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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Continuing toward Hearthome City, our Heroes suddenly come across a rare Shieldon who is being pursued by none other than Pokémon Hunter J and her evil henchmen, but when things look their worst, who arrives on the scene to stop them in their tracks but Ash's old friend and rival Gary Oak! It turns out that Gary is conducting research in order to save all the wild Shieldon in the area, but soon it becomes apparent that their dealings with Hunter J are just beginning. As J is determined to capture Shieldon for a client, Ash and Gary mount a formidable defense against J and her goons, but that old Ash and Gary rivalry comes through and initially causes some friction between the 2. However, it is Ash's bravery that winds up saving the day, and Gary is only too happy to give credit for saving the Shieldon to his old friend. And saying goodbye to Gary, Officer Jenny and a recently arrived Professor Rowan, our Heroes now set their sights back on Hearthome City and their next competitions.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Continuing toward Hearthome City, our Heroes suddenly come across a rare Shieldon who is being pursued by none other than Pokémon Hunter J and her evil henchmen, but when things look their worst, who arrives on the scene to stop them in their tracks but Ash's old friend and rival Gary Oak! It turns out that Gary is conducting research in order to save all the wild Shieldon in the area, but soon it becomes apparent that their dealings with Hunter J are just beginning. As J is determined to capture Shieldon for a client, Ash and Gary mount a formidable defense against J and her goons, but that old Ash and Gary rivalry comes through and initially causes some friction between the 2. However, it is Ash's bravery that winds up saving the day, and Gary is only too happy to give credit for saving the Shieldon to his old friend. And saying goodbye to Gary, Officer Jenny and a recently arrived Professor Rowan, our Heroes now set their sights back on Hearthome City and their next competitions.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Continuing on their way to Hearthome City, what appears to our Heroes as a Pokémon Center turns out to be a mysterious gate, which upon passing through it unleashes a STRANGE chain of events. Everyone seems to be experiencing all of their dreams coming true! Brock is approached by a crowd of Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys who are all in love with him, and Ash and Dawn find themselves in championship competitions that will decide the greatest Pokémon Trainer and Coordinator in the WORLD! While Ash and Dawn emerge victorious from their challenges and are awarded every badge and ribbon the Sinnoh region has to offer, Brock finds himself painfully awakened from what appears to be a dream by Croagunk's Poison Jab. Brock then proceeds to discover that a Mismagius, who cannot only create illusions that cause pain but give pleasure as well, has hypnotized him as well as Ash and Dawn. A fierce battle ensues when our Heroes attempt to break free, until Pikachu, Piplup and Croagunk become part of...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Continuing on their way to Hearthome City, what appears to our Heroes as a Pokémon Center turns out to be a mysterious gate, which upon passing through it unleashes a STRANGE chain of events. Everyone seems to be experiencing all of their dreams coming true! Brock is approached by a crowd of Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys who are all in love with him, and Ash and Dawn find themselves in championship competitions that will decide the greatest Pokémon Trainer and Coordinator in the WORLD! While Ash and Dawn emerge victorious from their challenges and are awarded every badge and ribbon the Sinnoh region has to offer, Brock finds himself painfully awakened from what appears to be a dream by Croagunk's Poison Jab. Brock then proceeds to discover that a Mismagius, who cannot only create illusions that cause pain but give pleasure as well, has hypnotized him as well as Ash and Dawn. A fierce battle ensues when our Heroes attempt to break free, until Pikachu, Piplup and Croagunk become part of...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

As the journey to the Eterna City Gym continues for our Heroes, they take a break to witness what is one of the most popular Contest events in the Sinnoh region - The annual Pokémon Dress - Up Contest! A Contest just for Pokémon, deciding which Pokémon best imitates a completely different Pokémon. And with a Pokémon Egg as the grand prize to the winner, everyone wants to get involved! Ash enters his Pikachu, Brock his Croagunk, and Dawn her Piplup. The event is being broadcast on the popular T.V. show Sinnoh Now, and everything is going along just fine until a disguised Jessie enters Meowth as well, and they decide that the best way to get the Pokémon Egg is to just steal it, much to the disappointment of James, who has entered Mime Jr. and is having a lot of fun and success. But our Heroes will have none if it, and they foil Team Rocket's caper in a televised battle. It's down to 3 finalists - Pikachu, Croagunk and a singing Chatot, who had won the previous year. And surprise of all ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

