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One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.6

It is a flashback to the past of Chopper and Dr. Hiruluk, the first human shows him affection, told by Dr. Kureha.

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One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.5

Nami asks Chopper to join Straw Hat's crew, but the reindeer refuses. Knowing Chopper's unique ability, Luffy is also interested to have him as the crew.

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One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.4

Avalanche aftermath and the mountain climbing on the Drum Rockies.

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One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.5

Dalton faces Wapol, who wants to take over the island once more, but gets hit by arrows. The avalanche stops, and it injures Sanji. It is up for Luffy now to climb the mountain to save both Nami and Sanji.

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One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.4

It turns out that Dr. Kureha is on the other side of the island, and Usopp, Vivi and Dalton rush to find her. However, Dalton returns to the village after heard that Wapol comes back.

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One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.5

Not only that the island has no name, it doesn't have a doctor as well. The only one called doctor lives in the castle on the mountain's top. Sanji and Luffy go taking Nami there, while Vivi and Usopp stay behind, and listen to the history of the island from Dalton.

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.4

Straw Hat crew tries to find a doctor in a nearby island, but they are attacked by the pirate Wapol.

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One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.1

Luffy's crew gets a trouble when their navigator, Nami, is sick, and they do not have a doctor on the ship.

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One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.2

After defeating Baroque Works on the island, Straw Hat Pirate sets sail to Arabasta. Brogy and Dorry set them off and help them escape from the giant goldfish that tries to eat Going Merry.

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One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.3

With Vivi, Nami, and Zoro are almost petrified completely by the wax and Luffy is trapped by Miss Golden Week's power, Usopp is the only one left to save them all.

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.4

Luffy tries to save Nami, Vivi and Zoro who are almost turned into wax figures. However, Miss Golden Week, partner of Mr. 3, keeps Luffy busy with her colors trap.

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One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.2

Mr. 3 manages to capture Broggy with his wax. He also captures Vivi, Nami and Zoro, and tries to turn them into wax figures.

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One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.2

The salvage of a hundred year duel.

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One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.1

Brogy gives Dorry booze from Nami and Usopp. The booze explodes when Dorry drinks it. The duel starts once again, and even though his chance to win is very low due to his injury, Dorry still heads into the battle.

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.2

Nami and Usopp are taken into Brogy's camp, meanwhile, Vivi and Luffy meet another giant, Dorry. They reveal that they will fight against each other whenever the volcano on the island erupts.

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.2

Straw Hat Pirate sails toward Little Garden, and unlike its name, the prehistoric animals living on the island are far from little. Everyone spreads out for another adventure and food, while Nami and Usopp stay aboard, frightened. Not long afterward, a giant approaches the ship.

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 6.8

Coby and Helmeppo are mentored by Vice Admiral Garp in becoming marines.

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One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 6.7

Coby and Helmeppo return in their own side story episode.

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.5

Luffy and Zoro defeated Miss Valentine and Mr. 5 while they fight their pointless battle. Nami came by and put an end to it. Luffy soon learned what really happened and forgive Zoro for thinking he killed the locals for nothing. Nami tells Vivi that they'll do it only for a matter of money. Vivi however doesn't have anything in return, she just wants to be returned to her home land safely. Nami didn't get why a princess wouldn't have any money. Vivi explained that her kingdom was wealthy long ago. Right until it got into a civil war. Which was caused by the Baroque Works Organization. She and Igaram joined it as Mr. 8 and Miss Wednesday in attempt to know who was responsible for it. Mr. 0 the leader has plans to create an ideal nation. But it's all a lie. And Vivi must get back to Arabasta to prevent her people from thinking that Ideal Nation is all good. They asked who Mr. 0 really is. Vivi wasn't suppose to reveal the true name of Mr. 0. But accidentally said Crocodile. The Unluckies ... Written by J LeGault

