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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.4
27 min

To add a different look to what he believes are their stagnant newscasts, Lou wants to hire a woman to do some on-air editorials and human interest stories. Lou's description of the appropriate person is someone just like Mary... but not Mary. Ted is against the idea if only because he feels that that person will not only be taking away his air time, but also his money. So if he can't do it, Ted wants Georgette to do it. Georgette doesn't really want to do it, but suggests to Mary what Mary is already thinking: that Mary is more like just like Mary than anyone else. In other words, Mary wants the job. Lou allows Mary to audition for the job but is afraid that he will hurt her feelings if she doesn't end up getting the job, which he doesn't think she will. Mary has some other in-station competition, namely Sue Ann. After the auditions, the process of telling Mary the outcome doesn't go quite the way that Lou was expecting or hoping. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Lou is having many problems with his house and getting the necessary repairs done. Based on an off-the-cuff comment by Mary, Lou decides to sell the house and downsize by moving into a one-room apartment, he feeling like one room is all he needs for the type of life he leads. While Lou's over at Mary's apartment one day, Bess blurts out to Lou that Rhoda's apartment is still empty and is thus available. For Mary, the damage has already been done as although she doesn't want Lou moving in so close to her since she believes Lou will invade her privacy, she also doesn't want Bess to lie or for anyone to deny Lou what may be exactly what he's looking for. After viewing the apartment, he decides to take it. Having Lou as a neighbor not only ends up affecting their personal relationship, but also their professional relationship, with Ted the unwitting pawn caught in the middle. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.3
27 min

As Mary, Murray and Ted talk about children and Murray's own three daughters, Murray begins to feel that he wants another child, more specifically a son. Although he wouldn't trade in his three daughters for anything, there is a part of him that can't help feel that his life is incomplete without being able to pass the male part of himself to a male offspring. Trying to convince Marie to have another child may be an obstacle, especially as they initially agreed only to have two children. It not only becomes an obstacle, but a potential stumbling block in their marriage, as Marie steadfastly refuses to go through pregnancy yet again. While Murray confides in Lou and Ted, and Marie confides in Mary and Georgette, not only Murray and Marie's relationship is on the line, but also the friendships between the men and the women as they each side with their gender counterpart on the issue, while publicly declaring to stay out of Murray and Marie's personal affairs. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.7
27 min

Ted goes through a series of emotions about the news that his mother is getting remarried to a man named Walter Tewksbury. He is initially excited at the prospect of having a new father, something he's never really had in his life. Then he begins to feel overwrought, not really realizing that this feeling is from the belief that he is losing his mother to another man. Next, he feels stressed at making the necessary arrangements for the wedding. But on a subsequent piece of news from his mother, Ted feels ashamed. That news is that she and Walter have decided not to get married, but solely to live together in sin. On Lou's advice, Ted decides he needs to have a man-to-man talk with Walter to know what is truly in Walter's heart toward his mother. Meanwhile, everyone in the newsroom tries to fill in her responsibilities while Mary is on vacation in Mexico. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.1
26 min

Both Murray and Ted vie for the one spot the news team has for the weekend broadcaster's convention in Chicago. To their dismay, Lou plans to go himself, that is until he learns that Sue Ann is also going, she who wants to spend all their time together. To get out from Sue Ann's lair, Lou, on the spur of the moment, decides to send Mary instead. Although angry with Mary at first since she won't be able to spend that much anticipated time with Lou, Sue Ann instead wants to be joined at the hip with Mary in Chicago, which is the furthest thing from Mary's mind. What Sue Ann also seems to want is to have a good time and to be the center of attention among her old Chicago colleagues, or if that doesn't work out, then with any other male conventioneers who are also out to have a good time. What happens that weekend shows why Sue Ann is so desperate to be in the middle of all the fun. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.5
26 min

