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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

O'Neill, Carter and Teal'c return through the Stargate shell-shocked and distressed to announce that Daniel Jackson was killed. But Jackson was captured by the last survivor of an aquatic race, who planted false memories in the other members of SG1. Can the team remember and return to rescue Daniel? Written by Anonymous

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

An experimental drug to replace Teal'c's goa'uld as his immune system is unsuccessful, and gives him nightmares about the traumatic implantation in his own body, a prim'ta which turns a Jaffa child into a goa'uld drone, and it's impending for his son Ry'ac, about whom he never told the USAF. Now he tells Jack and proposes a mission to retrieve symbionts on his home planet Chulac, where they are plentiful, but their last visit made them many enemies. Once informed, the general orders a team mission rather than virtual suicide by Teal'c going alone. They pretend to be a legation from Apophis, bluff their way past priests guarding the stargate, and find Teal'c's home burned down as part of his disgrace as shol'va (traitor) but meet Jaffa master Brae'tac, his mentor, who expected him to return to his family for Ry'ac's prim'ta ceremony and shows him and Jack where they live as kresh'ta (outcasts) in a slum, just in time to prevent the ceremony, to his wife Drey'auc's fury, who told Ry'ac ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Daniel Jackson discovers that the Stargate was activated in 1945 and a young professor went through, never to return. Together with his still living fiancée, the SG1 team discover the now aged professor, naked and trapped in a decaying fortress, containing the secrets of an Ancient alliance. Will they be able to rescue him and escape to earth in time? Written by Anonymous

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

SG-1 goes to the planet Cimmeria in search of allies against the Goa'uld. Upon arrival, Jack and Teal'c are trapped in a labyrinth, where the only exit is through Thor's Hammer, a device to destroy Goa'uld, but preserve the host. Daniel Jackson must destroy the device that could someday have saved his wife in order to free his friends. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

On planet Argos SG-1 arrives at a stargate inside the Mycenean temple of the mythical founding hero Pelops, whose return is awaited. There Daniel delivers the baby of a Chosen couple. After eating a piece of the special cake at the celebration, Jack wakes up, having laid with Kynthia. At sunset all natives fall into a deep sleep. Teal'c and Daniel discover a temple archive in linear A, a Minoan era script which is an archaic goa'uld dialect. The team finds the life cycle on Argos is incredibly fastened: factor 250, as a genetic experiment set up by Pelops. It must be somehow contagious, as Jack also starts to age terrifyingly fast. Dr. Fraser and Sam find it's something in the blood, but not a virus: replicators, and Jack has more of them: he's aging even faster, to die in about two weeks. Finally Jack investigates the importance of Pelops' first law that nobody may leave the village and it's link with a goa'uld device found when his statue breaks... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

With the Stargate program in danger of being terminated, the team is under pressure to find technology. Visiting a planet where they believe there is a creature that possesses the secret of invisibility, they encounter Apophis and his guards. Both sides receiving mortal wounds, they are aided by the planet's inhabitants, the Nox, a gentle people with a very large secret. Written by minnadoon

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

When Jack is injured unintentionally by a crystal alien, the alien duplicates Jack's form and out of fear of retribution tries to heal Jack. He returns to Earth in place of Jack, while Jack is still unconscious on the planet, to find the one thing he feels will accomplish this; the one thing that cannot be found again. Meanwhile, the 'real' Jack has returned and is trying to convince SGC that he is who he says he is. Written by minnadoon

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 6.8
44 min

SG-9's anthropologist Frakes is captured during a mission on a planet of cave-dwellers, where direct sunlight is unbearable, and killed by their own Captain Jonas Hansen, who became a murderous tyrant after being treated like a god by the primitive inhabitants, drunk with power, and has them build a temple in his honor well beyond their primitive means and manpower. His escaped team mate Lieutenant Connor refuses to return with SG-1, which soon finds him captured and tied up in the sun with other non-collaborating team survivors. Captain Samantha Carter allows herself to be captured trying to free them, so she can talk to Hanson, an ex of hers, who claims the temple should save the people when he as 'their god' installs an old goa'uld device he expects her to repair. When Teal'c hears about it from local escapee Jamala, he warns hat technology can only create a field between two devices, so SG-1 must find a second one, then overpower the false god... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

