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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.4
22 min

As our Heroes continue on their way to Solaceon Town, we join Ash and his new friend Alan in the middle of a Pokémon Battle. Ash seems to have found a kindred spirit in Alan: feisty, and brimming with they both call burning spirit! But, right in the middle of their battle, Alan's Probopass (which has just evolved from Nosepass) has just become the latest target of none other than Team Rocket, who attaches an antenna to Probopass' head, forcing it to attack its own trainer! It turns out their evil plot involves attaching antennae to as many Probopass as they can, and catching them all, of course. Of course, Alan and our Heroes have other ideas, and after much fierce battling and incredible tenacity, Alan frees his beloved Probopass from the antenna, leaving them all to make quick work of Team Rocket and sending them blasting off again - twice! Having had their battle interrupted several times, we leave Ash and his new friend in the heat of battle, as they revel in the camaraderie and...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.4
22 min

As our Heroes continue on their way to Solaceon Town, we join Ash and his new friend Alan in the middle of a Pokémon Battle. Ash seems to have found a kindred spirit in Alan: feisty, and brimming with they both call burning spirit! But, right in the middle of their battle, Alan's Probopass (which has just evolved from Nosepass) has just become the latest target of none other than Team Rocket, who attaches an antenna to Probopass' head, forcing it to attack its own trainer! It turns out their evil plot involves attaching antennae to as many Probopass as they can, and catching them all, of course. Of course, Alan and our Heroes have other ideas, and after much fierce battling and incredible tenacity, Alan frees his beloved Probopass from the antenna, leaving them all to make quick work of Team Rocket and sending them blasting off again - twice! Having had their battle interrupted several times, we leave Ash and his new friend in the heat of battle, as they revel in the camaraderie and...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.9
22 min

Ash and the gang arrive at a town where they meet Gardenia, who is promoting Pokemon battles with many kids. Team Rocket then appears just to see Gardenia rushing to them as she sees Cacnea. She then had a thought of having a double battle with James against Ash and Dawn, who happily accept. Ash uses Aipom, Dawn uses Buneary, Gardenia uses Turtwig, and James uses Cacnea. While battling, Gardenia realizes that Cacnea has more potential and it can use the move Drain Punch. When James commands it to use that move, it shows a devastating blow towards Aipom. Gardenia then gets another idea of giving Cacnea to her as a sign that she can train it to be stronger. Will James finally realize that Cacnea needs a new trainer or will he just teach the move to Cacnea on his own? Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.9
22 min

