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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.0

The High Chaparral men rescue an Apache chased by three miners. The Apache had shot at them while prospecting on High Chaparral property. Big John warns them to stay off his ranch and frees the Apache. Victoria is upset with Buck and Blue when they come to dinner filthy. When she berates them, Big John over reacts causing her to feel unwanted by him. Big John has Buck and Sam take Victoria to town to shop after apologizing to her. Buck is to buy black powder to blow up the old mine the miners were prospecting. The miners ask two Indians to ambush Buck, Sam and Victoria on their return trip home. The three are trapped at the mine but escape using the black powder. While protecting Victoria, Buck misjudges her thanks along with her earlier comments as her having an interest in him. Later, the miners create a diversion to draw Big John and his men away from the ranch hoping a lone Indian can kill Victoria. Buck left behind to protect Victoria kills the Indian. When the attack is over, he... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.1

While looking for a trail with water to move cattle over. Big John and Blue separate from the others taking a trail busy with Apache sign. A lone Apache steals one of their horses so Blue races after him, wounds the brave and returns with the stolen horse. However, they find themselves surrounded by Apaches lead by sub-chief Soldado. He takes their horses, water, hats and weapons telling them they will see if they can survive as well as Apaches. They decide to track the lone Apache Blue wounded who is on foot with the hope he leads them to water. They capture him and his knife. In a sandstorm they spot Buck and Manolito but cannot catch them. Big John falls into a cactus during the storm hurting him plus he is required to remove the bullet from the brave's shoulder. The three come across a wild burro so they decide to look for burro tracks with the hope they lead to water. Due to their weakness the brave is able to escape and the waterhole they find is dry. Blue digs for water but ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 7.6

Posing as a priest Manolito helps break his friend Santos Castaneda out of jail in Mexico before he is executed. He smuggles Santos and his sister Pilar into the United States to High Chaparral where they can rest and await the arrival of Benito Juarez, the Mexican revolutionary. Unbeknowst to Manolito and Pilar, Santos wants to be dictator of Mexico so he is planning to assassinate Juarez at the High Chaparral. Santos men steal High Chaparral cattle causing John to send his men out to look for the cattle leaving few people at the ranch house. Manolito's suspicions already on high alert are aroused when Santos returns from a hard ride at night. Santos gives the signal for him men to attack forcing Manolito to agree to work with Santos. While they await the arrival of Juarez, Manolito pretends to become drunk engaging some of the Santos men in the drinking. He is able to take out Santos's men one by one until it is down to him and Santos. Santos does not believe his childhood friend ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.2

A man attempts to steal Blue's horse but Buck stops him only to learn he is an old friend of Buck's from wilder times. The man Tracy Conlin is nearly dead from the heat but recovers at the High Chaparral. John sensing he is wanted which Buck confirms asks Buck to have him leave. Tracy who once saved Buck's life asks for more time, a horse, and $50 which Buck does not have but agrees to. While trying to purchase supplies in Tucson, John and Victoria are told they can no longer purchase supplies as Fey Leyton has bought all the stores. She hates the Montoyas for refusing her husband water leading to them selling High Chaparral and her husband's death. when a bartender refuses Buck, Blue, and Tracy drinks, Tracy pulverizes the bouncer catching Leyton's eye. She offers him a job to run the Cannons off High Chaparral. He takes the job but her ideas on how to do it prove too weak. He tells her John and Buck will have to be killed to get the ranch. She agrees to his demand for half the ranch... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.3
60 min | 50 min (DVD)

Dr. Henry, a dentist, is traveling across the desert to Tombstone, Arizona. He encounters Blue, Joe, and Pedro being chased by Apaches and saves them by showing a war belt given him by Cochise. On the way to High Chaparral he saves Blue from three bandits who slaughtered a maverick. At the ranch he removes Pedro's bad tooth and learns the two bandits left have a $1000 bounty on them. He decides to leave for Tucson. Blue joins him to meet Buck there but on the way the two bandits kidnap Blue so Dr. Henry decides to join them and act as a go between asking for a $10,000 ransom although he knows they have no money. Victoria offers her jewelry and Dr. Henry hides a derringer in his hat. At the hideout he knocks out Kid Curry and kills the Frenchman. Kid Curry escapes so Dr. Henry goes after him taking the jewelry leaving Blue tied up. John and Sam catch Dr. Henry followed by Blue arriving after escaping. John challenges Dr. Henry to a duel but Dr. Henry kills Kid Curry first. John decides... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.2

John has a contract to deliver 500 head of cattle to the Army at $10 per head but he has trouble finding enough cattle on the ranch to fill it. He offers to buy cattle from smaller ranchers for $7.50 but learns they are forced to sell their cattle to Dolph Tanner at a price he sets - $3.50. After killing an Apache, they find he had a new Spencer repeating rifle. John tries to change the local ranchers mind about selling to him but with no luck. At the same time Buck surmises that Tanner is selling the rifles to the Apaches in return for protection from them. At the High Chaparral Victoria has Vaquero take down John's first wife's wind chimes. John starts to stop it but relents realizing Victoria is now his wife. Tanner's foreman is killed by Manolito after he kills a rancher. It sets the stage for a showdown with Tanner in a ravine. Tanner tries to stampede his cattle through John's blockade plus he has the Apaches with their Spencers shooting at Cannon's men from above. Hearing the ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.2
50 min (DVD)

