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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.9
47 min

Bert, Pete and Joan work with an underwriter to prepare SCDP's public offering, which is unknown to the other partners. If they get what they want, this public offering would make each of the partners a millionaire. Over at CGC, Ted deals with the news that fellow partner Frank Gleason is suffering from pancreatic cancer, which makes Ted think about the viability of their company. Otherwise, the thoughts in both offices are on cars. Herb Rennet at Jaguar has requested a business dinner with Don and Roger, which Don is dreading if only for his disdain for Herb and by association the Jaguar account. And CGC has lost the Alfa Romeo account. However, CGC is one of three short listed companies up for the account all advertising firms would do anything for: General Motors, to promote Chevy's yet unnamed new vehicle. Through a personal contact, Roger, unilaterally, maneuvers an unofficial meeting with Mikey O'Brien of Chevrolet. This news does not sit well with Ted, until... Meanwhile, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.3
48 min

It's April 4, 1968. Ginsberg is on a date, one he didn't want to go on, but was set up by his father at the last minute as a total surprise to Michael. Many of the staff of both SCDP and CGC are at an advertising awards dinner. Both these events are unexpectedly interrupted when news breaks that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has just been shot dead. Beyond the immediate shock of the news and the pall that it places over the general populace, it has more profound effects both personal and professional. People are concerned about general race rioting, which does occur. Don is concerned about Sylvia as she and Arnold are in D.C. where the violence seems to be worse than in other places. Abe is working on a story, one that could be the biggest of his career, on the local aftermath of the shooting for the New York Times. Black people, such as Dawn, are half expected by their employees not to come into work for their own personal safety. Henry has to assist in whatever his boss, New York ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.2
48 min

There is much going on at SCDP, both professional and personal. Don, Pete and Stan are the only people who are supposed to know about Project K (which is a presentation for Heinz Ketchup), as they had a clandestine meeting with Tim Jablonski behind Raymond Geiger's back. If they don't get the account no one is supposed to be the wiser. This three-man team gets a few surprises with regard to this work. Dawn is feeling vulnerable as the token black person on staff. Joan, whose resolve is strengthened by a visit by her old friend Kate, exerts her power at the office as she feels she is still treated as a glorified secretary despite being a full partner. And Harry helps Ken with a personal problem which he thinks will boost his career. These issues, in combination, result in a professional standoff between Harry and Joan. Meanwhile Megan's work is being noticed on the set of To Have and to Hold as she is given her first ever love scene, which she feels she needs to clear with Don. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.0
47 min

At CGC, Peggy is feeling unliked by her underlings, as it is implied to her that she is too tough on them. Over at SCDP, two clients are causing minor problems. Herb Rennet at Jaguar wants Don and Pete to recommend a specific strategy to head office. Don doesn't agree with the strategy, but Pete believes they have to give him what he wants or risk losing them as clients. Can Don and Pete provide a united front at the Jaguar meeting? And Raymond Geiger at Heinz, head of their beans division, tells Don and Ken in confidence that he doesn't want them providing any business to their ketchup division, as he feels ketchup will steal all the glory away from beans that was built up at SCDP. This conundrum may cause more problems for SCDP than just figuring out if they should kowtow to Raymond, who gave them business when no one else was, or go after the more lucrative ketchup account. Meanwhile, the Drapers and the Rosens are becoming closer as two couples, as Don and Sylvia continue with ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 7.7
48 min

It's December 1967 and Don is in Hawaii with Meagan on a working holiday. They're staying at the Royal Hawaiian hotel, a client, so that Don can get an idea of what it's like for their new ad campaign. He has an interesting encounter with an army private currently serving in Vietnam but on leave to get married. He has a proposition for Don. They return home to finds their doorman, who had a serious heart attack standing in front of them, on the job. Megan is concerned that her employers may be diminishing her TV role. At the office, the firm has expanded to include the floor above but Don is not too happy to find that his office furniture has been rearranged. Roger Sterling learns that his mother has died. Betty takes a motherly interest in Sally's friend Sandy who lives next door and whose mother died recently. Sandy has an adventurous streak that Betty perhaps wishes she had at her age. At her new employer, Peggy Olson faces something of a crisis when recent news may force her to ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.6
48 min

