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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.8

A teenage boy in a locked house is the only survivor of a family slaughtered in an upscale Los Angeles neighborhood. Making the investigation more difficult, Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson has to deal with across-the-board budget cuts. She is torn between transferring one of her own team members or forcing Lt. Provenza to retire early. Written by Good2Go

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

With the team re-assembled and Brenda again in charge, she continues to search for Malik Fara's contact in the terrorist cell and works to find the murderer of Fara's killer, a former KGB agent named Voitski. Having made contact with someone she believes is a member of the terrorist cell, she also manages to identify Malik's father. With this information, she sets a trap for the CIA's rogue agent. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

As a result of the shooting of Agent Hecht in her last case, Brenda finds herself on paid administrative leave. While sitting at home, her squad is slowly being dismantled by Cmdr. Taylor. As Taylor clumsily investigates the murder of foreign-born piano student Malik Fara, Brenda is offered an opportunity by her old intelligence contacts to have her problems disappear if she will solve that case and identify the leak in their intelligence. Fara was likely killed by a terrorist organization that may also be in possession of 20 lbs. of plutonium. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

The LAPD and the FBI find themselves at loggerheads when the wife of a key mob witness and an FBI agent are killed. The witness, Martin DeLuca, has been under protection for years as the Justice Department built its case against the Dellamonte crime family. Brenda has only two days to solve the murders, which becomes particularly complicated when the police find a link between Special Agent Tim Hecht in charge of protecting DeLuca and the man DeLuca identifies as the killer. Throughout, Brenda is flustered by the fact that her pet cat has run away. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

The squad investigates the drive-by shooting of teenager Carl Nelson, a witness to a murder. Carl was scheduled to testify at a hearing to prove that convicted killer Gerald Curtis was not the person who did the shootings. The boy had given a videotaped deposition to defense attorneys two weeks previously, and the DA now sees both his previous conviction and the hope for any new conviction going down the drain. Deputy Chief Johnson finds Carl's involvement in the Curtis case to be just a little too contrived and investigates a local school's civics class and their attempt to set Curtis free. When Assistant Chief Pope's wife berates Brenda in the squad room, the team finally learns of their previous relationship. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Brenda and the team investigate what they believe to be a triple murder site. Forensic evidence suggests three people were bloodied, and the volume of blood is such that they likely did not survive. The problem: there are no bodies. The house is also strange, with little furniture, a dozen mattresses on the floor, but otherwise clean and neat. What they seem to have is an illegal immigrant smuggling ring that came up against a street gang trying to extort money from them; however, the evidence has several contradictions that eventually lead to the real tale. On her way to the site, Brenda has a tiny fender bender but is called on the carpet for not following departmental protocol and reporting the accident immediately, subsequently finding herself hounded by a captain from Traffic Division. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.3
55 min

Brenda and her team investigate the murder of a drug user killed in the home of Ginnifer Rawley, the daughter of a prominent family. Rawley herself is a meth head, but until the evening before had been in a rehab center for two months. Brenda learns that Ginnifer is a confidential informant for the Narcotics Division, but subsequent information doesn't support their claim. Brenda is also appearing as a character witness in Assistant Chief Pope's divorce and custody dispute. Unfortunately, her past relationship with Pope is brought out and she now worries how her team will view her as a result. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

When a young boy dies on the operating table, his distraught mother calls the police and accuses the doctors and the hospital of having murdered her son. When the hospital administrator proves to be less than cooperative, Brenda declares the OR a crime scene and launches a full investigation. What they learn is that the boy had been to the emergency room at least a dozen times in the last year and that, with the death of her son, the mom will inherit his trust fund. Hospital personnel accuse the woman of child abuse. As conflicting evidence mounts, and under pressure to transfer some of her staff to robbery-homicide, it's apparent Brenda's going to have get a confession out of someone if she's going to close the case. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.5
60 min | 60 min

