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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Mary is planning on making the long drive back to her home town on Christmas Eve so that she can spend Christmas Day with her mother and father. She is thus dismayed to learn from Lou that she is scheduled to work on Christmas Day this year. In light of this information, she is determined to make Christmas Eve her special day, which she plans on spending with Rhoda. But even those plans hit a snag when she speaks to her co-worker, Fred, who is supposed to work the night shift alone on Christmas Eve and who hasn't spent Christmas with his family in years. Feeling sorry for him, Mary agrees to work his Christmas Eve shift for him. Can anything salvage this holiday season for Mary? Written by Huggo

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 6.9
26 min

Allan Stevens, the new young cameraman at the newsroom, isn't as naive as he first appears. After Lou chastises him over the way he shot a field report, Mary, Murray and Ted, feeling sorry for him and feeling like he probably doesn't want to be alone, each individually invite him to hang out after work. But he only seems interested in Mary's invitation for dinner, which she soon finds out he interprets as a sexual come-on. After that incident, Mary doesn't want to have anything to do with him, which is made all the more difficult by an announcement and directive from Lou about Allan's work in the newsroom. Mary has to figure out a way to get Allan to stop his sexual advances toward her without involving Lou in the matter, he who is a little closer to the situation than she would like. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Phyllis asks an already exasperated Mary if she would ask Ted if he would speak at her women's club meeting this evening. Mary tells her she is reluctant to do so if only because Ted is not very good at public speaking. But Mary asks anyway, and Ted agrees. Mary figures that if Murray writes his speech, the evening should go smoothly. Lou isn't too sure, and would have preferred if she didn't ask Ted this favor, which he would not have allowed if he knew she was planning to ask. As Lou predicts, the evening is a disaster with Ted unable to speak to anything beyond what is written for him. The result is a shaken Ted is unable to cope with any kind of public speaking, including carrying out his job. Since he considers the problem Mary's fault, Lou orders her to bring back the old Ted. Mary believes she has the solution with the help of publicist Dave Curson and a group of yo-yo'ers. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.8
26 min

Mary has just received notice that she is being audited by the IRS. She isn't overly worried as she keeps meticulous records and she reports all her income... well, almost. She is expecting a grizzled old man as her auditor, so she is surprised to see that her auditor, Robert C. Brand, is a youngish man. He ends up sending Mary mixed messages. On the one hand, he asks her about everything in her tax returns, including the smallest details, and he continually refers to her as Miss Richards (and she in turn continually refers to him as Mr. Brand). On the other hand, he asks her out several times and gives her gifts, both all in the name of business. So she isn't sure if their outings are really dates and if the gifts are meant to be romantic gestures. Only when what ends up being an extremely long audit is completed will Mary really know for sure. Her feelings about Mr. Brand in return may be tempered by the amount she may have to pay the IRS in back taxes. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.7
26 min

Mary, overworked, is regardless three weeks behind in her work. So Lou's news that there is a new news format which means more money but also more work doesn't exactly please her. Feeling frustrated, Mary speaks to Lou about the situation. Using the money that was supposed to go to existing staff, Lou allows Mary to hire an assistant. When Mary mentions the job in passing, Phyllis volunteers for the job. A reluctant Mary can't say no to her friend despite Mary knowing that Phyllis isn't right for the job. Intellectual and self-professed easy going Phyllis doesn't like being constrained in a 9 to 5 type job, and balks at the clerical work that Mary gives her. Instead, she goes for what she sees as the more glamorous position as Ted's pseudo adviser. A combination of Phyllis' advice to Ted and Mary still being swamped as she is also doing Phyllis' job makes Lou come to a quick conclusion about what needs to be done. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.


The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

IMDb: 5.6
60 min

Alexander Waverly is scheduled to receive an honorary degree at his alma mater, Blair University. UNCLE is on guard to protect Waverly against an assassination attempt by Thrush.

Country: USA
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.7
26 min

Everyone in the newsroom's excited about the impending 2nd annual Television Editors Awards (aka the Teddys). Lou suggests to Mary she submit her own news magazine show for an award. Meanwhile, Rhoda has a new boyfriend, Bob, who she feels could 'be the one', but, Rhoda wants Mary's approval. Rhoda may regret asking for such, when Bob suggests they spend their time together as a 3-some. Mary fears Bob's falling for her instead, as does Rhoda. When Bob tells Rhoda where his true feelings lie, Mary and Rhoda have an interesting time at the Teddys. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.1
26 min

It's the night of Minneapolis' civic election. The station is providing election coverage until a winner is declared. Lou puts Mary in charge as floor director against her own wishes as she isn't a take charge person to who people will listen. Before coverage even starts, Mary has some problems due to the snowstorm which has hit Minneapolis. Key people, such as the political analyst, the tote board operator and some of the telephone operators, can't make it into the studio, meaning that Mary has to find some substitutes, such as Rhoda, to fill the positions. But the on-air coverage begins with a thud when the storm cuts off all communication to the station, including the teletype with the election results and the telephone lines. Due to commitments to sponsors, they can't preempt the scheduled coverage with other programming. As the storm rages on, as the communications lines continue not to work into the wee hours of the morning and as a quickly fading Ted, with no on-air support, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.1
26 min

