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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
42 min

While on a book tour in Cleveland, Rossi learns from Zoe Hawkes, a keen criminology student, that there has been a spike in homicides in the city, she thinks that it is the work of one serial killer. Rossi thinks nothing of it since, on the surface, the homicides have nothing in common - that is until Zoe herself is killed while searching for clues. The BAU quickly realizes the connection: the M.O. of each case is a replica of more famous serial killer, with the perpetrator being a student of serial killers. Beyond the BAU needing to find the unsub before he kills again, Rossi has to reconcile his own feelings that he was somewhat responsible for Zoe's murder. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
55 min | 42 min

To his Sarasota Florida neighbors, William Harris is a model family man and upstanding citizen. However, he is taken into custody on suspicions of being the murderer of young women, accusations which followed him from Atlanta, where his family was forced to moved from because of the previous accusations. Harris denies any involvement and is confident that his wife can (and will) post the $5 million bail as she does not believe he had anything to do with the murders. The victims are held for two days before they are strangled to death. The victims are also alternately a white woman then a black woman. The latest possible victim is Missy Dewalt, who has been missing for a few hours. However, her dead body is found within the day, the time of death being when Harris was in custody. Based on a secret blog found deleted from Harris' computer and Missy's death, the BAU are certain that Harris is the murderer but has an accomplice. Harris' daughter, Andrea, grows suspicious of his ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.5
55 min | 42 min

A man calling himself Professor Rothchild approaches Rossi and Reid, saying that he has killed seven women already - scrambled photographs as proof - and within the next nine hours another five people he abducted will die. Current news reports that Kaylee Robinson and four children under her charge have gone missing, BAU believing they are the five targets. BAU's thought is true as Garcia is sent video footage of the five in a room wearing gas masks and being tortured by acid. Despite the professor asking for Reid, Rossi takes charge of the investigation thinking that he will not bow to Rothchild's wishes. As the investigation progresses, discussion between Rossi and Rothchild of the past killings and the future killings turn to the ideals of perfection. Meanwhile, Todd is feeling like the team does not yet trust her abilities based on actions by Morgan. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
43 min | 42 min

A serial killer who targets couples rapes and tortures the women psychologically and physically and kills the men by blunt force to the head leaves the bodies in a car on a road to make it look like a car accident. While the BAU are investigating, a couple in a motel somewhere find themselves trapped in a pure nightmare... Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

Charles Luvet is found floating dead in a marina in Miami, Florida. He is the third and latest dead person in the area fitting the same profile and cause of death: fit white males in their mid twenties to thirties, traveling through the area, with the cause of death being asphyxiation and no sign of sexual abuse. Small possessions of each of the victims are taken, but not pawned. Four other men that match the victimology are also missing. The one distinct difference with Luvet is that he is a police officer. The person tasked with identifying Luvet's body is his fellow NOPD police officer, Detective Will LaMontagne, who worked on the Jones case with the BAU a year earlier. His initial second meeting with the BAU is an awkward one if only because he and J.J. are in a relationship, of which she has not told anyone on the team and which she still wants to keep a secret from them. The BAU add one more piece to the victimology when they learn that Luvet lied about his reason for traveling ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.2
60 min | 42 min

Hotchner and Reid secure a pre-execution interview for research with death-row inmate, Chester Hardwick, who had a secret agenda. Unofficially, and unbeknown to his team, Rossi checks up on the surviving children of an Indianapolis couple who were victims of a still-unsolved, brutal, double-homicide exactly twenty years earlier, that he has never let go of, and to see if their are any new leads. Frustrated with his constant yearly gifts, a painful reminder of their parents' murder, the now-grown children beg Rossi to just leave them alone, but inadvertently provide him with a new lead. Concerned about his state of mind, Morgan, Prentiss, and J.J. join him, just in time to help make sense of the only new lead in twenty years, that may finally lead to the killer. Written by Lynne Boris Johnston