Brenda's team investigates the death of a young mother and her 4-year-old daughter, found bound together and weighted down in the Port of Los Angeles. The coroner estimates they've been in the water for at least two weeks, which coincides with the dates on a Japanese airline ticket found on the woman's body. They track down the woman's husband, Paul Andrews, a seemingly sincere and decent man running an auto body repair shop in L.A., who says his wife ran off with their child six months before and hasn't contacted him since. Upon learning he had a first wife who also suddenly disappeared six years earlier convinces Brenda he is responsible but leaves her desperate for hard evidence for an arrest. Written by garykmcd / revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.3
60 min | 60 min

Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson and her staff investigate the murder and dismemberment of Chris Mundy, who, it turns out, is a major porn star. Initially, they only have his head and feet, but it's more than enough to confirm his identity through dental records. It's also enough to confirm that he was HIV positive, both a surprise and a problem given his profession. The porn industry requires all actors to be tested regularly, and Brenda suspects he may have been hiding his HIV status. His wife Annalisa, for one, refuses to believe it, and it becomes entirely possible that someone to whom he passed the virus may have sought revenge; however, the real solution is far more complicated. Meanwhile, Sgt. Gabriel informs Brenda that he and Det. Daniels are now dating. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.2
60 min | 60 min

Brenda and Priority Homicide investigate the death of a paparazzo who fell - or was pushed - from his hotel room balcony. The dead man, Anthony Larson, made his living photographing celebrities then selling the photos to news agencies and magazines. Since the hotel he was in specializes in providing celebrities with a private environment, Brenda, right off the bat, faces a less than cooperative hotel management. Particularly puzzling, the man's very expensive Nikon camera is missing. The investigation focuses on a major star who was of particular interest to Larson, to the point that there was even an injunction against him keeping him away from the star's house. Although the memory card is missing from the dead man's camera later recovered from a pawn shop, photos still provide the vital clue that leads to an arrest. Meanwhile, Brenda is upset with Fritz when a woman leaves a message on his answering machine confirming a dinner engagement. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 9.1
60 min | 60 min

Brenda finds herself investigating a case under Commander Taylor's jurisdiction courtesy of Lieutenants Flynn and Provenza. In a hurry to get to a Dodgers game where they have skybox seats, they open Provenza's garage door to find a dead woman lying on the floor. They decide to go the game and take care of it afterward, but on their return find that her body has been removed. They compound their poor judgment when they tell Commander Taylor - who has found the woman in a park and is processing the area as a crime scene - that under orders from Chief Brenda Johnson, they are taking over the case. With Taylor on the warpath and Pope wondering if she has lost her mind, Brenda and the team investigate the woman's death unofficially while trying to keep the details of Flynn and Provenza's activities under wraps. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.1
60 min | 60 min

Priority Homicide investigates the violent murder of Karen Bivas, who, along with her chef-husband Paul, ran a recently-opened five-star restaurant. There is no shortage of suspects in the case. Foremost, her husband is something of a hothead always flying off the handle, who could have easily killed her in a fit of temper. Secondly, there's Dennis Dutton, a multi-millionaire known to exhibit violence towards women (with whom Brenda's had previously dealings). As the restaurant's principal financial backer, he, too, could have killed her. Convinced of Dutton's guilt (since the m.o. fits his pattern), Brenda leans on well-known restaurant critic Tom Newman to see how well Dutton's iron-clad alibi of having dinner with him stands up under close scrutiny. Written by garykmcd / revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.4
60 min | 60 min

Brenda Leigh Johnson and the squad investigate the apparent drive-by shooting of three students in a gang-dominated area of Los Angeles, two of whom are killed. The shooting itself isn't out of place as much as the car and the apparently middle class teenage victims. Brenda is convinced the driver must have had some connection to gangs but Commander Taylor, who knows the young man's father, assures her he was a good kid. Evidence leads them to the shooters, but one implicates either the young driver or his parents. Meanwhile, Fritz finds himself showing Brenda's mother, Willie Ray, around Los Angeles on his own, despite Brenda's promise to take time off. Written by garykmcd / revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.2
60 min | 60 min

