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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.5
43 min

After destroying the Xindi weapon, Enterprise is on its way to Earth. Unable to make contact with Starfleet, Shuttlepod One is sent to the surface, only to be fired upon by P-51 Mustangs. Meanwhile captain Archer is captured by German soldiers under leadership of a red-eyed alien. Something's is definitely wrong here. Enterprise seems stuck in World War Two. It gets even stranger when Reed finds out this is not World War Two as we know it, he hears reports of battles in Virginia and Ohio. Then Enterprise is suddenly visited by two familiar beings. Crewman Daniels, the time traveler, has severely aged and is about to die. Suliban Silik tries to steal a shuttle. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Enterprise has finally arrived at Azati Prime, the suspected location of the Xindi weapon, only to find it protected by a very sophisticated security grid. There's just one way to pass it, by using the Insectoid shuttle. Mayweather and Trip visit the planet and find out the weapon is indeed there. To destroy it the shuttle must be send back for a one way trip. Mayweather and Trip are prepared, but Archer decides he should be the one to sacrifice himself. Then he gets a visit from crewman Daniels, the time agent. He tells why the Xindi want to destroy Earth and urges him to reconsider his decision. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.6
43 min

An Earth research team uncovers wreckage and drones from the Borg sphere that attempted to stop Zephram Cochrane's warp flight nearly 100 years ago. The Borg regenerate, assimilate the team, modify their transport and flee Earth. Enterprise answers a distress call too late, rescues survivors, and Phlox is injected with assimilation nanoprobes. Enterprise catches the transport and Archer must determine whether or not to try to salvage the personnel or stop the Borg efforts before they are out of control. Written by Meribor

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Captain Archer is invited to negotiate a cease fire treaty between the Andorians and the Vulcans at the personal request of the Andorian commander Shran. Archer learns the two species are fighting over a small class D planet that the Vulcans call Paan Mokar and the Andorians Weytahn, in the middle of the frontier. Apparently a truce was negotiated a hundred years ago, but it has recently been broken when commander Shran's strike force landed. The negotiations go well and Archer manages to get one of the Vulcan hostages free in return for his promise that he will bring Vulcan ambassador Soval to do further negotiations. But not all Andorians agree with Shran's positive outlook on Archer's negotiating abilities. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Captain Archer and Mayweather are investigating a strange energy reading from the other side of a moon. The next moment they find themselves in a complex inhabited by Sulibans. The Sulibans are kept against their will by the Tandarans, who are in war with the Cabal, a Suliban terrorist organization. Archer and Mayweather are held prisoner because of trespassing, but Tandaran colonel Grat assures their release will only be a formality. While captain Archer is suspicious of the Suliban at first, he soon finds out they're innocent and makes plan to release them. Meanwhile Grat discovers evidence of Enterprise' earlier encounters with the Cabal. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.0
45 min

Phlox is writing a letter to a human colleague on Denobula. He has a lot to write about; he's amazed by the affection crewman Cutler is showing for him and he must save an entire race. Enterprise picked up a pod with a Valakian who tells his race is suffering from a deathly epidemic. Phlox tries to find a cure and finds out Valakia is actually inhabited by two races. The Menk are a more primitive race and hard workers. Since they appear to be resistant to the disease, Phlox thinks investigating them may provide the answer. By doing so, he discovers something about the Menk that makes him reconsider curing the disease Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.2
45 min

Enterprise is encountering all different kinds of minor malfunctions. When the crew find out the problem lies with the plasma exhaust, they discover they have a stowaway. The Xyrillians have a problem with their warp drive and by using Enterprise' warp drive they tried to recharge their teraphasic coils. Trip is sent to help fix their engine and meets up with Ah'len, one of their engineers. The two seem to be getting along very well. Trip is able to make repairs, but shortly after the Xyrillians left, he notices a strange bulging on his arm. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD American Housewife

American Housewife


American Housewife

IMDb: 7.5

Greg befriends a fellow history buff who happens to be married to Katie's nemesis.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.8