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.6

Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine were informed by the boss that one of their agents knows some secrets that can't be leaked out. They know Mr. 8 and Miss Wednesday's true identities are were placed orders to eliminate them. Mr. 8 tries to kill them with his canons. But discovers that there's not a scratch on them. Igaram tried all he could to stop them but got hurt badly. And told Miss Wednesday(Princess Vivi) to run for it. She didn't want to leave Igaram like this. But he didn't want her to worry about him. Just remain alive for the sake of their kingdom. Mr. 9 battles Mr. 5 while Vivi escapes with Carue. Mr. 9 got defeated easily by Mr. 5's Nose Fancy Bomb. As they attempt to chase and kill Vivi. Igaram insisted that Zoro should protect the princess. Zoro didn't think so, not when they were trying to kill them off earlier. There is in fact a reward involved for the ones who bring back the princess safe to Arabasta. Nami was interested in the reward, and told Zoro to look after the princess... Written by J LeGault

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.5

Zoro knows about the Baroque Works organization. And for that he must die. But he disappear off the roof. And reappeared in the crowd of bounty hunters. They got out their guns to shoot him, but they all missed and shoot each other. Mr. 8 discovers that Zoro is no ordinary swordsman. As Zoro drew his sword behind Mr. 8 before he could blink. Soon Zoro is chased by the Whiskey Peak civilians, and decides to try out the swords he got from Loguetown. And they all didn't stand a chance against Zoro's sword techniques and stealth moves. Usopp, Sanji, and Luffy were still worn out from the party. Nami in fact wasn't worn out and also knows about Whiskey Peak's secret. So she looks around to see if there's any treasure to steal. The Baroque Works agents think Zoro is the real captain, because of his skills. And used Luffy to cover his image. Zoro goes up against Miss Monday(who has a pair of brass knuckles). But Zoro easily defeated her by pushing her down with a single hand after a slight ... Written by J LeGault

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.5

As the Going Merry travels to Whiskey Peak, our friends experience the Grand Line's unpredictable weather. First it was snowing, which Luffy and Usopp found an activity to do including snow ball fights and snowman building. Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday were complaining that there's no heater. Nami told them to shut up as she couldn't help but how strange that it became cold from warm in minutes. But then she found out that they're off course according to the log pose, and need to turn 180 degrees. As everyone got busy in getting the ship back on course, they face a series of changing weather, including storms, lightning, fog, and ice bergs. When it all got calm, Zoro woke up from his nap and found them all exhausted on deck. Sanji, Usopp and Nami were angry that Zoro didn't do a thing during his nap. Zoro noticed Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday, and didn't know they were helping out 2 individuals while he was sleeping. Nami explained to him that their taking them home to Whiskey Peak. Zoro ... Written by J LeGault

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.2

Crocus told the Straw Hat Pirates the reason why Laboon is ramming against the Red Line. Long ago, when Crocus was looking after the lighthouses, a group of pirates entered the Grand Line, from Reverse Mountain. A little island whale(a young Laboon) had followed them all the way from the West Blue. Normally Island Whales travel with their own species, but not this one. Laboon made friends with the pirates he followed. After a few months, they repaired their ship and got acquainted with Crocus. The next day, the pirates left, and the captain told Crocus to look after Laboon as they depart to travel the world in the Grand Line. The captain promised Laboon, that they'll come back within 2 to 3 years. The Grand Line is too dangerous for a little whale. So it be safe to remain here near Reverse Island. Those pirates left Laboon to the care of Crocus. 50 years have past since then. And Laboon never saw his friends again. Everyone was surprised to hear that, and now know why Laboon waits in ... Written by J LeGault

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.5

The Grand Line, the greatest ocean in the world according to Luffy. As our heroes slide down the water current slope of the Red Line, it was much like a ride. As they approach to the bottom, Zoro hears a strange noise, which Nami thinks was just the wind. Usopp used his goggle to see what was up ahead, Sanji thinks it's a mountain, but Nami knows that there isn't suppose to be one. But as they approach to what looked like a mountain turned out to be a whale. The whole crew panicked as the whale is blocking their path, and the Going Merry is going at top speed. The whale's eyes aren't pointing towards their direction so it doesn't see them yet. Zoro sees an opening of the port towards the left. Only problem is they don't have a helm to turn. Sanji, Zoro, and Usopp struggle to make the ship turn with a broken helm. Luffy got an idea and went downstairs on the ship. It all looked like they're going to crash from Nami's view. Right until a cannon ball was fired at the whale. Which was ... Written by J LeGault

