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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The Atlanta field office requests the BAU's assistance in a case with two victims thus far, both stabbed multiple times to death, both victims found bound in different truck stop rest rooms, one outside of Chattanooga and one outside of Birmingham, posed post-mortem, both victims missing their left ear, with the murders probably taking place elsewhere as concluded by the lack of blood at the scenes. The wounds indicate indecisiveness and inexperience in the act of killing, while the posed bodies in highly public locales indicates the exact opposite of experience in the act, leading to the competing theories that there are two people working together, or one person who has long fantasized about what he is doing and is only now being able to act upon those fantasies. One victim is a homeless John Doe, while the other is a well regarded schoolteacher. When a third victim emerges with a slightly different M.O. in that she was killed at the disposal site, the team knows that the victims ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
40 min

The BAU heads to Boston, Massachusetts where two unrelated women are found within days of each other in very public areas of city parks, beheaded, the heads not yet found. Beyond leading low risks lifestyles, there are seemingly no other ties between the two. Each woman has wounds on the knuckles of both hands, and electric shock marks like she was tasered. With no sedatives found in their toxicology, the victims were alive and conscious when they were killed. By the time the team arrives in town, there is a third victim. While the first victim's wounds are jagged in nature, the second and third victims' beheadings are clean, meaning that the unsub has found his preferred method of killing. Reid believes that he has discovered the instrument of killing based on the very public nature of the dead body sites. And the team discovers other similarities between the victims including some issue in their lives which has made them act out in various ways, and canceling a ride share request ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The BAU heads to Detroit, Michigan where community activist Russell Pearson is found murdered. His latest cause was opposition to a proposed gentrification project of high end condos, however it was recently discovered that he took bribes from the condo developers. As identified by the tag next to Pearson's body, the murderer is renowned street artist, Morpheus, whose actual identity is unknown. Morpheus, whose art has a social activism bent, would have been on the same side as Pearson of the condo development issue up until the discovery of the bribes. Morpheus, who works primarily in New York, Los Angeles and the Gulf coast, generally shows up after an issue has become known, leading his voice to the cause through the art. Morpheus' art first appeared in Detroit a few weeks ago, next to a burnt out car where a homeless mother and her infant died, the car where they were sleeping. By the time the team arrives in Detroit, Morpheus has struck again, this time kidnapping Corinne Wallace... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The BAU's continued work on the Dirty Dozen case without much substantive progression takes its toll especially on Garcia, who is worried she won't find out who the dozen targets are before they are murdered. Meanwhile, the team has a new case in Savannah, Georgia, where brides-to-be in town for their bachelorette party from elsewhere are found murdered, with the actual murders taking place the night of the bar hopping parties. The other similarities between the two victims thus far are that their dead bodies were found in a dumpster, and both were wearing sashes identifying themselves as brides-to-be. Shortly after the team's arrival in town, another victim is discovered. Based on her death and the autopsy of the second victim, the team discovers that the unsub is a female with mental health issues, she who has self-esteem issues as well as a nervous habit of biting her fingernails. Being engaged herself, Lewis may have special insight into the case, that insight which could prove ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.7
42 min

Approximately twelve hours after she goes missing, the BAU is brought into the probable abduction case of Sophie Troy, the wife of first term Congressman Benjamin Troy, who has many enemies on all sides. The team recommends that the Congressman and his family - his mother Dinah Troy, and his brother Paul Troy who has just been released from rehab and is living with Dinah until he gets back on his feet - come in for protective custody until the case is solved. Organized Crime believes that Sophie's abduction may have been by low level Russian thugs for hire, one of their agents, Dorian Loker, who has surveillance on their hideout. While Reid joins Loker in the surveillance to see if they can find out anything on that end, the rest of the team remains at headquarters where they deal with a ransom request, and conflicting stories from the Congressman and those associated with him. They have to wade through the stories to discover the truth before the ransom demand comes and goes, and ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