It's a Monday in November, and a snowstorm is passing through Minneapolis. While the newsroom staff works on news stories about the weather, Sue Ann, who has just taped her Christmas special, invites the newsroom gang to join her that evening on her set to feast on her just prepared Christmas meal. They all decline as they all have other plans for the evening. By the time the newscast starts, Murray, Mary, Lou and Ted are all at each others' throats over an editorial issue with Murray's copy, and who is to blame for what happens as a result on the air. Murray threatens to quit over the issue. However, it's not like he can storm out of the office since they are all snowed in until the streets are cleared, which is forecast to be after midnight. As such, they all decide to join Sue Ann for her dinner, despite no one feeling in a festive Christmas mood. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.6
27 min

Because Lars does not like the cultural things in life like she does, Phyllis, with Lars' knowledge, has found a companion, Mike Tedesco, with who to attend these cultural events. Although she almost seems to treat their outings like dates, Phyllis vows that their relationship is purely platonic. Like many other people, Mary thinks that Phyllis and Mike's relationship is more than just friends, until she actually meets Mike with Phyllis as she can see that there is nothing going on between the two of them. When Phyllis comes down with a cold, she suggests to Mike that he take Mary to the opera instead of her. Although Mary agrees, she feels uncomfortable about it as she both thinks that Mike is interested in her and that she is impinging on Mike and Phyllis' friendship. Deep down, Mary thinks that Phyllis sees Mike as more than just a friend. Indeed, Mike and Mary start dating. Regardless of how serious or not serious Mike and Mary's relationship is, Mary is going to have to have a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.9
27 min

Mary receives a visit from sweet but timid Gloria Munson, the younger sister of her high school classmate, Carla Munson, who Mary can't remember for the life of her. Gloria is up front that the reason for her visit is that she wants to get into television, and thought Mary could help. Mary is equally as up front in telling her that there are no positions at the station, but she invites Gloria for a tour regardless. Her visit to the station does lead to a job on her idol Sue Ann's show as her stand-in and production assistant. But the minor job expands when she meets the womanizing station manager, Ed Schroeder, who has long suggested to Sue Ann that her show needs some changes. Gloria can't help but suggest some of those changes, especially when she demonstrates how to do them perfectly. Schroeder gives Gloria more and more on-air responsibility, because he has started dating her. Their relationship status makes Sue Ann believe that Gloria and Schroeder's end goal is for Gloria to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.0
27 min

Mary is hosting a party to celebrate her 1,000th show. Ted and Georgette bring along their friend, Judith Chandler, if only because she is a recent divorcée and Georgette thought it would be nice to get her out to meet people, specifically single men, and most specifically single Lou. Her tact changes when Georgette finds out Lou is seeing Charlene, which leads to Georgette leaving Judith in Murray's company while she scopes out the party for eligible men. The next day, Ted, based on the fact that they spent all night talking to each other, believes that something happened between Murray and Judith, something that Murray flatly denies. But Murray implies that he wishes something will happen between the two of them. An associated issue is that Murray has not told Judith that he's married. He seems to want someone, anyone, to tell him that having an affair is all right. Perhaps Murray will just have to find out on his own if he feels it's all right. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.8
27 min

Lou calls Mary, Murray and Ted in for an early morning emergency meeting. Their already low ratings are slipping even further, and he has to do something about the problem. He has decided to hire a consultant with the job title program coordinator, whose responsibility it will be to find where the problem or problems lie. He hires a young whippersnapper named Bob Larson, who is only two years out of journalism school. Mary, Murray and Ted are somewhat concerned about the authority Bob will have. Ted is even more concerned that Bob will have the authority to fire. After two weeks of Bob being on the job, morale has never been lower at the station especially as most staff don't believe that Bob's numerous suggested changes have made the show better but worse. But a one point increase in ratings over Bob's tenure cannot be ignored. As the staff becomes buoyed by this revelation, Bob drops a bombshell of news on them, which makes them reevaluate their priorities as a news organization. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.2