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
44 min

The BAU work on a case on the urging of Ambassador Elizabeth Prentiss, Emily's mother. The Chernuses - husband and wife, and their adult daughter Natalya - are a working class Russian family that knew of the Ambassador when she was posted in the Ukraine. The family now lives in Baltimore, Maryland having been smuggled out of the Eastern Bloc in 1988. Mr. Chernus has just been kidnapped. The family received a ransom note which includes Chernus' ring finger. Among other things, the note states that another body part will be cut off every six hours until the ransom is paid. In speaking to Josh Cramer from the FBI's Organized Crime Unit, the BAU learn that this case is typical of the Russian mob. Their victims are hesitant to speak to the authorities in general because of mistrust of the Russian authorities. In addition, the victims, generally with much money, are usually criminals themselves. Mr. Chernus does not seem to fit the typical victimology, the family having no money and he not ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
60 min | 42 min

A month ago 16 year-old Sandra Davis's on-off white boyfriend Ken Newcomb is shot from a car before here eyes, she next strangled to death, presumably by her date, in a park at Groten, an affluent suburb (42,000, 8% black) of New York City. It's the third of three racist killings in Westchester County, following Keisha Andrews (15) and Vickie Williams (17), black girls disappeared simultaneously from their homes in the county, corpses dropped in nearby woodland, neither raped but the date rape drug GSB found near them. Swastikas are painted on faces and cars, racism is becoming a hot political issue, the white mayor put back Lt. detective Ware in charge. Sandra was threatened by letter in advance, 'we' forbid her to keep seeing ken or tell anyone, in adolescent girl phraseology. The local police dismissed its initial suspicion of the letter-writer, black Tania Mathers (17), rumored to be dumped by Ken for Sandra, jealous after the high-school talent school. The team profiles a ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
45 min | 42 min

The team is sent to St. Louis to catch two serial killers who appear to be competing against each other. They are polar opposites; one is called the Mill Creek Killer and kills middle-class women using blunt trauma and the other calls himself Hollow Man and shoots prostitutes. Meanwhile, a new team member, Emily Prentiss, reports for duty. Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
43 min | 42 min

Four times an LA perfectionist bank-robber made the clients-hostages strip before locking them in, so none would do anything, and violates one, but quickly slips into more violent assault against uniformed men. The team realizes he started out as a clever thief, but the opportunity made the sadist awake, who forces odd couples to play sex in front of the others and becomes more violent. The race is on, fearing he'll become murderous... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
60 min | 42 min

Jacksonville student Laura Clemensen is kidnapped, raped and tortured for days before fatal manual strangulation; just as with the previous victim, also a good girl student without problems, a DVD is sent to the family, her father Frank has a fatal heart-attack, the body is dumped in a degrading position, wrapped only in saran-wrap. The team concludes there are two sadistic killers, master and slave. The DVDs are sent to the mothers since the first one asked God to forgive the killers, as rejection of guilt. There's another abduction, Tiffany Spera. Tracing car parts allows to find Joey Davin, but he rather draws and gun and gets himself shot then be arrested with a strike three record... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
43 min | 42 min

The Crimes Against Children unit in Maryland finds an Internet website with an auction club for the sale of incarcerated, long ago abducted boy Peter. Screening the website leads to a suspect, Grahamaz Rose, and a web-cam in his house on another captive boy. The FBI raids it and finds an older teenage minor, Kevin, formerly abused by his alcoholic father, who runs himself there a pornographic website, HUGZ, and clearly is no longer non-consenting, but accepts to help finding the younger kids by seeking contact with his pedophile viewers, which succeeds with nearby elementary school principal Howard Rawlings... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
42 min

In Baltimore, Maryland, a torturer executes his victim, John Summers, after having found the Saudi women and two children he protected. When Gideon reads about Summers' suicide according to the press, he learns from his CIA-contact another counter-terrorism agent must have staged this top Middle East informant's death, and puts his profiling team on this strictly unofficial investigation for the murderous mole. The wounds show more then one torturer. Summers was working with Aaliyah Nadir, who turned informant after physical abuse by her husband Hassan, a Saudi diplomat who secretly finances terrorist organizations, and after a staged 'fatal' car accident lived with young son Faris and daughter Dalia in the US. Now Hassan is looking for them. CIA executive Bruno Hawks welcomes the BAU team at Langley, promising full cooperation, but the traitor probably works there too. The team has sixteen CIA suspects to examine while counseling the high-tech search for the now missing family. Then ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