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.5

Erik the Whirlwind is still around, and would of drown if the the ocean level didn't drain. He still has the idea that the Ryuukotsu has the elixir of life. Nami corrected him, that the Ryuukotsu is calcified and is merely impossible to create elixir out of. Erik however has his eyes set on the living dragons. Instead of killing them, he offer them all a deal in sharing the Ryuukotsu. Luffy wasn't interested in the offer. Which made Erik think that Luffy isn't seeing this through. Then he finally sees it's useless to convince them that getting eternal life is good. So he plans on getting it all for himself. Apis went up to stop him. Erik used his scythe weasel, which missed thanks to Usopp who helped Apis dodge it. She thanked him, and realizes that her new goal is to protect the Sennenryuu and the Dragon's Nest. Erik knows that he's being threaten, and for that he's going to kill them all for real. He gave out a scythe whirlwind, which Luffy used himself to shield Usopp and Apis. And... Written by J LeGault

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.2

Luffy tells Ryuuji to not give up hope, but he remained in the water and began to sank. Admiral Nelson orders the marines to reel in the dragon with a gun spear cannon. Luffy however prevented the spear from piercing into Ryuuji. Luffy asked him on why he's doing this. Nelson just says that the only thing he wants from the dragon is eternal youth and nothing more. Luffy got angry after hearing that and threw the spear towards the Admiral's ship which missed the Admiral completely. Luffy talks some sense to Ryuuji to forget about the whole giving up thing, and think for himself instead of Apis. Then he gave out a different roar, which Luffy can tell is a good sign. Then an earthquake occurred out of no where. Apis already knows that Ryuuji is saying The time has come. A call for all of his friends from around the globe to come. Nami and Usopp didn't know what it meant till they saw in the distance a flock of Sennenryuu Dragons coming. Everyone was surprised to see the dragons coming ... Written by J LeGault

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.0

The Going Merry is avoiding the line of fire from the Marine Ships of the 8th Divison. Admiral Nelson is entertained by the whole thing, and tells a marine official to send out a flag signal telling Major that they have it under control. Erik however isn't going to let the Admiral get the Sennenryuu for himself. And asks the Major for 3 capable men and a rowboat. Luffy, Sanji, and Zoro took Usopp's idea of cutting the steal chains seriously and will use that for their plan in getting out of here. So Luffy used his Gomu Gomu Bridge, so he, Sanji, and Zoro can get on board one of the ships. They find themselves surrounded by armed marines. Which wasn't a problem for them, as they beat the hell out of all of them. Admiral Nelson couldn't believe that they're winning. While Apis was surprised on how strong her friends are. Zoro cut down the steal chain barriers, while Nami and Usopp guide the Going Merry to their soon to be exit. But the were stopped by Erik, who's on a rowboat with 3 ... Written by J LeGault

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 6.9

The Straw Hat Pirates. Apis and Ryuuji find themselves in a temple on what believed to be the Dragon's Nest. But all they found was a high ceiling with pictures of dragons and people. It didn't look like a place where dragons once roam. Apis asked Ryuuji, but he doesn't even know what this place is either. Usopp complained that the dragon isn't too helpful at all. While Apis started to argue with him that he's not at all helpful either. Luffy found a large piece of the ceiling that was once part of the ceiling. As well as other pieces that collapsed and caved in most of the areas. Usopp thinks it's wise to get out of here while they can. But Apis still thinks that the real Dragon's Nest is here. But Usopp doesn't think so because they haven't seen a single dragon besides Ryuuji so far. While Nami buts in, and believes that the island they're on couldn't be Lost Island. They all wondered why she'd think that, so she pointed out to the ceiling's pictures. And said that it's like a map ... Written by J LeGault

