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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Time for Ash and May to battle the Rustboro Gym Leader, Roxanne. May decides she wants to become a Pokemon Coordinator, and enter contests. So Ash and Roxanne have their match. Ash uses Treeko and Pikachu for his battle, but in a Rock type Gym, electrical attacks won't be as effective, it's time to see if Pikachu's new attack move is ready. Written by Jesse Sanchez

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Time for Ash and May to battle the Rustboro Gym Leader, Roxanne. May decides she wants to become a Pokemon Coordinator, and enter contests. So Ash and Roxanne have their match. Ash uses Treeko and Pikachu for his battle, but in a Rock type Gym, electrical attacks won't be as effective, it's time to see if Pikachu's new attack move is ready. Written by Jesse Sanchez

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

May is newly determined to win the next Pokémon Contest. She sets out to catch a Wurmple in hopes it will evolve into a Beautifly like Janet's, while her friends sit down to lunch. She crosses paths with Team Rocket and a swarm of angry Beedrill, but a ranger named Franklin and his Heracross rescue her. Back at the campsite, an identical boy, also named Franklin, challenges Ash to a Hoenn-style Double Battle, in which each Trainer sends out two Pokémon at the same time. Pikachu finally learns Iron Tail, although not perfectly. May, with the first Franklin's help, catches Wurmple and hurries back to the campsite. It turns out that the two Franklins are twins named Forrest and Forrester Franklin. Forrest is inspired by May's independence, and decides to go on his own journey. It's good news all 'round--even for Team Rocket, as Jessie manages to catch a Wurmple of her own!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

May is newly determined to win the next Pokémon Contest. She sets out to catch a Wurmple in hopes it will evolve into a Beautifly like Janet's, while her friends sit down to lunch. She crosses paths with Team Rocket and a swarm of angry Beedrill, but a ranger named Franklin and his Heracross rescue her. Back at the campsite, an identical boy, also named Franklin, challenges Ash to a Hoenn-style Double Battle, in which each Trainer sends out two Pokémon at the same time. Pikachu finally learns Iron Tail, although not perfectly. May, with the first Franklin's help, catches Wurmple and hurries back to the campsite. It turns out that the two Franklins are twins named Forrest and Forrester Franklin. Forrest is inspired by May's independence, and decides to go on his own journey. It's good news all 'round--even for Team Rocket, as Jessie manages to catch a Wurmple of her own!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Ash and friends come across their first Pokémon Contest! These competitions, hosted all over the Hoenn region, focus on the beauty of Pokémon attacks--style and technique count just as much as power! May and Max assist Janet, a Pokémon Coordinator with a beautiful Beautifly. Meanwhile, Janet's friend Chaz helps Ash teach Pikachu to use Iron Tail, a Steel-type attack that may come in handy for his upcoming battle at the Rustboro Gym, which specializes in Rock-type Pokémon. Jessie, in disguise, enters Seviper in the Pokémon Contest. But it's a complete disaster, because Seviper doesn't know any showy attacks. Janet and Beautifly win the contest, but Team Rocket cuts in and tries to steal the finalists' Pokémon. Ash, May, Janet, and Chaz fight them off. May is amazed by the beauty of Pokémon, and it seems like she has found her calling.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Ash and friends come across their first Pokémon Contest! These competitions, hosted all over the Hoenn region, focus on the beauty of Pokémon attacks--style and technique count just as much as power! May and Max assist Janet, a Pokémon Coordinator with a beautiful Beautifly. Meanwhile, Janet's friend Chaz helps Ash teach Pikachu to use Iron Tail, a Steel-type attack that may come in handy for his upcoming battle at the Rustboro Gym, which specializes in Rock-type Pokémon. Jessie, in disguise, enters Seviper in the Pokémon Contest. But it's a complete disaster, because Seviper doesn't know any showy attacks. Janet and Beautifly win the contest, but Team Rocket cuts in and tries to steal the finalists' Pokémon. Ash, May, Janet, and Chaz fight them off. May is amazed by the beauty of Pokémon, and it seems like she has found her calling.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Ash and friends are relaxing in a lake when they come across a group of Lotad. The Lotad help a group of three sisters grow flowers and berries for their shop. The runt of the Lotad litter is having trouble, though, and Brock gives it some advice and encouragement. Natalie, the youngest sister, develops a crush on Brock and runs off to find a Sitrus Berry to give him. Brock and company arrive just in time to save her from a wild Beedrill. But just then, Team Rocket sets out to catch all of the Lotad in the lake. Pikachu joins forces with the lake dwellers to stop Team Rocket, and afterward, the littlest Lotad decides to join Brock as his Pokémon!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Ash and friends are relaxing in a lake when they come across a group of Lotad. The Lotad help a group of three sisters grow flowers and berries for their shop. The runt of the Lotad litter is having trouble, though, and Brock gives it some advice and encouragement. Natalie, the youngest sister, develops a crush on Brock and runs off to find a Sitrus Berry to give him. Brock and company arrive just in time to save her from a wild Beedrill. But just then, Team Rocket sets out to catch all of the Lotad in the lake. Pikachu joins forces with the lake dwellers to stop Team Rocket, and afterward, the littlest Lotad decides to join Brock as his Pokémon!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

