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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Nelson meets Robert,a chimp who once earned a living as a Bubbles impersonator but,after Michael Jackson's demise and the popularity of bland music is unemployed. Nelson gets him an audition with Scott Mills but has reckoned without Robert's unfortunate habit of playing with himself when stressed. Destiny befriends a camp,wise-cracking chihuahua whom she persuades to become gay whilst Marion gets himself lots of owners but has a narrow escape from one who is a taxidermist and Kali joins a group of other pigeons,all of whom want sex with her before she can quit the group. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 8.1
28 min

With Gary too depressed to walk her after she has scared off his girlfriend Destiny finds herself in a celebrity dog walking group where she learns just how to make footballer John Terry's pet love her. Nelson is visited by his old school-friend,terminally ill beagle Rory and fulfils Rory's request for a mercy killing. This makes him a hero in the eyes of a secret society of foxes out to kill the dogs responsible for the Great Sussex Hunt Massacre but he is too soft-hearted to do them in and hides them in the pub garden. Fortunately for him they do the job for him when they believe they are under attack. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 8.5
28 min

On New Year's Day,after dreaming of playing badminton with Lembit Opik, Nelson tries to recall the events of the night before. He slowly recalls how Destiny brought home Nita,her identical twin,who fell for the fox whilst Marion married a Siamese lady-boy and Kali threatened suicide. Vince stole a kebab and killed the pursuing police horse,whom Nelson had to cut up and serve as meat. Sniffer dog McSorley threatened to arrest Nelson but Nita came to the rescue. After such a hectic evening Nelson decides that next year he will stay in. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 8.3
29 min

Pursuing the rat who stole his Bombay Mix Maion gets stuck in a tyre and becomes a reluctant YouTube sensation though his attempts to remedy this with his skill as a classical pianist fall flat. Destiny is alarmed when a tortoise shows her the graves of Gary's previous dogs but Nelson fears he will be homeless when Gary plans to concrete over his lair for a smoking area. Learning that if he has an endangered species as a house-mate the plan can be thwarted leads him to try and interest red squirrel Mary in co-habitation but she is a non-starter and ultimately Gary's meanness in being unable to afford the work saves Nelson's home. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 7.7
29 min

Whilst Kali indulges in her new hobby of outstaring celebrities Destiny marries a very old dog with dementia so that she can have his Oinky Pig toy when he dies only to find the will contested by his daughter. Marion discovers his long lost son Leslie whom Nelson hopes to use in an effort to bring lovelorn ginger Neil closer together with the object of his affection Denise. However there is a problem - Denise is spoken for and Neil is deranged so that the eternal triangle ends very messily and Leslie returns to his mother,who is most displeased with Marion. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 8.1
29 min

Vince is marrying his beloved Penny and all the mongrels have been asked to the reception,where Kali hesitates before eating the main course - her cousin - and Destiny has to pay a homeless dog to pose as her beau. Nelson is charged - on pain of death - to make a best man speech which puts Vince in a good light but nobody can recall an anecdote about him with one redeeming feature,so Nelson tells it like it is,evoking a surprisingly self-critical reaction from the groom. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 8.4
29 min

Kali's perch is usurped by immigrant pigeon Ochi fleeing Mugabe,who catches up with him to return Kali's rightful place. Destiny decides to camp out in the garden to prevent Gary taking her to the vet,thus allowing Marion to vie with her as a house pet,though inevitably her dirty tricks campaign prevails. Nelson,meanwhile,falls for older fox Eileen who turns out to be Vince's mother. Though Vince gives his blessing Nelson's shock proposal causes Eileen 's demise and Nelson finds himself in a race against time to prevent Zoe Ball from wearing his late beloved as a stole to the Elle awards. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 8.4
28 min

Destiny is on heat,attracting a whole pack of slavering dogs who leave Tony for dead and pursue her back to the pub, where she and the other animals are besieged. To pass the time they make use of the karaoke machine,Nelson hoping - in vain - that he can use it to woo Destiny. Marion is shocked by Vince's foul mouth and sets out to kill him but is prevented when Vince explains that he has Tourette's and can moderate his language when singing show tunes - which comes in handy for calling the dogs off. Kali feels responsible for a man's death and is mistaken for his reincarnation when she attends his funeral. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 8.3

A look into the dysfunctional lives of a group of friends, in a typical American sitcom. But, there's a twist. It is a sort-of spoof of The Muppets, with HBO, UNCENSORED humor, with a lot pop-culture references. If South Park had a kid with Friends and The Muppets, this is it. Written by Harrison Seeley