Among those who are depressed about their lives are Megan, Pete and Beth. Beyond getting what she believes are obscene phone calls, Megan is feeling that her acting career is going nowhere, especially after being duped by an unscrupulous agency who filmed a screen test for her. She feels she gets little support from her visiting mother, Marie, and Don. She uses a request from her acting friend Emily to what she hopes will be her own advantage, but she will need some help from Don to achieve her end goal, which he may not be willing to provide. Pete is still restless in his life, even more so when he sees Beth again, this time with Howard on the commuter train. He learns from Beth to where she is going which is directly related to her own depression. Her ultimate destination continues the vicious cycle which is her life. She hopes that Pete will be at least a minor sanctuary from that life. Meanwhile, Don, who refuses to see a dentist about a chronic toothache, continually sees visions... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 9.3
48 min

Don learns about Lane's forged check. Don's subsequent discussion with Lane and Don's unilateral decision about what to do about Lane's fraud without telling any of the other partners about the fraud itself lead not only to Lane making his own decision about his future but also Don beginning to think more about SCDP's future as a whole. Don's thoughts about going after bigger accounts leads to even more maneuvering in-house, this time affecting Ken and Pete most directly. Meanwhile, the Francises are planning on going on a weekend ski trip, on which Sally doesn't want to go. An exasperated Betty decides that if Sally is going to be a bother, she will send Sally to stay with Don and Megan regardless of what Don and Megan want. Sally's visit with Don and Megan adds to more strain between Don and Megan as they go about their own lives over the course of Sally's stay - Don's having to do with the work issue around Lane and its aftermath - which Sally tries to use to her advantage in ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 9.4
48 min

Tension is rising at the firm as the date for making their pitch to Jaguar approaches. Don and most of the creative team are huddling in the conference room trying to get it right. Another complication arises when one member of the three man panel who will select the winning agency makes it clear that if they want any chance of winning, it will be necessary for Joan to spend the night with him. Joan scoffs at the idea but in the end demands a high price for her cooperation. Peggy Olson meanwhile decides the time may be right to get a job elsewhere. Freddy Rumsen encourages her and helps her get the word out. Megan meanwhile is excited at getting a call-back for a stage play but Don is only now realizing what that implies. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.3
48 min

Lane faces a personal cash flow problem when he is informed that he owes the British government £2,900 for back taxes, payable in two days time. He comes up with a scheme using supposed SCDP funds, which don't actually exist, in the form of Christmas bonuses to all staff, including to the partners. But one problem after another with Lane's scheme have the potential of bringing his entire world crashing down around him. It promises to be a busy Christmas season since SCDP is once again in the running for the Jaguar account, the pitch from agencies to be done in mid-January, giving them about six weeks to come up with a presentation. Meanwhile, Harry gets a telephone call from old colleague Paul Kinsey to meet, which Harry reluctantly does. Harry ends up meeting a much transformed Paul. Although Harry does not agree with the transformation itself, he does get caught up in it. As Harry guessed, Paul does ask him for a professional favor. When Harry doesn't believe he can accommodate ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.2
48 min

Betty is going to Weight Watchers to deal with her weight issue. Whether she wants to admit it or not, she is aware that her envy of Megan is part of her unhappiness and associated eating and weight gain. After an incident with Megan (of which Megan herself is unaware), Betty decides to use Sally as a pawn, which places Sally, Don and Megan in the middle of Betty's game, of which only Don seems aware. At the office, Roger is hustling for the Manischewitz wine account to show that he, beyond financing the company, is still useful in a day-to-day sense, and to show that Pete, who has lined up a potential major New York Times article featuring SCDP, is not the SCDP wunderkind he makes himself out to be. Roger's plan, the creatives for which he plans to pawn off as his own to the clients, includes the use of both Jane and Ginsberg, which doesn't sit well with Peggy or ultimately with Jane. And Don decides to go back into the creative realm, coming up with an idea at a brainstorming ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.3
48 min

