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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.9
22 min

The Grand Festival battle between May and Drew is really heating up, as the two Coordinators pelt each other with sizzling combinations, each pecking away at the other's score! The lead keeps changing at a dizzying pace--and then May's Combusken learns how to use Overheat, a move that buys her just enough time to run out the clock and squeak past Drew on points! Drew is out, and May moves on...just as Ash finally catches the Aipom who's been stealing his hat! In the semi-finals, May goes up against her new friend Solidad, whose rock-solid strategy and powerful Slowbro and Pidgeot make short work of May's Munchlax and Combusken. Dazed and sad, May slowly makes her way off the battlefield, where she finds her friends waiting to support her. Solidad goes on to win the Ribbon Cup, and after an emotional farewell between May and Drew, our heroes are on their way to Ash's rematch at the Battle Pyramid!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.9
22 min

The Grand Festival battle between May and Drew is really heating up, as the two Coordinators pelt each other with sizzling combinations, each pecking away at the other's score! The lead keeps changing at a dizzying pace--and then May's Combusken learns how to use Overheat, a move that buys her just enough time to run out the clock and squeak past Drew on points! Drew is out, and May moves on...just as Ash finally catches the Aipom who's been stealing his hat! In the semi-finals, May goes up against her new friend Solidad, whose rock-solid strategy and powerful Slowbro and Pidgeot make short work of May's Munchlax and Combusken. Dazed and sad, May slowly makes her way off the battlefield, where she finds her friends waiting to support her. Solidad goes on to win the Ribbon Cup, and after an emotional farewell between May and Drew, our heroes are on their way to Ash's rematch at the Battle Pyramid!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

With such a roster of talented Coordinators, it's no surprise that the competition at the Grand Festival is particularly fierce! Emotions are running high on all sides...especially for Drew, who seems to be more high-strung and quick to anger than usual. It seems May's strong performance in the first round has unsettled him a bit, and he's looking to get even! But first, May goes up against her old nemesis Harley, who brings out his Cacturne and Wigglytuff for a Double Battle performance against May's Munchlax and Eevee. Although Wigglytuff proves to be quite a formidable opponent, it can't overcome May's teamwork with her Pokémon! May wins the round, and Harley is out of the competition. Drew and Solidad have won their battles as well, moving forward into the quarterfinals. But the run is about to end for one of these three friends--because the next battle is Drew versus May!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

With such a roster of talented Coordinators, it's no surprise that the competition at the Grand Festival is particularly fierce! Emotions are running high on all sides...especially for Drew, who seems to be more high-strung and quick to anger than usual. It seems May's strong performance in the first round has unsettled him a bit, and he's looking to get even! But first, May goes up against her old nemesis Harley, who brings out his Cacturne and Wigglytuff for a Double Battle performance against May's Munchlax and Eevee. Although Wigglytuff proves to be quite a formidable opponent, it can't overcome May's teamwork with her Pokémon! May wins the round, and Harley is out of the competition. Drew and Solidad have won their battles as well, moving forward into the quarterfinals. But the run is about to end for one of these three friends--because the next battle is Drew versus May!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

When our heroes arrive at the Indigo Plateau for the Pokémon Contest Grand Festival, they realize that a mischievous Aipom has followed them there to steal the Coordinators' hats! May's rival Drew and his Roselia show up to put a stop to the madness, and Solidad, an old friend of Brock's from Pewter City, helps out along with her Slowbro. May and Solidad hit it off immediately, and Solidad tells May that she knows Drew pretty well and she's pretty sure he has a crush on her! Solidad says she admires both May and Drew as impressive opponents, and Drew holds Solidad in high regard as one tough cookie. After the preliminaries, the field is whittled down to 16 competitors for the battle rounds, including May, Drew, Solidad, and Harley--who's still miffed at May for beating his Banette in the last contest. The second round promises to be exciting!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