Mary has noticed that Lou has been in an unusually happy and accommodating mood. Murray lets it slip that it's because of a woman. Lou is so happy, he is modernizing his wardrobe to impress this woman, who he wants Mary to meet. Taking Mary up on her offer to drop by anytime, Lou brings her by to Mary's apartment unannounced one evening. She is Charlene Maguire, a lounge singer/pianist, who has been around. Regardless, Mary loves her. But Mary's description of Charlene to Murray and Ted makes Lou get cold feet about dating someone like Charlene, who has lived more than most women he has ever dated. Charlene feels hurt by Lou's brush-off, while Mary feels guilty for causing it. Is there anything Mary can say to Lou to reconsider giving Charlene the brush-off for good, and if so is there anything Lou can say to Charlene that would make her forgive him? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.8
27 min

After Ted makes what may be his most libelous on-air gaffe ever, Lou's reaction is to assault Ted physically by throwing him through the studio doors. Lou thinks nothing of his act as he sees it as something he needed to do to get his anger for Ted out of his system. Even Mary's railings against him don't make Lou change his mind about his action. It isn't until Ted has a resulting neck injury that Lou starts to feel remorseful. Ted starts to take advantage of Lou's feelings of guilt by asking for more and more, including sharing Lou's office with him and having a new editorial spot at the end of the newscast. What Ted is doing ends up also affecting Mary and Murray negatively. Lou may only be able to take so much of what Ted is doing, but whether Lou will resort to physical violence is the question. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.7

Mary has just started dating a ski instructor named Paul Van Dillen, who she just met by happenstance. Most of Mary's Minneapolis based friends quickly meet Paul, especially as Mary and Paul's first date is to Ted's birthday party. Although many feel this way, Sue Ann is the most direct in stating that Paul is the most gorgeous hunk of flesh she has ever met. Again, many of Mary's friends feel this way, but Phyllis is the first to say to Mary directly that she believes their relationship seems solely to be based on physical attraction since they seem to have nothing in common otherwise. Lou is more direct in his opposition to Mary and Paul's relationship. Despite being offended specifically by Lou's comments, Mary does begin to wonder if they are correct. Despite contemplating breaking things off with Paul, Paul, as the other person involved, may have some say and his own perspective on the matter. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 9.0
27 min

With Lou off sick for the day, Mary, as the person in charge, talks to a man who walks into the newsroom wanting to divulge some information about a news story he has. It is an inside exclusive about a half a million dollars worth of grafts, he having the documents to prove it. The only stipulation the man has is that he not be revealed. Mary decides to air the story as a late news bulletin, which causes a sensation. Ted basks in the limelight, taking credit for the story, until Special Agent Harris with the Justice Department comes by for the documents as well as the name of the story's source. That's when Ted relinquishes his ownership of the story to Mary, who refuses to name the source, even to the federal grand jury. The judge threatens her with jail time if she doesn't reveal the source. Mary doesn't want to go to jail, but she also wants to uphold her first amendment right as a newsperson. Her friends and newsroom colleagues may have their own opinions of what Mary should do ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.6
26 min

Since it's been a while since they've done one, Lou wants to do a location feature. After brainstorming with Mary, Murray and Ted, Lou decides on Murray's idea of life at a popular single's bar called Valentino's. Lou's plan is to send Mary and Murray to the bar to do some undercover reconnaissance at Valentino's for a week before sending in a live television crew to give the piece an off the cuff feel. Since Marie feels uncomfortable about Murray frequenting such a bar, even for work, Lou reluctantly agrees to let Mary do the recon visits on her own... sort of. But after those visits, meeting the regular patrons, hearing their stories and experiencing how a single person acts and is acted upon at the bar, Mary and company still don't have a fresh angle for the piece. They decide to let the regular patrons tell their own stories on the air, just hoping that they will have something insightful to say. By the end, they solely hope the regular patrons have anything to say. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.4
26 min

