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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The firm takes on the case of a Chinese dissident who was imprisoned and tortured for 5 years after a US-based company gave Chinese government officials his IP address. Alicia gets upset when she finds out the real reason the firm is pursuing the case. Cary tells Kalinda that the State's Attorney is empaneling a grad jury to investigate her. The showdown with Derek Bonds is fast approaching with Diane and Will are still short a few votes. Diane remembers a couple of old partners who are still on the books and tries to get them to vote their way - but it's obvious they're going to have a high price. On the campaign trail, Eli is thrilled when Zach and Becca may have uncovered Glenn Child's own little nanny-gate. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Diane defends her erstwhile love interest, Kurt McVeigh, when he faces a law suit from a convicted criminal who has now been released when his lawyer shows the police and the crime lab manufactured evidence. They go after McVeigh in the belief that he too was part of the conspiracy. To get the case thrown out, Diane will have to show that he made an honest mistake. Meanwhile, Eli Gold thinks he's found the silver bullet in Peter's campaign against Wendy Scott-Carr: it appears that the she hired an illegal alien, Natalie Flores, as a nanny. She's been living in the U.S. since the age of 2 and has a lawyer working on her citizenship. She's completing her Master's degree and is an all-round good person which leads Eli to question what he is doing. At home, Alicia has a heart to heart with Grace who has developed a keen interest in religion. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

The firm takes on the case of a 25 year-old dot com billionaire who wants to sue a Hollywood studio over the unflattering portrayal of him in their film about him. Alicia is out of town driving back to Chicago accompanying her brother who is moving from Oregon. Both Will and Diane know that it's virtually impossible to win a defamation case and so go off on a different tack. For Alicia, she opens up to her brother about her feelings for Will and her brother encourages her to do something about it. Meanwhile, the State's Attorney's investigation of the severe beating of a prosecution witness. The more Cary Agos tries to warn Kalinda however, the more she becomes a suspect. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Alicia finds herself in competition once again with Louis Canning as both try to have their firms certified as the legal representatives in a major class-action law suit. Alicia isn't quite prepared to accept Canning's conversion to the defender of the little guy after years of representing major corporations. In the process of trying to sign up complainants, Alicia gets evidence that Canning has someone inside their firm feeding him information. When they find the source, they make good use of it. On the campaign trail meanwhile, research shows that Peter is scoring high on the youth vote and he takes steps to keep it. At the office, Derek Bond announces a new client, a major bipartisan 'super' Political Action Committee. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.5

Alicia defends a man accused of murdering a fellow prison inmate two weeks before he was due to be released. She's up against her old nemesis, Cary Agos, but is one step ahead of him due primarily to Kalinda's investigative work. Frustrated, Cary turns to an old friend who is out of the business to do him a favor and do a bit of investigating for them. When he finds that the accused has a connection to drug lord Lemond Bishop, Cary may have a step up. Meanwhile, the campaign for State's Attorney is getting nasty. Wendy Scott-Carr is upset that a poster questioning her loyalty to the black community is now in circulation. She approaches Alicia with another poster she 'found' about Zach and Becca's relationship. It's left to Eli Gold to try and clean up the mess. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.9
55 min

Will and Alicia are defending a man accused of having murdered his father after he threatened to cut the young man out of his will. Will knows the judge quite well but an incident on the basketball court leads him to believe that the judge is out to get even from the bench. At the client's request, the firm hires a jury specialist who supposedly can tell if the lawyers are getting the defense's message across. Kalinda thinks it's all a lot of bunk. She also reacts badly when Blake tells her that he is now her supervisor. Alicia goes ballistic as well when she learns Blake has been doing a background check on her. The internecine warfare at Lockhart Gardner and Bond continues when Will confronts Diane over her imminent departure, even threatening to hire guards to keep her out of her office. Will reassesses his position when he begins to suspect Derrick Bond of having his own hidden agenda. At Peter Florrick's campaign headquarters meanwhile, Eli Gold has his own problems - in the form ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.0
56 min

