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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Jack Patterson, a special agent of the NCIS, dies on a sidewalk in Washington, DC, in an execution-style shooting right after he drops a package into a mailbox. Abby says that Jack was on his way to meet her; soon she receives the carton from Jack, which contains a painting, which Abby finds to be radioactive. Gibbs interviews a man who introduces himself as an agent of the US Department of Homeland Security (DoHS). Abby learns that the slugs in Jack's body match a handgun used in an unsolved murder in Arizona two years ago; Gibbs and Tony go to Arizona and meet the artist. The real agent of the DoHS shows up in the squad bay; McGee alerts Gibbs, who, while on horseback with Tony, soon receives gunfire from a helo, and they return fire and crash the bird. Gibbs and Tony rescue the artist from harm, and they and the rest of the gang finish putting together the pieces of what happened. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

A man, while impersonating Tony, checks into a hotel, dumps down a trash chute a bag containing a body, then checks out; predictably, Gibbs and company investigate. Fortunately, Tony has a good alibi for the night in question. The victim was a Navy lieutenant; Ducky describes evidence of both strangulation and a knife wound to the heart. The impostor approaches Tony; he is the first person convicted as a result of Tony's investigative work after Gibbs went to Mexico on hiatus; the victim was the prosecution witness in that case; the impostor has recently become released from prison. The impostor also has an alternate explanation, and he asks Tony to consider certain evidence. Gibbs places Tony back in charge of his case, and Gibbs says that the impostor was innocent of the previous charge. After pursuing many clues, the team put together most of the pieces but not all of them. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Acting on a report of shots fired, the Metro PD finds the body of Marine Pfc. Emilio Salazar; Gibbs and company investigate. Salazar, 18, had grown up in the same neighborhood where he died; he enlisted four months ago, and he was scheduled for deployment next week; someone at the scene wrote Gibbs's Marine Corps service number in blood. Salazar had a criminal record since age 12; all his offenses were juvenile and gang-related; his body bore gang tattoos. Ducky says that Salazar died slowly after a single round to his chest, and that machine-gun fire strafed his body six hours postmortem. Gibbs calls Franks to Washington, DC, to help find someone; Franks says that Colombia was a long time ago. Gibbs and Franks chase the leads and question the sources; they feel puzzled, but they continue to fit the pieces together; finally they get the rest of the picture while speaking with a gentle, kindly former-Vista volunteer neighborhood social worker. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

On a sidewalk in Washington, DC, a displeased former fiancée stabs to death a Navy boatswain's mate first-class; Gibbs and company investigate; they quickly find the assailant nearby. While the gang work on-site, a different woman shouts at Ducky in Dari (a.k.a. Farsi), and, grabbing and using the murder weapon, stabs him through one hand and escapes into the crowd of spectators. A translator says that the woman accused Ducky of having killed her brother; Ducky readily agrees that he did so; Abby identifies the woman as an Afghan immigrant, who has now obtained refuge in the Afghan embassy. Ducky surrenders at the Afghan embassy to face charges for an incident while Ducky served in Afghanistan 30 years ago in the Royal Army Medical Corps. Gibbs obtains and uses information obtained from a CIA operative. Conversations at the embassy result in the release of Ducky and the withdrawal of charges. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

While videotaping in a forest, an actress accidentally falls into an open makeshift grave and finds the skeleton of a Navy lieutenant wearing dog tags and dress blues; the lieutenant lacks both middle fingers; Gibbs and company investigate; at the site the boss says that the victim died 11 years ago, and that he knows who killed him. The gang learn that the suspect is now imprisoned in Maryland for the murders of two sailors; Abby says that the same knife killed all three men. Gibbs sends McGee to get a confession for the third murder; while McGee questions the prisoner, other inmates create a disturbance, kill a guard, seize McGee, and take over the visitor center. At McGee's suggestion he serves as a negotiator; he gets a release of the other visitors, then he investigates the death; Gibbs and Ducky join McGee at the prison; Abby makes a curious discovery, and McGee gets a face full. With help, though, McGee works out the problems. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

A detective of the Metro PD approaches Gibbs on the day before Christmas Eve while investigating a burglary and double homicide involving an older couple in their upscale home. A delivery driver saw a third person inside the house; fingerprints at the scene lead to a former Navy hospital corpsman second-class (HM2), Quinn, who served in Vietnam with The Walking Dead, and who supposedly died 17 years before; Ducky signed the death certificate for Quinn. Abby sees Santa Claus and makes a picture of herself with him. Gibbs, acting on a suggestion by Ducky, finds Quinn at the The Wall; then the gang get a project for Christmas Day; Tony finds an unpleasant Christmas gift. The Metro cop rushes to nail Quinn, but the team believe otherwise, and they persist in their efforts; Gibbs, Tony, and Ziva meet the cop at the scene, and the real bad guy joins them, so they bust him. McGee gets a shock; Gibbs makes a delivery and a telephone call. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