A lady juror dies while a major mob boss is on trial, which Brenda and her team must investigate carefully and restrictively, as interviewing the other jurors is forbidden. Assistant Chief Pope and Commander Taylor, fearing a declared mistrial, want Brenda to go slowly and smoothly, which isn't exactly her style. No one wants to do anything to prejudice the case, but the mobster has interfered with jurors before, so Brenda isn't apt to accept any verdict of death by natural causes. When the autopsy reveals death from an overdose of heart medication, Brenda's focus turns toward the juror's husband, a doctor. Meanwhile, as Fritz unpacks his boxes at Brenda's house, Brenda learns of her mother's imminent arrival in Los Angeles. Panicked, she has Fritz re-pack everything and delay his moving until Willie Ray (her mom) leaves - a genteel woman who makes quite an impression on the squad. Written by garykmcd / revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Brenda and the team deal with a complex double homicide involving the death of fellow LAPD officer Tim Martin, found dead in a warehouse alongside notoriously dangerous Ze've Barak, presumably the man who shot and killed him. Brenda can't quite figure out why Martin would meet Ze've alone in a warehouse when he was supposedly off duty. Looking at all the evidence, she concludes there had to be a third person in the warehouse. Brenda's style of investigating the policeman's death rankles everyone, including Assistant Chief Pope and newly promoted Commander Taylor. She doesn't hesitate to look into the backgrounds of Martin (something of a womanizer, as it turns out) and his partners, Detectives Hubbard and Xavier. Meanwhile, Fritz, waiting for Brenda's decision on them moving in together, worries that Pope will ask her out on a date now that his wife Stella has filed for divorce. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.8

Brenda and the team investigate the death of high profile Hollywood producer Dick Pruitt, a man found floating in his hot tub, seemingly alone. The autopsy reveals he was quite drunk, his expensive toupee pulled off, perhaps indicating a struggle, and the presence of a wet robe suggests to Brenda it may have been used to restrain the dead man and hold him under water. His wife had left with their 3-year-old a few days before and there are signs that he may have been physical with her; however, her parents provide her with an airtight alibi. Meanwhile, Assistant Chief Pope has to look into allegations of professional misconduct on Brenda's part when the department receives anonymous allegations about her relationship with the DA's office and the FBI. Captain Taylor has obviously had a hand in all of this and Pope makes it quite clear to him that any attempt at collusion will result in Taylor being investigated. Fritz suggests to Brenda that they move in together. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

The LAPD has a major problem on their hands when Lisa Barnes is found dead. Billy Croelick was convicted of killing her some years before and is on death row awaiting execution. He was also found not guilty of another murder and it seems the police misidentified the bodies. With Croelick's likely release in the next 48 hours, Pope asks Brenda and her team to see what they can find - anything that will keep him in jail as there is little doubt he is a vicious and sadistic serial killer. Several people had their hands in the case and are afraid of what the new investigation may turn up, including Captain Taylor, Lt. Flynn and LA's only forensic dentist, Dr. Easton. Brenda is also taking something of a risk since she's just the type of woman that appeals to Croelick. As she goes through the evidence, she begins to think something is amiss. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

Priority Homicide investigates the killing of an Iranian businessman and his bodyguard, cut down in a parking garage by a drive-by shooter in a dark SUV. With cables cut to the video surveillance cameras, only witnesses to the shooting are available - the dead man's widow (Layla Moktari) and the doctor (William Graham) who offered assistance. Brenda must deal with Layla's son Faraz, who is now the male head of the household and isn't very cooperative with authorities. Brenda's other big problem? FBI agents from the Terrorism unit, who clearly have an interest in the victim but remain tight-lipped against sharing any information. To further complicate things, her boyfriend Fritz winds up assigned as the official liaison with the LAPD for the case. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.4
46 min