On their way to Rustboro City, Ash and friends find themselves in a Pokémon preserve tended by a girl named Katrina, who takes care of the wild Pokémon and nurses them back to health. Max becomes attached to a Poochyena who hasn't yet evolved into a Mightyena like the rest of its group. Though Poochyena doesn't seem ready to evolve yet, and Ash and Brock try to explain that there's more to Pokémon than Evolution, Max becomes obsessed with the idea and takes Poochyena into the forest for training. When Team Rocket swoops in and attempts to nab everyone's Pokémon, Max and Poochyena must work together to defeat them--and the experience lets Poochyena evolve into Mightyena at last!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

On their way to Rustboro City, Ash and friends find themselves in a Pokémon preserve tended by a girl named Katrina, who takes care of the wild Pokémon and nurses them back to health. Max becomes attached to a Poochyena who hasn't yet evolved into a Mightyena like the rest of its group. Though Poochyena doesn't seem ready to evolve yet, and Ash and Brock try to explain that there's more to Pokémon than Evolution, Max becomes obsessed with the idea and takes Poochyena into the forest for training. When Team Rocket swoops in and attempts to nab everyone's Pokémon, Max and Poochyena must work together to defeat them--and the experience lets Poochyena evolve into Mightyena at last!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

When Ash discovers a sign announcing The World's Most Powerful Pokémon, he is unable to resist challenging its Trainer, Anthony, to a battle. The Pokémon in question turns out to be a Pelipper, who wins easily by using attacks it shouldn't be able to use. After Ash and the others leave, Team Rocket challenges Anthony and discovers his secret: he's hiding Poké Balls inside Pelipper's enormous bill! With Team Rocket pulling the strings, Anthony continues to take on all challengers, but this time the villains get to keep every Pokémon they defeat! After landing quite a haul, Team Rocket challenges Ash--but they've loaded up poor Pelipper's bill with so many Poké Balls that they overflow. Team Rocket is defeated, the stolen Pokémon are returned, and Anthony decides that he'd rather make Pelipper the world's most powerful Pokémon through honest training!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

When Ash discovers a sign announcing The World's Most Powerful Pokémon, he is unable to resist challenging its Trainer, Anthony, to a battle. The Pokémon in question turns out to be a Pelipper, who wins easily by using attacks it shouldn't be able to use. After Ash and the others leave, Team Rocket challenges Anthony and discovers his secret: he's hiding Poké Balls inside Pelipper's enormous bill! With Team Rocket pulling the strings, Anthony continues to take on all challengers, but this time the villains get to keep every Pokémon they defeat! After landing quite a haul, Team Rocket challenges Ash--but they've loaded up poor Pelipper's bill with so many Poké Balls that they overflow. Team Rocket is defeated, the stolen Pokémon are returned, and Anthony decides that he'd rather make Pelipper the world's most powerful Pokémon through honest training!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