When our heroes arrive at the Indigo Plateau for the Pokémon Contest Grand Festival, they realize that a mischievous Aipom has followed them there to steal the Coordinators' hats! May's rival Drew and his Roselia show up to put a stop to the madness, and Solidad, an old friend of Brock's from Pewter City, helps out along with her Slowbro. May and Solidad hit it off immediately, and Solidad tells May that she knows Drew pretty well and she's pretty sure he has a crush on her! Solidad says she admires both May and Drew as impressive opponents, and Drew holds Solidad in high regard as one tough cookie. After the preliminaries, the field is whittled down to 16 competitors for the battle rounds, including May, Drew, Solidad, and Harley--who's still miffed at May for beating his Banette in the last contest. The second round promises to be exciting!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Our heroes have just caught a glimpse of the Battle Pyramid when the ground collapses under their feet! They find themselves in an ancient ruin underground. Curious, Ash picks up a statue of a Pikachu, which sets off an enormous boulder trap! They take off running and bump into Brandon, the Frontier Brain of the Battle Pyramid, who scolds them for messing with things they don't understand. The message doesn't register, however, and when Ash picks up a stone sphere, he is possessed by the angry spirit of the ancient king of Pokélantis! The king demands that everyone give up their Pokémon, and Brandon challenges him to a battle. Brandon appears to be losing, until Ash regains consciousness. After a struggle to reclaim control of his own body, Ash asks Pikachu to use Thunderbolt on him--which knocks Ash unconscious and drives out the evil king! Brandon and Ash make plans for a rematch after the Grand Festival.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Our heroes have just caught a glimpse of the Battle Pyramid when the ground collapses under their feet! They find themselves in an ancient ruin underground. Curious, Ash picks up a statue of a Pikachu, which sets off an enormous boulder trap! They take off running and bump into Brandon, the Frontier Brain of the Battle Pyramid, who scolds them for messing with things they don't understand. The message doesn't register, however, and when Ash picks up a stone sphere, he is possessed by the angry spirit of the ancient king of Pokélantis! The king demands that everyone give up their Pokémon, and Brandon challenges him to a battle. Brandon appears to be losing, until Ash regains consciousness. After a struggle to reclaim control of his own body, Ash asks Pikachu to use Thunderbolt on him--which knocks Ash unconscious and drives out the evil king! Brandon and Ash make plans for a rematch after the Grand Festival.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

Ash and friends make a stop in Sable City, where a one-day Pokémon battle tournament is about to take place! Ash decides he wants to enter, but the tournament turns out to be an evil scheme to steal the competitors' Poké Balls, cooked up by Team Rocket...not Jessie and James this time, but another pair of villains, Butch and Cassidy! Meanwhile, Jessie and James have decided to part ways after a squabble, and when they show up for the phony tournament, Jessie teams up with Butch and James with Cassidy. These unusual pairings are quite successful at stealing Poké Balls, but thanks to the efforts of our heroes, the villains' plot is thwarted and all the Poké Balls are returned to their rightful owners. With a tearful speech, Meowth convinces his friends Jessie and James that they should make up and be a team again, and they relent...only to be back to their old tricks in no time!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

Ash and friends make a stop in Sable City, where a one-day Pokémon battle tournament is about to take place! Ash decides he wants to enter, but the tournament turns out to be an evil scheme to steal the competitors' Poké Balls, cooked up by Team Rocket...not Jessie and James this time, but another pair of villains, Butch and Cassidy! Meanwhile, Jessie and James have decided to part ways after a squabble, and when they show up for the phony tournament, Jessie teams up with Butch and James with Cassidy. These unusual pairings are quite successful at stealing Poké Balls, but thanks to the efforts of our heroes, the villains' plot is thwarted and all the Poké Balls are returned to their rightful owners. With a tearful speech, Meowth convinces his friends Jessie and James that they should make up and be a team again, and they relent...only to be back to their old tricks in no time!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

May has gotten past the first round of the Mulberry Pokémon Contest despite some dirty tricks from Harley and Team Rocket. James and Meowth capture and lock up our heroes, but May's friend and rival Drew rescues them, and they all make their way back to watch May versus Jessebella in the final round. Armed with Harley's Banette, Jessie appears unbeatable, but she quickly loses her temper at a simple misstep, and Banette stops listening to her. It's still powerful enough to prolong the battle until time runs out--and the score is tied! Because the Grand Festival is coming up, emcee Lillian announces an unusual sudden death playoff, and the battle continues. May and Squirtle's timing and teamwork prove too much for Jessie to handle, and she loses, prompting a furious Harley to denounce Team Rocket...and relish the thought of defeating May at the Grand Festival, where the two of them and Drew will all be competing!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

May has gotten past the first round of the Mulberry Pokémon Contest despite some dirty tricks from Harley and Team Rocket. James and Meowth capture and lock up our heroes, but May's friend and rival Drew rescues them, and they all make their way back to watch May versus Jessebella in the final round. Armed with Harley's Banette, Jessie appears unbeatable, but she quickly loses her temper at a simple misstep, and Banette stops listening to her. It's still powerful enough to prolong the battle until time runs out--and the score is tied! Because the Grand Festival is coming up, emcee Lillian announces an unusual sudden death playoff, and the battle continues. May and Squirtle's timing and teamwork prove too much for Jessie to handle, and she loses, prompting a furious Harley to denounce Team Rocket...and relish the thought of defeating May at the Grand Festival, where the two of them and Drew will all be competing!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