As the journey to the Eterna City Gym continues for our Heroes, they take a break to witness what is one of the most popular Contest events in the Sinnoh region - The annual Pokémon Dress - Up Contest! A Contest just for Pokémon, deciding which Pokémon best imitates a completely different Pokémon. And with a Pokémon Egg as the grand prize to the winner, everyone wants to get involved! Ash enters his Pikachu, Brock his Croagunk, and Dawn her Piplup. The event is being broadcast on the popular T.V. show Sinnoh Now, and everything is going along just fine until a disguised Jessie enters Meowth as well, and they decide that the best way to get the Pokémon Egg is to just steal it, much to the disappointment of James, who has entered Mime Jr. and is having a lot of fun and success. But our Heroes will have none if it, and they foil Team Rocket's caper in a televised battle. It's down to 3 finalists - Pikachu, Croagunk and a singing Chatot, who had won the previous year. And surprise of all ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

As the Floaroma Contest gets underway, we find several familiar faces going for the prestigious Floaroma ribbon: Dawn, her childhood friend Kenny, and Jessilina, who under her disguise we all know is Team Rocket's Jessie. All three make it through the 1st round (much to the relief of James and Meowth), but as the 2nd round gets underway Jessilina and her Dustox get trounced by Dawn and her Piplup, removing Jessie yet once again from contention. As it gets to the battle round, however, Dawn and Kenny find themselves facing each other for the final round and Contest victory! With Kenny using his Prinplup and Dawn using her Piplup, the combination of both Coordinators using Water - type Pokémon and 1 Pokémon being the evolved form of the other proves to be a most interesting and unusual battle, and both Dawn and Kenny are doing a lot of thinking on their feet to come up with a winning strategy. But after much back and forth intense battling, Dawn and Piplup end up the winners on points, ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

As the Floaroma Contest gets underway, we find several familiar faces going for the prestigious Floaroma ribbon: Dawn, her childhood friend Kenny, and Jessilina, who under her disguise we all know is Team Rocket's Jessie. All three make it through the 1st round (much to the relief of James and Meowth), but as the 2nd round gets underway Jessilina and her Dustox get trounced by Dawn and her Piplup, removing Jessie yet once again from contention. As it gets to the battle round, however, Dawn and Kenny find themselves facing each other for the final round and Contest victory! With Kenny using his Prinplup and Dawn using her Piplup, the combination of both Coordinators using Water - type Pokémon and 1 Pokémon being the evolved form of the other proves to be a most interesting and unusual battle, and both Dawn and Kenny are doing a lot of thinking on their feet to come up with a winning strategy. But after much back and forth intense battling, Dawn and Piplup end up the winners on points, ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

With little time before the beginning of the Floaroma Town Pokémon Contest, Dawn is getting some last minute practicing in when who should appear out of nowhere but her childhood friend, Kenny. The 2 have known each other since nursery school, and Dawn is surprised to learn that Kenny is now a Contest Coordinator as she is, and has his sights set on winning the same Contest as she does! After Kenny tells our Heroes some revealing (and embarrassing) stories about when they were little kids, Kenny and his Prinplup challenge Ash and Pikachu to a battle, and things are progressing at a frenzied pace when who should appear to try and do some Pokémon - stealing but James and Meowth, on a mission for Jessie to get her a strong Pokémon for HER Floaroma Contest appearance. However, the combination of Prinplup and Pikachu proves too much for the hapless Team Rocket duo, and they're sent blasting off again, as Jessie gets her nails done - at a beauty salon, of course. When the Contest begins, it...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