Megan has been lying to her colleagues, including Don, about her whereabouts at certain times of the day. She is caught in the lie by both Don and Peggy. She is able to make up a credible enough excuse to Don, but Peggy confronts her on it. Based on that discussion, Megan decides to come clean to Don about what she's been doing. Don's reaction surprises her, which leads to a major change at SCDP. But Don's true reaction may actually be closer to what she had anticipated based on an encounter Don has with Peggy. Meanwhile, Pete is still feeling more fulfilled at work as clients, without even having met him, are giving him gifts. But he is feeling more and more restless at home, especially after he learns that his train commuting colleague Howard Dawes has embarked on an affair in the city. Taking a cue from Howard and given the opportunity, Pete embarks on a wannabe affair of his own, the wannabe part based on the insecurities of the other party. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.7
48 min

Don is receiving an award from the American Cancer Society for his anti-smoking editorial in the New York Times. He sees the award as a honor regardless of the fact that he has not quit smoking, that the editorial was purely a dig at Lucky Strike for pulling their business, and the people at the Society know none of this information. Roger and Pete plan on being at the awards ceremony to drum up business from the Society's wealthy Board members, who probably now see SCDP in a different league than all the other Madison Avenue agencies. Roger, still on a euphoric high (figuratively) after his LSD trip, turns to an unexpected source for help on this matter. Also attending the awards ceremony will be Megan's parents, Dr. Emile and Mrs. Marie Calvet, who have come to town partly on business, partly to see Megan and partly to meet Don and attend the ceremony. Upon meeting, Don knows that he has to do more than win a prestigious award to impress especially Dr. Calvet. A last minute attendee... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 9.1
47 min

The same day is seen through the eyes of three people: Peggy, Roger and Don. The start for the day is the same for all three: Roger invites Don on a boys only romp to visit the business of a client - the Howard Johnson's in Plattsburg - so that Roger can avoid an evening out with Jane later that evening. Don instead invites Megan to go along, which means that both Don and Megan will be abandoning the Heinz team at their pitch meeting that day, leaving that responsibility to Peggy, and that Roger is left out in the cold with regard to the Howard Johnson's outing. An incident at the Heinz pitch meeting leaves Peggy contemplating both her professional life at SCDP and her personal life with Abe. A second incident at Don and Megan's outing leaves Megan wondering if she can have both a professional and personal life with Don, or if she even wants anything to do with Don, while Don tries to regain some lost control over the situation and a situation brought to his attention the following ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 9.0
48 min

Lane is trying to break ties with his homeland. That doesn't stop Rebecca from making friends for her and Lane with the Bakers, compatriots from England. Lane does however feel that he can take advantage of this friendship with Edwin Baker by bringing his company's business, Jaguar, into SCDP, as Jaguar is trying to enter the US market. Despite being the sole Brit in the office and thus the logical choice in his own mind to deal with a fellow Brit, Lane has no experience in account management. The process of Lane learning how to become an account manager and him being the reason SCDP gets Jaguar's almost seemingly surefire account makes Lane evaluate his professional life. Meanwhile, Pete is feeling restless in his marriage, one result from which is eying a high school senior in his driver's education class. Life at work is different as he feels he is gaining more power in the office. A small measure of that office power is being able to convince a reluctant Don and Megan to attend a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.7
48 min

Three news items affect the SCDP staff and their families. The first news item is the rape and murder of nurses in Chicago. Although Henry's mother Pauline, who is babysitting Sally while Henry and Betty are on a business trip, doesn't believe such news stories should be heard or read by someone of Sally's age, it ultimately becomes a meeting point for the two in what is otherwise an antagonistic relationship. The second news items is the general race riots taking place across the country. This news item initiates a meeting point between Peggy and Dawn, the two seeming outsiders at SCDP. And the third news item is an airlines mechanics strike which has a different affect on Mohawk than it does on its larger competitors. As Mohawk is still operating through the strike, they continue on with their other business such as their advertising. This news catches Roger off guard, he who has to think fast or get someone else to think fast to get a pitch ready from scratch over the weekend. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.0
48 min