The firm finds itself representing Jonathan Murphy and his girlfriend and Alexis Symanski when they are arrested for possession of prescription drugs. Murphy is the son of one of the their biggest clients and they have every intention of getting him out of jail as soon as possible. Cary Agos is the ASA on the case and Alicia finds his behavior very odd. He has good reason when he finally reveals that Jonathan and Alexis are suspected of murdering a pharmacist in the course of a robbery. The young couple are obviously deeply in love and refuse to point the finger at the other, even when Cary offers probation to the first one that blames the other. Will Gardner and Diane Lockhart know where their bread is buttered and work feverishly to convince Jonathan to put the blame on Alexis. Meanwhile, Diane is still planning to leave and set up her own firm and asks Alicia to join her. Will gets wind of what's going on from a prospective client. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Alicia receives a call at home on the day a client, Carter Wright, is to be executed. She had filed a last brief with the Circuit Court the previous night and the caller is one of the law clerks asking if she is going to file an addendum to their appeal. The call is puzzling since none was planned but it's taken by everyone concerned as a signal that they may have missed something in their filing and that a sympathetic judge may be ready to rule in their favor if the correct argument is made. It's all hands on deck at the office and while the lawyers review the arguments, Kalinda looks into the various judges backgrounds to see if there are any clues to be gleaned. Meanwhile, it's the day that Peter Florrick is to debate his opponents on live TV and he is at home preparing. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.9

The firm takes on the case of a Chicago alderman, Matthew Wade, who is charged with taking a $50,000 bribe. Wade is a good friend of Will Gardner who asks Diane to take the lead. The case takes on a whole new dimension when the Justice Department charges him with accepting money from a terrorist organization, which could lead to a thirty year sentence. The defense lawyers have 125 hours of wiretap conversations to listen to and Alicia is drafted into the team. She finds evidence that the charges are exaggerated but also that Eli Gold's telephone was under surveillance and Will Garner's personal conversations with Wade were captured. Eli is having his own problems when a video and fake Facebook page mocking Glen Childs' son appears. Eli also receives an interesting offer from Wendy Scott-Carr. Meanwhile, the feud between Kalinda and Blake reaches dangerous proportions. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.7
57 min

Alicia is brought into the case of a young rock star, Sloan Burchfield, who has been charged with DUI. The firm's David Lee is representing Sloan mother in a $30 million divorce and he wants Alicia for her past as much as anything. The case begins as any other and Alicia is mounting a good defense when Cary Agos dramatically enters the court and arrests the young woman for attempted murder. It would seem that the car she rammed repeatedly in a nightclub parking lot was occupied by the person she had had an argument with in the club. At the office, new partner Derrick Bond has instituted a series of peer reviews for all associates. David Lee hates the idea and makes it very clear that if he goes ahead with peer reviews of his team, he will have Bonds' job. On the campaign trail, Peter Florrick is pleased when asked to go to the Democratic headquarters. He isn't happy though when he learns the party wants him to drop out of the race. He realizes that he is now vulnerable in the ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.3
63 min

A licensed massage therapist who claims that she was sexually assaulted by a Nobel laureate at a Chicago hotel asks the firm to represent her; complications arise because the accused, Joe Kent, is known for work on behalf of women. Alicia and the partners leave the annual Bar Association dinner to deliberate. At the Bar Association dinner, a third candidate -- attorney Wendy Scott-Carr -- announces her run for state's attorney. Peter's attempt to convince her to be his deputy falls on deaf ears. In addition, Peter is drawn into the Kent case when his lawyer offers Kent's endorsement in return for getting Alicia's firm to drop the case. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.1
64 min

Alicia finds herself at the center of a State inquiry, run by Cary Agos, when a tape of Glenn Child's deposition in the Northbrook murder case is given to a journalist. Alicia is the main suspect given husband Peter's run for office. Eli Gold sees no advantage for either candidate and thinks there must be a third candidate getting ready to throw their hat in the ring. He gets Diane Lockhart to deliver to the message to the candidate not to run but doesn't quite get it right. In court, Alicia is defending the organizer of a rave where a stampede led to the death of several people. Alicia finds herself in front of a judge who has taken an obvious dislike to her. She's also paired with someone she once argued against and who proves to be very effective. She is obviously out to protect the interests of the co-defendant at the expense of Alicia's client. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.8
64 min

Alicia hits a brick wall in a lawsuit against the State Attorney's office in the case of a man who died after being wrongly accused of being a sniper. The man died of a heart attack and his son wants to clear his name. Glenn Childs flatly refuses to settle when he learns that Alicia is involved in the case, arguing that the firm's motivation is political. Even when the police finally arrest another suspect, Childs proclaims that he is just a copy cat killer. It becomes obvious that to win the suit, they are going to have to prove the man is guilty. Peter's re-election campaign takes an twist when Alicia's brother publicly accuses him of being homophobic. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
Watch Episode
HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.1
63 min

