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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.9
53 min

Richard Bellamy has decided that he wants a post in government, specifically an under-secretaryship at the Foreign Office, and begins to lay the groundwork for an appointment. As part of that, he realizes that Sir Guy Painter will have much to say about it all and invites him to dinner. Virginia cannot abide the man and tells Richard so but he begs her to be civil with him and think of his, Richard's, future. Soon however, it becomes very obvious that the has taken a romantic interest in Virginia. He begins to drop to see her unexpectedly and even makes her a gift of a rare first edition. Romance is also in the air below stairs where it turns out Ruby has been corresponding with a stranger thanks to an ad in the newspaper. Hudson and Mrs. Bridges insist that he be invited to tea so they can look him over. He too has a romantic interest in Ruby and proposes. Her response and the reason behind surprises everyone. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.1
51 min

It's Spring 1924 and Georgina has returned from visiting Elizabeth in New York City. On her return from a visit to the Wembly Exhibition, she tells Virginia what she saw: Hudson and Lily the parlor maid, touring the exhibition holding hands. Virginia isn't quite sure what to make of it all and whether she should even raise the issue with him but before she can even decide what to do, Hudson gives Lord and Lady Bellamy one month's notice telling them that he has fallen in love with Lilly and that they are to be married. Lily however isn't so sure and and feels trapped by the turn of events. While she has enjoyed her outings with Hudson, he's never really asked her to marry him and he's not what she would want as a husband. She is left with little choice but to tell him in the frankest terms how she views their relationship, leaving broken hearts all 'round. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.2
52 min

It's Spring 1923 and James has a chance meeting with Diana Newbury in a nightclub and manages to rescue her from a potentially embarrassing situation when the police raid the club. He's on his own with Georgina in America and Richard and Virginia in Scotland and Diana joins him at a remote cottage for a couple of weeks. He feels a bit odd cuckolding his longtime friend Bunny Newbury but they plunge headlong into their affair without much concern for anyone else. Their ardor cools however and they quickly grow bored of one another. When Bunny hears what has happened he speaks to Richard Bellamy who is aghast at what his son has done. As the prospects dawns on James of just what he has done, he looks for a way out. Below stairs meanwhile, Edward finds himself in a pickle with his wife Daisy. Having accompanied James Bellamy as a valet he knows all too well what went on and mentioned to Daisy that Diana had her ladies maid, Violet, with her. When Daisy meets Violet by chance, she ... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.5
51 min

Georgina continues to have many admirers and seems to go from party to party with a bevy of young men following her every move. One in particular, Robin Eliott, is particularly keen on her though Georgina doesn't quite reciprocate his ardent feelings for her. With Richard and Virginia away, Georgina convinces James to let her throw a party at 165 Eaton Place. It proves to be something of a wild party, where guests bring a bottle of liquor or wine to gain admittance - something that shocks the staid Hudson - and where some of the costumes being worn are more than revealing. When in a quiet moment Robin presses Georgina to marry him, she makes it quite clear that she simply wants to have fun and make up for the years she has lost. She is not ready for the outcome of her rejection. Meanwhile the new governess, Miss Treadwell, arrives in the midst of the partying and its aftermath. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA , UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.6
53 min

It's February 1920 and James Bellamy is still trying to find his way in the world. After writing a letter to the Times on the current lack of support for World War I veterans who are suffering with the high level of unemployment and lack of government programs, he accepts an offer to stand for the Conservative party in a by-election. His father thinks that politics isn't for amateurs and isn't very supportive of James' desires. When Richard does offer him his help, James refuses it. Below stairs, the servants receive a visit from Edward and Daisy who have clearly fallen on hard times. Daisy had a miscarriage and lost their baby and Edward is unemployed. Neither have eaten for some time and Edward is clearly one of those veterans that James Bellamy had written about. Edward is too proud to accept the charity of his friends and his bitterness leads to harsh words with Mr. Hudson. On a subsequent visit, they learn what true friendship means. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.1
51 min