Ted believes that the act of writing is beneath him, until he learns that some of the big ones, such as Walter Cronkite, sometimes write their own copy. When Ted's attempt to emulate a big one has a less than positive response, Ted decides that he will sit in on a creative writing class. Unfortunately for Mary, the class that he chooses is the one she is taking. Ted thinks that he can breeze through the class on the strength of his news background, but finds that his first assignment is more difficult to write than he imagined. A day before the assignment is due and is to be read in front of the class, Ted has not even started and asks Mary to write his paper for him, which she refuses to do. But Ted will do anything to make himself look good in front of the class, even at the expense of a friend. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Lou asks a reluctant Mary to find him a date for a work function. Since she doesn't know of anyone, she agrees to be his date despite the possible office gossip. But when Lou comes to pick up Mary, she can't go since she's feeling ill. Rhoda agrees to fill in for Mary, which doesn't sit well with Lou who thinks that weird Rhoda may not fit in with the corporate crowd. But after all is said and done, he admits he had a really good time with her, so much so he wants to ask her out again. She accepts. That second date leads to a third and more. Although both Lou and Rhoda see what they're doing as just having a few laughs together, they become known as an item. All the talk about them being an item makes Lou wonder if everyone knows something that he himself doesn't yet know about his relationship with Rhoda. Meanwhile, Ted starts coloring his hair, but believes the change is so gradual that no one will notice, which is the opposite of reality. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

After six consecutive losses, Ted is certain he's going to win the Teddy Award this year as best newscaster. His plan to win is to overexpose himself - which includes hiring Rhoda to come up with a marketing campaign - with all the extra public appearances making him look like a humanitarian, however inappropriate or insincere his sentiments are. Everyone is therefore looking forward to seeing Ted lose even more this year. Miraculously, Ted wins. He wants to capture everything about the historic night to be able to remember it forever. However, by the next day, Ted wonders why his world is no different than it was before he won the award. But a visitor to the newsroom, who is not there specifically to see Ted, may make him believe that today is just the start of the next phase of his rising broadcast career. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.9
30 min

Even with Rhoda's help, Mary has to stay up until the wee hours of the morning working on the obituary file. The file contains information for Ted to read on the air if a celebrity passes away. Overtired and feeling a little punchy, Mary and Rhoda end up writing a few gag obituaries. Unfortunately for Mary and the subject of one of those said obituaries - a man named Wee Willy Williams, the oldest man in Minneapolis - he dies. Needing the obituary, Ted grabs it from Mary's desk and reads it on the air. Lou has no choice but to reprimand Mary for what happened. He was close to firing her, but instead gives her a two week unpaid suspension. On Murray's urging, Mary speaks to Lou about the reprimand, feeling that the suspension is treating her like a little kid. As such, Mary vows not to return to work if the suspension holds. This act may be the end of Mary's stint at WJM, a stint that both she and Lou have cherished because of her. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Rhoda comes by the newsroom to pick Mary up so that they can drive home together. In general chit-chat in the newsroom, Rhoda mentions the fact that Mary lied about being a college graduate on her application for her newsroom job. Although no one, including Lou, cares as it does not affect her ability to do her job, Mary is upset that Rhoda would even mention it. Rhoda doesn't understand why her stating that fact is such a big deal, while Mary can't believe how insensitive she believes Rhoda is being about the subject. This disagreement places a wedge in their friendship, the first really big wedge ever in the three years they've been best friends. Mary, who needs reassurance that she is not being overly sensitive, is miserable regardless. Rhoda too is miserable. While their mutual friends, such as Georgette, try to do whatever they can to bring the two best friends back together, either Mary or Rhoda will have to make the first move to repair their friendship, which may not be easy ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.5
26 min

Mary is anxious for Lou to attend this week's production managers' meeting if only because her idea of a Sunday afternoon talk show is being presented, the show which she would produce if approved. Despite the meeting being canceled, an excited Mary learns that a pilot show has been green-lighted. When Mary tells Rhoda, Rhoda reminds Mary that the concept was actually her idea. A slightly apologetic Mary offers Rhoda, in return, co-producer responsibility for the show, which Rhoda accepts. The next step is to get Lou's approval, which he ultimately does give, along with some bad news: since they are under contract, the station manager wants Ted and Sue Ann to be hosts. Mary and Rhoda run into roadblocks in dealing with divas Ted and Sue Ann, who want to do things their way. Ted and Sue Ann take offense particularly to Rhoda's straightforward manner of denigrating their ideas. If the show is going to get off the ground, Mary has to use some tactics learned from Lou and Murray to try ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.5
26 min

