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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

The firm is facing bankruptcy and is trying to avoid liquidation. David Lee has announced that he is leaving and taking his lucrative divorce practice with him. A judge agrees to to allow them to reorganize and appoints a trustee, Clarke Hayden, to oversee the process. He casts a wary eye on everything from the art work to the fact that Diane and Will are co-managing partners. He proves surprisingly helpful when it comes to David Lee however. Alicia is juggling several balls as she tries to keep her son Zack out of jail after he's stopped by an aggressive State Trooper. Zack actually comes up with a very practical weapon for his defense. Alicia is also having to deal with a political reporter, Peggy Byrne, who wants to know more about her personal life than she is prepared to provide. Kalinda meanwhile has to deal with her husband, who has now arrived in Chicago. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Everyone at the firm is ecstatic when they win a $25 million judgment in a case where they had only been requesting a $17 million settlement. Their jubilation comes to a sudden end when lawyers Patti Nyholm and Louis Canning advise them that they are being sued for $50 million. The basis of their suit is that the judge is a friend of Will Gardner and that the huge settlement was payback for past corrupt activities. They depose anyone affiliated with the case leaving Carey Agos, who has just returned to the firm, as the only lawyer to represent them. Meanwhile, Alicia comes across a large uncashed check in Kalinda's personal file. She calls the number on the check but the man at the other end refuses to identify himself. She tells Kalinda what's happened and she finally tells Alicia what she's been hiding. She also prepares to go to war. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

After Judge Richard Cuesta is accused of prosecutorial misconduct he hires Lockhart Gardner to defend him. A case he prosecuted 20 years ago when he was with the State Attorney's office has resurfaced after the man's conviction has been set aside as a result of new DNA evidence. A special court of inquiry has been struck to determine if Cuesta should be charged with a crime. The firm still represents Lemond Bishop and he takes Kalinda to task for having shared information about him with the FBI. The firm decides it needs another litigator and Alicia recommends Cary Agos who is unhappy at the State Attorney's office. Will, still under suspension, isn't sure he wants Carey on the team. Without Will's knowledge Diane Lockhart and Howard Lymon interview Callie Simcoe, a lawyer from their previous case. She's Will's girlfriend however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Alicia defends a young client, Lindsey, whose conviction was vacated due to DNA evidence. She and two other girls had been convicted of luring another girl into the woods at a summer camp and killing her. Rather than have to deal with a new trial, Peter Florrick tells Carey Agos to make them an plea offer but Lindsey and her two co-accused must all accept the offer or it's off the table. They also have to waive their right to sue the State crime lab for their errors. Alicia asks Kalinda to look into the evidence. Alicia's successful stint on the blue-ribbon panel backfires when the report blames Peter for the cover-up in the case. The panel's chair, Mike Kresteva also announces his bid for the Governor's Office. As a result Peter is thinking of not running. Alicia learns that her mother-in-law is the one who bought her old house from under her. Peter sets his mother straight on the issue. Eli has been assisting his ex-wife, Vanessa, plan her run for State Senate. He's put in a ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Alicia is appointed to a blue ribbon police review board but it soon becomes apparent that most of the participants aren't ready to dig into a police shooting in any great depth. When she pursues the issue, it's clear she's rocking the boat and is warned there might be consequences. She perseveres. Alicia is also in the market for a house and makes an offer on her previous home. She runs into some surprising competition. Alicia is also representing Kalinda in her dispute with the IRS but after a meeting with them gets a visit from the FBI. At the firm, the knives are still out for Will Gardner with three hoping to replace him as a named partner. They also want to strip him of any profit participation while he is not practicing law. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Alicia must once again aid Colin Sweeney when a sexual misconduct claim derails his attempt to win back control of his company. Also, Cary is faced with a moral dilemma when Peter tasks him with enforcing office policies. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

While power grabs are being made at the firm, Alicia and Caitlin square off against old foe Nancy Crozier. Meanwhile, Peter discovers the price of taking the moral high road. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 9.0
44 min

With her investigation complete, Special Prosecutor Wendy Scott-Carr presents her evidence against Will to the grand jury in hopes of sending him to prison for bribery. Meanwhile, Eli and Stacie Hall square off once again. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