Among the bounty hunters that the FBI has trailing them in an effort to catch a high priced claim jumper, is a gorgeous woman who used to be one of Danny's sergeants in Iraq, who does nothing for Dalinda's ego and her appearance. And Piper doesn't help matters, either, when she kicks Dalinda out of the pool because of the way she looks. One of Sam's whales has lost his family in a random act of violence and she feels the blues because she doesn't know how to help him. Written by Moviedude1

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 8.4

Some crafty kidnappers put Dalinda in a box and bury her for a fifty million dollar ransom they're forcing out of Ed. Mary gets to choose a mascot, but ends up with several complaints from hotel guests. Guests at the casino include a couple of buddies who just won a lottery and are rather reluctant to wager any of it, opting instead to play a game of hide and seek in the casino, and a monk who's known for cleaning out casinos, one every seven years, and has picked the Montecito. Written by Moviedude1

Country: USA | Germany
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.9

The Nevada gaming Commission questions Casey's license because of $3,000,000 missing from the Montecito books, from the last night before Monica bought the casino. Casey is cleared, Ed must find the thief helped by Danny, whose rough USMC instructor Sergeant 'Gunny' Burn shows up and 'enlists' himself on hotel staff. Meanwhile meteorology fan Mike's hero, the forecast presenter, works from the Montecito and needs a stand-in stat. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.7

The Montecito is unexpectedly visited by three new major gamblers. Delinda and Nessa rival ruthlessly for hunky 'whale' James Riley's attention. Ed's CIA friend Lisa has barely arrived and there's already another sniper attack on her. Investigating proves even more dangerous. Martin Levson lost his money gambling and his wife to groupies, Mary babysits him to limit clientèle morale damage but overdoes it. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.8

It's a very busy time at the Montecito. Not only it's Groundhog Summer, which marks the end of the summer, there's also a SciFi convention and the casino floors are flooded with 'aliens'. Danny gets a strange call from Delinda who faintly asks for help. It turns out she was drugged and nearly raped. Big Ed wants to do the investigation himself and doesn't inform the police. Together with Danny he tries to find the rapist. Meanwhile Mike Cannon gets suspicious when three MIT students check into the casino. They do not attend Groundhog Summer or the SciFi convention, but say they are going to a technical convention that was a week ago. They also carry rather heavy suitcases. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.8

Because Deacon and Kelly have found another couple to spend their Saturday evenings with, Doug and Carrie try to find a new go-to couple. This, however, turns out to be easier said than done and after embarrassing themselves in a DIY shop by asking random couples out, they resort to the Bergers, an extremely boring couple they know. On their night out with them, the Bergers meet a couple they once met via a book club. Doug and Carrie instantly love this couple but when they get back home they realize they don't even know their names, let alone their phone number. They see no other option than to go out with the Bergers again to ferret out the names and phone number of their dream go-to couple. Written by Marco van Hoof

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.2

While on his way to an overeating support group Doug notices an abusive relationship group and joins them instead.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Carrie persuades Doug to see a therapist about his eating habits. Meanwhile, Arthur tries to control his addiction to nasal spray.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

When Carrie wins four tickets for a month to Knicks games, Doug and her struggle to find another couple with whom they'd both be happy. They eventually devise a scheme to break up two couples in order to create the perfect couple. Meanwhile Arthur visits an old friend at the DMV to take care of a ticket for Deacon. His friend is no longer working there but Arthur cannot bring himself to tell Deacon and the rest of the crew as they continue to hand him parking tickets to take care of. Written by Stalker-

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.7

His uncle Stu seems to like Doug much more than he likes his own son Danny and when Doug tells him it's his dream to own a sandwich shop, uncle Stu buys him a property to start his business. Carrie however, doesn't think Doug can run a business but because she already said she believes in him, she has to find somebody else to talk Doug out of it. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 8.0