May enters the Mulberry Pokémon Contest, her last chance to win a fifth ribbon and qualify for the Grand Festival! To make matters worse, May's shady rival Harley shows up to taunt her with the five ribbons he's already won--and when he learns the true identity of competitor Jessebella, he offers to help her to a Team Rocket victory by letting her use his Pokémon in the contest! Jessie, James, Meowth, and Harley create a plot to sabotage May's performance while bolstering Jessie's. During May's first round, she and her Combusken keep falling and losing points, until Ash discovers that Harley's Ariados is shooting webs from offstage to keep her off balance! Pikachu foils their plot with a Thunderbolt, and May and Combusken recover, making a strong finish to get to the second round along with Jessebella and six other Coordinators. Harley angrily storms off, leaving Jessie with an ominous vow to stop May at all costs...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

May enters the Mulberry Pokémon Contest, her last chance to win a fifth ribbon and qualify for the Grand Festival! To make matters worse, May's shady rival Harley shows up to taunt her with the five ribbons he's already won--and when he learns the true identity of competitor Jessebella, he offers to help her to a Team Rocket victory by letting her use his Pokémon in the contest! Jessie, James, Meowth, and Harley create a plot to sabotage May's performance while bolstering Jessie's. During May's first round, she and her Combusken keep falling and losing points, until Ash discovers that Harley's Ariados is shooting webs from offstage to keep her off balance! Pikachu foils their plot with a Thunderbolt, and May and Combusken recover, making a strong finish to get to the second round along with Jessebella and six other Coordinators. Harley angrily storms off, leaving Jessie with an ominous vow to stop May at all costs...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Ash and May spot a Sudowoodo of a strange golden color roaming the woods! Ash tries to catch it, but it escapes, and they try to convince Brock and Max of what they've seen. Several townsfolk overhear them and gather around, hoping for more information about the local Legend of the Golden One! Our heroes are trapped in the crowd until a boy named Keenan helps them escape. It turns out that Keenan is Sudowoodo's Trainer, and that a failed experiment is the source of its golden color. He wants to find Sudowoodo and return it to normal, but after the experiment, it ran away, afraid of him! When Team Rocket shows up in the forest to nab Sudowoodo, Keenan fiercely defends it, earning its trust again. It follows him home, where he reverses the experiment and returns Sudowoodo to its natural color. The townsfolk will just have to keep looking for their Golden One...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Ash and May spot a Sudowoodo of a strange golden color roaming the woods! Ash tries to catch it, but it escapes, and they try to convince Brock and Max of what they've seen. Several townsfolk overhear them and gather around, hoping for more information about the local Legend of the Golden One! Our heroes are trapped in the crowd until a boy named Keenan helps them escape. It turns out that Keenan is Sudowoodo's Trainer, and that a failed experiment is the source of its golden color. He wants to find Sudowoodo and return it to normal, but after the experiment, it ran away, afraid of him! When Team Rocket shows up in the forest to nab Sudowoodo, Keenan fiercely defends it, earning its trust again. It follows him home, where he reverses the experiment and returns Sudowoodo to its natural color. The townsfolk will just have to keep looking for their Golden One...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

As May prepares to enter the Gardenia Pokémon Contest with hopes of earning her fourth ribbon, our heroes meet a Pokémon breeder named Yuma who recognizes Brock as a fellow breeder. Thanks to their mutual admiration and Yuma's history as a Grand Festival champion, she talks him into entering his first Pokémon Contest! He's nervous at first, but Bonsly's performance is impressive, and he makes it all the way to the finals--where his Marshtomp takes on May's Eevee, who's also competing for the first time! An unpredictable battle ensues, and when time runs out, May just barely squeaks by with the win, claiming her fourth ribbon! Yuma is delighted at Brock's performance, but decides that he has enough natural talent that he doesn't need her help. May is one win away from qualifying for the Grand Festival, and Brock won't be getting in her way--he's not interested in training for any more contests!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

As May prepares to enter the Gardenia Pokémon Contest with hopes of earning her fourth ribbon, our heroes meet a Pokémon breeder named Yuma who recognizes Brock as a fellow breeder. Thanks to their mutual admiration and Yuma's history as a Grand Festival champion, she talks him into entering his first Pokémon Contest! He's nervous at first, but Bonsly's performance is impressive, and he makes it all the way to the finals--where his Marshtomp takes on May's Eevee, who's also competing for the first time! An unpredictable battle ensues, and when time runs out, May just barely squeaks by with the win, claiming her fourth ribbon! Yuma is delighted at Brock's performance, but decides that he has enough natural talent that he doesn't need her help. May is one win away from qualifying for the Grand Festival, and Brock won't be getting in her way--he's not interested in training for any more contests!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