In New York a hooded serial killer blindfolds and shoots, then stabs victims which seem to have nothing in common. The profiling team concludes that the cab driver could only be killed after thorough preparation. His latest attack is a priest, accused but cleared in court of child abuse. After this incident he lets a female witness escape to a church, suggesting that the setting is essential to his ritual. It turns out all the victims were acquitted or got the charges dropped. The killer turns out to be a vigilante who stabs his guilty victims in a 'poetically just' organ, probably continuing on the theme of a first crime against a perpetrator whose victim he once was. Gideon thinks it may be a cop, but can't scare off the NYPD from collaborating, and indeed the next victim is a double cop-killer. All victims have been on trial in one single court-house. Crime newspaper reporter Lance Wagner gets incredibly precise scoops every time. After shooting in panic an undercover cop in the ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.2
42 min

The team investigates the Dawes couple on death row in Florida State Penitentiary for thirteen (or more) murders on young blonde girls in 1985. A dozen girl's bodies were found buried under the sexual psychopath Jacob's garage after the police got an anonymous call. Sarah Jean Dawes (née Mason) 'the Ice Queen' only confessed killing her own two-year old son Riley, Jacob would have ordered her to kill him because he slowed down their flight. Sarah's mother Deb Mason claims she was a normal shy girl util she met Jacob, her late father was a strict soldier but hit his wife. Gideon concludes from a letter to her mother and an interview that Sarah Jean is physically innocent. She just blames herself for failing to stop Jacob and tipped the police herself. Jacob, who clearly craves notoriety, refuses to tell Aaron Hotch Hotchner or Jennifer JJ Jareau if there are more bodies. When told that Sarah got a stay of execution, Jacob spontaneously offers the location of their son's burial ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

In New Haven, Connecticut, Trish Davenport has been kidnapped, her long term boyfriend, Jordan, is deceased at the abduction site. The BAU are called in because of the time sensitivity of the case and because of Trish's father, Evan Davenport. Evan, a high profile lawyer, has in the past received multiple death threats because of his work, having had FBI protective services for years. When Trish turned eighteen, she refused the protective service. The BAU learn that Trish is an identical twin, who has what many would consider a typical twin connection with her sister. During the initial ransom telephone call, the unsub has an unusual request, which leads to the BAU ultimately figuring out the unsub's motivations. With this knowledge, Gideon in turn uses an unusual tactic to draw out further information about who the unsub is. Despite getting some important information about the unsub, Gideon and the team don't like what it infers as it places a major obstacle in their work. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

Jason Gideon's FBI profile team is called to an Arizona College campus where students and teachers fall victim to arson. However the pyromaniac profile doesn't quite apply: the culprit didn't make sure (s)he could enjoy the crimes by observing the victims perishing. Dr. Spencer Reid finds a better way to fit the facts with a rarer serial killer logic: a 'religious' compulsion, in this case both triggered and given form by a boundless obsession with the number three- if this theory holds true a third, possibly triple, arson is at hand... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.1

Supervisory Special Agent Jason Gideon returns to the Behavioral Analysis Unit after an extended medical leave, and BAU team leader Aaron Hotchner must secretly evaluate Gideon's performance. Gideon's first case upon his return involves tracking down an unsub (unknown subject) in Seattle before he kills his latest kidnap victim. Written by Mark Cabot

Country: USA
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HD Winx Club

Winx Club


Winx Club

IMDb: 8.0
24 min

Sky and the Specialists invite the Fairies to a grand opening party at the Red Fountain School. There, Flora meets the handsome poet, Helia. But while everyone is at the party, the TRIX sneak into the school. The Specialists and the WINX Fairies end up working together in the fight of their lives against Lord Darkar's biggest Shadow Monster yet.

Country: Italy
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HD Winx Club

Winx Club


Winx Club

IMDb: 7.8

The Trix are all set for a final battle against Alfea as they rally their greatest army yet. Bloom has a heart to heart talk with Daphne. Will it help get her powers back?