It's July 1919 and everyone is celebrating the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. Hudson allows the servants to go watch the victory parade, Georgina marches with her fellow nurses and James attends at the Royal pavilion. Richard and his new bride Virginia return to London and begin to search for a new home. James however is having difficulty moving on, still feeling the aftereffects of the wounds he suffered and most of all, the loss of his wife Hazel. The house is too large for just he and Georgina and despite his pleas that Richard and Virginia take up residence at 165 Eaton Place, Virginia insists they find a home of their own. Faced with no other option, James give the servants a months notice and plans on selling the house. Georgina suggests they invite Virginia's two children for an afternoon and it leads to a surprising outcome. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.5
51 min

James is still recovering at home but is not proving to be a very good patient. The Doctor has ordered at least 10 weeks of bed rest but James is surly with everyone, including the servants. His relationship with Hazel deteriorates even further with his moods and constant criticism frequently driving her to tears. Georgina has returned to England permanently and she and Hazel make up after their argument over James some months before. Richard meanwhile is full of enthusiasm when he hears that Virginia Hamilton and her two children are to arrive in London. Unbeknown to anyone, Richard had written to Virginia to ask her to marry him. At dinner that evening, she accepts. James doesn't take the news very well but comes around slowly. The war is coming to an end and there is talk of an armistice. The hospital wards are filled with patients suffering from the Spanish Flu and soon Hazel takes to her sick bed and dies. She is buried on November 11, 1918 the day the armistice is signed. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.3
51 min

Richard receives another visit from Mrs. Virginia Hamilton, the war widow he had met some months before. She again seeks his assistance but this time on a far more personal matter. Her 17 year-old son, an acting Sub-Lieutenant in the Navy, has been arrested and will face a court-martial charged with cowardice in the face of the enemy. He suggests that Virginia hire the family solicitor, Sir Geoffrey Dillon, to represent him and she quickly agrees. In the end, Richard can only but admire Virginia's strength of character and demeanor. Downstairs meanwhile, Ruby is taken to task for stealing food though she claims she has been using it to feed the animals at the zoo. With Edward away visiting his family, Hudson has also had to put up with Daisy's frequent and lengthy absences. The truth comes tumbling out when Hudson receives a visit from a military policeman to advise that Edward is absent without leave. It seems that Edward's regiment is to return to France and it's up to Hudson to try... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.1
50 min

Despair has set in at 165 Eaton Place with the news that James is missing in action and believed killed. Richard remains optimistic and refuses to accept that he is dead until such time as his body is found, but Hazel is not so confident. James' batman, Trooper Norton, returns his personal effects and for Hazel it's a clear sign that even his Regiment believes he is dead. Imagine the pandemonium when they receive a telegram from Georgina that James is alive and a patient in her hospital in France. Richard's mother-in-law, Lady Southwold, immediately arranges for a private ambulance to return James to England and despite some misgivings on Richard's part, he and Hazel set off to retrieve him. Georgina is dead set against moving James in his condition and confronts Hazel who is forced to remind her that she is James' husband and has the final say. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.7
50 min

The Bellamy household is again invaded by Lady Prudence Fairfax and one of her committees who commandeer the drawing room for yet another fund-raiser, this time for the Red Cross. They have co-opted the services of a well-known actor, Gerald Maitland, to stage a series of tableaux on a war-related theme. Georgina is home on leaves and agrees to portray Florence Nightingale and Prudence even recruits one of the staff to be the central character in the finale. At the final rehearsal however, 165 Eaton Place is extensively damaged in an air raid. Hudson proceeds to his duties as a Special Constable but is wounded and requires hospitalization. The final blow is a telegram advising them that James is missing in action in France and believed killed. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.6
51 min

As 1917 approaches everyone, both upstairs and downstairs, are hopeful that the new year will be better than the one coming to an end. Richard is shocked when he receives a note from 10 Downing St. offering him a peerage in the King's New Year's Honours List. He accepts and on the advice of Sir Geoffrey Dillon, takes the title Viscount Bellamy of Haversham. He also receives a visit Virginia Graham, a war widow who is hoping to enlist his aid in a fund-raising effort to pay the education fees of children whose fathers have died in the war. Richard is not at his best and dismisses her somewhat curtly, something he later learns to regret. Edward returns on leave but he is not a well man. When Richard finds him sitting on the stairway in tears, he realizes he is suffering from shell-shock and ensures he is well taken care of. After a munitions factory blows up, a familiar face returns to 165 Eaton Place. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.5
50 min