Ash and the gang arrive at a town where they meet Gardenia, who is promoting Pokemon battles with many kids. Team Rocket then appears just to see Gardenia rushing to them as she sees Cacnea. She then had a thought of having a double battle with James against Ash and Dawn, who happily accept. Ash uses Aipom, Dawn uses Buneary, Gardenia uses Turtwig, and James uses Cacnea. While battling, Gardenia realizes that Cacnea has more potential and it can use the move Drain Punch. When James commands it to use that move, it shows a devastating blow towards Aipom. Gardenia then gets another idea of giving Cacnea to her as a sign that she can train it to be stronger. Will James finally realize that Cacnea needs a new trainer or will he just teach the move to Cacnea on his own? Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Ash and the gang find a nice place to relax. Ash's new Pokemon, Chimchar, was all new to this special treatment, ever since Paul made its training very rigorous. In order for Chimchar to adapt to its new surroundings, Ash lets it have a battle against Dawn's Piplup. Later in the episode, wild Zangoose appear and battle against Chimchar. Will Chimchar be able to defeat these Pokemon or will it stay frightened? Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Ash and the gang find a nice place to relax. Ash's new Pokemon, Chimchar, was all new to this special treatment, ever since Paul made its training very rigorous. In order for Chimchar to adapt to its new surroundings, Ash lets it have a battle against Dawn's Piplup. Later in the episode, wild Zangoose appear and battle against Chimchar. Will Chimchar be able to defeat these Pokemon or will it stay frightened? Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Before the 2nd day of the Hearthome City Tag Battle gets underway, we join Ash as he does some last minute training. We also find Paul doing the same, but it becomes painfully obvious that Paul is pushing his Chimchar way beyond its limit, and our Heroes soon discover the reason: when Paul first discovered Chimchar, he witnessed a power that he had never been able to duplicate since that 1st encounter, so Paul had been driving Chimchar mercilessly - training to recreate that power. Now, at this point Chimchar is exhausted, and both Brock and Nurse Joy warn Paul not to use Chimchar for their upcoming 2nd match. Of course, he ignores their warnings. But thanks to Ash's leadership and Turtwig's skill, their team emerges victorious - even after Paul has given up on Chimchar while the match is still underway. Paul later tells a sad and shaken Chimchar to leave, but Ash then asks Chimchar to join them on their journey, leaving us to wonder what will eventually become of this most emotional ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Before the 2nd day of the Hearthome City Tag Battle gets underway, we join Ash as he does some last minute training. We also find Paul doing the same, but it becomes painfully obvious that Paul is pushing his Chimchar way beyond its limit, and our Heroes soon discover the reason: when Paul first discovered Chimchar, he witnessed a power that he had never been able to duplicate since that 1st encounter, so Paul had been driving Chimchar mercilessly - training to recreate that power. Now, at this point Chimchar is exhausted, and both Brock and Nurse Joy warn Paul not to use Chimchar for their upcoming 2nd match. Of course, he ignores their warnings. But thanks to Ash's leadership and Turtwig's skill, their team emerges victorious - even after Paul has given up on Chimchar while the match is still underway. Paul later tells a sad and shaken Chimchar to leave, but Ash then asks Chimchar to join them on their journey, leaving us to wonder what will eventually become of this most emotional ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

The Hearthome city tag battle competition is off and running. Which Ash, Brock and Dawn vying the Championship title!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

The Hearthome city tag battle competition is off and running. Which Ash, Brock and Dawn vying the Championship title!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.6
22 min

As Ash and friends head toward Hearthome City, Dawn has just learned there's to be a free giveaway of a new application, or upgrade, for her Poketch. But after arriving at the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy regretfully informs her the giveaway is at the Center on the other side of the forest. Quickly our Heroes take off to beat the 5 o'clock deadline, but suddenly run into a disguised Team Rocket who splits them up by luring them into a sprawling maze! Although it appears the evil trio is about to grab every Pokémon they can get their hands on, a thrilling combination of teamwork and tenacity allows Pokémon and trainer alike to burst through the multiple maze walls, uniting our Heroes once again and sending Team Rocket off - empty handed!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.6
22 min

As Ash and friends head toward Hearthome City, Dawn has just learned there's to be a free giveaway of a new application, or upgrade, for her Poketch. But after arriving at the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy regretfully informs her the giveaway is at the Center on the other side of the forest. Quickly our Heroes take off to beat the 5 o'clock deadline, but suddenly run into a disguised Team Rocket who splits them up by luring them into a sprawling maze! Although it appears the evil trio is about to grab every Pokémon they can get their hands on, a thrilling combination of teamwork and tenacity allows Pokémon and trainer alike to burst through the multiple maze walls, uniting our Heroes once again and sending Team Rocket off - empty handed!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Continuing toward Hearthome City, our Heroes suddenly come across a rare Shieldon who is being pursued by none other than Pokémon Hunter J and her evil henchmen, but when things look their worst, who arrives on the scene to stop them in their tracks but Ash's old friend and rival Gary Oak! It turns out that Gary is conducting research in order to save all the wild Shieldon in the area, but soon it becomes apparent that their dealings with Hunter J are just beginning. As J is determined to capture Shieldon for a client, Ash and Gary mount a formidable defense against J and her goons, but that old Ash and Gary rivalry comes through and initially causes some friction between the 2. However, it is Ash's bravery that winds up saving the day, and Gary is only too happy to give credit for saving the Shieldon to his old friend. And saying goodbye to Gary, Officer Jenny and a recently arrived Professor Rowan, our Heroes now set their sights back on Hearthome City and their next competitions.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Continuing toward Hearthome City, our Heroes suddenly come across a rare Shieldon who is being pursued by none other than Pokémon Hunter J and her evil henchmen, but when things look their worst, who arrives on the scene to stop them in their tracks but Ash's old friend and rival Gary Oak! It turns out that Gary is conducting research in order to save all the wild Shieldon in the area, but soon it becomes apparent that their dealings with Hunter J are just beginning. As J is determined to capture Shieldon for a client, Ash and Gary mount a formidable defense against J and her goons, but that old Ash and Gary rivalry comes through and initially causes some friction between the 2. However, it is Ash's bravery that winds up saving the day, and Gary is only too happy to give credit for saving the Shieldon to his old friend. And saying goodbye to Gary, Officer Jenny and a recently arrived Professor Rowan, our Heroes now set their sights back on Hearthome City and their next competitions.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.6
22 min