Country: UK
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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Kali has her wings clipped and ends up grounded and,unless she can wing it,Vince will eat her. Destiny gets snapped up by a photographer but learns that she is modelling for dog porn - the dreaded advertising calendar.Marion joins a group of animals intent on stopping the Bonfire Night celebrations by blowing up the pub,with Destiny inside. Nelson and Marion set out to save her but Kali's new rocket-powered jet propulsion ends the evening with a bang and lands them all in hospital. Or was it just a dream? Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 8.8
28 min

Having accidentally put Vince into a coma Nelson looks after his territory and tries to bring culture to its occupants - in vain. For Destiny, however, fed up with being controlled by all the men in her life,Vince is the perfect placid boyfriend who never answers back - until he comes round. Kali is appalled that the electrocution of her mother is shown on 'You've Been Framed' and hatches a plan to kill Harry Hill. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 7.9
29 min

Gary feels mean when Kali gets impaled on one of the anti-vermin spikes he's put on the roof,takes her in and feeds her. She balloons in size. Nelson falls for Sandra,a filthy,bad-mannered vixen he meets at the rubbish dump because she is in heat and he finds her attractive. Against his friends' advice he marries her and soon regrets it. Fortunately for him a newly released Kali falls on top of her,making him a widower. Destiny wins a dog show,thanks to some wise-cracking fleas who have infested her and helped her win the intelligence test but her subsequent behaviour towards them is ungrateful. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 8.2
29 min

Sex-mad Destiny is on cloud nine when her new boyfriend Archie cannot get enough with her. However she feels betrayed when she discovers that Gary has paid his owner and this is a stud dog,brought in to get her pregnant. Nelson's French pen-friend Christian arrives but behaves very oddly,showing mood swings and frothing at the mouth. He has rabies. Nelson believes he has caught it but his test samples got mixed up and the real sufferer is Archie,putting paid to Gary's little plan. Having survived a pigeon cull Kali plans revenge by creating a super-beast to take over the world,a pigeox, a cross between a pigeon and a fox. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 8.2
30 min

When Marion saves a child from drowning Destiny takes the credit and becomes a superstar until she fails to save another toddler and is exposed as a fraud,becoming Britain's most Hated Dog. She does redeem herself by rescuing Nelson who,in his desire to be stroked, gets locked in a cage on a petting farm with a coachload of sticky-fingered kids coming to stroke him to death. Kali meets a lesbian crow who wants to introduce her to the local avian gay scene and has to be frightened off by a phallic scarecrow. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 7.9
29 min

Marion falls for a kitten called Lollipop but she is under-age for sex and he has to wait another day before she is legal.Having used up most of his nine lives can he survive? Destiny meets a guide dog and decides to blind Gary so she can be his guide. Unfortunately she blinds the dog and has to take on his owner who comes to a sticky end when she passes him onto Nelson. Nelson auditions for 'Springwatch' but finds that the animals are all actors and two of them plan to kill him live on camera. Fortunately violent cousin Vince is star-struck and can be persuaded to take Nelson's place. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 7.3
29 min

Marion goes to the disco where he first sniffs catnip and becomes addicted until Nelson cures him by getting him to sniff so much it makes him ill. Nelson looks after his sickly nephew Kieran,the runt of the litter,with whom he identifies as he ,like presenter Paul Ross,was also the runt. Kieran seems to have a bright future solving jigsaw puzzles - until a cupboard falls on him. Destiny finds out that she can identify her future partner by bottom sniffing. She almost ends up with Nelson until she discovers that the smell she likes best is her own bottom. Malicious pigeon Kali gets an explosive revenge on Dean,a Scouse dove who has found God and who converts the predators sent to kill him. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Mongrels




IMDb: 7.6
29 min

A group of animals meet in the back garden of a London pub. Nelson,a fox,steals a computer and starts an online romance,seemingly with a woman called Wendy but actually a vengeful hen called Ruth,out to get her own back on fox-kind.Afghan hound Destiny bites her owner Gary so that he will take her to Obedience Class,where she has taken a shine to bad-boy dog Rivers,whilst Marion,a cat whose owner has just died,finds a new home when he takes the place of missing lookalike Chopsticks. Sadly for him Chopsticks returns. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD After You\'ve Gone

After You\'ve Gone


After You\'ve Gone

IMDb: 6.5
30 min

Ann returns from Africa and announces that she is marrying Howard and wants to take the kids abroad with her. She moves into the house,ejecting Diana and Jimmy,who ends up sleeping at Kev's and getting pooped on by Kev's parrot. Alex,who has pretended to have a broken leg in order to get out of P.E. at school,and Molly,however, want to stay with their father and grandma and eventually Ann returns alone to live in Africa. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Red Dwarf