When Ash and friends stop in Rinshin Town for food and supplies, May drags Brock off to see a haunted mansion. Meanwhile, Max spots a Shroomish in an alleyway, which is odd because Shroomish normally live in forests. It turns out that the town used to be a forest where many Shroomish made their homes, and they've since been edged out by urban development. But they've been gathering in the mansion, which explains the odd things people have been seeing there. The mansion is now scheduled to be demolished, leaving the Shroomish homeless once more. But after these helpful Pokémon stop a Team Rocket attack with a combined Stun Spore, the mansion's owner decides to tear down the building as planned, and then convert the entire property into a new forest home for the Shroomish!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

When Ash and friends stop in Rinshin Town for food and supplies, May drags Brock off to see a haunted mansion. Meanwhile, Max spots a Shroomish in an alleyway, which is odd because Shroomish normally live in forests. It turns out that the town used to be a forest where many Shroomish made their homes, and they've since been edged out by urban development. But they've been gathering in the mansion, which explains the odd things people have been seeing there. The mansion is now scheduled to be demolished, leaving the Shroomish homeless once more. But after these helpful Pokémon stop a Team Rocket attack with a combined Stun Spore, the mansion's owner decides to tear down the building as planned, and then convert the entire property into a new forest home for the Shroomish!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.0
22 min

Treecko may have joined Ash's team, but it's still standoffish to his other Pokémon. When our heroes meet up with a wild Seviper in the woods, Ash sees this as a chance to let Treecko show what it can do! But Seviper is too powerful, and Treecko takes several hits...mostly to its ego. Ash takes it to the nearest Pokémon Center for treatment, and afterward, it runs away to train for future battles by itself. Meanwhile, Jessie has caught Seviper for Team Rocket, and when the villains attack in yet another attempt to steal Pikachu, Treecko's new battle skills save the day!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.0
22 min

Treecko may have joined Ash's team, but it's still standoffish to his other Pokémon. When our heroes meet up with a wild Seviper in the woods, Ash sees this as a chance to let Treecko show what it can do! But Seviper is too powerful, and Treecko takes several hits...mostly to its ego. Ash takes it to the nearest Pokémon Center for treatment, and afterward, it runs away to train for future battles by itself. Meanwhile, Jessie has caught Seviper for Team Rocket, and when the villains attack in yet another attempt to steal Pikachu, Treecko's new battle skills save the day!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.1
22 min

Ash finds a Treecko trying to save a dying tree.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.1
22 min

Ash finds a Treecko trying to save a dying tree.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.3
22 min

On the road, Ash and friends discover a strange item, and Officer Jenny tells it's a part from a Pokémon poacher's net. Our heroes set off with Officer Jenny to catch the poacher in question, but this time Team Rocket beats them to the punch. The poacher's client has a penchant for Poison-type Pokémon, and the nets are full of Ekans and Koffing (who evolve into Arbok and Weezing). Appalled at the captured Pokémon's bad treatment, Jessie and James attempt to battle the poacher, but they can't get the upper hand...and then, in a rare act of selflessness, they instruct their own Arbok and Weezing to guide the smaller Pokémon to safety and never look back. The villains must bid farewell to these longtime allies, but the loss is balanced when they recruit a Cacnea they met during this misadventure--and later, Ash and company help Officer Jenny catch the poacher, completely unaware of Team Rocket's unusual heroics!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.3
22 min