Daisy and Edward's happy day has arrived and they are married. They have a party in the servants' hall but there is much sadness as well as Edward is being sent to the front that very evening. Georgina is also seeing her friends off to the front and with the ever-growing list of war casualties, everyone is aware that they are not likely to return. Daisy and Edward have an emotional farewell at the train station but for Georgina, emotion comes after the train has left and she sees the arrival of a hospital train with dozens upon dozens of wounded. She decides to become a nurse and make her own direct contribution to the war effort. Her duties aren't quite what she expected however. Below stairs, everyone is shocked when Ruby gives her notice having taken a job in a munitions factory at an unbelievably high salary. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.6
51 min

It's early 1915 and everyone in the household is pleased when James Bellamy returns home on leave for the first time. James is tired and under stress and at dinner that evening, tells his father, Sir Geoffrey Dillon and General Nesfield the true conditions at the front and the incompetence of the War Office, particularly in the provision of munitions. Dillon sees an opportunity to criticize the government and arranges for an anonymous account of the situation to be printed in the newspaper. Combined with the fiasco at Galipoli, the news is having its effect and the Conservative party sees its chances of forming a government improving. The news account doesn't sit well with James' Regimental Colonel who takes him to task for getting involved in politics, something James had no intention to do. To his dread, James finds himself assigned to the General Staff and feels he is abandoning his brother officers at the front. Edward and Daisy decide to get married but Hudson doesn't take the ... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.2
50 min

It's October 1914 and the war is not going well. The Germans are smashing through Belgium and the allies are in retreat. Hazel Bellamy is on a committee with Lady Prudence Fairfax to find temporary homes for the 5000 or more Belgian refugees that have come to Britain. Feeling an obligation to set an example, Hazel agrees to take in a family and expecting an aristocratic family of 3, receives an extended family of 5 peasant farmers who speak no English. They take residence in the servants' quarters but with the language barrier, it all proves to be a bit much for both sides. The servants find the refugees odd in their tastes and their refusal to take a bath in particular offends them. Rescue of a sort comes from Georgina who returns from a weekend away and having been schooled in Switzerland, is a fluent French speaker. The refugees tell her their horrific tale of death and terror at the hands of the invading Germans creating a greater understanding and a degree of empathy from the ... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.5
52 min

Hazel and James marriage seems to have come to and end. She tells Richard that should James' expected appointment to his company's holdings in India come through, she will not accompany him. Richard is understanding and agrees with her that it's the best course of action. The political situation in Europe is unraveling and Richard is concerned that they could soon be at war. His own views seem at odds with the general population where war fever has taken hold. Richard is convinced that the war will last a long time - the general view is that it'll all be over by Christmas - and cost many lives. Below stairs, Hudson is all for a war against what he sees as the evil Hun. Mrs. Bridges is occupied by other things, particularly Albert Lyons who supplies them with game and fish. It's quite obvious he has his eye on her and she fully anticipates a proposal is forthcoming. On a trip to the seaside however, she sees a different side of him. War is soon declared and James is called up by his ... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.1
52 min

Rose is swept off her feet by a man she meet on a tram. He is Gregory Wilmot, an Australian sheep farmer who has returned to the UK to visit friends and see the sights. He and Rose spend a good deal of time together, eating out and even dancing one evening. When the others below stairs hear of him, there are mixed reactions with Hudson in particular quite dubious about the whole proposition. Gregory takes Rose to visit his friends and it becomes quite obvious that one of them thinks he's marrying below himself. When the big day arrives, Rose leaves 165 Eaton Place presumably forever. Only she returns a short time later, in tears, having learned something about Gregory just before their departure. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.2
50 min