Continuing en route to Hearthome City, Ash's Turtwig suddenly alerts our Heroes to what they later learn is a Hippopotas stranded on a precarious ledge. After much effort, Ash is finally able to rescue the terrified Pokémon and soon learns that it has been separated from its herd and lost. Deciding to take Hippopotas back to its friends, they discover that Team Rocket has other, more fiendish ideas, and several confrontations between them take place, while one by one all parties become victim to Hippopotas' Yawn attack, which puts the recipient into a deep sleep. But Ash and friends persevere, and their new Pokémon friend is eventually brought back to and happily reunited with its herd. However, that occasion doesn't occur without Ash being the last of our sleepy Heroes to experience the full impact of Hippopotas' Yawn!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.6
22 min

Continuing en route to Hearthome City, Ash's Turtwig suddenly alerts our Heroes to what they later learn is a Hippopotas stranded on a precarious ledge. After much effort, Ash is finally able to rescue the terrified Pokémon and soon learns that it has been separated from its herd and lost. Deciding to take Hippopotas back to its friends, they discover that Team Rocket has other, more fiendish ideas, and several confrontations between them take place, while one by one all parties become victim to Hippopotas' Yawn attack, which puts the recipient into a deep sleep. But Ash and friends persevere, and their new Pokémon friend is eventually brought back to and happily reunited with its herd. However, that occasion doesn't occur without Ash being the last of our sleepy Heroes to experience the full impact of Hippopotas' Yawn!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Continuing on their way to Hearthome City, what appears to our Heroes as a Pokémon Center turns out to be a mysterious gate, which upon passing through it unleashes a STRANGE chain of events. Everyone seems to be experiencing all of their dreams coming true! Brock is approached by a crowd of Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys who are all in love with him, and Ash and Dawn find themselves in championship competitions that will decide the greatest Pokémon Trainer and Coordinator in the WORLD! While Ash and Dawn emerge victorious from their challenges and are awarded every badge and ribbon the Sinnoh region has to offer, Brock finds himself painfully awakened from what appears to be a dream by Croagunk's Poison Jab. Brock then proceeds to discover that a Mismagius, who cannot only create illusions that cause pain but give pleasure as well, has hypnotized him as well as Ash and Dawn. A fierce battle ensues when our Heroes attempt to break free, until Pikachu, Piplup and Croagunk become part of...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Continuing on their way to Hearthome City, what appears to our Heroes as a Pokémon Center turns out to be a mysterious gate, which upon passing through it unleashes a STRANGE chain of events. Everyone seems to be experiencing all of their dreams coming true! Brock is approached by a crowd of Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys who are all in love with him, and Ash and Dawn find themselves in championship competitions that will decide the greatest Pokémon Trainer and Coordinator in the WORLD! While Ash and Dawn emerge victorious from their challenges and are awarded every badge and ribbon the Sinnoh region has to offer, Brock finds himself painfully awakened from what appears to be a dream by Croagunk's Poison Jab. Brock then proceeds to discover that a Mismagius, who cannot only create illusions that cause pain but give pleasure as well, has hypnotized him as well as Ash and Dawn. A fierce battle ensues when our Heroes attempt to break free, until Pikachu, Piplup and Croagunk become part of...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.3
22 min