Red Dwarf


Red Dwarf

IMDb: 7.9
29 min

After receiving a mysterious message the Red Dwarf investigates the Samsara, a spaceship stuck on the ocean bed and full of the skeletons of its crew. With the power out they believe they are stranded until Kryten realizes that the ship carries a Karma Drive, which punishes bad behaviour but rewards virtuous acts. Somehow the machine must have had its programme reversed as Cat and Lister discover when they try to be nice to each other. Nastiness now seems to be the key to survival. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Sci-Fi,
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HD Peep Show

Peep Show


Peep Show

IMDb: 7.7
23 min

Jeremy is moving again, to stay with Mark's sister Sarah and her five-year old son Joshy, for whom he is something of a toy. Despite Jeremy having taken all his chairs Mark hosts the residents association for the flat block and is elected chairman - though he does use the funds for his own repairs. On the down side he is less successful as a taps salesman despite Jeremy's efforts to help and Dobby tells him she will not be moving in with him. He will not be alone though, for, having had enough of Sarah and surviving an uncomfortable night at Big Mad Andy's, Jeremy returns to the fold. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Peep Show

Peep Show


Peep Show

IMDb: 7.5
25 min

Jeremy agrees to move out of the flat and share with Super Hans but Dobby would prefer to go inter-railing across Europe than move in with Mark. To make things worse for Mark not only has Hans been promoted above him at work, making him Mark's boss but Jeremy has arranged for the unstable Big Mad Andy to decorate the flat - largely so that Jeremy can sign him up for life skills coaching. Mark finds solace in an MBA evening class, meeting the elegant Stephanie and Jeremy, strangely in love with Dobby, urges him to pursue her but Mark cops out when he gets a call from Jeremy requiring his help to calm down Big Mad Andy. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Peep Show

Peep Show


Peep Show

IMDb: 8.1
24 min

A month has passed. Dobby has still not said that she will move in with Mark and Jeremy has not said he will move out. Mark invites Dobby round to share a pizza and watch 'The Apprentice' but unfortunately Gerrard, her other admirer, dies of the flu that evening and Dobby feels guilty for not being with him. Jeremy decides to undergo therapy which, after an inauspicious start, he loves. Mark goes for a job with a bathroom fittings company but the final interview clashes with Gerrard's funeral so he has to make a brief oration before leaving. At the wake Mark again asks Dobby to move in with him but she says there is no need as she is now an independent woman, thanks to the money left her by Gerrard. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 6.9

The family sets out to drive to France for a wedding but the children's whining and car-sickness and a traffic jam are doing nothing for Lee's nerves. Lucy is questioning whether the bikes on the roof-rack contravene height rules and George at the ferries' call centre confirms this. With the car reaching Dover at the last possible minute for the deadline only Lucy's skill at improvisation can get the family on board in time for the crossing. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Psychoville




IMDb: 8.1
29 min

With danger mounting, and few witnesses left, Tealeaf tries to solve the mystery.

Genre: Comedy, Horror, Mystery,
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HD Damned




IMDb: 8.6

When two Syrian girls go missing from their foster home paranoid P.C. Harris calls an emergency meeting, suspecting that they may have joined a sleeper cell. Martin pops out to the shops to look for them but it is Nat's knowledge of popular culture which finally locates them. Meanwhile Rose is in a quandary whether to place her mother in a home and Nitin's blind date cancels after seeing a photo of his new hairdo. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD War & Peace

War & Peace


War & Peace

IMDb: 8.1

A nervous Pierre nonetheless defeats Dolokhov in a duel and maintains his show marriage with Helene, who is now having an affair with Boris Drubetskoi. A meeting with Osip Bazdeev encourages him to join the Freemasons and to improve the welfare of his serfs. Dolokhov recuperates with the Rostovs, winning huge sums at cards from the foolish Nikolai and proposing to Sonya, who turns him down, confessing her love for Nikolai, who cannot respond. Natasha also rejects a proposal from her brother's friend Denisov but when Pierre introduces her to Andrei, who has quit the army and been living a reclusive life to punish himself for neglecting his late wife, both she and Andrei are mutually smitten. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD Skins




IMDb: 7.8
47 min

Tired of Mini's inconsistent attitude and unaware of her pregnancy Alo quickly falls for vivacious Poppy,whom he meets at a fancy dress party,and with whom he has consentual sex in her house,escaping being caught by her argumentative parents. But Alo is shocked to find Poppy is only thirteen and soon he is arrested for assaulting a minor,suspended from college and ostracised by his former friends. At least it brings him closer to Mini and they have a heart to heart. She is about to tell him that she is pregnant when Poppy rings to say that she and her mother have persuaded her father to drop the charges against him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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