The BAU heads to Reagan Federal Penitentiary in Liberty, located in east Texas. They are called in on the request of its warden of six months, Miles Tate, who met Hotch once at a business meeting. Officers Keith Rivers and Rudy Hightower were both found murdered within the span of three months, each with their throat slashed, a sock stuffed in their mouth, and with seven broken fingers. Hightower's fingers were broken as defensive wounds during a prison riot, while Rivers' were broken post-mortem. The inmates disabled many of the security cameras during the riot, the reason why the two murders could occur without detection. As such, the large inmate population are all suspects. Reagan is privately owned by the Citadel Corrections Company, who bought it from the government a year ago. As an aged facility, Reagan would have been shut down otherwise. Although he likes Tate, the chief officer, Captain Dale Shavers, a twenty year veteran of Reagan, is open about his disdain for Citadel, ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.4
42 min

In the aftermath of the shootout the authorities have with Preacher Mills, several people are down. Among the dead are Mills himself and Sheriff Coleman, and three people associated with the pool hall. Injured is Morgan. But seriously injured is Reid, whose shooting Blake blames on herself as he pushed her out of harm's way. What the BAU is able to determine is that the three pool hall victims were dead before the shooting started, which confirms their theory that Mills was being framed by the true unsub, that the unsub was at the scene among the shooters, and that Dinah Stidham is connected as the only person associated with the pool hall who was not there. When they eventually catch up with Dinah, they can see that she is scared but does know much about what is going on. The nature of how she was located leads to the team coming up with a new theory, one where they have to find a way to make Dinah talk while protect her while she is in the unusually unsafe police station, and ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
44 min

Morgan is helping Daria Samsen prepare for a trial in a case where she was held captive for close to a year outside Hamilton, New York, before she was able to escape. It has been a year since that escape, the intervening time being spent first at the hospital, where she was recovering from her several physical injuries, then at a mental institution, where she has been recovering from her emotional trauma. Morgan and JJ initially questioned her a year ago when the BAU was working on the case, and he is now following up on the statements she made at that time. Many of Daria's fellow captives were tortured, continually beaten and eventually killed, with precise puncture wounds to the body made by an ice pick. Unlike the initial victims who were dumped, the latter victims were displayed, hung like scarecrows. Daria's lead captor was a man named Joe Bachner, but based on the nature of his being and Daria's statement, the BAU knew that Joe was working with a partner, someone with OCD who ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

The BAU travels to Las Vegas, Nevada, where the dead bodies of two young women, one killed in the last twenty-four hours, the other two weeks ago, are found outside the city in the desert. The M.O. seems to be the same, the most unusual similarity being that both drowned. Initial indication is that the most recent victim is a local, the longer deceased victim a tourist. They are eventually identified respectively as local waitress and former drug addict Frida Bancroft, and strip-miner (a person who steals left behind money and chips at casinos) Renee Sheffield. Believing the victims may have been working together as two of perhaps several grifters and a hobo code 2/10 near the bodies, the BAU comes to the conclusion that the unsub is from among that group, probably homeless, and is seeking revenge on people within the community who stole from him/her. Testing the water in which the victims drowned gives the BAU a starting point as to the geographical locale of the unsub, whose ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The BAU travels to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where two young women, in two separate incidents, were found dumped at the side of the highway, strangled to death. Both were semi-clad, wrapped in a shower curtain, which they later learn is commercial grade used by hotels, but neither victim was sexually assaulted. By tracking the last known whereabouts of one of the victims, they are able to trace her to a nearby motel where an unusual piece of evidence is found leading to that belief that there are two unsubs, one male and one female. On the BAU's directive, Pittsburgh PD discover that several murders can be attributed to the pair dating back to 1994, with a few breaks in time periods. But another subsequent victim not fitting the profile of any of the other victims and finding a victim of one of the past crimes who survived the attack may lead the team to the identities of the unsubs. In tracking the pair, the team may also learn how solid or fragile their actual partnership is, and if... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