Continuing to Hearthome City, our Heroes come across an Electrike in training, which appears to be totally out of control. They soon meet its trainer, a Bird Pokémon Breeder named Jaco, who works at the Pokémon Training Center (a 'school' for Lightning Pokémon to learn control of their moves, which ultimately allows them to work in the power generating room) and is having little success with the hapless Electrike. When Brock discovers that Jaco holds little hope for successfully training the Electrike to be able to control its power, he offers to help, and in the process has much to teach Jaco about Lightning Pokémon, and Breeding in general. At the same time, Team Rocket is considering stealing the Electrike for their own selfish ends, but when James and Meowth see how well our Heroes and their Pokémon are working with Jaco and the Electrike as a real team, they break with Jessie and offer to help with Electrike's training as well. This infuriates Jessie, and she is left to go it ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.3
22 min

Continuing to Hearthome City, our Heroes come across an Electrike in training, which appears to be totally out of control. They soon meet its trainer, a Bird Pokémon Breeder named Jaco, who works at the Pokémon Training Center (a 'school' for Lightning Pokémon to learn control of their moves, which ultimately allows them to work in the power generating room) and is having little success with the hapless Electrike. When Brock discovers that Jaco holds little hope for successfully training the Electrike to be able to control its power, he offers to help, and in the process has much to teach Jaco about Lightning Pokémon, and Breeding in general. At the same time, Team Rocket is considering stealing the Electrike for their own selfish ends, but when James and Meowth see how well our Heroes and their Pokémon are working with Jaco and the Electrike as a real team, they break with Jessie and offer to help with Electrike's training as well. This infuriates Jessie, and she is left to go it ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.9
22 min

As Ash and friends continue toward Hearthome City, they come across a familiar looking Glameow and Misdreavous, frantically pleading with our Heroes to come with them. After following them, our Heroes discover they are in fact their friend Zoey's Pokémon, and she has injured her leg training. Not being able to walk, they help Zoey to her campsite, where she proceeds to tell Dawn that the upcoming Hearthome Contest will be in a Double Performance and Double Battle format, meaning that the Coordinator needs to use 2 Pokémon at the same time. Having never done that before, Dawn gratefully accepts Zoey's offer to help Dawn prepare for the event, but at first things are going any way but well! And at the same time, Team Rocket shows up with a disguised Jessie - known as Jessilina, to challenge Dawn to a Double Battle on the spot, but Zoey insists on taking Dawn's place instead. Some fierce battling ensues, and Zoey ends up defeating Jessilina in a BIG way, and Team Rocket sheepishly makes ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.9
22 min

As Ash and friends continue toward Hearthome City, they come across a familiar looking Glameow and Misdreavous, frantically pleading with our Heroes to come with them. After following them, our Heroes discover they are in fact their friend Zoey's Pokémon, and she has injured her leg training. Not being able to walk, they help Zoey to her campsite, where she proceeds to tell Dawn that the upcoming Hearthome Contest will be in a Double Performance and Double Battle format, meaning that the Coordinator needs to use 2 Pokémon at the same time. Having never done that before, Dawn gratefully accepts Zoey's offer to help Dawn prepare for the event, but at first things are going any way but well! And at the same time, Team Rocket shows up with a disguised Jessie - known as Jessilina, to challenge Dawn to a Double Battle on the spot, but Zoey insists on taking Dawn's place instead. Some fierce battling ensues, and Zoey ends up defeating Jessilina in a BIG way, and Team Rocket sheepishly makes ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Continuing on toward Hearthome City and Ash's next Gym battle as well as Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, our Heroes discover that Cynthia, the Champion League Master, is visiting close by. However, when they go to see her,they discover that Paul is there too, and he challenges Cynthia to a battle on the spot. She agrees, and they begin a 6 on 6 Pokémon battle, which ends in a resounding defeat for Paul. However, after Cynthia agrees to help with Paul's ailing Pokémon, she shares a secret with Paul and our Heroes describing her dream to someday meet the Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia. So when she suddenly learns that the Lustrous Orb, said to be related to Palkia, has been discovered in Celestic City, that becomes her next destination, leaving Paul to stay overnight at the Pokémon Center to care for his Pokémon, and our Heroes heading back toward Hearthome City with new insights and a new friend in Cynthia too!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Continuing on toward Hearthome City and Ash's next Gym battle as well as Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, our Heroes discover that Cynthia, the Champion League Master, is visiting close by. However, when they go to see her,they discover that Paul is there too, and he challenges Cynthia to a battle on the spot. She agrees, and they begin a 6 on 6 Pokémon battle, which ends in a resounding defeat for Paul. However, after Cynthia agrees to help with Paul's ailing Pokémon, she shares a secret with Paul and our Heroes describing her dream to someday meet the Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia. So when she suddenly learns that the Lustrous Orb, said to be related to Palkia, has been discovered in Celestic City, that becomes her next destination, leaving Paul to stay overnight at the Pokémon Center to care for his Pokémon, and our Heroes heading back toward Hearthome City with new insights and a new friend in Cynthia too!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.6
22 min

