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The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Bill pressures Thorne to buy a house to get distance between Caroline and Ridge in the everyday life. Caroline and Valerie work on the art direction of her magazine when Ridge stops by and offers further ideas for a catchy title. Thorne sees Ridge and Caroline together and wonders if Bill's fears are not as unfounded as he wants them to be. Conway informs Stephanie that he is still looking for a definite clue on Stephen Logan's whereabouts. Later, Stephanie begs Eric to be silent about the divorce one more week. After Katie confides in him that her fiancé has been extremely distant ever since the engagement, Storm goes to see Rocco and warns him not to mess with Katie's emotions. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Caroline cannot decide whether or not to tell Ridge the truth. She remains vague while speaking to Bill what is troubling her, yet she cannot stop rehashing in her mind how Brooke manipulated her to marry Thorne last year. Meanwhile, Thorne reassures Brooke that Caroline will eventually see that moving on from Ridge was the right decision. Brooke then pumps Thorne for information on Margo's feelings for Ridge, but he thinks that Margo is interested in another man besides his brother. After learning from Stephanie that she has indeed been served divorce papers, Ridge breaks it to Margo that his parents are separating. Knowing that Margo has had feelings for Eric for years, Ridge comforts her when he slowly breaks it to Margo that Eric is already involved with another woman. Margo is in tears. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Conway gives Stephanie an update on his hunt for Stephen Logan. He tells Stephanie that he will have to go to Tucson to track down Mr. Logan, but the good news is that he seems to be still alive. Eric comes clean to Ridge about his intentions to divorce Stephanie and practically admits there is another woman. He asks Ridge to convince Stephanie to let him tell the rest of the family. Thorne informs Brooke that he covered for her, but that Caroline is still angry at them both about the intercepted letter. When he comes home, a furious Caroline confronts Thorne whether and why he actually encouraged Brooke to hide Ridge's letter. Thorne claims that he was merely trying to protect Caroline as she was not ready to face Ridge back then. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Rocco tries to win Donna back, but she refuses to hurt Katie. Suddenly, Katie shows up and happily presents her fiancé her new hairdo. Rocco makes a cautious attempt to correct Katie's extremely positive image of him. At Forrester Creations, Brooke is amazed by the luxury of Ridge's work and lifestyle. Margo witnesses an intimate moment between them and later warns Brooke not to get too attached to Ridge. Over at Spencer Publications, Thorne tells Caroline that it was his idea to take the letter, but she does not buy it. Thorne tries to make Caroline understand that freeing herself of Ridge was the best thing that ever happened to her. Bill walks in on their argument, yet they claim that everything is fine. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Conway Weston poses as a building instructor in Salt Lake City to get into Stephen Logan's hotel room. Unfortunately, the guest living there turns out to be not the man in question. He explains that he found Mr. Logan's wallet in Tucson, Arizona, but never met him in person. Storm is worried about Donna's modeling job, but she reassures him that the agency is a legitimate business. She heads over to Tommy's and informs him that she is now willing to do the lingerie shoot. Tommy is thrilled and immediately goes to work and takes sample shots of Donna. At Spencer Publications, Ridge proposes several ideas to name her magazine to Caroline. She is impressed that Ridge cares so much about her new project. Later, Caroline tells Thorne what Brooke admitted to intercepting the letter and says that she wants to tell Ridge the truth. Thorne does not know what to say. Ridge calls Brooke and invites her over. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Stephanie fantasizes in different ways about what will happen when she confronts Eric about his affair with Beth and her missing husband. When Eric is out of the office, Conway manages to reach Stephanie in time, though. She is thrilled to hear that the detective has found a lead that might reunite the Logan family very soon. Brooke begs Thorne to convince Caroline not to tell Ridge the truth about the letter. Thorne explains that he will try to stay out of this situation as best as possible to protect his own marriage, but promises that he will try if Caroline asks him about it. Ridge visits Caroline in her new office and immediately notices that she seems preoccupied. Caroline confesses to Ridge hat she is no longer friends with Brooke without disclosing any details. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Donna tells a devastated Rocco she cannot see him anymore. She wants to make more of her live than waitressing and therefore goes to see Tommy Bayland for a proper modeling job. She even considers modeling lingerie. Meanwhile, Storm is not sure whether he likes the way Brooke is behaving around Ridge. Thorne tells Caroline he is proud of her after her first day at work. Caroline is still preoccupied by Brooke's confession that she intercepted Ridge's letter. Ridge invites Brooke over to the Forrester Mansion for a swim. Caroline watches from the house as Ridge and Brooke kiss by the pool. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Stephanie confides in Clarke about the devastating news she received on the investigation. Thorne proudly shows Thorne her new office at Spencer Publications and breaks it to her husband that will work under her maiden name. Bill wants one of his finest art directors, Valerie Cooper, to work on his daughter's new magazine. Valerie is not interested at first, but changes her mind when she hears Caroline's ideas. Kristen presents Clarke with a real-life model of his sketch and tells her thrilled boyfriend that his design will be in the fall line-up. Later, Ridge questions Clarke about his background. He warns Clarke not to hurt Kristen. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Tensions run high at the Forrester Mansion: Upon being introduced to Eric, Clarke bluntly reveals that he works for Spectra Fashion. A stunned Eric runs off, presumably because he is in disgust to host someone who is working for a company which was copied his designs for years. While Kirsten is proud of him for standing up to his work as a designer, Ridge is suspicious of Clarke's motive to unveil his fishy employer so soon. Later, Clarke explains to Eric that he will not tell anyone about their encounter in the hospital earlier. Brooke confesses to Caroline that she purposely kept Ridge's letter from her last year. Caroline is furious and accuses Brooke of purposely pushing her to marry Thorne so that she could have Ridge. Meanwhile, Rocco and Donna discuss the complex situation with Katie. Rocco is unwilling to wait any longer to be with Donna and therefore wants to carefully put an end to Katie's idealization of him. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