The firm goes all out when a client is surprisingly found guilty of first degree murder. They have a sympathetic judge and even Carey Agos is concerned that the prosecution hasn't made their case. The accused refused a deal, not prepared to plead guilty to something she didn't do. Now that the verdict has been delivered, they look for evidence of jury misconduct or anything that might get the judge to direct a verdict of not guilty. It doesn't get easier when Special Prosecutor Wendy Scott-Carr questions the judge in the Will Gardner investigation. She also has something interesting to say to Will. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Alicia coaches new associate Caitlin D'arcy in her first court-like appearance, an arbitration hearing. Opposing counsel is Martha Reed who Alicia had hoped to hire but was forced to hire Caitlin instead. The case revolves around a college professor, Pamela Raker, who claims she was fired after resisting the advances of her department head. When Alicia and Caitlin gain the upper hand, Martha calls in her boss - none other than Alicia's old nemesis, Louis Canning. Wendy Scott-Carr pursues her case against Will Gardner and they hire Cary's friend, Andrew Wiley, as an investigator. Eli is feeling unloved at the firm. He decides to help out Will. Alicia and Peter face a crisis when daughter Grace disappears. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Diane Lockhart and Alicia find themselves in the murky world of post-9/11 law when the firm takes on the case of an American citizen who claims to have been imprisoned and tortured by the U.S. military in Afghanistan. The government is refusing to turn over classified material and when they finally get a court order on the subject are inundated with redacted material. New associate Cailtin finds a clue in the redacted material. At the State's Attorney's office, Cary Agos digs up some old dirt on Will from when he worked in Baltimore and they decide to use it to pressure Will to give them information on gangster Lamond Bishop. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Diana Lochkhart and Celeste Seranno face a major problem when their key witness in a law suit commits suicide. Diane is representing the passengers and Celeste the crew members who all died in a plane crash. Their witness was going to testify that the aircraft manufacturer knew there was a fault with the deicing system and didn't correct it due to costs. The only solution they have is to call in Colin Sweeney, someone they know well and whose company financed some of their work. Sweeney wants out of prison in return for his testimony. The SA's office wants him to wear a wire to get evidence on a white supremacist who is ordering hits from inside prison. Meanwhile, Eli is working hard to get Peter the keynote address at the Democratic convention. Alicia is under pressure to hire David Lee's niece and she has to deal with daughter Grace's choice of friends. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Alicia takes on a pro bono case where the witness quickly becomes the prime suspect, but it's Lockhart and Gardner that may be in the most jeopardy, as Will and Diane consider their futures and the firm's direction. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Having successfully defended her client Danny Lambros against a charge of libel, Alicia finds herself arguing the case all over again in a London court via video conference. The onus of proof is reversed in English and Welsh courts and Alicia must now find a way to prove the claims in Danny's book are true. She gets help from Will and a British solicitor, Timothy Ash Bannon. Will meanwhile is surprised when the new State's Attorney, Alicia's husband Peter, invites the firm to bid on $20 million in business. There's a catch however: because of the firm's dealings with drug dealer Lamond Bishop, Peter wants them to voluntarily submit to a tax audit to show their funds aren't tainted. Will thinks it's a trap. Eli meets Kalinda for the first time and needs her help in an investigation. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

While the staff at Lockhart/Gardner adjusts to new realities and relationships, Alicia must put aside distractions in her personal life to defend a Muslim student accused of murdering a Jewish classmate. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.6
42 min

Will and Alicia defend a man accused of killing a judge who had ruled against him in a civil suit. A key piece of evidence - a bloody glove - is missing in the case but suddenly turns up in the mail at Lockhart Gardner and lands on Alicia's desk. The jury is already deliberating and they have little time. They review the cases where the judges may have taken bribes and have the glove DNA-tested, with surprising results. Meanwhile, the local Democratic committee wants to keep Eli Gold around and manage Peter Florrick's next election, this time for Statewide office. He decides to set himself up at Lockhart Gardner. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.5
57 min

On election night, Alicia takes decisive action on the news she's received about another of Peter's extra-marital flings and rents him an apartment. She also makes it plain that their marriage is over and there is no chance of going back. Peter's mother isn't quite as accepting. At the office, Alicia finds herself defending a dying woman who has been refused a liver transplant. She and Diane Lockhart find themselves up against their old nemesis Patti Nyholm. In a sudden turnabout however, Nyholm hires Lockhart Gardner to launch a lawsuit when her firm fires her. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.9
43 min