As our Heroes continue toward Hearthome City and Dawn's next Pokémon Contest as well as Ash's next Gym battle, they discover a steamboat that travels along the same route they'll be traveling, which gives them an opportunity to do a little pleasure cruising! But when they decide to head into a small town for some supplies before the ship takes off, they leave all their Pokémon alone on the ship, and in their Pokémons' zeal to have a little fun, the ship accidentally starts down the river before our Heroes return - without captain or crew! Luckily, some quick thinking by our Heroes, along with the streamboat Captain's Mantine, allow them to catch up to the boat in the nick of time and save the scared Pokémon from a raging waterfall. And after displaying some amazing courage by Pokémon and trainers alike, the journey to Hearthome City continues.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.6
22 min

As our Heroes continue toward Hearthome City and Dawn's next Pokémon Contest as well as Ash's next Gym battle, they discover a steamboat that travels along the same route they'll be traveling, which gives them an opportunity to do a little pleasure cruising! But when they decide to head into a small town for some supplies before the ship takes off, they leave all their Pokémon alone on the ship, and in their Pokémons' zeal to have a little fun, the ship accidentally starts down the river before our Heroes return - without captain or crew! Luckily, some quick thinking by our Heroes, along with the streamboat Captain's Mantine, allow them to catch up to the boat in the nick of time and save the scared Pokémon from a raging waterfall. And after displaying some amazing courage by Pokémon and trainers alike, the journey to Hearthome City continues.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.0
22 min

As our Heroes continue toward Hearthome City As our Heroes cycle their way toward Hearthome City and Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, the Pokémon Egg in Brock's possession begins to glow, signaling that its hatching is soon to come. Upon looking for a Pokémon Center, however, they come across one in serious disrepair, and a very sad Nurse Joy lamenting how the cycling road has kept Trainers and Coordinators alike from going there. Vowing to help, our Heroes and Nurse Joy now take to the task of the hatching egg, which turns out to be a Happiny! At the same time, Team Rocket has its eyes on stealing the brand new Pokémon for their own selfish ends, and although successful in the short term, Happiny is eventually and happily returned to Brock, and Nurse Joy's self - confidence is completely renewed form their experiences. After helping to restore the Pokémon Center back to its original luster, Ash and friends continue down the cycling path towards Hearthome City, the site of Dawn's next ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.0
22 min

As our Heroes continue toward Hearthome City As our Heroes cycle their way toward Hearthome City and Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, the Pokémon Egg in Brock's possession begins to glow, signaling that its hatching is soon to come. Upon looking for a Pokémon Center, however, they come across one in serious disrepair, and a very sad Nurse Joy lamenting how the cycling road has kept Trainers and Coordinators alike from going there. Vowing to help, our Heroes and Nurse Joy now take to the task of the hatching egg, which turns out to be a Happiny! At the same time, Team Rocket has its eyes on stealing the brand new Pokémon for their own selfish ends, and although successful in the short term, Happiny is eventually and happily returned to Brock, and Nurse Joy's self - confidence is completely renewed form their experiences. After helping to restore the Pokémon Center back to its original luster, Ash and friends continue down the cycling path towards Hearthome City, the site of Dawn's next ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.9
22 min