Edward the footman finds himself in a spot of bother after gossiping with fellow footmen at the local pub about the weekend he spent at Somemrby. His mention that he saw Lord Charles Gilmour leaving Lady Tewkbury's bedroom in the dead of night is overheard by an enquiries agent and Edward soon finds himself as the key witness when the lady's husband launches divorce proceedings. Richard learns of it all when it turn out that Sir Geoffrey Dillon, the family solicitor, is also representing Col. Tewksbury, the ladies aggrieved husband. Also on his mind is that Charles Gilmour is something of a protégé and a rising star in the Conservative party. Richard realizes that the only way to extricate himself and the household from their dilemma is to find a way to ensure the divorce proceedings never reach the courts. That proves easier said than done. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.2
51 min

It's Chritsmas 1913 and 165 Eaton Place has a new resident in the form of Miss Georgina Worsley, Richard's niece. Lady Southwold is also visiting for the holiday. Georgina is 18 and has been at school in Switzerland. She is an orphan and there is a likelihood that she will stay on with the Bellamys as Richard's ward. Also new is Daisy, the under-house parlor maid. Also 18, Daisy is relatively new to service but she and Georgina hit it off, though their backgrounds could not be more different. When Georgina hears that Daisy has not been to see her parents in London's East End for some three years, she suggests they take food out of the larder and visit them. What they see is an eye-opener for Georgina. When they fail to return early on Christmas Eve, everyone is concerned for their well-being, forcing Richard to call the police. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.9
50 min

Hazel is worried at the prospect of spending the weekend with James's friends Bunny and Diana Newbury and their coterie of hangers-on. The purpose of the weekend is a fox hunt but James forbids Hazel from riding given her inexperience and the dangers involved. Diana still has feelings for James and is not below pulling practical jokes and convinces Hazel that she should join them after the hunt has started and surprise James. Hazel's life is put in danger leading to a row with James. Then there's the question of bed-hopping, which at least some of the guest are enjoying. When Major Cochran-Danby enters Hazel's room with an eye to her bed, he tells her James is doing the same in Diana's room. A heartbroken Hazel then bolts for London. It's all a bit of an eye opener for Edward as well who is acting as James' valet for the weekend when a French ladies maid clearly shows an interest in him. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.6
51 min

Richard's financial difficulties may come to an end when a chance meeting at his club gives him a tip on a stock that should increase considerably in value. He's told that Cartwright Engineering will soon received a large contract and is a sure bet. The tipster receives Richard's assurance that the source of this information will remain confidential. The stock tip proves to be a good one and Richard makes a pretty penny. His troubles begin when a Parliamentary opponent, Henry Pritchett, begins to suggest that Richard used inside information from his days at the Admiralty and the Government initiates an inquiry. Richard is true to his word and refuses to divulge the source of his stock tip leading to trouble with the Conservative Party. The resolution to the situation is not entirely to Richard's liking however. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 6.6
51 min

James and Hazel have returned to 165 Eaton Place and Hazel in particular now has to settle in. The servants are somewhat dismayed at the little amount of entertaining the young couple have planned for the fall and all in all, life has become dull for everyone. Hazel receives a call from the Lili de Ternay, claiming to have met Richard years ago and simply calling to renew their acquaintance. Hazel naturally invites her and her brother Kurt to dinner not realizing that they are penniless fortune hunters who mistakenly believe that Richard is a rich man, given his connection to the Southwolds. Below stairs, there is a new under-house parlor maid, a young Welsh girl named Gwyneth whose imagination proves to be far more than anyone can handle. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.7
52 min

Rose is shocked when Alfred, their former footman, turns up at 165 Eaton Place. From all appearance he's been sleeping rough and clearly hasn't eaten for several days. Without telling anyone, she let's him stay in the servants' hall and feeds him. He tells her his story since he ran off with the German Baron and spins a yarn about how his attraction to his latest employer's pretty young daughter got him sacked. Rose has a soft spot for Alfred but not surprisingly, he hasn't been truthful with her. When Hudson reports Alfred's presence to Richard Bellamy, a visiting Sir Geoffrey Dillon makes inquiries only to learn that Alfred's most recent employer was found murdered. The police are soon on the scene but one of the servants is put in danger when Alfred takes a prisoner. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.3
51 min