SG-1 visits a nameless planet which fascinates Daniel as a casus of the Broca divide, the cohabitation of stone - and bronze age people: the Touched, aggressive cavemen, and a Minoian urban civilization, the Untouched, but with a twist: it's one population, a disease can turn anyone of the Untouched, who is then banished for life, to prevent contagion, even the king's daughter. Dr. Jackson's frustration when Jack decides to return, because no goa'uld threat is found, won't be repeated as the President has added scientific research to the prioritary objectives, but in this case they didn't leave fast enough: very soon members of the team get symptoms of reversal to an animal state, infecting others on the base. General Hammond is forced to have the whole mountain quarantined. As both Teal'c and Daniel and found to be immune, they return to get a blood sample from the Untouched, while Dr. Fraiser searches frantically for an explanation and cure... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 6.2
44 min

The SG-1 team travels to a planet that is populated by what may be the descendants of Mongol tribesmen relocated from Earth. The warriors are brave and fierce but the object of their interest is Sam Carter. In their society, woman are not permitted to show their face in public and are not even allowed to speak, on pain of death. She is kidnapped by a young man who trades her to an opposing tribe in the hopes of getting the chieftain's daughter Nya in return. He is refused as Nya has been promised to another chieftain in marriage but Sam tries to get the young woman to refuse the marriage and go against her father's wishes.The result is that Nya is sentenced to death by stoning. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

The team, now designated SG-1 (initially there will be nine exploration teams in all, more will be added later) are planning their next foray through the gate as they try to map out the variety of sites available to them and locate their missing friends. O'Neill asks that Teal'c be allowed to join his team but Gen. Hammond thinks that will be unlikely given that he is the host for a Goa'uld. Unknown to anyone, however, is that O'Neill's close friend, Maj. Charles Kawalsky, leader of SG-2, has been infected by a Goa'uld, an immature version that has not yet taken complete control of the host. Kawalsky is having regular blackouts during which the Goa'uld is trying to return to the gate. An MRI reveals what is wrong but it's unlikely the creature that has fused itself to Kawalsky's spine can be surgically removed. Meanwhile, Col. Kennedy arrives to question Teal'c who has pledged his loyalty to his new world. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.3
92 min

An alien similar to Ra appears out of the Stargate, killing five soldiers and kidnapping another, a year after the original Stargate mission. A new team is assembled, including some old members, and they go in search of the missing soldier in order to find out how Ra could still be alive. Meanwhile, the alien Gou'ald kidnap Sha're and Skaara, implanting them with symbiotes and making them Gou'ald hosts. Written by Lee Jamilkowski

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Ballers




IMDb: 8.6
34 min

Spencer makes a last-ditch effort to get back what he's lost. Ricky awaits a call that could define his future. Vernon takes a road trip. Siefert offers Charles a big opportunity, but it comes at a cost.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Sport,
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HD Ballers




IMDb: 8.4
30 min

As Spencer tries to move forward, Joe works to keep things together. Charles and Ricky clash. Travis faces tough questions and worries about his prospects. At his Draft Day party, Spencer asks for help while trying to keep ASM's latest developments quiet.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Sport,
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HD Ballers




IMDb: 7.9
29 min

Spencer and Joe search for Andre's weakness; Vernon anxiously awaits news; Jason woos a client; Ricky attempts to understand his father; Charles gets the truth from Siefert.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Sport,
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HD Ballers




IMDb: 8.1
28 min

Spencer advises a reluctant Vernon to stay quiet when the truth behind his injury threatens his career. Trying to stave off Andre's attacks on their business, Spencer and Joe butt heads over how best to advise a client. Charles worries whether he's up for a challenge. A hard-to-impress Ricky takes a trip to tour a potential new home.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Sport,
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HD Ballers




