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IMDb: 7.8
24 min

Hawkeye is beat, but Colonel Honey wakes him in Post Op and asks him to attend a lecture from a physician at Tokyo General. Potter is tired and limping; his phlebitis is flaring. Klinger is dressing and acting like he is in Toledo...crazier than his usual self. Young Captain Ralph Simmons is animated; he extols the benefits of the pericardiocentisis with procaine, a cutting-edge heart procedure. Chuckles is vocal in his outrage and claims this procedure will cause ventricular fibrillation. The Swamp Rats and Radar force Colonel Potter to go to bed and rest his leg...since Capt. Simmons is there, Potter can rest with no worries. Suddenly, the doctors have come down with Simmonsitis, as Hawkeye calls it, one doctor turns into a drunk, one into a bookworm and one is inclined to take to his bed. In the O.R., Margaret assures Simmons he is young, intelligent and right. In the battle of the egos, this threesome makes some people crazy ... and not just the Toledo Kid! Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
24 min

When Cho Pak and his daughter, Sun, pick up the Colonel's laundry, Potter wants to do a physical on the ancient cavalry man, but Cho Pak refuses. Klinger tries to bribe Col. Potter into giving him a Section 8. A 16 year old Korean teenager, Ham, is on the run from the ROK; he is discovered in Hotlip's shower; this time, her bath towel is green. The Swamp Rats hide Ham; they approach Hairy Mary (Klinger), for a cute dress to disguise him. Col. Potter and Radar are frantic: Sophie is missing; her saddle is left in the empty paddock. ROK officers storm The Swamp looking for deserters. The next day, Sophie appears, ridden by Cho Pak, who is resplendent, if not ashen, in his old cavalry uniform. Ham tells the surgeons his grandfather used to tell him stories of the famous Korean Army Field Colonel, Cho Pak, the war hero who saved their village. There is conversation between Potter and Sun; afterwards, the two war heroes solemnly and respectfully bow to one other. Radar tells Col. Potter,... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.1
24 min

He is the love call of evolution, he is sex and life and appetite...or so Hawkeye likes to think. The Swedish delegation sends Dr. Inga Halvorsen (Mariette Hartley) to the 4077 and Hawkeye immediately tries to hit on her; Inga wants to talk medicine. The next day in OR, Inga shows Hawkeye a new procedure to preserve mobility in the hip. Hawkeye is miffed when Inga is the main attraction. Margaret dresses him down, claiming Hawkeye cannot relate to strong, capable women as people but only sex objects. Her manner and words belie all of the feelings she has for Hawkeye. Chuckles insists Hawkeye is upset at the thought of learning from a woman, but when Inga corrects Chuckles in Post Op, Chuckles flies into a rage. When Inga is the one to initiate sex with Hawkeye, he is off put and says something insulting. BJ talks about his marriage with Peg as a partnership and even Col. Potter tries to help Hawkeye find cohesion in his thought process. Why do men make it so hard to be who we are? ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.2
24 min

BJ really misses Peggy and baby, Erin; he takes solace in helping the family of Su Sing, the gentleman who sells vegetables to the 4077 mess. His daughter, Kim, is eager for BJ to treat her very sick father. Brigadier General Marion Prescott, (Dick O'Neill) visits the 4077 to have his foot injury iced and wrapped and ends up breaking his wrist trying to use crutches. Su Sing has pneumonia; BJ has to take care Mrs. Sing does not sell his medicine for food. BJ gets wrapped up in helping find the family's lost son, Cho-Duk, who was drafted into the ROK, and in thatching their roof. Kim and her little brother tug at BJ's heart by crying and begging him to stay. Hawkeye is worried about his friend, but BJ says he wants to help the Sings. After a session in OR with lots of civilian shelling, BJ is concerned about his little Korean family. Radar comes through: he found Cho-Duk and finangled a transfer to a nearby unit for Cho-Duk through Brig. Gen. Prescott. But when Hawkeye drives his ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
24 min

