Parent Show
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.2
22 min

As Ash and Starli work on perfecting Aerial Ace. A Pokemon researcher asks for help finding out where all the bird Pokemon have gone. Ash and friends volunteer to help her. They find out that Team Rocket has captured all the Pokemon.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.2
22 min

As Ash and Starli work on perfecting Aerial Ace. A Pokemon researcher asks for help finding out where all the bird Pokemon have gone. Ash and friends volunteer to help her. They find out that Team Rocket has captured all the Pokemon.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.7
22 min

Ash and Dawn advance in the contest. They befriend another co-coordinator Zoey, who has some advice for Ash and Dawn.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.7
22 min

Ash and Dawn advance in the contest. They befriend another co-coordinator Zoey, who has some advice for Ash and Dawn.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.7
22 min

Dawn enters her first Pokemon contest. As Ash helps her prepare for the contest, Apalm interrupts the training, they soon realize Apalm wants to enter the contest. So Ash registers as well.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.7
22 min

Dawn enters her first Pokemon contest. As Ash helps her prepare for the contest, Apalm interrupts the training, they soon realize Apalm wants to enter the contest. So Ash registers as well.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.2
22 min

Ash and friends are intrigued by a new device, the Poketch. But they're told their devices are counterfeit. They meet the creator/inventor. And he shows them a new device which can measure the friendship level between Pokemon and trainer. They also discover the counterfeit devices cause a strange reaction in Pokemon. Written by Jesse Sanchez

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.2
22 min

Ash and friends are intrigued by a new device, the Poketch. But they're told their devices are counterfeit. They meet the creator/inventor. And he shows them a new device which can measure the friendship level between Pokemon and trainer. They also discover the counterfeit devices cause a strange reaction in Pokemon. Written by Jesse Sanchez

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.2
22 min

It was a slightly disheveled start to the day for our Heroes, as Dawn woke up with a bad case of pillow head and was not amused - but things became really interesting when a Buneary suddenly appeared on the scene. Of course Dawn wanted to catch it, but Ash did as well, when he witnessed Buneary's astounding speed and power. Things got worse for everyone when Team Rocket showed up looking to abduct both Buneary and Pikachu - literally stopping and freezing our Heroes in their tracks. But thanks to Croagunk's quick thinking and power, they were unfrozen, following which, with the help of Pikachu's powerful Iron Tail, they were able to break free from Team Rocket's evil clutches, leaving the 3 thieves in a smoldering heap of yet another mangled machine. Meanwhile, Buneary had become quite fond of Pikachu and Dawn. So with a request to join Dawn on her journey, Dawn set out to battle and ultimately capture the cute creature, allowing Dawn to feel confident, excited and prepared for her ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.2
22 min

It was a slightly disheveled start to the day for our Heroes, as Dawn woke up with a bad case of pillow head and was not amused - but things became really interesting when a Buneary suddenly appeared on the scene. Of course Dawn wanted to catch it, but Ash did as well, when he witnessed Buneary's astounding speed and power. Things got worse for everyone when Team Rocket showed up looking to abduct both Buneary and Pikachu - literally stopping and freezing our Heroes in their tracks. But thanks to Croagunk's quick thinking and power, they were unfrozen, following which, with the help of Pikachu's powerful Iron Tail, they were able to break free from Team Rocket's evil clutches, leaving the 3 thieves in a smoldering heap of yet another mangled machine. Meanwhile, Buneary had become quite fond of Pikachu and Dawn. So with a request to join Dawn on her journey, Dawn set out to battle and ultimately capture the cute creature, allowing Dawn to feel confident, excited and prepared for her ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.9
22 min

Continuing on their way through the Sinnoh region, our Heroes come across a budding trainer named Minnie and her Scizor. She explains that she's looking for a new Gym called the Powerzone Gym, which is reputed to take any losing Pokémon under their wing and 'train' them to become stronger. The Powerzone Gym is, in truth, a phony Gym run by Team Rocket to steal their losing opponents' Pokémon when they leave them at the Gym to be 'trained'. So when our Heroes show up looking to challenge the Gym, the thought of stealing Ash's Pikachu and Minnie's Scizor is too tempting to pass up. Jessie, disguised as Princess Powerzone, is battling with a Croagunk that had crossed paths with Meowth earlier, and after some bad calls by referee James, emerges victorious against both Minnie and Ash. They blow their cover as they attempt to escape with both Pikachu, Scizor and a host of stolen Pokeballs, but after a few choice attacks Team Rocket is defeated and the 2 Pokémon and all the Pokeballs are ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.9
22 min