In 1981 a sexual encounter goes wrong, and a transvestite sex worker dies; a seaman becomes convicted on circumstantial evidence; 22 years later Harm meets him; an old file leads to prosecutorial misbehavior (because the prosecutor withheld exculpatory evidence from the defense). The prosecutor is now a member of the Congress. The PotUS grants a retrial; Sturgis prosecutes, and Harm defends; Harm presents evidence disproving that the defendant was guilty; the court releases the seaman and gives him a profound apology. Meanwhile Mac and Bud investigate a chief warrant officer with four wives and families; in a pretrial hearing Mac prosecutes, and Bud defends; the hearing officer refers the matter to a general court-martial. One of the four wives keeps her husband, and the other three divorce him; the government withdraws charges, but Mac promises the man an administrative discharge. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.0

In a local church a Marine general has presented a guest sermon, including certain remarks about the Islamic faith, which some listeners and reporters have interpreted in different ways; that same general has become appointed to a joint position in cooperation with a general of the Iraqi army. A turmoil ensues. A court of inquiry leads to a general court-martial; Mac prosecutes, Harm defends, and a woman TV reporter agitates. Sturgis comes under scrutiny over a complaint of racial bias by a Naval officer of Korean descent about an incident in a previous episode; after discussion between Bud, the investigator, and the complainant, the latter withdraws his gripe. The gang leans hard on Coates, asking whether the admiral will marry Meredith; she gives an encoded answer. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

It has come to light that Cdr. Carolyn Imes had never passed a bar exam. She goes on trial for fraud and conduct unbecoming; Sturgis prosecutes, and Mac and Bud defend. Mac asks Harm for his help in the Imes matter, and she continues her relationship with Webb, who causes the CIA to fire Harm for his involuntary appearance on worldwide TV. Catherine Gale turns up pregnant. The fixed-base operator at Harm's airport has changed hands, and Harm meets Mattie, the 14-year-old daughter of the ostensible new owners. Harm and Mattie find common areas of interest; Mattie hires Harm for crop-dusting. Harm visits Catherine's mother, and he makes an unsuccessful attempt to start a relationship with Catherine. PO Coates works hard to persuade the admiral to take Harm back. The admiral gives an invitation to Harm, and Harm takes Mattie flying and gives her an invitation. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6

A gunnery sergeant in the Marine Corps stands accused of fatally shooting his wife. Mac prosecutes, and Harm defends. The defendant does not fully cooperate with Harm, but Harm eventually figures it out, and justice prevails. Both Bud and his father have difficulty with Bud's condition, but each of them starts to straighten out. Loren prepares for her transfer to her next duty station in the Arabian Sea. Sergei returns to Russia, and Loren gives him a ride to an airport. The President accepts the resignation of the SecNav. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.5

Harm and Mac investigate an apparent murder aboard a ship at sea; while Harm interviews the prime suspect inside the brig, the ship collides with an uncharted reef; in the brig the lights go off, the telephone dies, the compartment starts to fill with water, and the suspect goes berserk. Circumstances change in the brig, and Harm gives consideration to an alternate theory. The Chief Master at Arms abandons Harm and the sailor. The admiral, after a retirement party, arrives aboard a nearby ship, which has come to help; he lends a hand, and Harm and the suspect figure things out. The admiral starts to wonder about the degradation of skills while one ages. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9

Ten years ago an explosion took place inside a gun turret aboard a battleship of the US Navy. Now some of the students at a nearby naval high-school academy conduct a mock trial to prosecute a sailor for the resulting deaths. The admiral sends Harm and Mac to advise the students -- Harm on the prosecution, Mac on the defense. The students continue to investigate, and, with some help from Harm, Mac, Bud, and the gunny, they discover a material witness who was never interviewed during the official investigation; the witness belatedly provides enlightening testimony. Meanwhile an outside group tries to shoot a recruiting commercial. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.1

Harm not only flies but also serves as the legal officer for his squadron aboard a carrier; friction develops between him and a hotshot pilot. Mac prosecutes, and Mic defends, a Marine weapons instructor for carelessly firing a new weapon system while drunk. Administrative screw-ups accumulate at the JAG headquarters, so GySgt. Galindez joins the JAG gang to help. Against Harm's advice his hotshot shipmate destroys an armored vehicle containing whom he believes to be Serbians intercepting refugees on the ground and placing them in danger, but who prove to be Russian peacekeepers; he kills three Russian senior officers. A Russian admiral is aboard the carrier at the time. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6