Big John plans to send Buck to bargain with Montoya for a bull and cows to build up his stock while he deals with selling cattle to the Army. Buck racing on horseback with Manolita and Blue falls off breaking his leg preventing him from making the trip. It is suggested that Manolito and Blue go in his stead but Big John thinks they are too immature to handle the task. Victoria persuades Big John to let them take the responsibility as Manolito can do the bargaining. At the same time she learns that Big John has accepted her as his wife in place of Annalee. On the trip the men encounter Comancheros led by Miguel Morales who knows Manolito. Manolito tricks the Comancheros into an ambush where all but Miguel are killed. Manolito talks Montoya into selling his second bull and twenty cows using the story that it will help his expected grandchildren. However, the next day when Manolito finds Montoya's primary bull with the herd he takes it anyway. When Montoya learns about it, he asks Miguel... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.2
60 min | 50 min (DVD)

Buck unable to hire any locals takes on a group of men who come into Tuscon on a wagon who unknown to Buck are Army deserters and killers. While they are away from High Chaparral looking after cattle, an Army patrol led by Captain Thomas Dabney arrives documenting fights with the Apaches. Learning the new hands had been in a skirmish, Blue is sent out to retrieve them. The next day they find Blue tied up and the deserters gone. Buck and Blue try to trail them but the Apache danger stops them. An Army detail arrives at High Chaparral with Apache hostages including a high ranking woman close to Cochise. Dabney refuses to release them against John's wishes. The Apaches attack the ranch taking a soldier hostage. Sam tries to rescue a downed soldier but is captured. The two men are put on displayed along with one of the deserters. After an escaping Apache is killed, Cochise has the deserter killed. John creates a diversion while Blue frees the hostages and takes them to Cochise who allows ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.0

While out riding Blue sees an Indian, who is tied to a rock by a gang of Mexicans after being tortured. Blue liberates the Indian and brings him to High Chaparral, where Victoria takes care of him. Some Indians threaten to kill Victoria, if Big John doesn't release Little Cloud, who explains the situation and goes away with them. Suddenly a most unexpected guest arrives to the ranch. It's the young Lord Ashbury, who Victoria met in Europe some years ago. He has come this long way to ask her to marry him. In his company are two of the Mexicans who tortured Little Cloud. Don Sebastian is their master, and Big John keeps his promise to him, by protecting them from the attacking Indians. Victoria is in low spirits, because Big John doesn't treat her as his wife, but only sees her as a component in his peace agreement with her father. She thinks it's the ghost of his first wife, Anna Lee, who makes everything impossible. But when she suddenly finds Anna Lee's diary, she sees that Anna Lee ... Written by Maths Jesperson {}

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Big John and Buck arrive to a saloon at the Mexican side of the border. They have come to get in touch with Don Sebastian Montoya, but don't know how. The only other guest in the saloon happens to be the Mexican man who saved Big John's life. He is now presented to them as Manolito. Some Mexican bandits enter the saloon, capture Manolito and intend to kill him, but Big John and Buck knock them down. Manolito brings Big John and Buck to Don Sebastian, who reveals to them that Manolito is his son. Big John proposes an agreement between him and Don Sebastian, whereby they can support each other in the war against the Apaches. Don Sebastian agrees if Big John marries his daughter Victoria as a security measure. When Big John returns to the High Chaparral together with Victoria, Blue is upset by finding a new wife at his father's side. The Apaches attack the ranch, but are defeated after a bloody fight. A wounded Apache is cared for by Victoria, and when he leaves some days later, Big John... Written by Maths Jesperson {}

Genre: Western,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 8.4

Big John Cannon has brought his wife, son, and brother to a new ranch near Tuscon, Arizona. His brother Buck is brash while son Blue is shy. As they approach the ranch they see Apaches burning a nearby ranch and carrying off the children as captives. Their ranch buildings are unharmed due to the Army protecting them but Lt. Ellis recommends they leave for their safety. Big John ignores the advice, sending Buck to Tuscon with Blue to bring back a crew to work and protect the ranch. Contrary to orders, Buck goes drinking to select the men he wants. At the ranch John learns a Mexican bandit not Apaches has stolen his cattle. After the drunk Buck returns, they go after the cattle taking them back by holding up the thieves as they camp with a warning future cattle rustlers will be hung. As they return Annalee meets John and decides to name the ranch High Chaparral. That night while John, Buck and Blue patrol for Apaches, Annalee is killed by an Apache arrow as she hears children crying in ... Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD When Sharks Attack

When Sharks Attack


When Sharks Attack

IMDb: 0
43 min

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Country: USA
Genre: Documentary,
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HD The High Chaparral