Christmas is coming; this time, Father Mulcahy is the one writing home to his sister the Sister. Francis feels like he is not doing enough. As he collects money to buy toys and candy for the orphans at St. Theresa's, Chuckles rebuffs Father horribly. Radar asks Father to bless the O'Reilly's pregnant cow, Edna. Klinger is blue, he misses Packo's hot dogs, Toledo and Laverne; Margaret is blue: she was married to a skunk. Father has to punch Lt. Forrester to keep him still when he tangles with Margaret in triage; Father is devastated when the officer gets nasty with him. Francis tells Hawkeye he feels like he hangs around on the edge of effectiveness. The Christmas blues infect all of the officers and Col. Potter says: If you ain't where you are, you're no place. BJ plays Santa; eggnog and gifts flow in the mess tent. For once, Chuckles is near tears and his eyes are aglow: Father saves him by a simple act of kindness. The gang sings Dona Nobis Pacem as casualties arrive. Francis ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.0
24 min

The O Club just celebrated its one year anniversary...and now, it must be rebuilt. The guys are so hung over, they seem to be hunting loose change on the ground. Margaret is jubilant: her half of the marital funds have been unfrozen. Father Mulcahy is not happy; he was passed over again for promotion. Margaret starts a fun food fight with Hawkeye. A helicopter makes an emergency landing; Capt. Toby Hill, the Army hero, impresses Margaret with his flying. Chuckles stirs the pot, inciting Margaret to retaliate toward Hawkeye and BJ and vice versa. Father Mulcahy learns Capt. Hill was promoted from 2d Louie to Captain in 6 months and he is rightfully miffed. The pranking, all orchestrated by Chuckles, is getting out of hand. Capt. Hill gets an emergency call to retrieve one casualty from Hill 503. Since Chuckles' last prank put Little Mac, Capt. Hill's helicopter counterweight, out of commission, Father Mulcahy bravely offers to fly with Capt. Hill and the wounded GI. The pranking has ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
24 min

It is frigid cold outside; the 4077 gang are heavily layered and playing Strip Poker in the O Club. Colonel Potter enters with the announcement of a big push from I Corp which will, inevitably lead to several waves of casualties and days of horror. When he makes a stupid remark to Potter, the savvy CO calls out Chuckles. But Zale is no prize, either; he traded most of 4077's stock of sodium pentothal for plasma. So, to anesthesize casualties, 4077 must use ether and nitrous oxide; ether is flammable and the OR cannot use their heaters. Poor Radar: he calls everywhere, looking for sodium pentathol and ends up training rookies. The ether knocks Margaret off her feet; Father Mulcahy feels terrible. He offers to deal with the local black market to get some SP; Father asks Chuckles to donate food and a case of wine to the SP endeavor, but Chuckles insists on being present to supervise the exchange. They finally get the SP, but Father tells Potter although Chuckles was a blessing out ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
24 min

Chuckles hires a houseboy, Kwang Yong, (Sab Shimono) but no one realizes Kwang is a N. Korean playing grinning lackey to a capitalist fool. It is Kwang's mission to report whether the phenomenal 97% success rate at the 4077 is accurate. A mystery rash covers many casualties at the 4077 and they are miserable. Kwang is baffled at the unmilitary behavior and Klinger's dress. Hawkeye wins a jeep from Supply Sgt. Cimoli in a poker game but ends up with a howitzer; Kwang asks and, jokingly, is told it is a new form of anesthesia. Kwang is amazed at how well the 4077 treats the POWs. Gen. Imbrie's dermatologist, Dr. Nagle, is useless to help the surgeons treat the rash. Kwang sends a report that the 4077 is weak and whiny, complaining about good conditions and munificent rations. The doctors are unable to ease the itching; Kwang is amazed how the doctors have such fine equipment but no knowledge of folk remedies. Kwang boils tree bark and it is very smelly, but it eases the pain of the ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.4
24 min