With little time before the beginning of the Floaroma Town Pokémon Contest, Dawn is getting some last minute practicing in when who should appear out of nowhere but her childhood friend, Kenny. The 2 have known each other since nursery school, and Dawn is surprised to learn that Kenny is now a Contest Coordinator as she is, and has his sights set on winning the same Contest as she does! After Kenny tells our Heroes some revealing (and embarrassing) stories about when they were little kids, Kenny and his Prinplup challenge Ash and Pikachu to a battle, and things are progressing at a frenzied pace when who should appear to try and do some Pokémon - stealing but James and Meowth, on a mission for Jessie to get her a strong Pokémon for HER Floaroma Contest appearance. However, the combination of Prinplup and Pikachu proves too much for the hapless Team Rocket duo, and they're sent blasting off again, as Jessie gets her nails done - at a beauty salon, of course. When the Contest begins, it...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash and friends happen upon a Pokemon hunter, a person who steals rare Pokémon. Ash pursues her, and the hunter captures Pikachu.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash and friends happen upon a Pokemon hunter, a person who steals rare Pokémon. Ash pursues her, and the hunter captures Pikachu.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Following his defeat. Ash trains for a re-match. The training is interrupted when an ancient Pokemon is revived and goes wild. As Ash helps out, Ash gets some inspiration for a battle strategy for the rematch.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Following his defeat. Ash trains for a re-match. The training is interrupted when an ancient Pokemon is revived and goes wild. As Ash helps out, Ash gets some inspiration for a battle strategy for the rematch.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.2
22 min

Now it's Ash's turn to face the Gym Leader. While Paul watches from the sideline.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.2
22 min

Now it's Ash's turn to face the Gym Leader. While Paul watches from the sideline.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Ash arrives at the Oreburgh Gym for his first battle in the Sinnoh region. Paul arrives first. Ash and company watch Paul and his Pokemon face off against Roark's Earth type Pokemon.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Ash arrives at the Oreburgh Gym for his first battle in the Sinnoh region. Paul arrives first. Ash and company watch Paul and his Pokemon face off against Roark's Earth type Pokemon.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.7
22 min

Ash and Dawn advance in the contest. They befriend another co-coordinator Zoey, who has some advice for Ash and Dawn.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.7
22 min

Ash and Dawn advance in the contest. They befriend another co-coordinator Zoey, who has some advice for Ash and Dawn.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.7
22 min

Dawn enters her first Pokemon contest. As Ash helps her prepare for the contest, Apalm interrupts the training, they soon realize Apalm wants to enter the contest. So Ash registers as well.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.7
22 min

Dawn enters her first Pokemon contest. As Ash helps her prepare for the contest, Apalm interrupts the training, they soon realize Apalm wants to enter the contest. So Ash registers as well.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Dawn, who just received Piplup, lays her sights on Jubilife Town. Just then, Ash's weakened Pikachu appears in front of her. From there, she's introduced to Team Rocket. Meanwhile, Ash continues on his hunt to get Pikachu back when he reunites with Brock and (with Aipom's help) captures a Starly. (This was aired as a part of an hour-and-a-half special with episodes 1 and 3.) Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Dawn, who just received Piplup, lays her sights on Jubilife Town. Just then, Ash's weakened Pikachu appears in front of her. From there, she's introduced to Team Rocket. Meanwhile, Ash continues on his hunt to get Pikachu back when he reunites with Brock and (with Aipom's help) captures a Starly. (This was aired as a part of an hour-and-a-half special with episodes 1 and 3.) Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.1
22 min

Ash and May have just finished a blistering battle in the finals of the Terracotta Pokémon Contest, and when time runs out and the smoke clears, they both have an equal number of points. The judges declare them both winners! At dinner, May announces that she wants to compete in the Pokémon Contest circuit in the Johto region, and that she wants to go alone rather than relying on her little brother. Max sadly decides to go home, but Ash promises him a battle as soon as he's old enough to be a Trainer! The last leg of Ash's journey back to Pallet Town is interrupted by Team Rocket, who are trying to steal a powerful Electric-type Pokémon...not Pikachu this time, but Electivire, a Pokémon from the Sinnoh region whose Trainer is none other than Gary Oak! After seeing how strong Electivire is, Ash decides he has to go to Sinnoh, too--and so the next adventure begins!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.1
22 min

Ash and May have just finished a blistering battle in the finals of the Terracotta Pokémon Contest, and when time runs out and the smoke clears, they both have an equal number of points. The judges declare them both winners! At dinner, May announces that she wants to compete in the Pokémon Contest circuit in the Johto region, and that she wants to go alone rather than relying on her little brother. Max sadly decides to go home, but Ash promises him a battle as soon as he's old enough to be a Trainer! The last leg of Ash's journey back to Pallet Town is interrupted by Team Rocket, who are trying to steal a powerful Electric-type Pokémon...not Pikachu this time, but Electivire, a Pokémon from the Sinnoh region whose Trainer is none other than Gary Oak! After seeing how strong Electivire is, Ash decides he has to go to Sinnoh, too--and so the next adventure begins!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.5
22 min