An excited Phyllis has just received her real estate license. As she is advised by the profession, and as most people starting in their own business do, Phyllis turns to her friends and acquaintances as her first points of contact. To her, the obvious person is newly separated Lou, who probably no longer needs to live in such a big house by himself. Despite Mary not wanting Phyllis to pounce on all her work colleagues, Phyllis approaches Lou, who, after an initial hesitation, agrees to have Phyllis sell his house. Beyond the lookie loos such as Ted (who had never been in Lou's house), Phyllis does manage to find some serious buyers, who offer Lou's asking price. After he agrees to the sale, Lou begins to have second thoughts. Mary acts as his voice of reason on the issue. Meanwhile, Mary has been receiving obscene telephone calls. And the newsroom is one of several offices in the building that is burglarized. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.0
26 min

Mary has just started dating Ross Nelson, the successful anchor of Channel 8 news, the number one news program in Minneapolis. They met at an awards dinner. Mary is happy about dating Ross until she visits the Channel 8 newsroom, which has ten times the staff, ten times the equipment, and as a result has ten times the sophistication as WJM. That visit shows Mary that WJM is the little station that couldn't. So, for the first time in her life, Mary feels embarrassed by her job when Ross later comes to visit her at WJM. As a result, Lou, in speaking to the station management, receives a modest increase in budget to compete better with their competitors, namely Channel 8. They collectively hope that with or without that increased budget that they can scoop Channel 8 just once in their lives. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.2
26 min

Lou receives what look like greeting cards in the mail at the office. Mary suspects and does confirm that it's his birthday. She also figures that he may be feeling a little depressed on this day since it will be his first birthday since he and Edie separated. As such, she decides to throw him a last minute surprise party at her place. The plan is to invite him over for a quick drink that evening, with all the guests to show up after his arrival. A few snags occur in pulling off the party. First, Sue Ann hijacks the party planning and implementation, with nobody's input meeting her exacting standards. Second, Lou arrives a little earlier than expected, which means that Mary has to keep him there a little longer than expected. And third, Lou drops a bit of news before everyone's arrival which may make Mary want to hide all the guests when they arrive. Regardless of everything happening around him, Lou ends up handling the evening in his own way. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.7
26 min

A heartbroken Georgette catches Ted making out with another woman in his dressing room. Georgette initially believes the lie Ted tells her about the supposedly innocent reason why they were in the position they were in, but once Georgette figures out it's a lie, she decides to leave Ted. She has to figure out how to get what little self-esteem she had back. She initially believes she needs to explore the wild side of life, which she's never done. But when she decides that being wild is not in her basic nature, she decides to go totally in the opposite direction: she's going to become a nun. With Mary and Rhoda's help and the advice of a Catholic nun, Georgette comes to some conclusions about her future. Meanwhile, Ted too is heartbroken over his and Georgette's split. He has to figure out how to get her back, or how to move on with life without her. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.1
26 min

After a casual and informal conversation between Lou, Mary and Murray about needing someone to do menial tasks around the office such as making coffee, Mary has no problem making the unilateral decision to hire Bonnie Slaughter, Murray's fifteen year old daughter, as the office's Girl Friday, especially after Murray says that Bonnie is looking for her first ever job. This decision causes many problems in the office. First, Lou, without even seeing Bonnie's work, wants Mary to fire her as he knows he can't be his curse spewing self around a teen-aged girl, especially the daughter of a friend. Second, Murray can't help but do whatever he can to make Bonnie's life as easy as possible, even at the expense of his own work. And third, Bonnie's small and not so small gaffes cause some issues in other areas of the newsroom, even with the on-air newscast. Despite Mary's support for Bonnie, will she ultimately cave in and fire Bonnie, and if so how will that affect Murray's working relationship... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.9
26 min