Private Rich is wounded and evacuated by chopper to the 4077; the entire episode is shot through his eyes. From the 4077 chopper pad, to triage, the O.R. and finally into recovery, Rich gets to meet the M*A*S*H personnel at their very best...and Colonel Potter is in a terrible mood. Radar, B.J. and Klinger carry his litter (Rich is a big fella) and he is brought in for surgery. Everyone, Chuckles included, bickers, banters and takes very good care of Rich. Klinger takes Rich for a wheelchair tour; Rich has a sponge bath from Margaret: he gets the full 4077 treatment. Col. Potter, who received his medical training at Fort Sam Houston, recognizes Rich as a Texan: Potter says a Texan always offers to shake hands, no matter how many tubes are coming out of his arm. Although Rich has a throat injury and cannot speak, he still finds a way to impact the lives of his surgeon, Hawkeye, and Colonel Potter. When his litter is lifted into the bus that will take him to Tokyo, B.J., Hawkeye and ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
24 min

The weather has hit puberty at the 4077: it is somewhere between 13 and 16 degrees outside. Mummy and Daddy send Chuckles a polar suit. Everyone else is freezing; Hawkeye's patient has such bad hypothermia, Hawkeye believes it might have saved his life, causing his injuries to clot. Chuckles gives Margaret his gloves and then plays indian-giver. Everyone is angry at Radar; he took all of the heaters from the tents and put them in Post Op, as per Colonel Potter's orders. Klinger loses his hearing when the sub-freezing weather causes explosions in the mine fields. The guys put a coffin to good use when they fill it with hot water to warm Hawkeye's patient. It might not be as much fun as watching Sonya Henie, but Col. Potter is never one to shirk his obligations. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
24 min

Captain Tom Greenleigh (Greg Mullavey), a reporter from Stars and Stripes visits the 4077 to report the second first-ever open heart surgery. (Hawkeye did the first one in OR, Season 3, Episode 5.) Margaret is irate because Donald has their joint assets frozen. Klinger wants Greenleigh to film him depicting Scarlett O'Hara and Rosa Moline. Major Ego acts like a total ass. Greenleigh has major hots for Margaret; she blocks each of his approaches, saying she hates men. In post-op, Hawkeye finds Major Ego's open heart patient in a bad way and tries to alert him, but Chuckles accuses Hawkeye of jealousy. As the real doctor prepares to save the patient, Major Ego goes from scoffing disbelief to hand wringing. Margaret slams martinis at the Officers' Club with Honey-cutt tending bar. Greenleigh finally picks the right time, place and words to get through to Hotlips. The next morning, Margaret is singing... but Major Ego's hands are still wringing. Will he allow Capt. Greenleigh to ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
24 min

Army I Corp reports a big storm coming from Manchuria; Radar and Col. Potter plot how to batten down the hatches. But the storm grounds the chopper which was to take Boston butt to Seoul for his flight to Tokyo, his first RandR. Radar and Potter bribe Klinger into driving him into Seoul as the tantrums of Boston blow harder than the winds of Manchuria. Radar loses his guinea pig, Babette. The unlikely duo runs across a troop truck of injured Greek GIs; they are lost, but they help the Greeks to safety. Back at the 4077, Margaret feels guilty after Nurse Bigelow, at whom she just yelled, gets into an accident requiring Hawkeye to perform surgery. Boston is too scared to be left alone, so he and Klinger brave the storm in the makeshift shelter with the injured Greeks. The field duo pulls out all the stops to successfully remove a pleural effusion with no light and primitive tools. Too bad they did not have an Atlas. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9

Abercrombie and Fitch help BJ and Hawkeye cause unrest between the officers in the boiling summer at the 4077; the Swamp Rats receive a box which Chuckles calls canvas Xanadu. Klinger dons a fur coat and woollens and tries to melt his way out of the Army. No one at 4077 can keep a secret, especially with Hawkeye singing and quacking. Radar has a bad case of tonsillitis and with 104* heat, Potter and Hawkeye worry about his temperature. It becomes necessary to immerse Radar in the canvas Xanadu...everyone learns the secret at that point. With the mild Father Mulcahy yelling and waving a toilet brush, the camp is in revolt. Supply Sgt. Clifford Rhoden aka The Scrounger, offers cases of scotch and other goodies for the guys' 63 gallons of civilization. Col. Potter does Radar's surgery personally and he orders the Swamp Rats get rid of the tub. Radar is miserable and hot...he wants strawberry ice cream. Can the guys work a deal with the Scrounger? Will Klinger make it 24 hours or will a... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.1
24 min