In 2004, the BAU traveled to San Jose, California for two reasons. One was to recruit Garcia, a hacker at the time, who was known in her circles as the Black Queen and who was given the choice of the job or prison. The second was to investigate the murders of eight prostitutes. Although he didn't fit the profile exactly, a man named Sam Russell then admitted to the eight murders, he who is now on death row at San Quentin, his execution scheduled in two weeks. However, the San Jose Police Department computer system was just hacked, and Russell's files stolen. The anonymous messages the SJPD received from the hackers are that Russell is innocent. Garcia believes the hackers are a vigilante justice group called Star Chamber, Russell who used to be a hacker himself and who Garcia knew online. Russell also now recants his admission of guilt, he stating that he was drug addled at the time, with the lead investigator, now retired Det. Bob Cooper, feeding him drugs to satisfy his habit in ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

Mateo Cruz has just been introduced as the new section chief. A surprised J.J., who knows him, and Cruz seem not to want to divulge that they have a history. They don't even seem to want to let the team know that they know each other, which may be difficult to hide amongst a group of profilers. Cruz wants to accompany the team into the field on their next case, which takes them to Baltimore, Maryland, where a young John Doe was found stumbling around a warehouse district. Alive, he has ligature marks on his wrists, and drill marks in the corner of his eyes which they determine was a just performed lobotomy. He ends up paralyzed without the ability to speak, but his mental faculties seem to be in tact. Through what slow communication Morgan is able to do with him, Morgan learns that the unsub is white male that the victim did now know, and that there was a female victim as well, who is probably still captive. The team believes the unsub held him captive in one of the nearby warehouses,... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.1
42 min

The team travels to Rapid City, South Dakota after Reid, who is suffering from insomnia, stumbles across a case. Two thirtysomething men in separate incidents were found dismembered in the area, one in Rapid City, another in a nearby native reserve. The men were also poisoned with a natural herb. Both men were also not local, they being associated with the seasonal logging industry. When a third man, Chad Dumont, goes missing, he who is also not local but a military man on furlough, the team refocuses on the non-local aspect. Ritualistic markings on the bodies also leads to the team looking into the native angle as well as the naturopathic angle. After doing further interviews, they determine that the unsub is a woman who is luring the men away using the ruse of sex. The team has to piece together all these clues to find the unsub and her motivation. Meanwhile, Rossi tries to help Reid understand the cause of and deal with his insomnia. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The team is called to Bronson Springs, Colorado (formerly designated City of Tomorrow as a great community in which to live), because of the discovery there of the decapitated body of retired police deputy Charlie Figg. That in and of itself would not normally require the services of the BAU, but the fact that Charlie's dead body was found just hours after the discovery of another human head in the just-unearthed 25-year-old official Bronson Springs time capsule makes it a BAU case. That head belonged to then 23-year-old Wade Burke, who was never listed as deceased since no body was ever found and no foul play was suspected. The team quickly learns that Burke and Figg were both decapitated with the same saw, and thus probably by the same unsub. When a third decapitated victim is discovered shortly after their arrival, they determine that all the victims were hypocrites in that their private lives were contrary to their squeaky-clean public image. The team realizes that the unsub, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.5
41 min

The BAU is disturbed by their finding that the Replicator has had such intimate access to all the team members. However, Strauss gives a directive for them to put that case aside since there are no new leads which may give them some perspective over time of who the Replicator is, and focus their attentions on their regular cases. That next case takes them to Saint Paul, Minnesota, where women have been stabbed to death, but more disturbing have had their tongues pulled out pre-mortem. They know that the tongue removal is the key to understanding the motivation of the unsub. The disparate set of women victims is seemingly chosen at random until the team discovers one common bond: that they all have a very strong on-line presence, their deaths telegraphed by stories in their own on-line blogs, messages or texts. To catch the unsub, they may have to dig a little deeper into the world of on-line chatter and who else may be sharing stories about violent deaths. Meanwhile, Kevin catches ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.7
41 min

In the Washington DC area, a school bus transporting twenty-four high school students home after school is commandeered. The GPS on the bus is disabled, meaning that the bus disappears without a trace along with all its passengers, which not only includes the students, but also the driver, Roy Webster, and the bus monitor, Carol Roberts. Cell phone calls to the students are unanswered. The bus and the cell phones are eventually found, but the twenty-six are nowhere to be found. Initially the BAU believes the abduction has something to do with a previous altercation between Webster and the students, which resulted in the need for the bus monitor. However as the BAU gathers evidence on the case, Rossi notices that much of that evidence is remarkably similar to a video game called Gods of Combat, pointing to the suspicion that the unsubs are extreme gamers who are turning their love of the game into reality. So the team delves into the psyche of gamers and the codes by which they live in... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
44 min