At the Battle Pyramid, Charizard has fallen to Brandon's Dusclops, and Ash calls out Bulbasaur. Dusclops again uses Confuse Ray, but with a heartfelt pep talk from Ash, Bulbasaur snaps out of it and defeats Dusclops! Ash brings out his Squirtle to face Brandon's Ninjask, but Squirtle is defeated, and Bulbasaur is called up once more to take Ninjask down. Brandon's next Pokémon is Solrock--and this matchup ends in a double knockout, leaving one Pokémon left on each side! Ash's final Pokémon is Pikachu, of course...but after using Registeel in their first battle, Brandon has another Legendary Pokémon up his sleeve: Regice! All seems lost as Regice freezes Pikachu solid, but Ash's voice manages to reach his best buddy's ears, and with a blazing Thunderbolt and Volt Tackle, Regice is defeated--and Ash claims victory over the Battle Frontier! He has the option to stay and become a Frontier Brain himself, but Ash decides he'd rather keep traveling!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.5
22 min

At the Battle Pyramid, Charizard has fallen to Brandon's Dusclops, and Ash calls out Bulbasaur. Dusclops again uses Confuse Ray, but with a heartfelt pep talk from Ash, Bulbasaur snaps out of it and defeats Dusclops! Ash brings out his Squirtle to face Brandon's Ninjask, but Squirtle is defeated, and Bulbasaur is called up once more to take Ninjask down. Brandon's next Pokémon is Solrock--and this matchup ends in a double knockout, leaving one Pokémon left on each side! Ash's final Pokémon is Pikachu, of course...but after using Registeel in their first battle, Brandon has another Legendary Pokémon up his sleeve: Regice! All seems lost as Regice freezes Pikachu solid, but Ash's voice manages to reach his best buddy's ears, and with a blazing Thunderbolt and Volt Tackle, Regice is defeated--and Ash claims victory over the Battle Frontier! He has the option to stay and become a Frontier Brain himself, but Ash decides he'd rather keep traveling!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

When his last Frontier Battle with Piramyd King Brandon is about to start. Ash heads for the mountains to camp with 4 of his most beloved Pokémon.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

When his last Frontier Battle with Piramyd King Brandon is about to start. Ash heads for the mountains to camp with 4 of his most beloved Pokémon.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

When our heroes and Brandon arrive at the Battle Pyramid for Ash's final Battle Frontier challenge, they meet Nurse Joy, a big fan who knows absolutely everything about both Ash and May's Pokémon careers and has a scrapbook to prove it! She offers to help Ash train for his battle--and ends up beating him with her formidable Chansey, who also blasts the Team Rocket villains off as soon as they show up to steal it. Professor Oak sends Ash his Torkoal to face off against Registeel, a Legendary Pokémon who's fighting on Brandon's team, and the matchup seems to be going his way...until his overconfidence gets the better of him, and Brandon's power and experience prove too much for the young Trainer. The Frontier Brain offers some valuable words of wisdom, which Ash takes to heart, and promises to battle him again as soon as he returns from his quest for a mysterious Pokémon!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

When our heroes and Brandon arrive at the Battle Pyramid for Ash's final Battle Frontier challenge, they meet Nurse Joy, a big fan who knows absolutely everything about both Ash and May's Pokémon careers and has a scrapbook to prove it! She offers to help Ash train for his battle--and ends up beating him with her formidable Chansey, who also blasts the Team Rocket villains off as soon as they show up to steal it. Professor Oak sends Ash his Torkoal to face off against Registeel, a Legendary Pokémon who's fighting on Brandon's team, and the matchup seems to be going his way...until his overconfidence gets the better of him, and Brandon's power and experience prove too much for the young Trainer. The Frontier Brain offers some valuable words of wisdom, which Ash takes to heart, and promises to battle him again as soon as he returns from his quest for a mysterious Pokémon!

Country: Japan
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