Sgt. Jerry Neilson, Army Medic, with the 5th Regimental Combat Team, is a very frequent visitor to 4077: Jerry is currently bringing a bus load of casualties from Hill 403. Jerry asks to watch a session of OR; the Boston bugle is pouting about Mass. General Hospital. He throws down the gauntlet before his bunk mates: he goes on a speaking strike. They almost get a rise out of him when Hawkeye accuses his parents of voting for FDR. Another bus full of wounded GIs arrives later in the day and Jerry is on board; unfortunately, Sgt. Neilson is looking at his dog tags while asking Hawkeye and BJ who he is. Col. Potter suggests calling in Major Sidney Freedman (Allan Arbus) to talk with Jerry. Sidney describes Jerry's amnesia as The Billfold Syndrome: one looks at his wallet and ID but cannot place himself. Sidney gently questions the beleaguered medic, Margaret hovers maternally; Sidney wants to place Jerry under hypnosis and have BJ and Hawkeye provide sound effects to help Jerry relive... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 6.9
45 min

Newsreels highlight this one-hour special. Minutes mean lives at the M*A*S*H units and reporter, Clete Roberts, has returned to speak again to the 4077 personnel. Everyone is present or in flashback, from Lt. Colonel Henry Blake and Trapper John McIntyre ...even pesky, loveable lug, Major Frank Burns rounds out the current cast as the reporter questions the guys and gals of the 4077. At home, Her Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, is crowned at age 27, Marilyn Monroe pouts and waves, Joe DiMaggio throws and slugs, Nixon seems to ponder and Albert Einstein and Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion chat in a garden as the Korean War wages. Pres. Truman (Give 'em hell, Harry!) defends US foreign policy, Nixon does Watergate prequel lite and DDE promises to go to Korea... while GIs from 16 nations are being wounded and dying. The continued battle of war and peace, love and hate that evolves between Hawkeye and Margaret is well illustrated. There is drinking, practical joking, singing,... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.3

Radar gets his nose out of joint when the Head Nurse of the entire 8th Army, Colonel Lillian Rayburn, shows up early at 4077 for her first tour of a M*A*S*H in Korea. The attractive 60-something Colonel Rayburn immediately sparks with Colonel Potter. Lil, as she tells the officers to call her, asks BJ what his initials stand for and he says anything you want. This starts Hawkeye on one of his more inane quests: to learn his BF's one, dark secret. Margaret is all thumbs in OR in front of Col. Rayburn until she has her first talk with Lil; then, she is inspired by Lil and this boosts her esprit de corps about her own Army career. But, Radar is upset at the attention Col. Potter is paying to Lil... even Lil gets her signals mixed. Colonel Potter goes to Radar to request a wake-up call, and they have one of their concise chats. It seems Hawkeye was right, all along... except about the name game. Are BJ Hunnicutt's parents really named Bea and Jay? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8

Survivors of last night's 3-day party are barely able to fall in for roll call...most are falling over instead. The peace talks at Panmunjom are not going as well as expected. Only Margaret is happy: she and Donald finally have a date in Tokyo next weekend so they can hold their own marital peace talks. Radar is surprised his spleen is intact when he hands Margaret a telegram from Donald but his office door is a gone pecan. The camp mood is foul: Potter threatens the next person to snap at the Padre and is chagrined when he is that person. Everyone is exhausted. When Colonel Potter announces the Army increased the mandatory rotation points for discharge from 36 to 45, it hits long-time surgeon, Hawkeye, like a pile driver. Then, his pal Margaret announces her bad news; it all combines to send Hawkeye into a red rage. He pulls one of his zany stunts and ends up making the entire 4077 feel brighter. Sub-moronic fruitcake or not, the anti-green peace delegate gets a welcome home he ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
24 min