Brenda and her team investigate the death of Albert Turner, butler to the rich but highly dysfunctional Dutton family. Found hanging from the flagpole at the rear of the house with a toppled over step ladder nearby, his death has all the trappings of a suicide, which the coroner affirms as the cause of death. There's little Brenda can do, but pesky DA Thomas Yates thinks otherwise. He was prosecuting Albert for murder but thinks one of the three Dutton children is actually culpable for the death of their step-mother (who inherited the family fortune) and now for Albert. At Brenda's request, the coroner reviews his findings and, considering Albert's advanced arthritis, rules out suicide. All members of the Dutton group are guilty of something, but which is guilty of murder? Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.6
46 min

Deputy Chief Johnson and her team investigate the rape and murder of 13-year-old Marta Alvarez, a Mexican illegal who disappeared after school two days before her body was found. Her mother Carmen and Carmen's cousin Alejandro Gutierrez work as a domestic and a gardener, respectively, for the Phillips family in whose house, it turns out, the murder took place. Suspicion falls upon Wayne Mathers, a registered sex offender reportedly seen in the area at the time. With evidence mounting up, the killer flees to Mexico where they will not extradite him unless the US waives the death penalty. Brenda and Fritz travel to Mexico to try and talk the culprit into returning voluntarily, but after receiving a flat refusal to do so, Brenda puts her backup plan into action - grant the killer exactly what he asks for. Written by garykmcd / revised and corrected by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

Chief Johnson and the Priority Homicide Squad investigate the death from a serial gay-basher on the prowl. The politically sensitive case has the interest of an influential State legislator demanding swift justice. When Lt. Flynn gets a hot tip on a possible suspect, he passes it on to his mentor, Captain Taylor, who makes a high profile arrest. Brenda, not convinced of the arrested man's guilt (or in his brow-beaten confession), refuses to close the case. When Lt. Provenza finds key evidence that shows the suspect couldn't have done it, Brenda looks closer to home for a solution. Meanwhile, she also has to deal with her sick cat who, it turns out, isn't exactly sick. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

Brenda and her team investigate the death of Michael Thompson, a no-nonsense judge who had, no doubt, made many enemies among those he convicted. Found shot in Griffith Park, Thompson was returning home from a poker game at a friend's house when his car was hijacked. Missing is his son, Keith, an autistic teenager who lived with his father and whose divorced mother lived in Phoenix. As Brenda delves into the judge's past looking for the perpetrator, Keith is found alive, and his penchant for numbers and the GPS in his father's car provide the keys to solving the case. Meanwhile, Brenda and Fritz continue dating, but she doesn't seem very comfortable with the idea of them as boyfriend and girlfriend. Written by garykmcd / revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.5
45 min

When the adult daughter of a U.S. Congresswoman is raped and murdered in her own home, Brenda and the Priority Murder Squad are assigned to solve the case. The young woman had recently broken up with her boyfriend and her mother insists that her daughter had no enemies. Alone in the woman's apartment, Brenda is attacked and nearly raped before she is able to subdue her attacker. It all seems like a pretty open and shut case until the culprit tells them the woman had advertised for someone to rape her on an SandM website. After twisting the website owners arm just a tad, Brenda gets a list of everyone who may have visited the sight. She tracks down the attacker but when he tells her that the woman fought back quite violently, she realizes there is something else going on as well. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

Brenda and her team investigate the death of a well-known psychiatrist killed in his own office. The victim was one of several doctors treating young addicts and running a clinical test of a new anti-depressant meant to keep them from returning to illicit drug use. Turns out the drug may have had serious side effects, which the leader of the study is less than cooperative about discussing. The case takes an interesting turn when it turns out the drug may not have anything to do with the murder. Meanwhile, Lt. Flynn, still trying to undermine Brenda's authority, learns that Brenda was the subject of an ethics investigation while with the Atlanta PD. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