Continuing on their way through the Sinnoh region, our Heroes come across a budding trainer named Minnie and her Scizor. She explains that she's looking for a new Gym called the Powerzone Gym, which is reputed to take any losing Pokémon under their wing and 'train' them to become stronger. The Powerzone Gym is, in truth, a phony Gym run by Team Rocket to steal their losing opponents' Pokémon when they leave them at the Gym to be 'trained'. So when our Heroes show up looking to challenge the Gym, the thought of stealing Ash's Pikachu and Minnie's Scizor is too tempting to pass up. Jessie, disguised as Princess Powerzone, is battling with a Croagunk that had crossed paths with Meowth earlier, and after some bad calls by referee James, emerges victorious against both Minnie and Ash. They blow their cover as they attempt to escape with both Pikachu, Scizor and a host of stolen Pokeballs, but after a few choice attacks Team Rocket is defeated and the 2 Pokémon and all the Pokeballs are ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

As our Heroes continue their journey to Jubelife City and Dawn's 1st Pokémon Contest, we find a frustrated Dawn and her Piplup struggling with perfecting their Contest moves. We also find a VERY hungry Team Rocket searching for something to eat. Miraculously, they stumble upon a huge pile of berries, obviously gathered by someone else, which they happily steal. However, it turns out this pile of berries has been gathered by a group of very sad Pokémon headed up by a Golduck, who after discovering a trio of Ludicolo dancing near what's left of the berry pile, accuses the Ludicolo of steaking their berries, which of course they deny. This leads to infighting among the various Pokémon, which leads Team Rocket into fueling the fighting in hopes of stealing all the involved Pokémon. When Piplup stumbles upon the Golduck and the angry Pokémon, Piplup agrees to represent the Pokémon to the Ludicolo, demanding the stolen berries be returned to their rightful owners. But after some brave and ...

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

As our Heroes continue their journey to Jubelife City and Dawn's 1st Pokémon Contest, we find a frustrated Dawn and her Piplup struggling with perfecting their Contest moves. We also find a VERY hungry Team Rocket searching for something to eat. Miraculously, they stumble upon a huge pile of berries, obviously gathered by someone else, which they happily steal. However, it turns out this pile of berries has been gathered by a group of very sad Pokémon headed up by a Golduck, who after discovering a trio of Ludicolo dancing near what's left of the berry pile, accuses the Ludicolo of steaking their berries, which of course they deny. This leads to infighting among the various Pokémon, which leads Team Rocket into fueling the fighting in hopes of stealing all the involved Pokémon. When Piplup stumbles upon the Golduck and the angry Pokémon, Piplup agrees to represent the Pokémon to the Ludicolo, demanding the stolen berries be returned to their rightful owners. But after some brave and ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

As our Heroes and their Pokémon are starting to get to know Ash's new Turtwig, who should appear on the scene out of nowhere but Paul, ready to hurl another round of insults and slurs against him and his Pokémon. Angrily, Ash challenges him and his Chimchar to a battle, but when Ash tries to get his Turtwig to dodge several attacks, Turtwig refuses, much to Ash's surprise. After being defeated by Paul, Ash tries to accompany Paul out of the forest, but Paul continues to show his disdain for Ash and shuns him. Suddenly Ash discovers he is in Eterna Forest, inhabited by a group of Stantler who can alter the perception of anybody who comes there. But when Ash and Turtwig get shown just how powerful the Stantler are, who should appear to rescue them from the 'wiggy' situation but Paul and Chimchar. After Brock and Dawn reunite with Ash and Turtwig they're suddenly attacked by an angry swarm of Beedrilll, and AGAIN Paul comes to their rescue. But when Paul mocks Ash for still keeping his ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