IMDb: 7.6
25 min

Spencer offers to pay to silence Vernon's publicity scandal, while also trying to figure out what to do with Rodney's ashes with Charles helping him. Jason has to meet his mother's new boyfriend. Ricky struggles to deal with Annabella walking out on their relationship. Written by Joe Raimo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Sport,
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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.1

Enterprise is en route, to the Berengaria system, one of the supposed places for a starbase, when an hostile Orion ship approaches. Its captain, Harrad-Sar, agrees to stand down weapons and he has a proposal for captain Archer. Harrad-Sar wants Starfleet to cooperate in a mining operation. He claims he found a source of magnesite, enough to build a thousand warp drives. To improve relations with the Orion Syndicate, Archer decides to agree with the proposal. Harrad-Sar insists on transporting three slave girls to Enterprise as part of the deal. While Archer tries to convince them they are not slaves anymore, the crew seem to be affected by their arrival. The men seem entranced and preoccupied, getting sloppy with their work, the women develop headaches. Meanwhile Trip and T'Pol discuss their relationship. Trip feels compelled to tell the truth about him having dreams about her. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.6
43 min

The crew of Enterprise is still trying to find out why they were brought back by Daniels to the 20th Century. Back on Earth Silik has entered the complex of Vosk, where he attacks Trip. Meanwhile Vosk finds out Trip and Mayweather are not temporal agents. He contacts Archer for a meeting to return them and make an offer for a deal. He wants supplies from Enterprise to complete his time machine and in return send Enterprise back to its own century. Archer tells he'll consider the offer. Back on Enterprise he soon notices Trip is not who he appears to be. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.5
43 min

After destroying the Xindi weapon, Enterprise is on its way to Earth. Unable to make contact with Starfleet, Shuttlepod One is sent to the surface, only to be fired upon by P-51 Mustangs. Meanwhile captain Archer is captured by German soldiers under leadership of a red-eyed alien. Something's is definitely wrong here. Enterprise seems stuck in World War Two. It gets even stranger when Reed finds out this is not World War Two as we know it, he hears reports of battles in Virginia and Ohio. Then Enterprise is suddenly visited by two familiar beings. Crewman Daniels, the time traveler, has severely aged and is about to die. Suliban Silik tries to steal a shuttle. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Enterprise has finally arrived at Azati Prime, the suspected location of the Xindi weapon, only to find it protected by a very sophisticated security grid. There's just one way to pass it, by using the Insectoid shuttle. Mayweather and Trip visit the planet and find out the weapon is indeed there. To destroy it the shuttle must be send back for a one way trip. Mayweather and Trip are prepared, but Archer decides he should be the one to sacrifice himself. Then he gets a visit from crewman Daniels, the time agent. He tells why the Xindi want to destroy Earth and urges him to reconsider his decision. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.6
43 min

An Earth research team uncovers wreckage and drones from the Borg sphere that attempted to stop Zephram Cochrane's warp flight nearly 100 years ago. The Borg regenerate, assimilate the team, modify their transport and flee Earth. Enterprise answers a distress call too late, rescues survivors, and Phlox is injected with assimilation nanoprobes. Enterprise catches the transport and Archer must determine whether or not to try to salvage the personnel or stop the Borg efforts before they are out of control. Written by Meribor

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Captain Archer is invited to negotiate a cease fire treaty between the Andorians and the Vulcans at the personal request of the Andorian commander Shran. Archer learns the two species are fighting over a small class D planet that the Vulcans call Paan Mokar and the Andorians Weytahn, in the middle of the frontier. Apparently a truce was negotiated a hundred years ago, but it has recently been broken when commander Shran's strike force landed. The negotiations go well and Archer manages to get one of the Vulcan hostages free in return for his promise that he will bring Vulcan ambassador Soval to do further negotiations. But not all Andorians agree with Shran's positive outlook on Archer's negotiating abilities. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Captain Archer and Mayweather are investigating a strange energy reading from the other side of a moon. The next moment they find themselves in a complex inhabited by Sulibans. The Sulibans are kept against their will by the Tandarans, who are in war with the Cabal, a Suliban terrorist organization. Archer and Mayweather are held prisoner because of trespassing, but Tandaran colonel Grat assures their release will only be a formality. While captain Archer is suspicious of the Suliban at first, he soon finds out they're innocent and makes plan to release them. Meanwhile Grat discovers evidence of Enterprise' earlier encounters with the Cabal. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.0
45 min