When killer Jarvis Bowes is released after 30 years in a mental hospital, Alicia and the firm try to prevent him from benefiting from his crime. He had kidnapped, tortured and raped a woman and doctors now argue that the man who committed those crimes no longer exists. He considers himself an artist and a songwriter and the lyrics for a now popular song are generating significant revenues for him. The firm knows that they have little chance of winning a first amendment case but Will Gardner has a another idea. Eli Gold is still feeling guilty about what he did to Natalie Flores and he gets Diane Lockhart to take on her case pro bono. When her father is arrested for a suspected burglary, the firm tries desperately to keep the illegal immigrant out of the system. Meanwhile, Kalinda is worried that Blake Calamar may have revealed her secret to an Assistant State's Attorney. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The firm takes on the case of a Chinese dissident who was imprisoned and tortured for 5 years after a US-based company gave Chinese government officials his IP address. Alicia gets upset when she finds out the real reason the firm is pursuing the case. Cary tells Kalinda that the State's Attorney is empaneling a grad jury to investigate her. The showdown with Derek Bonds is fast approaching with Diane and Will are still short a few votes. Diane remembers a couple of old partners who are still on the books and tries to get them to vote their way - but it's obvious they're going to have a high price. On the campaign trail, Eli is thrilled when Zach and Becca may have uncovered Glenn Child's own little nanny-gate. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Alicia finds herself in competition once again with Louis Canning as both try to have their firms certified as the legal representatives in a major class-action law suit. Alicia isn't quite prepared to accept Canning's conversion to the defender of the little guy after years of representing major corporations. In the process of trying to sign up complainants, Alicia gets evidence that Canning has someone inside their firm feeding him information. When they find the source, they make good use of it. On the campaign trail meanwhile, research shows that Peter is scoring high on the youth vote and he takes steps to keep it. At the office, Derek Bond announces a new client, a major bipartisan 'super' Political Action Committee. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.5

Alicia defends a man accused of murdering a fellow prison inmate two weeks before he was due to be released. She's up against her old nemesis, Cary Agos, but is one step ahead of him due primarily to Kalinda's investigative work. Frustrated, Cary turns to an old friend who is out of the business to do him a favor and do a bit of investigating for them. When he finds that the accused has a connection to drug lord Lemond Bishop, Cary may have a step up. Meanwhile, the campaign for State's Attorney is getting nasty. Wendy Scott-Carr is upset that a poster questioning her loyalty to the black community is now in circulation. She approaches Alicia with another poster she 'found' about Zach and Becca's relationship. It's left to Eli Gold to try and clean up the mess. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.9
55 min

Will and Alicia are defending a man accused of having murdered his father after he threatened to cut the young man out of his will. Will knows the judge quite well but an incident on the basketball court leads him to believe that the judge is out to get even from the bench. At the client's request, the firm hires a jury specialist who supposedly can tell if the lawyers are getting the defense's message across. Kalinda thinks it's all a lot of bunk. She also reacts badly when Blake tells her that he is now her supervisor. Alicia goes ballistic as well when she learns Blake has been doing a background check on her. The internecine warfare at Lockhart Gardner and Bond continues when Will confronts Diane over her imminent departure, even threatening to hire guards to keep her out of her office. Will reassesses his position when he begins to suspect Derrick Bond of having his own hidden agenda. At Peter Florrick's campaign headquarters meanwhile, Eli Gold has his own problems - in the form ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Alicia receives a call at home on the day a client, Carter Wright, is to be executed. She had filed a last brief with the Circuit Court the previous night and the caller is one of the law clerks asking if she is going to file an addendum to their appeal. The call is puzzling since none was planned but it's taken by everyone concerned as a signal that they may have missed something in their filing and that a sympathetic judge may be ready to rule in their favor if the correct argument is made. It's all hands on deck at the office and while the lawyers review the arguments, Kalinda looks into the various judges backgrounds to see if there are any clues to be gleaned. Meanwhile, it's the day that Peter Florrick is to debate his opponents on live TV and he is at home preparing. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.7
57 min

Alicia is brought into the case of a young rock star, Sloan Burchfield, who has been charged with DUI. The firm's David Lee is representing Sloan mother in a $30 million divorce and he wants Alicia for her past as much as anything. The case begins as any other and Alicia is mounting a good defense when Cary Agos dramatically enters the court and arrests the young woman for attempted murder. It would seem that the car she rammed repeatedly in a nightclub parking lot was occupied by the person she had had an argument with in the club. At the office, new partner Derrick Bond has instituted a series of peer reviews for all associates. David Lee hates the idea and makes it very clear that if he goes ahead with peer reviews of his team, he will have Bonds' job. On the campaign trail, Peter Florrick is pleased when asked to go to the Democratic headquarters. He isn't happy though when he learns the party wants him to drop out of the race. He realizes that he is now vulnerable in the ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.3
63 min