With less than an hour to air time, Ted calls in sick with the flu. Murray has to fill in as the substitute anchor until Ted recovers, but one of Ted's other jobs for this specific evening falls to Mary, who will be the stand-in double interviewer for their news magazine show Scrutiny, with the editors to splice in Ted as interviewer later. Mary first meets the evening's guest, best selling author Eric Matthews, when she arrives at the seated set. Following the interview, Mary has no hesitation in accepting a date with Eric since she finds him attractive, intelligent and funny. It isn't until they rise to leave the set that Mary starts to have some apprehension as Eric is a good four inches shorter than she is, more if she is wearing heels. After their date, Mary's belief about Eric's attractiveness, intelligence and humor is strengthened, but all she can think about is how short he is. Mary is able to place their relationship in proper context after he asks her to read his latest ... Written by Huggo

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Mary finds a strange woman with a suitcase sitting outside her apartment door. She quickly learns that that woman is Rhoda's mother, Ida Morgenstern, who is visiting from the Bronx. She's at Mary's place since Rhoda isn't home, or so she believes. In actuality, Mary learns directly from Rhoda that she doesn't want to see her mother, with whom she has a love-hate relationship. As such, Mary puts Ida up for as long as she is staying in Minneapolis. Mary, who becomes Ida's surrogate daughter, soon understands the frustration that Rhoda feels in being Ida's daughter. Regardless, Mary tries to get Rhoda to at least see her mother and hopefully come to an understanding mother-daughter relationship with Ida before she heads back to New York. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.3
26 min

Frank Carelli, an old, casual acquaintance-in-passing of Lou's, stops by the newsroom to see him. Lou can barely remember him and brushes him off. Frank was once a second string pro football player, and not a very good second stringer at that. He has ulterior motives for visiting Lou as he's heard Lou is holding auditions for a new sportscaster. Frank wants the job to get out from selling insurance which is what he now does for a living and which he hates. Mary and Rhoda befriend Frank, who they learn, in part from listening to his audio-taped memoirs, is a sad sack of a man who doesn't know what he can do with his life. He wants the sportscasting job more because it is one of the few things he sees that an ex-pro athlete is supposed to do following the end of his athletic career. Mary and Rhoda, and even Murray, try to help Frank get the job, which they really know he is not well suited to. Mary and Rhoda also try to get him to focus on striving for what he really wants in life, and ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

After WJM-TV news does a story on them, Rhoda talks a reluctant Mary into joining her in joining the Better Luck Next Time Club - a club for divorced people - when they learn that the club offers its members cheap charter flights to Paris, where Mary has always wanted to go but hasn't because the flights have always been too expensive. Mary's plan is to go to the meeting, sign up and leave after finding out about the flights. But their time at the meeting doesn't go quite according to plan when the club leaders don't talk about the flights, and when an ardent admirer, Dr. Walter Udall, gets Mary voted Vice-President of the club. Feeling guilty, Mary has to decide whether to tell the truth about not being divorced (let alone not ever having been married) or continue with the facade to get the cheap trip. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.6
26 min

After Lars is diagnosed with a suspected case of chicken pox, Phyllis asks Mary to look after her precocious daughter, Bess, until Lars' contagious phase is over. Mary doesn't think it's such a good idea since she doesn't think Bess likes her, but agrees anyway. Phyllis, who treats adolescent Bess like an independent adult, wants Mary to follow that same parenting style. But when Mary, who has always questioned whether she would make a good mother, treats Bess like a typical little girl, Bess drops all her precociousness and becomes a well behaved and lovable little girl. When it's time for Bess to go home, she refuses. Instead of feeling incensed, Phyllis continues with her same treatment of Bess, allowing her to make up her own mind and let her stay with Mary as long as she wants, much to Mary's dismay. Mary has to try and convince Phyllis that what Bess probably wants is some indication from her that she really wants Bess to come home and that she misses her daughter. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.0
26 min

Mary is starting to feel old when she learns at work that at age thirty she is no longer in the young adult demographic, and when a young twenty-something messenger calls her ma'am, the first time ever she's ever been referred to as such. Mary and Rhoda commiserate about being old and being single and what they should do to progress into married status. Rhoda suggests they each contact someone from their past with whom to connect or reconnect in a relationship-minded pursuit. Rhoda's unconventional choice, Armond Lynton, is a man she just met when she ran over him with her car. On Phyllis' recommendation, Mary's choice is Howard Arnell, a man she dated four years earlier, and who she hasn't thought about in years. Mary and Rhoda decide they will have an after dinner drinks party at Mary's place for the four of them. When Rhoda calls Armond, who accepts the invitation, she knows he won't be the future Mr. Rhoda Morgenstern because of some excess baggage he will be bringing to the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Thirty year old Mary Richards has just moved to Minneapolis to start a new life. She broke off a long term relationship with her now ex-boyfriend Bill. They were in a pre-engagement period for two years while Bill was going through medical school, he promising to marry her once he started his own practice. But when that time came, he didn't want to rush into marriage. In Minneapolis, Mary has to deal both with finding a place to live and finding a job. With the former, her friend, Phyllis Lindstrom, has found an apartment for her in the small building in which she herself lives. Mary will have to battle another tenant, Rhoda Morgenstern, a brash Jewish New Yorker, for that unit. With the latter, Mary applies for a secretarial job at WJM-TV News. After a less than conventional interview with the news' producer, Lou Grant, Mary instead is offered a job as associate producer, which is lower paid than the secretarial job and not very well defined in terms of the responsibilities. Mary's ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.