It's the evening of the dinner event at the Forresters. Brooke sneakily scores an invite from Ridge who also flirts flagrantly with Caroline until Thorne shows up. Kristen is extremely nervous because of her father's possible reaction to Clarke's employer, but Stephanie offers support. Kristen thanks her mother. At the hospital, Eric is intent to skip the family dinner but Beth feels conflicted. She begs Eric to attend and be present when his daughter introduces her beau to the family. At the Forrester Mansion everyone arrives all dressed up: Brooke apologizes to Caroline for not telling her sooner that she and Ridge are growing closer. Clarke arrives and Kristen presents him to her parents and siblings. Stephanie and Clarke act as if they do not know each other. Eric has a stunned look on his face as he immediately recognizes Clarke from the hospital earlier. When Storm tells Beth that Eric is trying to have Stephen declared dead, she is convinced Eric really loves her. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Katie is beaming with joy over her engagement ring. Donna fields Rocco's call who invites her over to Café Russe before she can explain to him what happened. As they meet all dressed up in the fancy restaurant, Donna informs Rocco that Katie thinks his ring is for her. Rocco vows to tell Katie the truth even though it will probably hurt her. Caroline is excited about her new job and rejects Thorne's suggestion about having a baby anytime soon. Kristen confides in Ridge that she is still seeing Clarke. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Ridge asks Thorne to talk Caroline into working at Forester Creations, but Thorne says it is her decision when the person in question walks into the room. Caroline reveals to Thorne that she is still unsure. Thorne reveals that he spoke to Bill and he is willing to give her complete creative freedom. Caroline then leaves to speak to her father. She agrees to work for Spencer Publications under the condition that Bill will not interfere in her personal life and just guide her during the launch of the fashion magazine. Bill happily accepts. Brooke pays a visit to Stephanie to thank her for visiting Beth the night before surgery. Eric surprises Beth at the hospital with his visit. She claims to be tired and asks him to leave. Eric then tells a depressed Beth that he is ready to get a divorce. He does not realize that a shell-shocked Stephanie is listening outside the door. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Bill reminds Thorne that he does not want Caroline working at Forrester Creations because of Ridge. Thorne has one important stipulation in order that he will convince his wife to join Spencer Publications: Bill must not interfere with Caroline if she takes the job. Katie, Donna and Helen anxiously await news from the doctor. Meanwhile, Brooke tells Storm that she has realized that she has to come clean to Caroline about her involvement with Ridge. Beth's mastectomy is a success. Dr. Bailey explains that they will soon know if the cancer has spread. Ridge informs Stephanie that the yearbooks have arrived. Stephanie immediately skims through the pages of the class of 1959 where she finds the much sought picture of Liz Henderson. She is shocked when she perceives who it is. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Ridge tells Thorne about his latest ploy to win back Caroline. Later, Ridge presents a diamond ring to Caroline. Kristen and Eric prepare a new fashion line. During dinner, Beth reveals that Stephanie asked her to cater the Forrester party. Written by Darwin