Radar wakes Colonel Potter for a phone call from I Corp: there has been a shake up and General Imbrie is replacing Gen. Hammond. Imbrie wants to see all of his COs immediately in Seoul. Major Chuckles has a runny nose so Colonel Potter hands the reigns to his senior surgeon, Captain Pierce. At 0600 the next morning, the new CO muses on why executions are at dawn: who wants to live at 0600 hours? Radar starts pushing paper at the new 4077 CO, Klinger is angling for that elusive Section 8 and the CO just wants to have a drink and nap. The problems mount: Father reports blankets leave 4077 with the wounded but never return, Radar follows Commander Pierce with a clipboard and bunches of forms. Major Chuckles whines, the nurses squabble, Margaret bristles and a surgeon goes off to an aid station to rescue the buddy of Cpl. Hough, a new casualty driven to the 4077. Hawkeye is worried; Commander Pierce is furious. A sudden onslaught of wounded leaves the new CO with 1.5 surgeons. Margaret ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7

Hawkeye and BJ are increasingly annoyed at Major One-Up and his mania to prove his alleged automatic superiority at every activity, endeavor or exploit. Klinger has a new protege, Corporal Boots Miller, a non-comm who deejays, sings and films with his stirring spoon... and talks to his shoe and sock. Bad news in 4077 Post Op: there is one box of morphine left until tomorrow. But, Nurse Kellye has a GI who had a horrible reaction to some of that last batch and Colonel Potter orders the batch destroyed and suggests a radical form of treatment in lieu of morphine. As Miller acts progressively nuttier, Klinger is the first to tell Col. Potter to give Miller a Section 8; Potter thinks he is in cahoots with Miller until the enemy glider incident. In Post Op, everyone but Chuckles is credibly playing his/her part dispensing the old Doc Schumaker/Potter treatment. Can the mind help cure the body? Is Miller crazy or laughing all the way to the bank? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

There is a big push in the fighting and that means 24 hour surgery sessions. Chuckles is yawning in OR...everyone is exhausted, but Col. Potter says he needs to learn to pace himself. Klinger asks Boston butt if he can prescribe him a pick-me-up; he tells Klinger about amphetamines, uppers or bennies, as the Bohemians call them. But, he condescendingly tells Klinger he lacks the genetic superiority to be able to handle them. All of a sudden, Chuckles is running, writing and operating virtual rings around the other surgeons and staff. All notice this surge of energy but only bunk mates, Hawkeye and BJ worry when he cannot sleep. His Surliness rebuffs their concern. A few stupid men hurt Radar's feelings and talk down to him when he tries to make light conversation with them in Post Op. The 3 Jarheads are itching to be discharged so they can watch Sluggo, their unit mouse, race at the 4033. Radar is so incensed at the Jarheads' attack on his manhood, he challenges Sluggo with his ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

The latest piece de resistance of Hawkeye and BJ is Kentucky Derby Day, the next excuse for a party and temporary escape from reality for the team at 4077. Colonel Potter has to visit General Waldo Kent at I Corp in Seoul and he is is usual playful yet gruff and wonderful self. When he returns to camp, it becomes painfully obvious Col. Potter has a burr in his saddle. At Derby Day, Colonel Potter abruptly interrupts the festivities to announce that due to bad reports on his leadership, I Corp is making a spot inspection next Tuesday. Further, he announces his intention to leave and transfer stateside immediately. Hawkeye and BJ are the only ones with the guts to demand an explanation. When Potter tells them the bad reports are coming from the inside of his own command, the Swamp Rats are furious; they immediately suspect the Boston butt. But all they find is a Dear Meredith letter...and some advice to watch the outgoing mail for envelopes addressed to I Corp. Radar is willing to die... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