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 6.6

The Straw Hat Pirates and Apis are now taking Ryuuji back to Dragon's Nest, Lost Island. The marines back at Gunkan Island are busy repairing the damages they've caused. Erik informs the major, that he has a hunch on where they'll find the millennium dragon. And insists they head straight to where the Straw Head Pirates are going. Erik made sure that a report to Admiral Nelson won't go through. As he reveals to himself that he plans on getting the elixir of eternal life for him, to become an invincible mercenary. Admiral Nelson however got the report from a marine about Erik's intentions, and is aware of what he's planning to do. Luffy was hoping that Ryuuji would help them on where the island is, but he doesn't show any sign of help. Sanji prepares some food for the dragon, Luffy helped out but burned his hand and the pot landed on Ryuuji's head. Causing it to turn red. Apis and Luffy hurried to take it off his head, but Ryuuji visioned the flying fish as his species. And Apis heard ... Written by J LeGault

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 6.7

Nami and Luffy went to tell Usopp, Zoro, and Sanji on what they've witnessed. Only to find them all asleep, while the half asleep Bokuden is still talking about Gunkan Island's ancestry. They woke, and heard from a village local that a group of marine ships are coming ashore. Nami told the him that if Bokuden wakes up, just tell him that they'll protect Apis at all costs. When they got back to the cave, both Usopp, Sanji, and Zoro couldn't believe it for their own eyes. Apis explained to them that Ryuuji is a Ryuukotsu Dragon. Who has lost of his strength, and believes he'll regain it back at Lost Island. Usopp start acting enthusiastic that there's no way they could find an island that doesn't exist on the map. Sanji and Zoro however agreed to help Ryuuji get back home. In order to do this they'll need to make a cart big enough for the dragon. Usopp finds this all to be pointless. Sanji, Luffy, and Zoro used their skills to cut down the trees for lumber. Usopp was impress at all this... Written by J LeGault

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HD One Piece

One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 6.7

The Staw Hat Pirates find themselves stranded in the Calm Belt. A place where ships never come out alive. They all don't find it to be dangerous, but Nami had to explain to them on why it is an issue. The Calm Belt is a current of calm water that guards the entrance to the Grand Line. Wind and waves never occur in the Calm Belt, which makes the sails on a ship useless. Not only that but it's also home to many sea beasts. Then a huge sea monster comes out from below lifting the Going Merry. As well as a whole bunch of sea beasts came out of the water. Apis fell out of the ship and was about to get eaten by a giant frog. Luffy had to use his stretching arm to save her. Apis learned that Luffy ate a Devil's Fruit. She spotted the nostrils of the sea monster that's under the Going Merry. And told Luffy to take her down there. No one knew what she was up to till, she pulled out a nose hair, which made the sea monster give out a big sneeze. Then the Going Merry flew into the air and made it... Written by J LeGault

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One Piece


One Piece

IMDb: 7.0

During the storm, a girl escaped from a Marine ship. The report was sent to Admiral Nelson Royale, who is very disappointed that the marines had made this mistake. And explained to them that the girl is the key to obtaining Ryuukotsu, the elixir of eternal life. His servant Erik was given a task to search and find the girl at all costs. It's been 2 days since the Straw Hat Pirates left Loguetown. Usopp spotted a flock of bird surrounding an object at sea. Sanji explained that normally birds would do that, when a school of fish are around. Luffy got excited and used his Gomu Gomu Net to reach out and grab what he thinks is a fish. But it turned out to be a girl who is all worn out. She woke up and accidentally hit Usopp in the chin, and found herself in the mess hall. Nami was glad that she came through, and told her that Sanji is preparing her some soup. The girl finds herself lucky to be saved. Nami asked for the girl's name, but she insists to know their names. So Nami introduced ... Written by J LeGault

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