James goes to spend a weekend at Somerby Park, ancestral home of his friend Bunny Newbury who is now a Marquis having recently inherited his title from his late father. Bunny has also invited Diana Russell whom he hopes will marry him. She and James were great friends in their youth with Diana spending a good deal of time at Southwold and she clearly has her eye on him, much to Bunny's dismay. Hudson has accompanied James for the weekend to act as his valet and his loader for the shooting. He is somewhat in awe of the large estate and can only imagine what it would be like to be butler in such a household. Lunch on shooting day is something of a disaster when the butler Makepiece, is in his cups and unable to organize the event properly. Hudson steps in and takes charge ensuring all goes well and catching the eye of Bunny's mother, Lady Newbury who comment to the housekeeper that Hudson is exactly the kind of man they would need at the estate. As for James, he realizes that throughout... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.9
51 min

A pall has been cast over the Bellamy household since the sinking of the Titanic with Lady Marjorie and Miss Roberts aboard en route to New York. Hazel Forrest is still working for Richard Bellamy who is in the last stages of completing his biography of his late wife's father, Lord Southwold. James continues his interest in Hazel much to the disdain of Hudson, who still sees her as too low in station to socialize with a Bellamy. Richard learns from the family solicitor, Sir Geoffrey Dillon, that much of Lady Marjorie's wealth will now pass to the children, leaving him to ponder his own future. As time passes, the day to day functioning of the house begins to deteriorate. Reviewing the household accounts, having the seamstress come in for necessary repairs and payments to shopkeepers have all fallen behind. Richard's request that Hazel take care of the accounts does not sit well with Hudson and some of the other servants. However, an unexpected arrival on a rainy night gives them not ... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.5
50 min

James Bellamy has started his new job in the City but he is feeling out of sorts and is completely bored. He's also broken off his engagement with Phyllis. Lady Marjorie is planning a trip that a trip to New York to see Elizabeth and then on to Canada. Richard Bellamy is busy writing a biography of his father-in-law Lord Southwold and has engaged a pretty young typist, Miss Forrest, prepare his manuscript. When Miss Forrest comes to work on a Saturday, James orders lunch for both of them in the dining room that leads to a major confrontation with Hudson over whether wine should be served. James is trying to impress the young woman by playing master of the house - his parents are away for the weekend - while Hudson feels it is his role to ensure the rules of the house are followed when the master is away. A humiliated Hudson feels he has been put in an impossible situation and given the lack of proper standards, feels he must resign. Darker clouds lie ahead for everyone, however. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.9
50 min

With most everyone away, Elizabeth hosts a meeting of her fellow suffragettes in the servants hall at 165 Eaton Place. They are planning an all-out demonstration against their plight. Their specific target is an MP but Rose overhears what they are up to and she follows them intent on protecting Elizabeth as much as possible. When they are arrested Rose, who did not participate in the protest, is taken with them. Elizabeth catches the eye of a wealthy stranger, Julius Karekin, who arranges for her to only pay a small fine and then be released. Everyone else, Rose included, is sentenced to two months imprisonment. Conditions in the prison are harsh and her cell mates force Rose to join them in a hunger strike. In the past, the women have been released after a few days of refusing food but this time, the warders have something quite odious planned for them. Elizabeth pleads with her new friend Karekin to get Rose freed. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.9
50 min

Lady Marjorie's father Lord Southwold has died and her mother, Lady Southwold, comes to stay at 165 Eaton Place with her companion Miss Hodges. Something of a crisis erupts when Lady Southwold's butterfly brooch is nowhere to be found. Hodges reports that she had seen Miss Roberts just outside Lady Southwold's room and Richard Bellamy orders Hudson to question all of the servants before calling in the police. It's a disagreeable task and Miss Roberts is horrified at the mere suggestion that she is under suspicion. Hudson for his part is suspicious of Watkins when he learns that he recently had a visitor to his quarters in the mews. When Watkins refuses to tell him the identity of the visitor or explain why he was there, he reports it to Mr. Bellamy. When the mystery of the missing brooch turns out to be nothing more than a misunderstanding, ill-feeling lingers. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.0
50 min