Colonel Wheatley of the 8063 wants each of the M*A*S*H units to observe methods of the others. Hawkeye and Lt. Bigelow are spending a week at the 8063 while a chest cutter named Dupree and Nurse Anderson spend a week at 4077. Chuckles finally erects his Boston arrow on the 4077 totem pole. Capt. Lorraine Anderson is an old friend of Margaret, Army brats who grew up together. Capt. Roy Dupree is an Arkansas hillbilly; naturally he is too far beneath the buffoon for notice but Roy even annoys the placid BJ. Lorraine finds Margaret has changed; Margaret is upset when Lorraine tells stories of their old days to the officers. Roy wants to stay at the 4077 and Potter likes his surgical skill. Can BJ and Chuckles finagle their way out of prairie purgatory? Will Lorraine be able to convince Margaret to open up and ease up and not allow Major Houlihan to take over her life? Will Sophie survive the moonlight ride? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.3
25 min

Radar drives up with bags of mail; Klinger cannot wait for Radar to sort it: he has not heard from Laverne in weeks. Hawkeye gets mail meant for another Captain BF Pierce who appears to be some kind of Romeo. BJ's Peggy had to fix a plumbing issue and was hit on by a neighbor at a party; BJ is very upset. Radar learns his mother has a new friend: a gentleman friend. Margaret has the MIL from Hell; when Donald put Margaret forth for DAR membership, his mother blackballed her. The Boston baldy has no comfort and no sense for Margaret. Klinger cried wolf too many times: his wife is divorcing him and no one believes him. Klinger tells Father Mulcahy he will go AWOL. Radar confides in Hawkeye his issues about his mother dating; Hawkeye tells him a story and also tells him he is jealous at having to share his mother. BJ is crazy: does Peggy need him anymore? Who is this mysterious Romeo named Captain BF Pierce. Will Klinger really go AWOL? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6

Margaret travels the longest road in the quest to become a regular human being and not just Major Houlihan. It happens so gradually, it can be missed by those not paying constant attention. One day, the Major jumps on Nurse Bell for two petty infractions in OR. BJ and Col. Potter tell Margaret to ease up, but Hawkeye knows something is wrong. He forces the issue: he tells Margaret she is too good to nitpick her nurses. So Margaret confides that she thinks she may be pregnant. Hawkeye sees this as a small miracle but Margaret knows it would be the end of her career. BJ wrestles with his patient, ex-ROTC man, Lt. Tom Martinson, who is frustrated at losing 35 of his men due to what he considers his inept leadership. Klinger has a photo angle to get out of the Army. Both Margaret and Hawkeye talk to Col. Potter to arrange her special test. Tokyo would take too long, so the trio asks Radar to sacrifice Fluffy, Radar's female rabbit. But Radar will not consent to sacrifice Fluffy; he ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
25 min

After 11 days of no casualties, the Swamp Rats are so bored, they invent Cranko, a game mixing chess, poker and checkers (over gin) in one game. Radar purloins Boston's turntable to play the new platters the 4077 received; Colonel Potter believes it will alleviate boredom. Klinger teaches Radar how to be a disc jockey and talk the talk to spin platters. Suddenly, the OR gets beyond crazy, Col. Potter encourages Radar to keep the tunes a-coming. The wounded soon overflow into the Mess Tent, Officers' Club and The Swamp as adjunct hospitals. Klinger is scrounging for blood--especially the AB- blood one wounded GI desperately needs. The medical staff is forced to use plasma; everyone is on automatic pilot. Radar becomes a cool cat; his confidence over the air grows quickly. Colonel Potter continues to request the same version of Sentimental Journey sung by Doris Day (23 times). Can a drunk bomb disposal expert with AB - blood save the day? Is there any presence more comforting than a... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

Gloucester Regiment, part of the BCFK (British Commonwealth Forces Korea) arrive at the 4077; Colonel Potter calls them nutcakes who never wear helmets. BJ is recognized by a GI, Sgt. Johnson, upon whom BJ operated 8 months earlier; he is wounded and seems to be in severe pain. Klinger has to break it to Col. Potter: their penicillin store has been stolen again. Father Mulcahy tries to be useful, but no one seems to need Last Rites. Hawkeye rails against the British tradition of giving wounded soldiers tea. For soldiers with abdominal injury, tea may mean peritonitis. Major Derek Ross, (Bernard Fox) the CO of the Gloucester Regiment, annoys the surgeons with his brusque attitude toward his men. A sergeant confesses to Father Mulcahy information about Black Market medicine; Father grabs Klinger and a jeep and Father's info rings a bell. Hawkeye is shocked when he next runs into Maj. Ross in post-op. Hawkeye learns there may be different methods for different COs when it comes to ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