Country: Italy
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HD Winx Club

Winx Club


Winx Club

IMDb: 8.8

It's Red Fountain Exhibition and both Brandon and Bloom are on bad terms with each other. Bloom suspects that Brandon doesn't like her after the events of Cloud tower, and Brandon fearing the reality that he is to marry Diaspro while he still loves Bloom. Bloom and the Winx go to Red Fountain; Bloom splits up from the rest of the Winx, bumps into Diaspro and sees her carrying a holographic projection of Brandon. Bloom thinks it's one of the Trix , and decides to battle Diaspro to try and unmask her. She and Diaspro keep on firing away at each other and winds up in where the exhibition is taking place. They disrupt the show and Bloom sees that this Diaspro is truly with Brandon, who she reveals is the true Prince Sky, devastating Bloom. Stella also discovers that Sky is actually the squire, Brandon, upsetting her too. In a B-story, Brandon and Riven continuously sabotages each others performances. Written by Artemis Crock

Country: Italy
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

When Liz becomes the target of a mercenary, the Debt Collector, Red turns to an unlikely source for help. Meanwhile, Ressler faces a complication in his efforts to stay ahead of Gale's investigation.

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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Red wants Liz to investigate the death of his accountant. Initially Harold refuses to do it but when they are told the man died from an usual disease and other people are also dying from it, he decides to look into it. They are told the carrier of this disease must be a person who for some reason is still alive. So they check it out and learn that the carrier is woman from a foreign country who was brought to the US by medical research company to try and find a cure. So they go to the company and learn the woman is no longer there. She left and is supposedly with one of their doctors whom she's involved with and they are working on a cure. They think she's been infecting people as part of a ploy to rob them so that they could buy the equipment needed to find a cure. But why did they target Red's accountant, they got nothing from him. Red in the meantime turns to Tom for help to flush out the man, Red thinks is behind his accountant's death and his recent problems. Written by

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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

Elizabeth is now back at the FBI and she brings an unusual case; someone left a diorama on her doorstep that depicts a crime that would be committed an hour after she gets it. She brings it in and they wonder is someone from Liz's past taunting her or is there someone who is daring her to catch him. She gets another one and they figure out who the target is and save him. They find something on the diorama that leads them to a woman who lives near Elizabeth. She tells them she sent the dioramas to prevent anyone from being killed. She claims they are premonitions but not hers; her daughter who is autistic. She says her daughter has been having them for two years; of actual incidents and has been drawing them. Cooper doesn't believe in premonitions and he wants them to find out how she knew about them. Aram thinks he knows how she found out about them. The killer tries to find out how the FBI found out about him. Reddington is presently trying to sow dissension between two men. Written by

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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Liz's loyalties are tested as Red takes action on an operation to intercept Alexander Kirk. Meanwhile the Task Force races to find a killer who targets inventors of revolutionary technology.

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Red is in Cuba looking for Elizabeth. When he hits roadblock he turns to Cooper for help. He needs them to make contact with a man who can help him find Alexander Kirk who has Elizabeth. He tells Ressler and Navadi to go but Navadi doesn't want to so Ressler goes alone. He meets the man and tells him Reddington wants to talk to him and does. He helps Red find Elizabeth but her daughter is nowhere. She's with Tom who's with two of Kirk's people. Written by

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 7.9
43 min

After the founder of a successful internet start-up is found dead, Red recognizes the crime scene as the work of a notorious killer. Liz and the task force work with Red to track the murderer through a dangerous underground news source. Meanwhile, Tom faces a life threatening situation, while Liz considers options for her baby.

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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

First the Cabal, Then Shell Island, now according to Red the FBI task force must deal with the The Vehm, a deadly vigilante group from the Middle Ages who is back in action. And Liz must carefully plan her next steps after the new surprise. Written by Maicon Bacon

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 9.3
43 min

As the Cabal prepares to assassinate Liz, Red calls upon the task force to combine efforts to outmaneuver The Cabal to exonerate her. Red delivers a final ultimatum.

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 9.2
43 min

While Red creates a crime scene to retrieve his care package, friends of the truth rally around Liz, whose life is in danger now that she's in custody.

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

A family tragedy in Samar's past resurfaces when the Task Force hunt for an elusive international terrorist. The FBI and the Cabal gain significant ground in their search for Liz and Red. Meanwhile, Tom encounters complications in his plan to exonerate Liz.

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Red and Liz catch wind that Andras Halmi, a trusted advisor of The Director, has gone missing. In pursuit of Halmi, Red and Liz narrowly escape a violent confrontation. Meanwhile, Tom ends up in a brutal Fight Club to find the one man he thinks will be able to exonerate Liz.

Country: USA
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