Three Navy enlisted men waylay the owner of a bar in Norfolk, and one of them, without provocation, harshly beats him. Harm and Mac investigate; they find a possible lead and an interesting shipboard ethic. Harm and Mac prosecute, and Mic and Bud defend. Testimony reveals that the three men and a woman sailor had previously gone together to the bar in question, that the woman had become unconscious and eventually raped, and that the assault on the owner had supposedly taken place as an act of vengeance. However, Harm finds out what had happened, and what could not have happened. Meanwhile Bud helps his brother, Mikey, to deal with his recent enlistment. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.7

At night in the Persian Gulf a group of terrorists make a sneak attack on a US Naval warship and explode a weapon, killing five sailors. Upon the arrival of one of the prisoners in the USA, a Marine corporal on a guard detail turns and shoots him on live TV network coverage. Mac and Bud prosecute the corporal for first-degree murder, and Harm defends. However, an anonymous benefactor hires a high-priced and high-powered civilian lawyer who also was one of Mac's law professors at Duke. A super-zealous and super-conservative patriot becomes involved -- more than he had intended or expected. Harm gets back his old job, and he helps to solve the mystery. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.7

A SEAL team rescues a captive US diplomat from Hamas terrorists amid a fierce gunfight in Lebanon; the PotUS himself asks the SecNav to nominate a lieutenant, the OiC of the platoon, for the Medal of Honor. In Coronado, California, Harm, Mac, and Bud investigate the circumstances and the background; however, they have much trouble in learning anything -- because of the refusal of the lieutenant to talk about the incident due to his personal views and attitudes, and because of the refusal of his men to talk due to their perception of his behavior during the rescue. Eventually, though, Harm finds the pieces of the story and puts them together. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.0
46 min

While awaiting the conversion of an aircraft carrier of the US Navy into a museum ship, inspectors discover the skeleton of an aviator lieutenant inside a previously sealed void compartment. Harm and Mac investigate in Alameda; Bud and Harriet research in Washington and continue to check out each other. Harm has some unusual experiences aboard the ship, and Mac strikes up a friendship with a local detective. The inspectors appear to have sought something other than rust. Harm finds an important book, which contains a clue about the whereabouts of his father. The local detective turns out to be someone else instead, and the book disappears. Webb lends a hand and says something nice. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.1

King Josif, the fictional nonexistent King of Romania, and his daughter, Princess Alexandra, visit Washington, DC. A group of hard-line old-style Communist extremists oppose the king, who proposes to petition for admittance to NATO and to consider a US Naval base on the Black Sea. The antagonists have threatened to assassinate the princess if the king follows through. The SecNav appoints Harm as the Naval officer to escort her during the visit. Harm gets a new neighbor, who turns out to be something else. The princess finds Harm to be an interesting escort, and she makes an announcement of her own. Harriet shows up in Washington, then she and Bud share several ups and downs. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.0

Someone kills a Naval officer on Okinawa shortly before his ship leaves. Harm is there on leave while changing flights; the admiral directs Harm to the ship; Kate, already on Okinawa for duty, joins Harm; the two investigate; Meg joins them. The victim was well versed in a new computer-based combat-control system aboard his ship, which takes part in war games during the investigation. The new system badly malfunctions, taking control and heading the ship toward North Korea; a welcoming party from shore meets the ship and tries to seize it. Harm and company solve the mystery, and Meg regains control of the ship, which then turns back toward international waters. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6
46 min

A Navy lieutenant drowns during night maneuvers at sea; he was a Naval aviator temporarily assigned to a Seal team; he was also the son of a woman senator, who expresses much anger, criticism, and frustration toward the Navy. Harm and Meg investigate; the admiral and the senator join them at Roosevelt Roads in Puerto Rico. At first they meet stonewalling and misrepresentation; however, persistence and determination eventually produce the right answers, which lead to a surprising conclusion. Harm twice uses his flying skills. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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