Deputy Chief Johnson and her team investigate the latest in what appears to be a gang related killing with two rival gangs on the verge of a major war. At the site, she is approached by D.B. Walker, a retired Marine Corps Colonel, who tells her he knows the identity of the killer: his own son. He thought the young man, also an ex-marine, had taken his own life after his wife was killed by a stray bullet in a gang-related shooting. Walker is now convinced that his son is seeking revenge against the gang-bangers involved in the shooting. Brenda agrees to work with him, but it soon becomes apparent that he has his own agenda; and, after a while, she isn't so sure just who the shooter is. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.5
45 min

Deputy Chief Johnson's investigation into the murder of a teenage prostitute brings her into contact with a number of LA's VIPs. She's most interested, however, in the dead girl's boyfriend, Nikolai Koslov, the son of a local Russian mobster and heroin dealer. Koslov set the dead girl up in a beautiful house, but Brenda isn't convinced all is normal. She hits a formidable roadblock with Koslov's alibi for the night the girl was murdered: he was being questioned by the FBI. Fritz confirms he was there, and it's clear that the younger Koslov is informing on his father's operation, which the FBI has no intention of endangering with an investigation into a prostitute's murder. Brenda is appalled by the attitude of the men around her, but when she discovers another prostitute's murder from some months before with all the earmarks of the most recent case, she fears she has a budding serial killer on her hands about to escape justice. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.3
46 min

Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson investigates the death of model Heather Kingsley, found dead in the shower of her home. While her team is pretty well prepared to write it off as an accident, Brenda finds it just a tad too convenient that the woman died on the only day of the week when none of her servants were home, also noticing a shaving nick on the dead woman's leg with no razor to be found. She learns that Dean Kingsley, Heather's actor husband who was supposedly alone on his sailboat when all this happened, is a serial womanizer always promising his girlfriends marriage, only to break it off saying he can't afford the costs incurred under a pre-nuptial agreement. As Brenda pushes forward, Assistant Chief Pope knows only too well the dangers of celebrity murder investigations and wants her to go slowly. She finds herself working alone with no one at the office to support her - well, save for one willing to step forward and help her save face. Written by garykmcd / revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.4
53 min

Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson, recently relocated to Los Angeles from Atlanta, joins and heads LAPD's newest team formed to deal with high-profile murders. Recruited by her new boss, Assistant Chief Will Pope, Brenda has difficulty being accepted by her resentful staff. In her first case, they investigate the murder of a woman found in the home of Dr. Eliot Collier, a mathematician who has been missing for two weeks. Oddly, only the victim's fingerprints can be found in Collier's house. With only Chief Pope and an unexpected old friend (FBI agent Fritz Howard) in her corner, Brenda demonstrates superior interrogation techniques miles ahead of everyone when it comes to solving complex cases. Written by garykmcd / revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The A-Team

The A-Team


The A-Team

IMDb: 7.1

On Thanksgiving, General Stockwells orders the A-Team to reunite a wanted criminal, A.J. Bancroft, with his daughter Ellen within 24 hours. In return, Bancroft will provide evidence that could bring down half the crooked politicians in Washington. Bancroft, who is terminally ill, has not seen his daughter in twenty years. However, Ellen knows all about him from the papers. But the old man has another reason to hire the A-Team specifically: he tells Murdock that Templeton Peck was born Richard Bancroft, his son. Written by The TV Archaeologist

Country: USA
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HD Kampen om tungtvannet

Kampen om tungtvannet


Kampen om tungtvannet

IMDb: 7.9

The Nazis are building up again the Heavy water facility in record time after the bombing. Norsk Hydro company director is facing accusation of being a war collaborator. In England, the Americans decide to bomb Rjukan and Vemork.

Country: Norway
Genre: Drama, History, War,
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HD Kampen om tungtvannet

Kampen om tungtvannet


Kampen om tungtvannet

IMDb: 7.8

The English mission failed when both planes crash landed, and the surviving soldiers killed by the Nazis. Leif Tronstad convinces the allied to gather a local force to bomb Vemork. They are named Gunnerside.

Country: Norway
Genre: Drama, History, War,
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