Having successfully defended a client on a charge of murdering his wife, Alicia and Will find themselves in a military court when he is re-arrested and charged with the same crime. As he is serving in the military, it seems that double jeopardy - which prevents anyone from being tried for the same crime twice - does not apply. The defense lawyers make the best of it but it all seems stacked against them - the rules of procedure and evidence are different and the Judge seems biased against the civilian lawyers. Kalinda gets some important information and Alicia ends up calling Cary Agos to the stand. At the office, news travels quickly when everyone learns that the firms new partner has Lou Dobbs on his client list. Diane isn't that comfortable with his politics however. Peter Florricks campaign for State's Attorney takes a nasty turn. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
Watch Episode
HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.0
64 min

Peter Florrick announces his candidacy for his former State's Attorney position and Alicia is caught in the middle between him and Will Gardner. There is much change at the office as Will and Diane Lockhart find a new business partner who seems to have his own ideas on how the firm should be run. In court, Judge Howard Matchick appoints Alicia to provide advice to someone who insists on defending himself. He is accused of murdering his business partner but his defense is that he is the victim of a government conspiracy as retaliation for publishing sensitive government documents on his whistle-blower web site. Alicia gets permission to assign Kalinda to do some leg work and finds the source of the original information posted to the web site. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.2
63 min

Alicia tries to arrange for a Chicago PD narcotics officer, Jack Arkin, to provide evidence to the FBI on police corruption in return for immunity from prosecution and relocation under the witness protection program. Before the deal can be made, however, Arkin is gunned down in the line of duty. Alicia and others think it was a set-up, but ballistics expert Kurt McVeigh thinks the police are telling the truth. With the firm now seeking a negligence suit against the city, Carey Agos shows up as the State's Attorney to take Mrs. Arkin's deposition. Kalinda comes under suspicion when her friendship with one of the officers under suspicion comes to light. Meanwhile, Peter Florrick has decided to wait to run for office and Eli Gold wants Alicia to get him to change his mind. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
Watch Episode
HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.1
63 min

Will contacts Alicia in the middle of her celebrating getting the job at Gardner Lockhart. He asks her to pick up contracts at the home of Colin Sweeney but when she gets there, she finds him with handcuffs around his ankle and attached to the wrist of a dead woman. Alicia had defended him once before when he was accused of murdering his wife. She got him off but was never convinced that he was innocent. This time however, she's sure he didn't kill the victim but that doesn't mean she'll get him off. Meanwhile, the end is at hand in the State's attempt to re-try Peter Florrick. Peter doesn't have a lot of faith in his trial attorney however. Having lost his job, Cary gladly accepts an offer from an unexpected source. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.0
64 min

The firm is representing Caroline Wilder, the wife of a famous rock star who wants a divorce so he can marry a younger woman. Max Wilder is worth $40 million but is refusing her request for support of $300,000 a year. They're in court when they learn Max is comatose after a motorcycle accident that morning. Under the terms of his will, Caroline is responsible for his estate and not his fiancé. When it turns out Max may have been poisoned, the police suspect Caroline is responsible. At the office meanwhile, rumors are rife that decision day is coming: Will and Diane will make their decision about who stays at the firm, Alicia or Carey. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.8

Alicia tries to help an Indian family in her building after the mom faces deportation unless the son helps the feds bring down a group of smugglers, while Will presides as the judge in a law school mock trial.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.8

Stern launches his plan to take down Lockhart and Gardner and steal all their best lawyers, while a potential surprise witness emerges with dirt against Peter.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.5
55 min | 41 min

Alicia and Will defend a college student accused of killing her sorority sister while under the influence of a sleep aid. At the same time, they also deal with their growing sexual tension and Diane and Kurt McVeigh continue their flirtation. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

Will and Alicia go up against their old nemesis, Patti Nyholm when their clients' insurance company refuses to pay for vital in-utero surgery for their as yet unborn child. Nyholm is arguing that it's an experimental procedure not covered by their policy but what she really wants is for him to drop the class action suit he has going on behalf of 68 other couples who were also refused coverage. Will refuses but gets information that may force Nyholm to reinstate the policy. Peter tries to strengthen his public support among Africa-Americans by getting support from a popular Minister. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
Watch Episode
HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Alicia and Carey are assigned to work with Will who defends a fellow lawyer, Eric Dorfman. He's been charged with murder for supposedly telling his drug dealer client about a witness against him; the witness was subsequently killed. It's not the kind of case they would normally get involved in but the firm is having financial problems and the Assistant US Attorney in charge of the case, Harrison Rivers, has gotten up his nose. Soon the alleged drug dealer, Lemond Bishop, hires the firm as his new lawyers. He proves to be a fount of information as well. Peter is still adjusting to living at home. When Will calls Alicia at home, Peter begins to wonder about their relationship. His doubts aren't assuaged when he finds condoms in her night table. Someone is also tweeting about a supposed relationship between Alicia and Will. Eli Gold takes care of it. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.9
42 min