The BAU is called to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where two men are violently bludgeoned to death within minutes of each other one evening near a hospital. The way the dead bodies are positioned shows that the unsub is remorseful about his act. They know that the unsub needs to be a physically strong man to be able to exact such killings on other physically strong men. Subsequent victims are found to be beaten solely by the unsub's hands, and that the unsub is no longer showing that remorse, which to the team indicates that he will probably strike again for his new pleasure of blood lust. The nature of the beatings also shows someone who is knowledgeable about fighting, such as a boxer. Hence the team digs into the world of the Philadelphia boxing scene trying to find some connection to the location of the dead body sites near the hospital. Meanwhile, Hotch contemplates going on his first date since Haley's death. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

The BAU is called to Somerville Academy, a military boys' school, when five students are found dead from hanging while on an unsupervised survival outing in the woods. The school's administration believes it to be a mass suicide as there is a supposed simple suicide note at the scene, with the words we're sorry. These deaths follow a suicide hanging of another underclassman, Bailey Shelton, two weeks earlier. The one student tying to two sets of deaths together is Josh Redding, who is the missing sixth member of the survival outing, and in whose room Bailey was found hanging. As Somerville, which has worked on tradition and thus has bucked any modern technological conveniences, has ties to highers-up in the organization, Strauss accompanies the team to ensure both that the investigation goes smoothly and that there is as little media attention as possible. They initially believe that Josh reneged on the suicide pact, but then come to the conclusion that he killed the five other boys... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

It isn't until 48 hours after the disappearance of nine year old St. Louis, Missouri based Bobby Smith that the BAU is called to investigate. The delay was because Bobby's chronically depressed mother, Marlene Smith, believed he was at his grandmother's house where she dropped him off. Despite her not being a candidate for mother of the year, the team doesn't believe that Marlene is a suspect as there is every indication that she lives beyond her means to please Bobby whenever she's not in one of her suicidal states. Since there are no signs of a struggle, the team believes that Bobby knew or at least trusted the abductor unsub, meaning that the unsub could have been someone in authority like a first responder. When another St. Louis based child, four year old Timmy Tanner, is abducted, the team has its first victim profile: troubled mothers, as Timmy's mother Kelsey Tanner eventually admits to being a drug addict. Timmy's disappearance also brings about the first real break into the ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

The team travels to Durant, Oklahoma, where two females - both low risk in their late teens, long blond hair and blue eyes - were found sexually assaulted then murdered within a three day span. Other similarities between the two murders are that the body dump sites are public, the victims were not wearing their own clothes but rather 1980's vintage clothing, and that the killer used sulfuric acid to blind the victims. From this evidence, the team believes the unsub is homeless, and is using the acid as a measure of power. They also know that the victims are surrogates for who the unsub will actually target, she probably someone he knew from the 1980's. When another young woman named Tammy Bradstone goes missing, she who fits the profile, Morgan and Prentiss, in interviewing Tammy's parents, believe they have uncovered the unsub's identity and who his real target is. They just have to use that information to find a hopefully still alive Tammy. Meanwhile, Reid is angry at those who knew... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

Hotch is assigned as the team's grief assessor in Prentiss' death. A common theme among some on the team is who is acting as his grief assessor. Meanwhile, the team travels to Tampa, Florida, where a woman that morning entered a gun shop and shot four dead. When they arrive at the gun shop, the team realize that she brought her own ammunition into the shop and used one of the shop's own guns as the weapon. That shooting and two subsequent events show the BAU that she has some issue with authority. As they track her movement through Tampa, they also realize that she is not on the run but has a specific target that she needs to get to on this specific day. They have to figure out who that target is and the significance of the date in her life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