A licensed massage therapist who claims that she was sexually assaulted by a Nobel laureate at a Chicago hotel asks the firm to represent her; complications arise because the accused, Joe Kent, is known for work on behalf of women. Alicia and the partners leave the annual Bar Association dinner to deliberate. At the Bar Association dinner, a third candidate -- attorney Wendy Scott-Carr -- announces her run for state's attorney. Peter's attempt to convince her to be his deputy falls on deaf ears. In addition, Peter is drawn into the Kent case when his lawyer offers Kent's endorsement in return for getting Alicia's firm to drop the case. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.1
64 min

Alicia finds herself at the center of a State inquiry, run by Cary Agos, when a tape of Glenn Child's deposition in the Northbrook murder case is given to a journalist. Alicia is the main suspect given husband Peter's run for office. Eli Gold sees no advantage for either candidate and thinks there must be a third candidate getting ready to throw their hat in the ring. He gets Diane Lockhart to deliver to the message to the candidate not to run but doesn't quite get it right. In court, Alicia is defending the organizer of a rave where a stampede led to the death of several people. Alicia finds herself in front of a judge who has taken an obvious dislike to her. She's also paired with someone she once argued against and who proves to be very effective. She is obviously out to protect the interests of the co-defendant at the expense of Alicia's client. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.8
64 min

Alicia hits a brick wall in a lawsuit against the State Attorney's office in the case of a man who died after being wrongly accused of being a sniper. The man died of a heart attack and his son wants to clear his name. Glenn Childs flatly refuses to settle when he learns that Alicia is involved in the case, arguing that the firm's motivation is political. Even when the police finally arrest another suspect, Childs proclaims that he is just a copy cat killer. It becomes obvious that to win the suit, they are going to have to prove the man is guilty. Peter's re-election campaign takes an twist when Alicia's brother publicly accuses him of being homophobic. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.1
63 min

Having successfully defended a client on a charge of murdering his wife, Alicia and Will find themselves in a military court when he is re-arrested and charged with the same crime. As he is serving in the military, it seems that double jeopardy - which prevents anyone from being tried for the same crime twice - does not apply. The defense lawyers make the best of it but it all seems stacked against them - the rules of procedure and evidence are different and the Judge seems biased against the civilian lawyers. Kalinda gets some important information and Alicia ends up calling Cary Agos to the stand. At the office, news travels quickly when everyone learns that the firms new partner has Lou Dobbs on his client list. Diane isn't that comfortable with his politics however. Peter Florricks campaign for State's Attorney takes a nasty turn. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.0
64 min

Peter Florrick announces his candidacy for his former State's Attorney position and Alicia is caught in the middle between him and Will Gardner. There is much change at the office as Will and Diane Lockhart find a new business partner who seems to have his own ideas on how the firm should be run. In court, Judge Howard Matchick appoints Alicia to provide advice to someone who insists on defending himself. He is accused of murdering his business partner but his defense is that he is the victim of a government conspiracy as retaliation for publishing sensitive government documents on his whistle-blower web site. Alicia gets permission to assign Kalinda to do some leg work and finds the source of the original information posted to the web site. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.2
63 min

Alicia tries to arrange for a Chicago PD narcotics officer, Jack Arkin, to provide evidence to the FBI on police corruption in return for immunity from prosecution and relocation under the witness protection program. Before the deal can be made, however, Arkin is gunned down in the line of duty. Alicia and others think it was a set-up, but ballistics expert Kurt McVeigh thinks the police are telling the truth. With the firm now seeking a negligence suit against the city, Carey Agos shows up as the State's Attorney to take Mrs. Arkin's deposition. Kalinda comes under suspicion when her friendship with one of the officers under suspicion comes to light. Meanwhile, Peter Florrick has decided to wait to run for office and Eli Gold wants Alicia to get him to change his mind. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
Watch Episode
HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.1
63 min

Will contacts Alicia in the middle of her celebrating getting the job at Gardner Lockhart. He asks her to pick up contracts at the home of Colin Sweeney but when she gets there, she finds him with handcuffs around his ankle and attached to the wrist of a dead woman. Alicia had defended him once before when he was accused of murdering his wife. She got him off but was never convinced that he was innocent. This time however, she's sure he didn't kill the victim but that doesn't mean she'll get him off. Meanwhile, the end is at hand in the State's attempt to re-try Peter Florrick. Peter doesn't have a lot of faith in his trial attorney however. Having lost his job, Cary gladly accepts an offer from an unexpected source. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.8

Alicia tries to help an Indian family in her building after the mom faces deportation unless the son helps the feds bring down a group of smugglers, while Will presides as the judge in a law school mock trial.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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