Phlox is writing a letter to a human colleague on Denobula. He has a lot to write about; he's amazed by the affection crewman Cutler is showing for him and he must save an entire race. Enterprise picked up a pod with a Valakian who tells his race is suffering from a deathly epidemic. Phlox tries to find a cure and finds out Valakia is actually inhabited by two races. The Menk are a more primitive race and hard workers. Since they appear to be resistant to the disease, Phlox thinks investigating them may provide the answer. By doing so, he discovers something about the Menk that makes him reconsider curing the disease Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.2
45 min

Enterprise is encountering all different kinds of minor malfunctions. When the crew find out the problem lies with the plasma exhaust, they discover they have a stowaway. The Xyrillians have a problem with their warp drive and by using Enterprise' warp drive they tried to recharge their teraphasic coils. Trip is sent to help fix their engine and meets up with Ah'len, one of their engineers. The two seem to be getting along very well. Trip is able to make repairs, but shortly after the Xyrillians left, he notices a strange bulging on his arm. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD American Housewife

American Housewife


American Housewife

IMDb: 7.5

Greg befriends a fellow history buff who happens to be married to Katie's nemesis.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.8

Among the bounty hunters that the FBI has trailing them in an effort to catch a high priced claim jumper, is a gorgeous woman who used to be one of Danny's sergeants in Iraq, who does nothing for Dalinda's ego and her appearance. And Piper doesn't help matters, either, when she kicks Dalinda out of the pool because of the way she looks. One of Sam's whales has lost his family in a random act of violence and she feels the blues because she doesn't know how to help him. Written by Moviedude1

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 8.4

Some crafty kidnappers put Dalinda in a box and bury her for a fifty million dollar ransom they're forcing out of Ed. Mary gets to choose a mascot, but ends up with several complaints from hotel guests. Guests at the casino include a couple of buddies who just won a lottery and are rather reluctant to wager any of it, opting instead to play a game of hide and seek in the casino, and a monk who's known for cleaning out casinos, one every seven years, and has picked the Montecito. Written by Moviedude1

Country: USA | Germany
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.9

The Nevada gaming Commission questions Casey's license because of $3,000,000 missing from the Montecito books, from the last night before Monica bought the casino. Casey is cleared, Ed must find the thief helped by Danny, whose rough USMC instructor Sergeant 'Gunny' Burn shows up and 'enlists' himself on hotel staff. Meanwhile meteorology fan Mike's hero, the forecast presenter, works from the Montecito and needs a stand-in stat. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.7

The Montecito is unexpectedly visited by three new major gamblers. Delinda and Nessa rival ruthlessly for hunky 'whale' James Riley's attention. Ed's CIA friend Lisa has barely arrived and there's already another sniper attack on her. Investigating proves even more dangerous. Martin Levson lost his money gambling and his wife to groupies, Mary babysits him to limit clientèle morale damage but overdoes it. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.8

It's a very busy time at the Montecito. Not only it's Groundhog Summer, which marks the end of the summer, there's also a SciFi convention and the casino floors are flooded with 'aliens'. Danny gets a strange call from Delinda who faintly asks for help. It turns out she was drugged and nearly raped. Big Ed wants to do the investigation himself and doesn't inform the police. Together with Danny he tries to find the rapist. Meanwhile Mike Cannon gets suspicious when three MIT students check into the casino. They do not attend Groundhog Summer or the SciFi convention, but say they are going to a technical convention that was a week ago. They also carry rather heavy suitcases. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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