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Tensions over the Caroline situation results in an argument between Ridge and Margo. Thorne cooks dinner for Caroline. Stephanie looks into a catering service for her planned party. Bill invites Stephanie over to discuss Caroline and Ridge.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Beth tells Storm about Helen's theory of why Stephen abandoning them. Mulling over Caroline distracts Ridge at work. Caroline fails to find gainful employment. The arrival of roses sent by Ridge ruin Thorne's visit with Caroline.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Helen blames Beth's love of Eric for Stephen abandoning his family. Eric confronts Stephanie about her jealousy of Kristen. Stephanie theorizes that had she not been pregnant with Ridge, Eric would have married his true love, Beth.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0

Storm informs Brook that it's the 7th anniversary of the day their father abandoning them. Storm later disparages their father in front of Beth. Eric tells Stephanie to be nicer to Kristen. Kristen tells Thorne that Caroline was robbed.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 7.0
22 min

Caroline tells Bill that she won't forgive him for his cruelty. She plans to turn her life around and become independent. Hence she is moving out.The wedding is canceled indefinitely. Stephanie is deep in thoughts and ponders to tell Ridge a huge secret. Ridge decides to talk to Caroline but is devastated to find her gone. An argument as to who is responsible ensues but most importantly Bill and Ridge wonder where Caroline went.Caroline rents her own apartment. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0
22 min

Upon her release form the hospital, Caroline tells a shocked Kristen the wedding is canceled permanently. Brooke narrates to her mother how she went to the hospital last night and actually met the Forrester brothers and Caroline Spencer. As Brooke mentions how interesting it would be if Beth had known Eric Forrester better at college, Beth has a thoughtful look. Thorne urges Ridge to talk to Caroline but Ridge is reluctant. Caroline asks Bill how he could be so cruel as to break the news of Ridge's infidelity to her on her wedding day. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 0
22 min

Donna is having second thoughts about going to the hospital to see a woman they never met before. Brooke however is certain that it is a chance for them to feel a brisk of the life of the rich and famous. Eric asks Kristen to stay in town. Due to hostility with Stephanie Kristen refuses. Thorne begs Caroline to give Ridge another chance. Stephanie and Eric wonder about what caused Caroline to collapse. Brooke actually walks into Caroline's room and the two woman have a friendly chat. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Bold and the Beautiful

The Bold and the Beautiful


The Bold and the Beautiful

IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Brooke acts as a decoy but the plan traps the wrong men. Kristen tells Bill that she doubts that the excitement of the wedding caused Caroline's collapse. Meanwhile Brooke and Donna read about the wedding in the paper and decide to go to the hospital to get in on the tumultuous events regarding the Forresters and Spencers. Bill lets Ridge know that it is over between him and his daughter. Caroline wakes up and begins to cry. Thorne comforts her. Written by Torsten B. Tomaschek

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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