As our Heroes and their Pokémon are starting to get to know Ash's new Turtwig, who should appear on the scene out of nowhere but Paul, ready to hurl another round of insults and slurs against him and his Pokémon. Angrily, Ash challenges him and his Chimchar to a battle, but when Ash tries to get his Turtwig to dodge several attacks, Turtwig refuses, much to Ash's surprise. After being defeated by Paul, Ash tries to accompany Paul out of the forest, but Paul continues to show his disdain for Ash and shuns him. Suddenly Ash discovers he is in Eterna Forest, inhabited by a group of Stantler who can alter the perception of anybody who comes there. But when Ash and Turtwig get shown just how powerful the Stantler are, who should appear to rescue them from the 'wiggy' situation but Paul and Chimchar. After Brock and Dawn reunite with Ash and Turtwig they're suddenly attacked by an angry swarm of Beedrilll, and AGAIN Paul comes to their rescue. But when Paul mocks Ash for still keeping his ...

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Team Rocket attacks and Turtwig protects Pikachu. When Ash catches up Turtwig attacks them too. Oddish is accidentally hit and Ash and Pikachu are hit with Sleep Powder. Turtwig takes sleeping Pikachu and runs off into the forest.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Team Rocket attacks and Turtwig protects Pikachu. When Ash catches up Turtwig attacks them too. Oddish is accidentally hit and Ash and Pikachu are hit with Sleep Powder. Turtwig takes sleeping Pikachu and runs off into the forest.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.0
22 min

After meeting Dawn and letting her tag along with Ash and Brock, she learns how to battle and capture Pokemon. The gang sees a Buneary and Piplup battles it. Dawn throws a Pokeball to capture it but it doesn't work because Ash says that she has to weaken it first. The two then start to argue and the Buneary escapes. The also meet Nando, who is both a Pokemon trainer and a coordinator. Dawn then has a practice battle with him using Budew, the pre-evolved form of Roselia while she uses Piplup. Even though being at a disadvantage, will Dawn be able to win or does she still have a lot to learn? Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.0
22 min

After meeting Dawn and letting her tag along with Ash and Brock, she learns how to battle and capture Pokemon. The gang sees a Buneary and Piplup battles it. Dawn throws a Pokeball to capture it but it doesn't work because Ash says that she has to weaken it first. The two then start to argue and the Buneary escapes. The also meet Nando, who is both a Pokemon trainer and a coordinator. Dawn then has a practice battle with him using Budew, the pre-evolved form of Roselia while she uses Piplup. Even though being at a disadvantage, will Dawn be able to win or does she still have a lot to learn? Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.1
22 min

After reuniting Pikachu with Ash, Dawn decides to travel with him and Brock. But on the way, the gang meet Paul, a tough trainer with an attitude.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.1
22 min

After reuniting Pikachu with Ash, Dawn decides to travel with him and Brock. But on the way, the gang meet Paul, a tough trainer with an attitude.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.0
22 min

After attacking Professor Rowen's lab, Piplup and Chimchar escape into the woods. Dawn, a brand new trainer, volunteers to go after them.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.0
22 min

After attacking Professor Rowen's lab, Piplup and Chimchar escape into the woods. Dawn, a brand new trainer, volunteers to go after them.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Ash's Frontier Battle journey has come to a successful end, but before our heroes part ways, they learn of an unofficial Pokémon Contest in Terracotta Town, and Ash and May both decide to enter! When May takes the stage, the crowd goes wild, recognizing her from her semi-final finish at the Grand Festival. She's delighted by the applause, and her Eevee creates a gorgeous fireworks display! Ash gets a similar welcome thanks to his quarterfinal showing at the Hoenn League, and Pikachu puts on a strong performance in its contest debut--strong enough to send Ash to face May in the finals! But first, there's the little matter of Team Rocket to deal with. May's Combusken and Ash's Sceptile team up to blast them off, and during the battle, Combusken evolves into Blaziken! It's Blaziken vs. Sceptile in the finals, and when time runs out, the score is nearly tied and there's no clear winner...yet!