The dead body of ten year old Daniel Lanham is found buried in Harwood State Park in Pennsylvania. Missing since November when he and his father, Joseph Lanham, were camping, Daniel was kept alive over the winter before being killed in March. Experienced hiker and camper Joseph was and is a suspect, most notably now since he purportedly stopped looking for Daniel around the time he was killed. Reviewing the crime scene, the BAU find another dead body of a boy around Daniel's age, who also was killed months after his abduction. Reid suspects that the serial killer would have murdered more boys over several years over the entire course of the Appalachian Trail, and that he lately has confined himself to a smaller portion of the trail due either to his age or a physical disability which is making him less mobile. The unsub is working like an animal in the woods, hibernating with the boys over the winter before disposing of them. Meanwhile, adolescent brother and sister Robert and Ana ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
40 min

Two families consisting of a mother, father and two children are murdered in two consecutive days in the Iowa/Nebraska border area. The children are strangled, the mothers killed by blunt force trauma and the fathers stabbed multiple times. The father in the second set of murders was also eviscerated crudely postmortem, meaning that it was done not as torture but rather out of curiosity. The autopsies show that the mothers suffered the most pain in their deaths, making the BAU believe that the mothers are the key to the unsub's rage. In reviewing the crime scenes, the BAU come to the realization that the unsub was known to the victims and that he is a minor. As the BAU determine more about the unsub, including that he is a ward with a criminal record, the unsub is dealing with his next target, the Riverton family, its mother, Nancy Riverton who does her best to temper the inner rage of the unsub. Evidence at one of the earlier crime scenes leads the BAU to come to understand where the... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The team is still adjusting to the loss of JJ from the unit, she who was transferred to the Department of Defense against her own wishes. The BAU's next case takes them to Bristol, Virginia, where young blond women are abducted from highly public locations. They are tortured and sodomized before being murdered by electrocution, their bodies dumped in a common location. They were forced to telephone a loved one to tell them of their impending death. This case is reminiscent of a sixteen year old cold case that Rossi worked on, the unsub of the cold case nicknamed the Butcher, who killed over a ten year period in the Bristol area. The primary difference between this new case and that of the Butcher is that the Butcher's victims were forced to say in their telephone calls that they enjoyed it. The BAU believe these new killings are the work of copycats, as they know there are two unsubs. Two of the major reasons they believe so is that the Butcher's profile had him as a narcissist who ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
44 min

Morgan and Det. Matt Spicer are unable to reach Spicer's daughter, Ellie Spicer, before she is kidnapped by the unsub, who has been raping and killing during blackouts for twenty-six years. In the kidnapping process, Morgan and Spicer's sister, Kristin, are beaten, and Spicer himself killed. Spicer's parents were the unsub's first victims twenty-six years ago. Ellie, who quickly understands her role in the unsub's twisted fantasy, ends up being more resilient than the unsub first believed. Meanwhile, the BAU, with information from Kristin, believe they understand why the unsub kidnapped Ellie and has probably kept her alive. The BAU also believe they have a means to at least contact the unsub. In doing so, an uncomfortable J.J. is requested to do some work outside of her responsibility. Reid, in the meantime, finds an earlier murder which he believes is also connected to the unsub, this information which could lead to figuring out his identity. J.J. uses this information in her ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.7
42 min

In two separate incidents, an unsub has raped and/or killed in Los Angeles, California. The first victims, two females, were raped, tortured then killed in the downtown area. Three days later in the suburbs, a woman, in her home, was raped repeatedly in front of her husband, the latter who was ultimately killed. The wife was purposefully kept alive. These incidents have taken place in the area of the city where the rolling blackouts have occurred that evening, the blackouts to combat the excessive power use due to the heatwave. Garcia determines that the unsub has been at work for at least twenty-six years - raping and murdering during blackouts - the individual incidents never having been connected since he has never killed in the same city consecutively until now. In speaking to the detectives in charge, the BAU make a connection to one of the first killings as the reason the unsub has returned to Los Angeles. From there, the BAU think they know who the next target will be. They ... Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
42 min | 42 min

