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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.4

Susan, Ben and the boys are on a free holiday in Lanzarote but disaster strikes as early as at the airport when the luggage gets lost. Then Ben is robbed of his credit cards by pickpockets posing as policemen. Ben's one consolation, his new camera, also causes a problem when he accidentally takes revealing photos of the woman in the next villa whilst Susan's school-girl Spanish leads to her accidentally importuning a pharmacist. Having also fled irate restaurant staff over a meal for which they cannot pay the Harpers are pursued by angry natives. Thankfully the replacement card arrives, which Ben uses to book the first flight home. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 8.5

Janey invites a French Exchange student so she can travel to Paris, but when Sylvie arrives, Ben soon comes to the conclusion that she wants to have sex with him. Meanwhile Michael is forced to stay in Nick's room and comes out looking and behaving identically to him. Written by Christopher Denman

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.4
54 min

Bubble is now Eddy's maid. Bo and Marshall, now running a Christian television station, inadvertently reveal that Eddy's long-lost son Serge is gay and living in New York. Patsy's heading there for Fashion Week, so Eddy goes with her to the Big Apple. After a visit to GUFF, a gay drop-in center, they locate Serge but must pretend to be Lesbians celebrating a civil wedding for their information. Eddy is disappointed to find that, like Saffy, Serge is a shy, bookish type, but she hits it off with his extrovert boyfriend Martin. The quartet 'do' Fashion Week and visit a bar, which Patsy burns down after dancing on the counter. Returning to London after their arrest for that incident, Eddy makes up with Saffy but reveals that she has disowned Serge and adopted Martin. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.4
54 min

Bubble is now Eddy's maid. Bo and Marshall, now running a Christian television station, inadvertently reveal that Eddy's long-lost son Serge is gay and living in New York. Patsy's heading there for Fashion Week, so Eddy goes with her to the Big Apple. After a visit to GUFF, a gay drop-in center, they locate Serge but must pretend to be Lesbians celebrating a civil wedding for their information. Eddy is disappointed to find that, like Saffy, Serge is a shy, bookish type, but she hits it off with his extrovert boyfriend Martin. The quartet 'do' Fashion Week and visit a bar, which Patsy burns down after dancing on the counter. Returning to London after their arrest for that incident, Eddy makes up with Saffy but reveals that she has disowned Serge and adopted Martin. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.4
54 min

Bubble is now Eddy's maid. Bo and Marshall, now running a Christian television station, inadvertently reveal that Eddy's long-lost son Serge is gay and living in New York. Patsy's heading there for Fashion Week, so Eddy goes with her to the Big Apple. After a visit to GUFF, a gay drop-in center, they locate Serge but must pretend to be Lesbians celebrating a civil wedding for their information. Eddy is disappointed to find that, like Saffy, Serge is a shy, bookish type, but she hits it off with his extrovert boyfriend Martin. The quartet 'do' Fashion Week and visit a bar, which Patsy burns down after dancing on the counter. Returning to London after their arrest for that incident, Eddy makes up with Saffy but reveals that she has disowned Serge and adopted Martin. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.4
54 min

Bubble is now Eddy's maid. Bo and Marshall, now running a Christian television station, inadvertently reveal that Eddy's long-lost son Serge is gay and living in New York. Patsy's heading there for Fashion Week, so Eddy goes with her to the Big Apple. After a visit to GUFF, a gay drop-in center, they locate Serge but must pretend to be Lesbians celebrating a civil wedding for their information. Eddy is disappointed to find that, like Saffy, Serge is a shy, bookish type, but she hits it off with his extrovert boyfriend Martin. The quartet 'do' Fashion Week and visit a bar, which Patsy burns down after dancing on the counter. Returning to London after their arrest for that incident, Eddy makes up with Saffy but reveals that she has disowned Serge and adopted Martin. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Eddy wants to redecorate. She calls on interior designers Bettina and Max, for advice.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Only Fools and Horses....

Only Fools and Horses....


Only Fools and Horses....

IMDb: 9.1
50 min

Rodney's wedding day is approaching and Del promises him 2000 pounds as a present. However, Del also owes the Driscoll brothers the same amount and they want their money. During the wedding ceremony Rodney's middle name is revealed and laughter ensues. Written by ledostef,blackpool

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Returning from Africa, where she spends half the year with her husband and daughter, Saffy finds that Edina has let the house to film star Michael Douglas for the Olympic Games but has forgotten when they start. Eddy and Patsy - who now needs incontinence pants - doll themselves up for their guest but instead find themselves hosting Marshall,to whom Michael gave his tickets when they met at a sex addiction group,and Bo. However when Marshall drops his tickets for the pre-Olympic party they use them to gate-crash,their gaucherie inevitably getting them thrown out,though they do get to use the stadium. Back home they settle down to watch the games on television with Bubble,Saffy and Mother - who knows something the rest of them do not. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.5
29 min

Patsy is angry when Eddy refuses to go away with her for Christmas, preferring to stay at home with the family and ordering a tree so large Patsy gets her hair caught in it. Patsy collapses - due to an unseen hand sticking a pin in an effigy of her - and is rushed to hospital, where at least she can spend Christmas on drugs. Eddy welcomes both her ex-husbands, Justin being quizzed on his sexuality by John and Bo and Marshall promoting their slimming product, and a family Christmas is indeed the order of the day - until the hospital informs Eddy that 'Miss Stone has died'. Thus we discover the identity of her ill-wisher, though Patsy herself recovers, only to choke on a piece of turkey back at Eddy's house. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.3
28 min