The High Chaparral


The High Chaparral

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Sam is trying to break a bronc when a man named Orville Kilroy wanders into the ranch with a saddle looking to buy a horse. Blue tries to take advantage of him by selling him the bronc but the joke is on the men when Kilroy breaks the bronc. Buck knows Kilroy spent time in prison for robbery but decides to take him on as he is a good hand. Kilroy proves to be the guy everyone likes. He can handle a practical joke, teaches Blue to shoot, and provides Big John with a chess player who can beat Big John. However, Telford Burris and his two sons are on the trail of Kilroy. They finally reach Tucson where Kilroy along with Buck, Blue, and Manolito have come for supplies. Telford asks Buck in the saloon if he has seen Kilroy in the area. Buck says no but leaves to warn Kilroy but it is too late as a son has seen Kilroy. As the men come for Kilroy, Blue wants to help him but Buck realizing Kilroy is wanted says no. Kilroy confronts the men but when Telford threatens to kill Kilroy because he ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Gomer Pyle: USMC

Gomer Pyle: USMC


Gomer Pyle: USMC

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Whenever Gomer has the same dream three times it comes true.

Genre: Comedy, War,
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HD Gomer Pyle: USMC

Gomer Pyle: USMC


Gomer Pyle: USMC

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Whenever Gomer has the same dream three times it comes true.

Genre: Comedy, War,
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HD Gomer Pyle: USMC

Gomer Pyle: USMC


Gomer Pyle: USMC

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Whenever Gomer has the same dream three times it comes true.

Genre: Comedy, War,
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HD Forensic Files

Forensic Files


Forensic Files

IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Police suspect Dr. Boyle in the disappearance of his wife Noreen after he signs mortgage papers for a new house with a woman pretending to be his spouse. Using the recollections of their twelve year-old son regarding what he heard the night his mother went missing, investigators discover Noreen's body in the basement of Dr. Boyle's new house. Originally aired as Season 5, Episode 12.

Genre: Documentary, Crime,
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HD Forensic Files

Forensic Files


Forensic Files

IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Police suspect Dr. Boyle in the disappearance of his wife Noreen after he signs mortgage papers for a new house with a woman pretending to be his spouse. Using the recollections of their twelve year-old son regarding what he heard the night his mother went missing, investigators discover Noreen's body in the basement of Dr. Boyle's new house. Originally aired as Season 5, Episode 12.

Genre: Documentary, Crime,
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HD Forensic Files

Forensic Files


Forensic Files

IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Police suspect Dr. Boyle in the disappearance of his wife Noreen after he signs mortgage papers for a new house with a woman pretending to be his spouse. Using the recollections of their twelve year-old son regarding what he heard the night his mother went missing, investigators discover Noreen's body in the basement of Dr. Boyle's new house. Originally aired as Season 5, Episode 12.

Genre: Documentary, Crime,
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HD Gunsmoke




IMDb: 7.9

Henry Huckaby, a local farmer and fed up with a sore back and an empty belly leaves to seek his fortune in Dodge. After several failed ideas he hits on one that may make him rich but could also cost him his life.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Gunsmoke




IMDb: 7.9

Henry Huckaby, a local farmer and fed up with a sore back and an empty belly leaves to seek his fortune in Dodge. After several failed ideas he hits on one that may make him rich but could also cost him his life.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Gunsmoke




IMDb: 7.9

Henry Huckaby, a local farmer and fed up with a sore back and an empty belly leaves to seek his fortune in Dodge. After several failed ideas he hits on one that may make him rich but could also cost him his life.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Bannan




IMDb: 0

Pàdruig is confronted and run out of town. A mystery guest arrives at the last minute to save the day at the Trust's press conference.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Bannan




IMDb: 0

Pàdruig is confronted and run out of town. A mystery guest arrives at the last minute to save the day at the Trust's press conference.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Bannan




IMDb: 0

Pàdruig is confronted and run out of town. A mystery guest arrives at the last minute to save the day at the Trust's press conference.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Bannan




IMDb: 0

Finlay's condition is critical and Iain desperately searches for Donna. Màiri and Alasdair are worried about Anna and land in hospital too. Pàdruig pays Màiri a visit but it isn't a social call.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Bannan




IMDb: 0

Finlay's condition is critical and Iain desperately searches for Donna. Màiri and Alasdair are worried about Anna and land in hospital too. Pàdruig pays Màiri a visit but it isn't a social call.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Bannan




IMDb: 0

Finlay's condition is critical and Iain desperately searches for Donna. Màiri and Alasdair are worried about Anna and land in hospital too. Pàdruig pays Màiri a visit but it isn't a social call.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Bannan




IMDb: 0

Sarah Jane is forced to reveal the awful truth about her past to Cailean, but as the situation unravels, their world falls apart and Isla overhears more about her family from Màiri.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Bannan




IMDb: 0

Sarah Jane is forced to reveal the awful truth about her past to Cailean, but as the situation unravels, their world falls apart and Isla overhears more about her family from Màiri.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Bannan




IMDb: 0

Sarah Jane is forced to reveal the awful truth about her past to Cailean, but as the situation unravels, their world falls apart and Isla overhears more about her family from Màiri.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Bannan




IMDb: 0

Isla hates life in Camus and a row with Sarah Jane gives her the excuse to return to her mother. There she discovers a truth which turns her world upside down.

Genre: Drama,
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