The BAU head to the small fishing town of Franklin, Alaska - population 1,500 - where there have been three murders in the span of a week. These three murders are the first ever in the town. On the surface, there is no similarity in either victimology or modus operandi, although each successive murder is becoming more confident in its approach. The case is made all the more difficult because everyone in town knows everyone's business, meaning that everyone is connected in some manner and if there is even the suspicion of someone being the killer, vigilante-ism could come into play. The key suspect is Joshua Beardsley, who was born and raised in Franklin, moved away to go the school and returned to town two weeks ago to help his recently widowed mother operate the town's only hotel/tavern. But when another person is murdered, the BAU not only believe they have a better profile and an understanding of why the victims were targeted, but that Joshua is the key to tracking the unsub. This ... Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.2
40 min | 42 min

In Tallahassee, Florida, a man calls 911 to report his impending suicide. At the location where he is found dead, the authorities find a wall plastered with photos and associated news clippings of women that have been killed throughout the country over the past ten years. He has left a journal recounting the murders of these women. Images of those women, complete with first name and year of death, are tattooed on his body. The only person with a photo that does not have an associated tattoo is Rebecca Daniels, who has been missing for three weeks. The BAU believe she may still be alive because of the tattoo issue. The team look for clues in the nature of the tattoos and in the journal to understand how Rebecca may still be alive when her probable prime captor has just killed himself. Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min | 42 min

The BAU are called to Providence, Rhode Island where a serial killer is on the loose. He has killed three people thus far, each in an increasingly public location. Each victim was slashed across the throat with a knife, which is left at the scene without fingerprints. As the BAU go through the three murders thus far, they determine that the unsub is more like an arsonist than a killer in the way he approaches his crimes. The victims themselves seem to be secondary to the location for the unsub, and he is only killing when it is convenient as opposed to choosing a predetermined victim. The BAU feel that they are missing one step in catching the unsub, and as such make a special request of Meg Collins, the wife of the third victim who was a Iraq War veteran. Meg's willingness to assist is all based on thoughts of her daughter, Sophie, who witnessed her father's murder. Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
39 min | 42 min

Agent Russell Goldman with the FBI's White Collar Division in San Diego brings a case to the BAU. A con man who he has been following for five years is suspected to have killed Carla Marshall in Miami, Florida. Carla had been in contact with Goldman about the con man, hence the supposed connection to him as her murderer. If the con man is indeed the unsub, Carla is the first known person he would have killed of those involved in his cons. His past cons generally involved using his charm and good looks to gain the trust of women. As the BAU review Goldman's files on the unsub, they find a change in his general lifestyle pattern from his early cons to the most recent. In reviewing the victim's background as well as the unsub's home life, the BAU believe they have a way to track him down. They have to work fast as they also believe that his mental state is devolving where he is becoming increasingly violent and murderous the closer anyone gets to discovering his fraudulent behavior, and ... Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Within 18 hours of their common time together, 12 people who visited Quiet Hills Park in Annapolis, Maryland, have died from anthrax poisoning, with at least 13 more in emergency rooms headed in the same direction. It is a highly sophisticated strain of anthrax, meaning that it was developed by someone with a science background. The military is called in as the BAU believes that such scientific work is the specialty of the military, the resulting pathogen was used as a potential WMD. Although the strain of the pathogen is not being used by the military, military scientists are the most likely candidates able to develop such a strain. The attack site, a family-oriented public park, is contrary to such work, and thus the BAU believes the site is personal to the perpetrator. Because of the panic it could cause, there is a media blackout on the story, which negatively affects some on the team, some for personal and some for professional reasons. The team is hit even harder when deep into ... Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

Prentiss learns from an old friend, John Cooley, that their mutual friend, Matthew Benton, just died from a heart attack. Prentiss had not seen either man in several years, both for different reasons. John also mentions that Matthew thought he was going to be killed just like T. Valentine. In searching, Garcia does find someone matching that name in the area who recently died from dehydration. There are similarities between the two deaths but no medical rationale for tying the two together as murders. A third person in the area then dies in a similar way but again no medical indication of an unnatural death or rationale tying the death to the first two. However, Prentiss and Rossi, in particular within the team, are certain the three deaths are related and that they are indeed murders. They have to tread lightly and carefully since the families of the deceased refuse to speak to the FBI - especially Matthew's family who know, and do not like, Prentiss - and since there is no ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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