The staff anxiously await Elizabeth's return to 165 Eaton Place with her new baby Lucy but none more so that Sarah who has been trained as a nursemaid. What none of them expect however is that the elderly Nanny Webster will come out of retirement to take charge of the child. Nanny refuses to let Sarah anywhere near the child, essentially locking her out of the nursery. Sarah is worried however as it soon becomes apparent that Nanny Webster is no longer up to the task. Elizabeth however seems completely disinterested in the child's welfare and refusing to listen to Sarah's complaints. It's left to Lady Marjorie to deal with the situation. Meanwhile, it's also time for Lucy's baptism and everyone is surprised when Lawrence Kirbridge arrives for the ceremony. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.8
50 min

Both Richard Bellamy and Mr. Hudson have to deal with visits from their respective brothers. Richard's elder brother Arthur visits for a weekend for a meeting of the Royal Society. Lady Marjorie is away along with several members of the staff and the house is full of workmen installing a new system of electrical call bells used to summon the servants. Arthur Bellamy, a medical doctor, is a dour man who is prone to complaining about anything around him. He even accuses the somewhat abstemious Hudson of having liquor in his breath. Hudson meanwhile welcomes his brother Donald who is passing through London with his wife Maudie and daughter Alice. They are close despite not having seen each other for nearly 10 years. Donald is a relatively famous engineer having constructed two major bridges over the Zambezi river. Hudson however has never really admitted that he is in service but rather that he simply works for an MP. He rents a fine suit of clothes for the weekend and pays for a suite ... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.7
48 min (DVD)

Preparations are under way for a very special dinner at 165 Eaton Place. His Majesty King Edward VII is to be the guest of honor at a dinner and evening of card playing. The staff are as excited at the prospect as the Bellamys are honored by the King's presence. For Mrs. Bridges in particular, the event will no doubt be the pinnacle of her culinary career. Great care is taken with the guest list, the seating arrangements and the after dinner activities. One event that no one has counted on is the sudden appearance of a very pregnant Sarah who is supposed to be at Southwold. She's also gone into labor and while the royal guest is occupied by his hosts, the staff managed to secrete her into an upstairs room and call for the doctor. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.2
50 min

The Bellamys are concerned when they receive a bill from a jeweler requesting a substantial sum to settle their son James' account. Richard thinks he is in the clutches of a greedy and demanding woman. They meet with James' commanding officer, Col. Winters, who tells them that James is drinking too much and is in considerable financial difficulty. They haven't seen James for several weeks and he has been spending time with Sarah, the Bellamys former house maid. Below stairs, the servants welcome Rose who has come for tea and where a letter from Sarah is awaiting her. Sarah has invited her to visit and tells her what has happened. When James finally meets his parents he reveals not only the extent of his debts but that Sarah is pregnant. The family's solicitor, Sir Geoffrey Dillon, is called in to sort it all out resulting in both Sarah and James being banished in their own way. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.7
50 min (DVD)

Elizabeth and Lawrence Kirbridge return from their honeymoon and stop at 165 Eaton Place en route to their new home in Greenwich. She's pleased to learn that her mother has decided to lend her Rose for a few months and has also hired a cook for her. Lawrence seems somewhat aloof going off to see his publisher rather than accompany her to their new home. His disinterest continues even after they've moved in and it becomes apparent that they have little in common. He even leaves it to Elizabeth to hire his manservant, a Welshman named Thomas Watkins. The situation is not much better below stairs where Rose finds the cook, Mrs. Fellowes, has only limited abilities in the kitchen and a penchant to do no more than is absolutely required. As for Watkins, he proves to be reliable and perhaps a bit overly ambitious. He also flirts with Rose which has a exaggerated impact on Elizabeth. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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