Betty has gained some weight, which she can't shed for whatever reason, which in turn is making her depressed. Or is her depression the cause of emotional eating which is reason for her weight gain? Going to see a doctor for a prescription for diet pills, the doctor instead finds a growth on her thyroid, which may be cancerous and which may be the cause of her weight gain. With Henry not around when she receives the news, she turns to Don for emotional support. This news affects the Draper household. As Betty begins to think about her mortality, she also begins to understand that this tumor is a no win situation for her. Meanwhile, at SCDP, Pete is able to secure the Mohawk Airlines account once again, which is a small coup for the company. Pete begrudgingly assigns the account to Roger, since the Mohawk executives know Roger, and both sides will treat the account like their best drinking buddy. But they need to hire a dedicated copywriter for the account, someone creative but who ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.6
47 min

Joan feels that she may be seen as dispensable from Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce when her mother shows her an item in the newspaper, which in reality is solely SCDP's dig at a rival ad agency. Joan decides to make an unexpected visit to the office with Kevin in tow to find out first hand if she indeed has a future at SCDP. That item in the newspaper has another unintended consequence for the company. Another item all the talk at SCDP is Megan's birthday gift to Don, some of that talk which gets a little out of hand. That talk becomes a problem for Don and Megan in managing both a professional and personal relationship. What is foremost on Pete's mind is gaining more control at the company, which includes a larger office to show clients that he does wield authority at SCDP. He also figures out how Roger has been finding out about his meetings with clients and how he can get Roger to stop doing so. And Lane finds a wallet in a taxicab. Despite the fact that there is a lot of money in ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.6
48 min

The finances at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce are stable, although not overly flush. There are some staff changes, including Megan, now Mrs. Draper, moving into a junior creative position. But most of those staff changes are the result of Joan being on a temporary leave having just given birth. With Greg still in military service, Joan has some assistance from her visiting mother, who often doesn't provide Joan with the support she wants or needs. One change that Pete, as account manager, would like to see is Roger having less control and say in the day to day operations, especially in front line dealings with customers. Pete is especially bothered when Roger shows up unannounced and uninvited to client meetings. Meanwhile, Don's fortieth birthday is approaching. Going through his Rolodex for potential invitees, Megan, at the last minute, plans a surprise birthday party for him, despite advice from Peggy that Don doesn't like such surprises. At the party, Megan's gift to Don causes a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 9.0
48 min

The staff at SCDP are taking their opportunities where ever they come. After Don's diatribe in the form of the advertisement in the New York Times against tobacco advertising, he and Pete have a meeting with the Board of Directors of the American Cancer Society for their business. It's not so much the advertising contract of a non-profit organization that they want but those of the businesses for which the board members actually work. They ask Ken to use some social connections to leverage some of that potential. And based on a social conversation Peggy has with Joyce, Peggy pounces on an opportunity for another contract, but has to work fast to get it. Within all these goings-on, Don is taking some time away from the office to take the kids to California, where he has to deal with some aspects of Anna's estate. But Betty, acting on an emotional impulse in the process of moving to a new house, thwarts Don's plans, for which he has to make some quick last minute adjustments to those ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.9
48 min

Sally is continuing on with her therapy sessions with Dr. Edna, who believes Sally is progressing so much that the frequency of her sessions can be reduced. However, Sally is also having unofficial therapy sessions with Glen Bishop, about which Betty is unaware. Betty feels the need to speak to someone herself about life, but doesn't want it under the guise of therapy sessions. She will really need to speak to someone after she makes a discovery, which in turn may set Sally's therapy back. Meanwhile, life at SCDP is not getting any better following Lucky Strike's departure. Although Don has an off the record meeting with Heinz arranged by Faye, they have the same opinion as all other potential clients: business is a possibility in six months if SCDP is still in operation. Beyond Lane's need to deal with the operational aspects of the the business such as payroll, none of the partners has a concrete proposal to get them out of their predicament. And an idea from Peggy to Don is ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.8
48 min