On the road, Ash and friends discover a strange item, and Officer Jenny tells it's a part from a Pokémon poacher's net. Our heroes set off with Officer Jenny to catch the poacher in question, but this time Team Rocket beats them to the punch. The poacher's client has a penchant for Poison-type Pokémon, and the nets are full of Ekans and Koffing (who evolve into Arbok and Weezing). Appalled at the captured Pokémon's bad treatment, Jessie and James attempt to battle the poacher, but they can't get the upper hand...and then, in a rare act of selflessness, they instruct their own Arbok and Weezing to guide the smaller Pokémon to safety and never look back. The villains must bid farewell to these longtime allies, but the loss is balanced when they recruit a Cacnea they met during this misadventure--and later, Ash and company help Officer Jenny catch the poacher, completely unaware of Team Rocket's unusual heroics!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Once again traveling with Brock, the gang meet Nikolai the Knickerbocker, who is preparing to challenge Norman, May and Max's father. But first he must capture a Zigzagoon.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Once again traveling with Brock, the gang meet Nikolai the Knickerbocker, who is preparing to challenge Norman, May and Max's father. But first he must capture a Zigzagoon.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Ash, May, and Max travel through a forest and encounter a flock of aggressive Taillow. One especially aggressive Taillow attacks Pikachu. An old friend arrives and helps them out.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Ash, May, and Max travel through a forest and encounter a flock of aggressive Taillow. One especially aggressive Taillow attacks Pikachu. An old friend arrives and helps them out.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash and May make it to Petalberg City, where Ash plans to battle the gym leader, Norman, May's father.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash and May make it to Petalberg City, where Ash plans to battle the gym leader, Norman, May's father.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash, Pikachu, and new companion, May, a rookie trainer, arrive at a ruined temple near Oldale Town. They meet Professor Alden, who has been researching the temple. But, the mysterious Team Magma plans to use the knowledge of the temple for their own needs. Written by Chris Green

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash, Pikachu, and new companion, May, a rookie trainer, arrive at a ruined temple near Oldale Town. They meet Professor Alden, who has been researching the temple. But, the mysterious Team Magma plans to use the knowledge of the temple for their own needs. Written by Chris Green

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.3
22 min

This is the next season in Pokemon that covers the Hoenn region. We begin by seeing a new Pokemon Trainer named May. She is on her way to see Professor Birch to get her starter Pokemon, but on her way she sees a Duskull and starts getting frightened and drives her bicycle very fast to avoid it. Also, arriving in the Hoenn region, Ash and his very ill Pikachu seek help from Professor Birch. While waiting for the professor, we see that Team Rocket never gives up their everlasting quest to catch Pikachu. Professor Birch arrives immediately to see Ash and takes him to his lab. He also warns Ash about the dangers of storing that much electricity, it may cause Pikachu to explode. While in the lab, Birch's assistant brings Pikachu to an electric absorber machine to release all the energy. Suddenly, the machine overloads and Pikachu finds itself running away all confused. Ash follows after Pikachu as well as May and Professor Birch. Pikachu reaches a cliff and confusingly falls down but with ... Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.3
22 min

This is the next season in Pokemon that covers the Hoenn region. We begin by seeing a new Pokemon Trainer named May. She is on her way to see Professor Birch to get her starter Pokemon, but on her way she sees a Duskull and starts getting frightened and drives her bicycle very fast to avoid it. Also, arriving in the Hoenn region, Ash and his very ill Pikachu seek help from Professor Birch. While waiting for the professor, we see that Team Rocket never gives up their everlasting quest to catch Pikachu. Professor Birch arrives immediately to see Ash and takes him to his lab. He also warns Ash about the dangers of storing that much electricity, it may cause Pikachu to explode. While in the lab, Birch's assistant brings Pikachu to an electric absorber machine to release all the energy. Suddenly, the machine overloads and Pikachu finds itself running away all confused. Ash follows after Pikachu as well as May and Professor Birch. Pikachu reaches a cliff and confusingly falls down but with ... Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.3
24 min | 24 min (200 episodes) | 23 min (Per Episode) | 25 min (192 episodes)

Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.3
24 min | 24 min (200 episodes) | 23 min (Per Episode) | 25 min (192 episodes)

Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1

Country: Japan
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