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Ash's Frontier Battle journey has come to a successful end, but before our heroes part ways, they learn of an unofficial Pokémon Contest in Terracotta Town, and Ash and May both decide to enter! When May takes the stage, the crowd goes wild, recognizing her from her semi-final finish at the Grand Festival. She's delighted by the applause, and her Eevee creates a gorgeous fireworks display! Ash gets a similar welcome thanks to his quarterfinal showing at the Hoenn League, and Pikachu puts on a strong performance in its contest debut--strong enough to send Ash to face May in the finals! But first, there's the little matter of Team Rocket to deal with. May's Combusken and Ash's Sceptile team up to blast them off, and during the battle, Combusken evolves into Blaziken! It's Blaziken vs. Sceptile in the finals, and when time runs out, the score is nearly tied and there's no clear winner...yet!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.5
22 min

At the Battle Pyramid, Charizard has fallen to Brandon's Dusclops, and Ash calls out Bulbasaur. Dusclops again uses Confuse Ray, but with a heartfelt pep talk from Ash, Bulbasaur snaps out of it and defeats Dusclops! Ash brings out his Squirtle to face Brandon's Ninjask, but Squirtle is defeated, and Bulbasaur is called up once more to take Ninjask down. Brandon's next Pokémon is Solrock--and this matchup ends in a double knockout, leaving one Pokémon left on each side! Ash's final Pokémon is Pikachu, of course...but after using Registeel in their first battle, Brandon has another Legendary Pokémon up his sleeve: Regice! All seems lost as Regice freezes Pikachu solid, but Ash's voice manages to reach his best buddy's ears, and with a blazing Thunderbolt and Volt Tackle, Regice is defeated--and Ash claims victory over the Battle Frontier! He has the option to stay and become a Frontier Brain himself, but Ash decides he'd rather keep traveling!

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.5
22 min

At the Battle Pyramid, Charizard has fallen to Brandon's Dusclops, and Ash calls out Bulbasaur. Dusclops again uses Confuse Ray, but with a heartfelt pep talk from Ash, Bulbasaur snaps out of it and defeats Dusclops! Ash brings out his Squirtle to face Brandon's Ninjask, but Squirtle is defeated, and Bulbasaur is called up once more to take Ninjask down. Brandon's next Pokémon is Solrock--and this matchup ends in a double knockout, leaving one Pokémon left on each side! Ash's final Pokémon is Pikachu, of course...but after using Registeel in their first battle, Brandon has another Legendary Pokémon up his sleeve: Regice! All seems lost as Regice freezes Pikachu solid, but Ash's voice manages to reach his best buddy's ears, and with a blazing Thunderbolt and Volt Tackle, Regice is defeated--and Ash claims victory over the Battle Frontier! He has the option to stay and become a Frontier Brain himself, but Ash decides he'd rather keep traveling!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

When his last Frontier Battle with Piramyd King Brandon is about to start. Ash heads for the mountains to camp with 4 of his most beloved Pokémon.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

When his last Frontier Battle with Piramyd King Brandon is about to start. Ash heads for the mountains to camp with 4 of his most beloved Pokémon.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Ash and friends--including Professor Oak--are staying at the Fennel Valley Pokémon Center when Nurse Joy comes down with a bad case of the flu and has to stay in bed. It's bad timing, because a Pokésitter named Matt has just gotten into a bus accident on a nearby mountain road, leaving several Pokémon injured. Our heroes head out immediately to bring them back to the Pokémon Center for treatment--and quickly discover that taking care of a big group of Pokémon is a lot of work! Brock seems to have a talent for it, and Professor Oak praises his gift for healing. Soon, Nurse Joy is feeling well enough to take over, all the Pokémon are restored to health and loaded back on the bus with Matt--and Ash learns that Brandon is on his way back for their rematch at the Battle Pyramid!

Country: Japan
Watch Episode
HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Ash and friends--including Professor Oak--are staying at the Fennel Valley Pokémon Center when Nurse Joy comes down with a bad case of the flu and has to stay in bed. It's bad timing, because a Pokésitter named Matt has just gotten into a bus accident on a nearby mountain road, leaving several Pokémon injured. Our heroes head out immediately to bring them back to the Pokémon Center for treatment--and quickly discover that taking care of a big group of Pokémon is a lot of work! Brock seems to have a talent for it, and Professor Oak praises his gift for healing. Soon, Nurse Joy is feeling well enough to take over, all the Pokémon are restored to health and loaded back on the bus with Matt--and Ash learns that Brandon is on his way back for their rematch at the Battle Pyramid!

Country: Japan
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