SCDP's fortune's are on the upswing and Don is buoyed by that fact. Harry is getting him tickets to a Beatles concert, to which he is taking an excited Sally. And SCDP are in final negotiations with North American Aviation, whose marketing budget has been substantially increased. However, the contract with North America Aviation has some unforeseen consequences, the results which unnerve Betty, concern Pete who does whatever he can to handle the situation within his means albeit with some reservations, but most importantly threaten Don's entire future. As Don prepares for his family's security if he is taken down, the reality of the situation begins truly to sink in. With others in the office, Lane receives an unexpected visit from his father. The purpose of the visit is to bring Lane home to deal with his marital issues. But Lane has a particular reason for wanting to stay permanently in New York, which he has to decide whether to tell his father. And Roger and Joan's sexual ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.7
48 min

Don has come to the realization that his life is falling apart, fueled in large part by his excessive alcohol consumption. To get his life back on track, he is swimming regularly - a difficult task at first - and writing a journal, the latter which may be the more difficult task as he admits he has never strung together more that 250 words at any given time. His problems are compounded by the fact that Gene's second birthday is coming up, Gene's official party to which he is not invited. He also knows in his heart that Gene considers Henry to be his father. Don also evaluates the state of his relationships, especially with Bethany. Betty is not coping much better with her life, the thought of Don which causes her unending grief. A chance social meeting with Don totally unravels Betty, unfortunate for Henry that it takes place at an important dinner with regard to Henry's political future. Betty's emotions take their toll on the Francises. Joan is also going through a rough time with ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.7
48 min

The general scuttlebutt within the Madison Avenue advertising world is that Ted Chaough is the next Don Draper, and that Ted's firm, Cutler Gleason and Chaough (CGandC), is stealing all the accounts from Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce (SCDP), the latest being Clearasil. Although not quite the truth, the perception that CGandC is the up and coming ad agency may make life tougher for an already struggling SCDP. Pete has connections for what may be the next big account up for grabs, Honda Motorcycles, worth $3 million in potential billings. Don wants everyone dealing with the account at SCDP to brush up on their Japanese etiquette as the leg up for the firm in nabbing the account. Ted lets Don know that CGandC is also in the running for the lucrative business. Everyone in the know in the ad world seems to want the account, except for Roger, who has strong remembrances of his time in the last world war. When Roger makes a move that may jeopardize the account before they even get it, Don comes up ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.3
48 min

The Christmas season is in full swing, but that only compounds the problems for Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce. Feeling the company still financially insolvent, Lane will only allow a meager office Christmas party, with no spouses or partners. Roger makes a unilateral decision to change that directive from Lane to keep their one major client, Lee Garner Jr. of Lucky Strike, happy. Roger wants the company to appear cheerful and busy to those in the outside world that matter. The company's fortune may change for the better when ex-Sterling Cooper fired employee Freddy Rumsen, now clean and sober for sixteen months, walks through their doors, he who brings with him a lucrative contract with Pond's cold cream. One of his two major stipulations is that he comes with the contract. Peggy, who has been Freddy's biggest supporter in the past, may regret what she wished for as she and Freddy butt heads over the concept for Pond's. Also to assist in improving the company's fortunes, Bertram ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.7
48 min

The new Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce has been in business for one year, and it as a business is still floundering. They still have Lucky Strike as their big account, but all other clients account for a small proportion of total revenue. For every new innovative campaign they do, such as the recent television commercial for Glo-Coat, they have problems with another client. For example, Peggy, Pete and Joey are working on a campaign for Sugarberry Ham, and they feel they need to come up with a publicity stunt to replace the non-existent media budget, the stunt which they don't clear with Don and which goes slightly awry. And Don refuses to compromise his creative stance to kowtow to potential new clients. The company is housed in a small office that is not well furnished - it doesn't even have a conference table, the circle of chairs acting as the conference area they tell their clients is to foster dialogue. Don is being interviewed for Ad-Age Magazine, which the other partners trust ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 9.6
60 min