The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

IMDb: 7.6
60 min | 51 min (DVD)

A single shilling is the object of a hunt between UNCLE and criminal groups in Hong Kong.

Country: USA
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HD Newzoids




IMDb: 8.3

Among the public figures lampooned are Olympic diver Tom Daley, presidential candidate Donald Trump, survivalist Bear Grylls and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as the satirical puppet show returns.

Country: UK
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Misfits




IMDb: 8.4
47 min

The quintet are collecting rubbish with Nathan still annoyed to have no super power when they see a nude man in an underpass, who scuttles off. Simon thinks it's a werewolf but it's actually Jeremy, Nathan's mother's boy-friend who, also caught in the storm, believes he is a Jack Russell dog from time to time. Whilst working at an old folks' home Nathan falls for another helper, Ruth, a pretty blonde and while they are having sex she turns into a very old lady. It turns out that she too was caught in the storm and was rejuvenated as a result but has now changed back into her elderly self and eventually dies. Someone is leaving messages on the gang's lockers, suggesting they know what happened to Tony. Could this be Shygirl 18,with whom Simon is communicating on the internet? Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Covert Affairs

Covert Affairs


Covert Affairs

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Annie learns of a Saudi terrorist. Joan is not convinced the information is accurate. Annie goes to Arthur who agrees to act. The information turns out to be misleading. Joan and Annie's relationship becomes damaged, as does Joan and Arthur's. Written by Bernie

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HD Jimmy Two-Shoes

Jimmy Two-Shoes


Jimmy Two-Shoes

IMDb: 0
21 min

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HD Jimmy Two-Shoes

Jimmy Two-Shoes


Jimmy Two-Shoes

IMDb: 0
21 min

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HD Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce

Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce


Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Abby (Lisa Edelstein) throws a birthday party for her daughter Lilly (Conner Dwelly) only to have Jake's (Paul Adelstein) girlfriend, CW actress Becca Riley (Julianna Guill), show up uninvited. Abby wonders if she's pregnant... and entertains what she'd do if she were. Meanwhile, Delia (Necar Zadegan) is handling the divorce of Gordon Beech (Matthew Glave), husband of acclaimed fashion designer Courtney Beech (Virginia Williams).

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Power Rangers Dino Charge

Power Rangers Dino Charge


Power Rangers Dino Charge

IMDb: 7.8
24 min

Shelby receives a pillow from an unknown sender. When she uses it to take a nap, she starts living a nightmare. The Rangers suspect this must be from Snide so they all make sure to stay awake, but that proves to be harder than they thought.

Country: USA
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HD Dream Corp LLC

Dream Corp LLC


Dream Corp LLC

IMDb: 8.3
11 min

Disaster strikes at Dream Corp LLC when a leak causes the staff to evacuate during routine dream maintenance. Joey sheds her innocent self after being left behind in the dream world by Dr. Roberts. Will she make it back?

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Trophy Wife

Trophy Wife


Trophy Wife

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

Kate tries to ignore the stress and chaos around her--which increases with the arrival of her mother and Pete's parents. As wedding planning continues, the family receives bad news.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Jennifer Falls

Jennifer Falls


Jennifer Falls

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Adam asks Jennifer and Gretchen to move in with him, but Jennifer starts to suspect that her old flame might not be everything that he seems.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Jennifer Falls

Jennifer Falls


Jennifer Falls

IMDb: 7.0
23 min

Jennifer Doyle, a single mother in the cutthroat world of investment banking, loses her job and all that comes with it. Now she has to crawl back to her mother for a place to live and get a job in her brother's sports bar.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD According to Jim

According to Jim


According to Jim

IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Jim flips out over a doctor's bill, but refrains from telling Cheryl that he got the family's health insurance canceled in fear of her flipping out.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Hogan's Heroes

Hogan's Heroes


Hogan's Heroes

IMDb: 8.1
30 min | 30 min

The Germans are sending Hogan to America demanding surrender along with another surprise.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, War,
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HD Hogan's Heroes

Hogan's Heroes


Hogan's Heroes

IMDb: 7.7
30 min | 30 min

How can Hogan and his crew keep Sgt. Schultz from being transferred to the Russian Front?

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, War,
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HD Hogan's Heroes

Hogan's Heroes


Hogan's Heroes

IMDb: 7.2
30 min

A collection of stolen art comes to Stalag 13 and Hogan decides to steal it.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, War,
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HD Hogan's Heroes

Hogan's Heroes


Hogan's Heroes

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

While Hogan detains a German general during an Allied offensive, a Gestapo officer looks into Stalag 13's perfect escape record.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, War,
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