killer: Derek Caster. The victim: London Montgomery, the grown daughter of wealthy industrialist, Neville Montgomery. Six months out of drug rehab and seemingly clean during that time, London is found dead from being poisoned on what was the night of her birthday party joint drug rehab facility fundraiser. Betty suspects that the drug was purposefully given to London as what she believed was cocaine. Oscar recuses himself from the case when he learns that the last person to text London before she died was his father, Franco Vega, who has a thing for younger women like London. As such, Franco becomes a prime suspect. Because of the need for extra human resources on the case, Boyd asks Angie if she is willing to be temporarily placed back in Homicide from her desk job in Recruiting which she requested six months ago following Oscar killing to protect her, and her and Mark's ten year secret coming to a head. The desk job has not rejuvenated Angie as she had hoped, and as such she is ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 9.1
43 min

The killer: undercover police officer Doug Slater. The victim: Samantha Turner, Sergeant Cross' current girlfriend and the prosecuting attorney in the upcoming League of Nations trial in which Mark is the star witness as the undercover cop who infiltrated the gang. Slater was also present at the scene ten years ago as a first responder in the Alfonso Dyer shooting, the truth of the shooting which has haunted Mark and Angie all these years. Samantha is found strangled to death in her apartment, with the signature League of Nations burnt tongue signature present. Because of Mark and Samantha's connection, Bloom immediately removes him from the case, despite he being passionate about being involved in finding who killed his girlfriend. However, Angie and Oscar cannot rule him out as a suspect, despite the League signature to the death. The detectives do question the key League of Nations players: incarcerated Virgil Maddox, the gang head who despite his incarceration would still be ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.8
43 min

The victim: successful crime novelist Lori Oliver, who dies after collapsing while making a presentation at a writers' conference. The killer: Dustin Hess, a creative writing professor at Langara College, he who chides anyone who reads and likes Lori's books, people such as his student, Doug Butcher, one of Lori's many über-fans. Betty quickly assesses that Lori was poisoned, and after receiving the toxicology report learns that she was poisoned by a toxin that is not used for anything - and thus needs to be manufactured for this specific purpose - and that even the smallest dose is highly lethal. According to those around Lori - her husband Gary Oliver, her manager Craig Davis and her personal assistant Parker Wexler - Lori had many fans, but she also received many death threats, often mirroring the nature of her stories. Each of the three is a suspect, but Craig in particular, due to emerging circumstances, is particularly cooperative with Angie and Oscar. When they discover the ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.2
42 min

The killer: Bryce Kovack, who, along with his brothers Brent Kovack and Donnie Kovack, own and operate their own garage. Theirs is an extremely tight-knit family, they who still live together in the family home, with their only other sibling, younger sister Erin Kovack, having just returned home from dental hygiene school - she being the only member of the family ever to go onto higher learning - Brent and Donnie unaware on Bryce's request to help deal with the current family problem. The victim: Joey Dunkamp, a real estate agent, generally of high end properties. Joey is found shot dead in his car, although it is determined that he was not shot in the car, the detectives later finding that the primary crime scene was his trendy new office. Beyond the one gunshot that killed Joey that was fired at close range, Betty also finds two bruises that look to be made by shots from blanks also fired at close range. They also learn from Joey's boss and his for pay companion the evening he was... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.4
42 min

The victim: John Rivera, the well liked and respected chair of the Green Point Equestrian Centre, and the primary shareholder's son-in-law. The killer: Isabelle Flores, the Salvadoran nanny to Becky, the daughter of new Green Point member, the controlling divorcée Victoria Hill. John is found in the stables trampled to death by his own horse, Esperanza. But what Brian finds on site points to John's death being murder, namely his wife Jennifer's car filled with cinder blocks, rope and the trunk lined with plastic. Jennifer has an alibi for the time of John's death. Betty's autopsy confirms that John was also drugged by a high dose of ketamine, which would have killed him otherwise. As Brian delves more into John's goings-on over the past few days, Angie and Oscar come to a theory if John was indeed the intended target, or... With no information about John older than one year, they will have to uncover who John was before those records of him start to find a relationship to someone ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.3
43 min

The victim: Barb Birk, the owner of her own diner. The killer: Sasha King, a resident and worker at a women's shelter, and one of Barb's many disgruntled ex-employees. Who is eventually identified as Barb is found burnt to death inside her diner kitchen in what was an early morning fire on a day the diner was closed. The initial primary suspect as the person who started the fire, and thus the killer, is Barb's son, Jason Birk, who used to be a short order cook in the diner, and whose lighter was used to start the fire. He admits the lighter is his, but states that anyone who worked in the diner knew where he left it. He has been out of jail for three weeks, his ten month sentence for assault for beating up Ross Simpson, another of Barb's disgruntled ex-employees who often parked his food truck outside the diner. Jason, who is surprised to learn that he is the insurance beneficiary, admits that he and his mother had a love/hate relationship. They were somewhat estranged based largely ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.2
43 min