May enters the Chrysanthemum Convention Pokemon Contest in hopes of winning her 3rd ribbon. Jessie of Team Rocket also enters this contest, but she uses James's Mime. Jr as her partner for the contest. Can May and Combusken win against the newly forged team of Jessie and Mime Jr.? Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

May enters the Chrysanthemum Convention Pokemon Contest in hopes of winning her 3rd ribbon. Jessie of Team Rocket also enters this contest, but she uses James's Mime. Jr as her partner for the contest. Can May and Combusken win against the newly forged team of Jessie and Mime Jr.? Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

When our heroes cross Potpourri Island to Wisteria Town so May can participate in a contest there, they are surprised (to say the least) to run into May's treacherous rival, Harley! This colorful character has won multiple Pokémon Contests--often through the use of unsavory tactics--and is not fond of anyone he competes against. This of course makes for a wild and frenzied competition when they meet up in the final round, where May's Munchlax makes its contest debut against Harley's Octillery! May seems to be ahead when Harley commands Octillery to use Rest. Munchlax can't land enough hits before Octillery wakes up, fully healed, and takes Munchlax down! Harley wins the Wisteria Ribbon, and though May is disappointed, she decides to look on the bright side--she's learned a lot that will help her in her next contest. What's more, someone has sent her an unsigned note of admiration and a lovely rose...does May have a secret admirer?

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

When our heroes cross Potpourri Island to Wisteria Town so May can participate in a contest there, they are surprised (to say the least) to run into May's treacherous rival, Harley! This colorful character has won multiple Pokémon Contests--often through the use of unsavory tactics--and is not fond of anyone he competes against. This of course makes for a wild and frenzied competition when they meet up in the final round, where May's Munchlax makes its contest debut against Harley's Octillery! May seems to be ahead when Harley commands Octillery to use Rest. Munchlax can't land enough hits before Octillery wakes up, fully healed, and takes Munchlax down! Harley wins the Wisteria Ribbon, and though May is disappointed, she decides to look on the bright side--she's learned a lot that will help her in her next contest. What's more, someone has sent her an unsigned note of admiration and a lovely rose...does May have a secret admirer?

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

This is the episode where May encounters a rather looking business man who wants to relive his childhood by being a rock star like in his past and entering the Silvertown Pokemon Contest. May enters with Squirtle while he enters with his old friend Venasaur. May and him climb to the top and move to the second stage and battle each other. In the final round, May chooses Combusken while he sticks with Venasaur. This episode also shows one of the most powerful move in Pokemon, Venasaur's Frenzy Plant. Each side is having a great time but in the end May wins her second ribbon. Ash looks forward to his next battle in the Battle Dome. Written by wilmer

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

This is the episode where May encounters a rather looking business man who wants to relive his childhood by being a rock star like in his past and entering the Silvertown Pokemon Contest. May enters with Squirtle while he enters with his old friend Venasaur. May and him climb to the top and move to the second stage and battle each other. In the final round, May chooses Combusken while he sticks with Venasaur. This episode also shows one of the most powerful move in Pokemon, Venasaur's Frenzy Plant. Each side is having a great time but in the end May wins her second ribbon. Ash looks forward to his next battle in the Battle Dome. Written by wilmer

Country: Japan
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HD Swedish Dicks

Swedish Dicks


Swedish Dicks

IMDb: 7.6

Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD Swedish Dicks

Swedish Dicks


Swedish Dicks

IMDb: 7.5

Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 5.8
22 min

A princess asks Dawn to trade places for a day, so that the princess may compete in a Pokemon contest.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 5.0
22 min

The adventurers take a break to watch Zoey win her fifth ribbon. Zoey helps Dawn prepare for her next contest.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 4.8
22 min

Dawn enters the Lilypad contest. With Jessie ill, James enters the contest disguised as Jessilina.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 6.1
22 min

Pokémon Hunter J arrives in Snowpoint City and targets the legendary Pokémon Regigigas, which is sleeping inside the Snowpoint Temple. After J commands her henchmen to launch an attack, a maiden from the shrine asks Ash and his friends for help. Written by Pablo Solis

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 6.0
22 min

Country: Japan
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IMDb: 4.7
22 min

Dawn enters the Sandlestraw contest.

Country: Japan
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