Margaret finds out who her friends really are when Klinger accidentally throws out her wedding ring from Donald with the 4077 trash. Hawkeye and BJ are frustrated when they are trying to perform an arterial transplant, but they do not have a vascular clamp small enough to control an artery without crushing it. How come the Army can make a gun that will level a village 30 miles away, but they can't come up with a tiny surgical tool that will save a man's leg? Colonel Potter suggests they talk to the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, but they are not available; neither the good doctors nor Private Zale can build a clamp that works. So, Hawkeye and BJ find a jack of all trades: a master craftsman who can... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

The 8th Army commends the 4077 for the 72-hour ordeal they withstood. Even the good Father is exhausted. All Hawkeye and BJ want is a shower and sleep. But, the Boston bassoon wants to blow his French horn, loudly. Colonel Potter tries to deal with a suicidal GI, Pvt. Saunders, who lost part of his face and requires plastic surgery. Hawkeye and BJ refuse to use soap and water until the blowhard stops polluting the air. The whole camp is tired of the battle of the air so Margaret kicks it into high gear. She commands 3 waves of forces designed to eliminate all of the problem. After stopping the final suicide attempt, Colonel Potter sentences Major Houlihan and her army to the Officers' Club...and drinks on The Swamp Rats. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
25 min

It is hot outside. Radar's yelling might bruise the gin. BJ gets a telegram: Peggy needs $200 that day so they can make a down payment on their dream property in Stinson Beach. BJ borrows it from Chuckles until payday the following day. He is both bossy and obnoxious to BJ and rubs his nose in the debt by constant reminders and demanding favors. The next day, the Army SNAFUs the payroll and sends most of it to Guam. The enlisted men are paid first; poor Margaret is broke and Donald is too cheap to loan her any money. To clear a bar tab and get alcohol, Hawkeye borrows $50 from his boorish bunkie, who orders a cold beer be served him in The Swamp at 2200 hours that evening after OR. BJ and Hawkeye seethe until they arrive at the perfect revenge: poker. Word spreads like wildfire: poker newbie in the Officers' Club. But, the newbie is also lucky... and audacious. But, like the William of legend who was expert at shooting apples from atop the heads of murderous reeves with his ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

A frustrated B.J. disobeys Col. Potter's orders, convincing a helicopter pilot to search for missing Margaret and Hawkeye who, in the meantime, have found that they have very differing views on the relationship they develop while awaiting rescue behind enemy lines. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
25 min

While on their way to another MASH unit to demonstrate a new surgical technique, Margaret and Hawkeye are forced to take shelter in an abandoned hut when they find themselves in a broken down jeep and under fire from an advancing enemy line. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.3
25 min

Hill 403 is up for grabs and Army actuary, aptly named Colonel Bloodworth, annoys Hawkeye with his cold-blooded pin-point accuracy and casualty predictions. The Swamp Rats get angry when Boston will not share more than 1/2 a pate cracker from his goody basket from home, but the food backs up on both Boston and Margaret, his dinner companion of choice. BJ has to finish the surgery fumbled by Boston and BJ gets a pilot's jacket large enough for Col. Potter as a thank you. Klinger meets a kindred Toledo spirit, Pvt. Danker, and they talk of the Trianon dance club and their favorite, Packo's Hungarian hot dogs with chili peppers. Hawkeye is irate and loses his temper with Colonel Bloodworth; the Col. is equally irate and Hawkeye faces court-martial. But when Col. Bloodworth returns to 4077 wounded, as a patient and not an actuary, both Hawkeye's and his perspectives change. Pvt. Danker sends Klinger a box of Packo's hot dogs and all the trimmings. As he, BJ and Hawkeye roast them in The... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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