The victim: James Dent. The killer: Peter Ward, the home care nurse for Olivia Dent, James' seriously ill mother who has an auto-immune kidney disease. James was found nearly dead after he made a 911 call of being assaulted. It looked to be a BDSM session gone wrong, the actual issue almost killing him being auto-erotic asphyxiation. He is declared brain dead, but is kept on life support at the hospital. Angie and Oscar learn from Olivia that she and James have been estranged for some months, initiated by him. Olivia admits that she and James' now deceased father spoiled James growing up, and now as a young man she wanted him to make it on his own. She provided him with a business, a rehearsal space, on which he could earn a living. However, James still seemed to want more from her due to her wealth and the sense of entitlement he learned growing up. Olivia knew little of his current life beyond believing that he was squandering away his life and money while using the rehearsal space ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The killer: Stuart Fletcher, a paramedic. The victim: Graeme Jenkins, who died in a skydiving accident when his parachute did not open as the cords were cut on both chutes. After the autopsy, Betty determines that Jenkins would have soon died anyway as he was in the later stages of terminal lung cancer, leading to the initial possible belief that he committed suicide. Graeme's wife, Ingrid Jenkins, is able to confirm Graeme was going through an ordered bucket list, skydiving only the most recent activity, but as his life insurance policy did cover his death by cancer that there was no reason why he would have wanted to end his life prematurely via suicide. A chance statement by Graeme prior to the jump about his lucky number leads to a series of clues as to at least a visual identification of the possible killer, who seems to be using the assumed name of John Turner. Connecting John to Stuart is a little more difficult as is figuring out motive. If they are able to make a connection, ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.0
43 min

The killer: Heather Williamson, who, with Gordon White, are the founders and principles of Offensive, an up and coming web communications company. Gordon dotes on Heather, which does not sit well with his wife, Kim White. The victim: Jake Daly, Heather's nightclub bartender boyfriend. At the beginning of the investigation, Angie, Oscar and Brian have no body, but a lot of blood splattered in a public place, the splatter marks consistent with a vicious stabbing. But the eventual discovery of a MedicAlert bracelet points them to Jake as the probable victim, still with no body. Angie and Oscar do interview Heather in the course of their investigation, nothing seemingly out of the ordinary arising from that interview. Meanwhile, Gordon is helping Heather try to dispose of the body without Kim finding out what he's doing. If the detectives are to discover the killer and motive, they will have to learn about the nature of Heather and Jake's past romantic relationships, and the nature of ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

The victim: eighteen year old high school senior Emily Williams, who was a boarder at Queen's Cross Academy, the private school she attended at Lions Bay. The killer: fellow Queen's Cross student, sixteen year old Janine Boxton, the younger sister of Emily's ex-boyfriend, Aidan Boxton, the Boxton family who were before that like a second family to Emily in the absence of her own family, with Janine trying to emulate Emily as much as possible down to her copper colored dyed hair. Aidan was the person who reported Emily's dead body found at the bottom of a bluff. Aidan, who had not talked to Emily in a few weeks, received a call from her to meet her there, their place. Although there was indication Emily fell off the bluff, Betty is able to determine that Emily died of severe blunt force trauma to the back of the head consistent with being hit by someone with a large rock. In speaking to Emily's friends including Aidan, the detectives learn that there were rumors that Emily was having... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.3
43 min

The killer: Diane Torrance, a construction site flagger. The victim: Dr. Stan Matthews, a senior coroner, and Betty's mentor. As such, news of his death hits her particularly hard. His dead body was discovered on an upper level of a downtown parking lot, he having died from several abdominal wounds made by what looks to be an ice pick. He, at the time, was testifying as an expert at a child death case, in which the four-year-old victim seems to have been shot accidentally at a meth house party by drug dealer Brad Hitchens. Betty is taking over as the expert for that case. Despite the surveillance video from the parking lot not showing any direct tie to any individual as the murderer, the Homicide detectives are able to ascertain that a car speeding out of the parking lot at the time belonged to Daniel Hitchens, Brad Hitchens' disgruntled brother, who had had run-ins with Stan before. But Angie is also able to determine from the surveillance footage that the killing was premeditated. ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The killer: Damian Cutter. The victim: Alicia Barclay. Her dead body is found washed up on the beach one morning. Although Betty is able to determine that Alicia did die from drowning, Betty also believes that Alicia was unconscious when she entered the water based on her sustaining two head wounds which were made with a combined sharp and blunt object, not consistent with something like a sail boom. The Homicide detectives discover that Alicia, who was still wearing a cocktail dress, was on a yacht party the previous night, that party which she organized with Meredith Taylor, the two being the wives of Peter Barclay and Kurt Taylor respectively, the two men who had just purchased the multimillion dollar yacht and who are business partners in a lucrative online gaming venture. Whoever the killer, the detectives believe that Alicia never made it off the yacht from the party conscious. They discover an interesting web of one-on-one relationships between the four of Alicia, Peter, ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.2
42 min