While Peter gets acclimated to life at home and works on a comeback strategy with his political team, including Eli Gold, Alicia and Diane wrestle with spousal privilege laws in a murder case that hinges on their ability to get a wife to testify against her husband. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Peter Florrick's hearing requesting a new trial finally opens and Alicia is having to deal with the possibility that he will soon be returning home. She tells him what she expects of him. When Peter's nemesis, State's Attorney Glenn Childs, subpoenas investigator Kalinda Sharma, she has to decide what she is going to say on the stand. With all of this going on, Alicia also has to deal with a high profile murder when one one the firms corporate clients, Sonja Rucker, shows up at the office claiming that she found their babysitter beaten to death in their bathroom. The immediate suspicion is that her unemployed husband, Eugene Rucker, might be implicated and it very quickly becomes clear that the police are working flat-out to get evidence against him and not really looking at other suspects. It doesn't help that Eugene is being less than honest with his own lawyers and that the police have already caught him in one lie. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.7
40 min

Tensions are high as Peter's appeal trial begins and Alicia defends a wealthy client in civil court whose innocence she doubts, even after he's found not guilty in criminal court of murdering his wife. Meanwhile, Diane decides to take precautions when a felon she successfully prosecuted is about to be released from prison. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.6
42 min

When a star high school quarterback dies from an overdose of painkillers, Alicia represents the doctor who prescribed the medication. At home, Alicia and the kids deal with some bad news and she gives Peter information that makes his blood boil. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Alicia gleans a bit more info into Peter's fall from grace when she represents Glenn Childs' wife, Marie Browning, in their divorce. Meanwhile, Will gets cozy with his opposing counsel, Emily, during a wrongful death suit against caustic TV commentator Duke Rosco. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Alicia takes on the case of a juvenile first offender, Terence Ramsay, who is charged with assault but claims he was bullied into at fight at school. She manages to negotiate a reduced plea with the prosecutor and no jail time but the judge in the case, Henry Baxter, inexplicably rejects the plea bargain and sentences the boy to 9 months incarceration. As Alicia looks into the judge's background, she finds a clear pattern in his sentencing - white offenders get probation while African-Americans always seem to get jail-time. A detailed analysis of other cases seems to show that the current pattern of sentencing is less than 2 years old so they set out find what may have happened to Judge Baxter to cause the change. Alicia's daughter finally makes a friend at school but runs into problems because of her Dad's past. Meanwhile, Diane is approached by representatives of the Democratic party trying to recruit her to run for a judgeship in the next elections. Her recruiters' reaction to her ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Alicia deals with tricky office politics when she's asked to represent the firm's senior partner after he's arrested. Meanwhile, Peter's evidentiary hearing hits the skids, leading Alicia to suspect that he may, in fact, actually be guilty of corruption. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.9
55 min

Alicia and Cary are assigned to prepare witnesses in the case of a university scientist who is accused of setting her lab on fire. The woman faces a possible 15 years in prison and is adamant that she is innocent. Unfortunately, her rambling manner makes her a less than ideal witness and they decide not to put her on the stand. They're preparing a reasonable case but come across some key evidence from one of the witnesses. Alicia also finds herself unexpectedly in court when the judge in her husband's case not only grants an evidentiary hearing but agrees to hear arguments about the possibility of bail. She's not sure she's prepared to suddenly have him back but she is certainly expected to say so in court. At home, her son Zach sets up a video camera to see who is leaving the brown envelopes they've been getting. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.9
42 min

Employees are on edge as Will Gardner and Diane Lockhart begin to cut positions and reduce costs. Alicia is expecting the worst when Will calls her into to his office but he in fact wants her to be the second chair in a lawsuit against Anna Loeb, the estranged daughter of the firm's absentee partner Jonas Stern. The woman is represented by storefront lawyer Ryan Alprin in a case where a pedestrian tripped over a cable and fell in front of Loeb's house and is now suing for her and her husband for $1.2 million, accusing them of negligence. Their lawyer decides on a unique argument: as Orthodox Jews, the Loebs couldn't repair the cable, which became detached on the Sabbath, as they are prohibited from working on that day. That defense soon runs into a problem and it's left to Alicia and investigator Kalinda to get to the root of the accusations. It all may fall apart however when Alicia learns something shocking about Alprin himself. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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