Don's life is falling apart around him. He learns from Connie about the sale of Sterling Cooper and, because of it, the loss of the Hilton account. As Don passes the news to Roger and Bertram, the three decide to plot strategy for what each wants in their professional future. Among their options are to go to the new company (which for Bertram will probably mean the end of his professional life), or the preferred option which is to buy back Sterling Cooper from Putnam, Powell and Lowe. What is not an option is to quit since they are all under contract, which would prevent them from working in advertising altogether. With the assistance of an unexpected person however, they come up with another option. The success of this option depends on the assistance of many, who may or may not decide to help, and some quick action before the rest of the world figures out what's going on. Because this maneuver feels like starting over, Don reminisces about a big change in his life when he was a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Connie is constantly calling Don, even in the middle of the night. But the carrot of the entire Hilton account is enough for Don to endure these intrusions on his personal life. Don may ultimately have a black mark with Connie when he does not literally follow through with a thought Connie provides to him. Sal is working on a commercial for Lucky Strike. But an incident with the client, Lee Garner, Jr., may jeopardize not only his position on the account but his position at Sterling Cooper. Sal takes out his frustrations by resorting to his primal urges. At the Draper house, Don and Betty are both preoccupied with their infatuations, Don's with Sally's former teacher Suzanne Farrell, and Betty's with Henry Francis. Both go to extreme measures to progress those infatuations. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

It's the summer vacation season, and many New Yorkers are out of town, including Trudy. Pete, alone at home, is feeling a little restless. His restlessness is cured when he meets Gudrun, an au pair who is working for his neighbors. Pete decides to assist a teary eyed Gudrun with a problem she is having. In doing so, Pete runs into an old colleague, which is slightly embarrassing for both. In doing this favor for Gudrun, Pete expects more than just a little gratitude in return, which causes some problems. Upon Trudy's return, Pete makes an unexpected request from her. At the Drapers, Betty is buoyed by the help that Henry Francis has provided in at least delaying the reservoir project. Henry admits that he helped for one specific reason. Don, who is also taking time off from work, is unexpectedly called by Connie to make a two day site visit to one of his hotels in Rome. Although a work trip, Betty, on Don's invitation, accompanies him on this trip. The two end up having more than just... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mad Men

Mad Men


Mad Men

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

Pete Campbell oversteps the mark when he pitches an idea for ad campaign to the head of Bethlehem Steel without telling Don Draper. Draper wants him fired but learns a lesson in corporate politics. Pete's wife wants to buy a Manhattan apartment but he has to approach his cold and distant parents for a loan. Pete's in-laws, however, are more forthcoming. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.0

McGee's apartment is torn apart by a robber looking for a valuable item hidden by the previous tenant, a convicted criminal.

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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.0
42 min

When Gibbs doesn't come in to work, they all wonder why. They go to where he goes before coming in, the coffee shop where he gets his coffee. They find his truck and no sign of him. They track his phone and find it in a mailbox along with his wallet and credentials. They check video surveillance and they see him approach a man who was in the coffee shop and goes with him. They check the man out and learn he was the subject of an undercover assignment Gibbs had 15 years ago. It seems the man was part of a militia group who stole some nuclear rods which have never been recovered. So they assume he's trying to find them. The guy says his brother has the rods and contacting him is not an easy task. Vance brings in a retired agent who worked with Gibbs and someone from the Department of Energy. When the brother calls he tells the brother Gibbs is a fed so he pulls a gun on him. Gibbs gets out of it and goes back and Vance tells him one of the two men he told of him reopening the case may ... Written by

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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 9.0
43 min

When a petty officer and her husband who were in Iraq on vacation are killed by a sniper, the team investigates. They learn that the weapon used is American made and issued to marines. They learn that some time back a group of marines who had the weapon with them were ambushed and killed and supposedly all their weapons were destroyed. But Gibbs doesn't think all the weapons were destroyed. So he goes to see the only survivor who is in the VA who claims to have memory of what happened and doesn't want to remember. He then learns that his therapist is Dr. Confalone, the therapist he met recently. who tries to help him with marine but maintains her position as his therapist. He also turns to the man's daughter for help. When he learns that the weapon might be used in an assassination, he tries to get the man to remember. Written by

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