Well this is the moment you've been waiting for: Ash's Eterna City Gym Battle! Gardenia's assistant judges a 3-on-3 match with only Ash allowed to substitute Pokemon. The first match-up was Cherubi vs. Turtwig. Apparently we thought that Turtwig would have the upper hand, Cherubi is faster than Turtwig. This match-up was in Gardenia's favor so Ash called Turtwig back. Next was Staravia, who we all know beat Cherubi the last time they met in Eterna Forest. This match-up was Speed vs. Speed but Staravia was a Flying Type Pokemon who made a difference. Cherubi was knocked out. Next was Gardenia's Turtwig. Still Staravia wants some revenge after her Turtwig knocked out Staravia in their previous battle. The outcome came after Turtwig launched Leech Seed and Staravia falling for it. Turtwig wins that round. The next match-up was Turtwig vs. Turtwig. Ash's Turtwig was hoping not to lose this battle. When Gardenia's Turtwig launched a second Leech Seed attack, we thought this would be the ... Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.9
22 min

Well this is the moment you've been waiting for: Ash's Eterna City Gym Battle! Gardenia's assistant judges a 3-on-3 match with only Ash allowed to substitute Pokemon. The first match-up was Cherubi vs. Turtwig. Apparently we thought that Turtwig would have the upper hand, Cherubi is faster than Turtwig. This match-up was in Gardenia's favor so Ash called Turtwig back. Next was Staravia, who we all know beat Cherubi the last time they met in Eterna Forest. This match-up was Speed vs. Speed but Staravia was a Flying Type Pokemon who made a difference. Cherubi was knocked out. Next was Gardenia's Turtwig. Still Staravia wants some revenge after her Turtwig knocked out Staravia in their previous battle. The outcome came after Turtwig launched Leech Seed and Staravia falling for it. Turtwig wins that round. The next match-up was Turtwig vs. Turtwig. Ash's Turtwig was hoping not to lose this battle. When Gardenia's Turtwig launched a second Leech Seed attack, we thought this would be the ... Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.8
22 min

As our Heroes continue their journey through the Sinnoh region toward the Eterna Gym and Ash's 2nd Sinnoh Gym battle challenge, Dawn's newest Pokémon, Buizel, is having some trouble adjusting to new circumstances. Buizel doesn't seem to want to take any direction from Dawn at all, but after a chance meeting with Lucian, a member of the Elite 4, Buizel begs Lucian for a battle, and Lucian agrees! But along with his Bronzong, Lucian makes quick work of Dawn and Buizel. That's when Team Rocket appears on the scene and decides at first to steal Lucian's Bronzong, but when that seems like a bad idea they go for Buizel instead. And while Buizel was initially depressed about losing to Bronzong, now Buizel breaks free from Team Rocket's cage with a powerful vengeance! Buizel then asks Lucian for yet another battle, and THIS time Dawn and her new Pokémon work together in a much more sympathetic manner, thanks in large part to some great advice and help from Lucian.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.8
22 min

As our Heroes continue their journey through the Sinnoh region toward the Eterna Gym and Ash's 2nd Sinnoh Gym battle challenge, Dawn's newest Pokémon, Buizel, is having some trouble adjusting to new circumstances. Buizel doesn't seem to want to take any direction from Dawn at all, but after a chance meeting with Lucian, a member of the Elite 4, Buizel begs Lucian for a battle, and Lucian agrees! But along with his Bronzong, Lucian makes quick work of Dawn and Buizel. That's when Team Rocket appears on the scene and decides at first to steal Lucian's Bronzong, but when that seems like a bad idea they go for Buizel instead. And while Buizel was initially depressed about losing to Bronzong, now Buizel breaks free from Team Rocket's cage with a powerful vengeance! Buizel then asks Lucian for yet another battle, and THIS time Dawn and her new Pokémon work together in a much more sympathetic manner, thanks in large part to some great advice and help from Lucian.

Country: Japan
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