The killer: Sophia Balfour, a dance studio owner/instructor. The victim: Dustin McEvers, a low level blue collar criminal, who according to Chris Renway, his professional and personal partner, purportedly was trying to go straight following the birth of their still infant offspring. Chris, however, admits that Dustin still did collection on his drug dealing business, a collection which is where he went when she last saw him. Dustin's death, on the surface, looks to be a simple case of self defense by Sophia's husband, Miles Balfour, after Miles, who was alone at home at the time, reported that Dustin broke in in what was probably an attempted robbery, as Dustin was armed, the gun in his hand which could not have been placed there post-mortem. Miles' self-defense argument starts to fall apart upon further examination of Dustin's fatal wound. Miles protecting Sophia as the actual killer starts to come to light based on a previous non-trust issue between husband and wife, and discovery... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.1
43 min

The killer: Ian, a photographer, who just got engaged to his girlfriend, who he had been dating for three years, their relationship which began following the suicide death of her former boyfriend, the biological father of her now six year old son. The victim: Kevin Carpenter, a former art school student, who had just returned to Vancouver following a three year traveling stint in India, Nepal and Thailand. His dead body is found in his motel room bathtub, his wrists slashed. Despite there being a suicide note on the scene - I never had the courage until now - which is later identified as being in his handwriting, Betty is able to determine that he was not the one to inflict the fatal wounds. Items on the scene also indicate that he was Buddhist. With no cell phone, Kevin made three calls from his motel room telephone - to his sister Shelly Carpenter who seemingly is the person closest to him, to a convenience store, and to directory assistance, in which he was looking for a Robin ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.2
42 min

The victim: seventeen year old Nathan Conroy. The killer: twenty-something Cam Radcliffe, who lives with his Uncle Dave and works at Dave's wrecking yard. Nathan's dead body is discovered buried in an urban park, he who died of an abdominal stab wound. However, the lack of blood at the site indicates that he was not murdered at the park itself. When Homicide IDs the victim as Nathan, they learn that he was convicted for possession of a deadly weapon four months earlier and that he was court ordered to enter into therapy with a Dr. Kate Robbins. Angie is familiar with Dr. Robbins as the doctor was a key expert witness at a manslaughter trial over ten years ago at which Angie was a juror prior to her becoming a police officer. Dr. Robbins' testimony was what convinced Angie to change her mind as to the guilt or innocence of the defendant, who was acquitted. That defendant was a young man named Cameron Radcliffe. The dump site for this current case is within clear view of Dr. Robbins' ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 7.7
43 min

The killer: David Jacobs, a former public prosecutor and now the popular candidate for mayor, who has four weeks until election day. The victim: seventeen year old high school student Tiffany Greenwood, the daughter of David's long time friends, and David and his wife Grace's occasional babysitter. David killed Tiffany in a deliberate hit and run using the stolen car of Tiffany's boyfriend, the over-privileged Kevin West. As such, Kevin becomes Homicide's primary suspect, that belief strengthened when they learn that Tiffany just broke up with him. David, acting in the unofficial capacity of family friend, insinuates himself into the investigation through the prosecutor's office. His overzealousness, especially in wanting to prosecute Kevin without complete evidence against him, may become David's downfall, as Angie searches for what she believes is Tiffany's missing bag from the crime scene. What Angie and Oscar are unaware of is that David killed for what was in Tiffany's bag, that ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.1
55 min

A man desperately seeks Allison's help to determine the true nature of his wife's disappearance. Meanwhile, Joe and Allison become concerned when Marie breaks down during a spelling test. Written by CBS Publicity

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IMDb: 7.7
60 min

After Allison receives a letter from her Doctor about her tumor, she dreams of what would happen to her family if she were to die. As a spirit she meets a recently deceased woman, Mary-Louise Graff, who points her in the direction of her killer. Graff isn't being entirely honest. Ariel can see her and she gets her to continue her work with DA Devalos. It all takes a toll however. Ariel has to give up her plans to go to Dartmouth College and grows weary of her mom's constant presence. When Allison wakes up, she takes steps to deal with Graff and ensure Ariel gets her wish. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.0
42 min

After being mugged in a mall parking lot, Allison meets another assault victim, Kira Hudack. With her dreams showing her being attacked again by the same men who mugged her, she decides to take the self-defense classes Kira offers. Soon her dreams show her the man who attacked Kira; or so she thinks and makes a terrible error. Det. Scanlon has to deal with family issues when DA Devalos tells him his sex offender brother Paul Scanlon is the suspect in the recent rape of a 15 year-old girl. The DA's office has an undercover officer in Paul's group therapy class but when Lee confronts him about the rape, Paul denies it and claims to be on the road to recovery. When the undercover cop is found dead, Paul becomes their main suspect but Allison's dreams reveal otherwise. Written by garykmcd

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