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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 9.0
30 min

In the two weeks before Marshall and Lily's wedding, the gang believe the two of them have become co-dependent on each other. To prove that they aren't, Marshall and Lily decide to go ahead with their original plan of not sleeping with each other until their wedding night. Can they hold out that long? Ted and Lily are facing two other issues regarding the wedding, Ted's being that Marshall is continually censoring Ted's toast, and Lily's being that she needs to gain about five pounds to fit into her wedding dress properly, or else pay the $300 to get the dress altered. Both problems seem insurmountable as the wedding gets closer. Meanwhile, Barney is preparing for his upcoming appearance on the game show The Price Is Right (1972). Although Barney is certain he can win all the prizes he wants (with the exception of not mastering how to spin to the $1 space on the big wheel), he confesses that he has an ulterior motive to be on the show: to meet his biological father, Bob Barker. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.5
23 min

Ted and Marshall have agreed that there will be no strippers at Marshall's bachelor party which they plan on holding in Atlantic City with their friends Stuart and Brad also invited. Barney plans on hiring a stripper anyway. But when Ted tells Barney on the way that they are not going to Atlantic City but to Foxwoods instead (since Ted knew Barney would have a stripper waiting in Atlantic City), Ted thinks he's pulled one over on Barney. In turn, Barney pulls a maneuver which he thinks has outfoxed the fox, although Barney's new plan doesn't come off quite the way he or anyone else quite expects. Meanwhile, Lily is having her bridal shower. Barney talks Robin into buying Lily a vibrator as a gift. When Robin arrives at the shower, she sees that it is not the vibrator type crowd. Feeling embarrassed if anyone at the shower sees what she's bought, Robin does whatever she can throughout the evening to retrieve her gift from the gift table without anyone seeing what she's done or worse ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.9
22 min

Ted and Robin have just had their first fight. Part of the issue is that Robin believes that Ted's job is boring, and about which he rambles on and on, especially when he's had a bad day. Barney convinces Ted that his job may or may not be boring, but that he needs to be more convincing and suave in saying what he does for it to be attractive to the women. For fun, Ted tries using his job as a pick-up line to a beautiful woman - a kick-boxer named Anna - and it works. Robin hears about Ted picking up this woman, but she isn't overly concerned about what it means. But as Robin, with Lily by her side, goes on trek following Ted's movements that night, Robin becomes more concerned as it looks as if Ted is willing to go outside of his comfort zone to impress and thus sleep with Anna. Robin comes to a realization about herself as the night comes to a close. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.6
22 min

In 2030, Ted has a prominent photo in his house of him, his four friends and his parents at his parent's thirtieth wedding anniversary brunch. Ted invited his old fashioned and non-communicative parents, Alfred and Virginia Mosby, to New York for a visit for the occasion. They all look very happy in the photo. But Ted tells his children the not so happy back stories behind the happy faces in the photo. Marshall and Lily were still trying to figure out their relationship following their break-up. Their measures to one up the other in a sexual manner ended up with a few unusual results. The evening before the photo was taken, Barney and Alfred went out for drinks. Barney's stories to Ted later about what happened that evening made Ted's relationship with his father on tender hooks. And before Robin met Ted's parents, Ted told her that Virginia would imply incessantly that she wanted whoever Ted's wife to be to start a family soon. But as Virginia seemed to imply the opposite to Robin, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

At the beginning of the summer of 2006, Ted and Marshall embark on two extreme journeys. Ted and Robin are at the beginning of their romantic relationship and Ted cannot be happier. Marshall, on the hand, cannot get over his break-up with Lily despite he giving her the ultimatum of him or the summer long art fellowship in San Francisco. He wants to call and talk to her, but Ted tries to convince him that that is not the right thing to do. Ted and Barney try unsuccessfully to get Marshall out of his deep depression, but it's Robin who provides at least a short reprieve from that depression. However, Barney gives Marshall the idea that he can follow Lily's whereabouts by tracking her credit card use, Barney not actually realizing that Marshall has her on-line account password. When there is evidence from her recent hotel room purchase that Lily is back in New York, Marshall, still hurt that she didn't at least try to contact him first, has to decide if he will try and make contact with ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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