Phyllis, Chair of the Concerned Democrats of Minneapolis, is in charge of choosing a prominent citizen to endorse for the city council primary. Her choice?: Ted. Despite Mary being blunt about Ted not being the brightest light, Phyllis feels she can be the brains behind the man, who has a good chance of winning solely because of his high profile. Despite being a Republican, Ted agrees, which means, according to Lou and FCC regulations, Ted has to resign as anchor, which he does. Lou, however, leaves his job open for him if and when he loses. By election day, it looks like Ted may have a chance of winning since many voters believe his bumbling answers are actually Ted being witty. Will Ted and Phyllis' optimism sweep them into victory? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.7
26 min

Ever since Lou and Edie's break up, Mary's been helping Lou with many of his domestic duties. She doesn't really even mind him showing up every night for dinner, unannounced, but, thinks he's taking her willingness too far, when he asks her to spy on Edie and report back to him. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 9.0
26 min

Congresswoman Margaret Geddes just appeared on a show that Mary produced. In general niceties over the telephone, Mary invites the Congresswoman to her place for dinner the next time she is ever in town. What Mary is unaware of when she extends the invitation is that the Congresswoman will be in town tomorrow. Mary is concerned not only about the short time frame to get a dinner party arranged, but also about the confirmation that she gets from Rhoda, and later from others, that her parties are generally disasters. With advice from Rhoda, Mary decides to hold a small, elegant dinner party for six, the number of people she can fit at her dining room table. On Murray's advice, Mary decides to ask Sue Ann for advice on the food. The first problem arises even before the party with the invitation list, some who invite themselves and some who are hurt not to be invited despite the aforementioned previous disasters at Mary's parties. When the party starts, there are potential problems on the... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

After meeting him at the store and after a slow and uncertain start, Rhoda starts dating Doug Hemple, the son of the store owner. Rhoda was initially insecure about their relationship because she considers him better than her, and she has never really been happy in any of her previous relationships as she has dated primarily guys who Mary classifies as feebs. But after a week, Rhoda, who seems truly happy about the relationship, is talking marriage. Mary cautions her to take it slowly. But Rhoda can't help but being totally open about her feelings, hoping that Doug feels the same way. Meanwhile, a documentary that Mary produced and Murray wrote is getting rave reviews, even from the television critic. The one person who doesn't like it is Ted, only since he wasn't asked to narrate it. The documentary's subject, however, takes a liking to Ted. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.4
26 min

As usual, Lou orders two tickets to the Broadcasters Man of the Year awards banquet, but unlike previous years, he has no wife to accompany him, which makes Mary and Murray curious as to who his date - the first since his separation - will be. Lou has no date, with the order of two tickets being force of habit. So he decides to ask Edie - who has reverted to using her maiden name of McKenzie - which results in the awkward situation of her having to tell him that she's already got a date for the banquet. Lou figures two can play that game. So he makes Mary find a date for him. The person she finds is Martha Dudley, a friend of Rhoda's who she's never met. Mrs. Dudley doesn't end up being quite what Mary and/or Lou expect, which will make for an interesting evening, not only on the date itself, but how it will appear to Edie. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 6.6
26 min

Mary's former boyfriend and Chuckles the Clown's ex-writer Wes Callison stops by the newsroom. After quitting the writing job for Chuckles and trying to find himself, he returns applying for a recently vacated writing job in the newsroom. Although Mary and Wes' relationship was never serious - at least on Mary's side - Mary feels she has to put in a good word for Wes (despite not thinking deep in her heart that he's right for the job) since she feels guilty about the wayward way of Wes' life. She secretly fears that Wes still has feelings for her, which she knows she will never return in kind. It ends up being worse as Wes begins to smother her, she who doesn't have the heart to tell him so. She feels he's only doing it because of lack of confidence in himself, and as a result this need to feel miserable. Despite doing a good job at work, Wes also faces other issues with Chuckles, who, in turn, is smothering Wes with informal request after informal request to help him write his show. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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