Saffy is preparing for her home birth and Patsy is getting ready for an awards ceremony but Saffy's water breaks all over Patsy's expensive dress, which is further ruined when Mother tries to iron it, thus allowing Katy Grin to gleefully take Patsy's place at the ceremony. When John accidentally causes a power cut Bo and Marshall seize their chance to steal the new-born baby as part of their Christian Adoption scheme to sell children to film stars who don't want to be seen pregnant. However in the confusion they leave with the placenta and Eddy is the proud grand-mother of baby Jane (or Lola, as she would prefer to name her.) Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.6
29 min

After Bubble,who gets sacked as a result, accidentally sends most of Eddy's clients' details to rival Claudia Bing,Claudia poaches them - including Twiggy,who is annoyed because Mother,confusing her with Madonna,has been stalking her. Eventually,through the unlikely intervention of Katy Grin,Eddy ends up back in business but in the meantime is encouraged by Saffy to attend Menopausal Anonymous with Patsy after the latter has been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Eddy is rude and disruptive of course. After the group has dispersed Saffy has a weird dream in which Patsy announces that she is pregnant with Mick Jagger's sperm,which she bought at an auction. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.8
29 min

Encouraged by Taylor Saffy finishes writing her play,'Self-Raising Flower',about her oppressive life with Patsy and Eddy,who do not share the rest of the family's enthusiasm to attend the opening night. Indeed Eddy unsuccessfully tries to get it banned. However she and Patsy cannot resist turning up at the last minute. The play,with Patsy portrayed by a man,is a roaring success but only because people mistakenly believe it to be a comedy and Eddy and Patsy become celebrities as a result. Saffy also gains an admirer in Kasha,the actress playing her on stage. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.4

Mother's very hip friends turn up and stay in a camper van in the street but extract electricity from the house. Eddy is unusually supportive of Saffy as the wedding draws near,largely because Paolo's parents are extremely wealthy. When Kalishia,the groom's mother,turns her nose up at Saffy as being not good enough for her son,Patsy changes her mind for her by reminding her that they were once co-stars in a porn film. However,just as the bride and groom are about to exchange vows Eddy has another vision of God,who indicates that the marriage should not take place,and so she calls it off. After Paolo has gone off with the bridesmaid Eddy and Patsy console Saffy but still use her honeymoon trip airline tickets for their own holiday. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.7
30 min

Eddy and patsy are about to go out for a New year party when Patsy's older sister Jackie arrives,claiming to be homeless and asking to stay at Eddy's until she can get the money together to start a shelter for stray animals. patsy raids Eddy's belongings in order to get things that Jackie can sell to raise money but,by the time she has finished and shown Jackie out,it is too late to go to the party. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

When Eddy's father dies she is pretty apathetic until it makes her realise her own mortality,so she sets about buying some works of art that she can leave to the nation when she passes on. After Saffy bans her from the funeral she gets drunk with Patsy and the pair of them arrive at the churchyard where they fall into open graves,leaving Mother to explain their behaviour. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

On Eddy's fortieth birthday, which she is dreading, Saffy cooks her a special meal but the guests are not the celebrities Eddy had wanted but her mother, her ex-husbands Justin and his boyfriend Oliver and Marshall with his American girlfriend Mo, plus Patsy. Eddy is an ungracious birthday girl, alienating her guests and finally retreating upstairs from the basement kitchen to get stoned with Patsy while her ex-husbands plan to cut off her alimony. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mr. Bean

Mr. Bean


Mr. Bean

IMDb: 8.6
26 min

Mr. Bean goes back to school for an orientation day while he sees the different projects and activities in which he gets into mischief.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who

IMDb: 9.1
49 min

When an unknown Van Gogh painting is found in a house in France in World War II, it's pretty obvious who it's meant for. It's left to Prime Minister Winston Churchill to try and contact the Doctor and does so in a round about way via an imprisoned Dr. River Song. The work is called Pandorica Opens, the Pandorica being a mythical enclosure for the most dangerous thing in the universe. The Doctor soon finds themselves in Roman Britain where at Stonehenge they discover the fabled Pandorica. Rory, who was supposed to have been erased from time and never existed, is now a Roman soldier but Amy doesn't recognize him. River travels to the future in the TARDIS and discovers something important in Amy's room. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who

IMDb: 7.7
45 min (50 episodes)

The Sontarans launch the attack with their poison gas slowly encircling the Earth. They've also taken the TARDIS to its headquarters but don't realize that Donna is inside. The Doctor realizes that the Sontarans have cloned Martha. He knows that fighting the Sontarans is of little use as they never surrender and are prepared to fight until they win. He decides to try and burn the poison gas that now encircles the Earth and with the help of the Sontarans teleportation system, send them a little surprise as well. At the end of it all, both Martha and Donna have to decide if they want to stay with the Doctor. Written by garykmcd

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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who

IMDb: 7.6
45 min | 45 min (50 episodes)

The Doctor gets a call from onetime traveling companion Martha Jones with a request that he return to Earth immediately. She and the military have taken over the ATMOS plant and she needs his help after 52 people around the world all died simultaneously. All had the ATMOS anti-pollution device fitted on their cars so the military has raided the factory believing it to be controlled by aliens. The Doctor learns that the Sontarans are planning to take over the Earth. They take Martha prisoner and she is cloned. Donna meanwhile misses her family and decides to pay them a visit. Written by garykmcd

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