A dying boatswain's mate, 26, staggers into a woodland; Gibbs and company investigate. The victim has just become involved in a single-car crash; however, his car bears evidence of gunfire directed at the car, and his body bears injuries apparently from both a recent beating and previous ones. The gang visit the victim's home, where three members of the neighborhood watch provide some helpful information. Abby identifies a person of interest, who unexpectedly shows up at the bullpen, and who tells about the activities of an underground fight club. Abby then identifies a car of interest, so Gibbs chats with the owner and her husband-lawyer, who runs but goes to the home of the victim, where the gang find him dead. McGee discovers the business underlying the murders, and the team put all the pieces together. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Lee's daughter, Amanda, almost escapes. In an attempt to follow Lee's pickup man at the drop, Tony and McGee do a stakeout at a coffee shop, but it does not go well. To search for Lee's daughter, Tony and Ziva, with the guidance of McGee and others, go hiking in a woodland, and they find a decrepit old house with a secret room (where Amanda's kidnapper has kept her) plus the body of a dead man. Tony, Abby, and Gibbs show dislike and intolerance toward Lee. Amanda turns out to be not Lee's daughter but rather an adopted sister. The next day Gibbs himself does the stakeout on the inside of the shop, then the routine takes an unexpected turn, and the pickup man leads the gang down a different path. Vance accuses Gibbs and McGee of having committed treason. However, the team figure out everything, they get the bad guy, and the story reaches a sad end, during which Gibbs takes a round. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

A cadaver packed in dry ice inside a wooden crate arrives at a highly classified secure Navy facility; Gibbs and company receive a call, then start an investigation on-site; however, those events are a setup to enable the Gibbs gang to test the physical security of the facility. Further, that test is itself a ruse by which to identify and catch a mole within the NCIS. Gibbs, Tony, and Ziva meet the SecNav. The door to Abbyville causes problems. Vance calls a meeting in the evidence garage, and he sends Lee out on an errand. The team meet Lee outside; that leads to a session between Gibbs and Lee in his chat room. Gibbs says that he and Lee now work together. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

A woman Marine in an outlying area of family housing aboard the Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia, finds bloody water spraying from a shower head; Gibbs and company investigate; in a holding tank in the water-supply system, Ducky and others find both a body and the URL of a website, which yields clues. Palmer says that something is missing, and Duck says that it disappeared while the victim was still alive. Gibbs and Tony find a second body with a second URL and a personal greeting; a girl singer helps. The clues suggest more deaths. Gibbs receives a strange phone call; Ducky makes a psychologic profile on the unknown bad guy, and McGeek makes a significant discovery. A second man dies. Gibbs calls a suspect to his chat room, where the suspect runs into an unexpected problem and yields to it. The gang figure out the game, then they show up at the next site, where Gibbs realizes who the real bad guy is, so he and the others nab him. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.5

A neighbor finds the body of a tortured Marine lance corporal, hanging in his garage; Gibbs and company investigate. When Gibbs and Tony seek to question a recently retired Marine, they find Fornell inside the retiree's home; Fornell says that the Marine is the FBI's key witness in a murder trial; McGee finds that Fornell's defendant is one of the most notorious criminals on the East Coast. Another Marine dies after enduring torture. The retiree-witness leads Gibbs and Fornell on a chase, then they question him again. Abby finds crucial evidence against the gangster; Fornell, Gibbs, and the gang connect the dots, and a confrontation takes place on a sidewalk and closes the case. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

A fight in an alley behind a bar leaves one Marine corporal dead and another critically ill; the gang investigate; Gibbs says that the event was an ambush, not a bar brawl. The survivor is from Gibbs's hometown; Gibbs and Ducky agree that the survivor may have been the target of the attack. McGee and Ziva go with Gibbs to the town, where they meet Gibbs's father and others; they learn that everyone in town believes that the Marine died four years ago. Flashbacks abound; Gibbs finds lies and liars. McGee and Ziva gather evidence, but it disappears, so Tony and Abby join them, and they get more evidence; then they all put the pieces together and nail the bad guys. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Two cyclists find a body; the victim was a woman lieutenant commander assigned to the Navy Office of Legislative Affairs; Gibbs and company investigate. Ducky says that she died elsewhere from a single shot to the back. Gibbs, in response to a phone call, meets an old friend, who's a senator, who says that he was in an affair with the victim; McGee, acting on a tip, takes a tumble and finds a revolver. A computer-generated voice taunts the director, and Gibbs introduces the senator and the director to each other. Abby solves another malfeasance. Gibbs and Tony find a second body, with a printed suicide note; however, the team figure out what really happened, and they arrest the bad people. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

A lieutenant appears to jump overboard from USS Seahawk (CVN-65) at sea; Tony, the agent afloat, reports to Gibbs, who sends McGee and Ziva to interview the wife or widow ashore; they find her body in her living room. Tony investigates in Cartagena, Colombia, where the officer supposedly joined the ship, and he finds the body; Tony tells Gibbs that the carrier has a security problem (the presence of the person who impersonated the lieutenant to board the ship). Gibbs and Ziva join Tony in Cartagena, then they all fly to the ship at sea; they continue to investigate; they find the answers and catch the bad guy. Tony returns to the home office with Gibbs and Ziva, and he stays. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

In Morocco a bomb explodes inside a nightclub while Ziva sings; in Washington, DC, Gibbs and his new gang investigate the death of a petty officer, Vargo, who died of a gunshot in his house trailer, without detection, four and a half months before. The team learn that a former buddy and shipmate, Roberts, died in the explosion in Morocco, and that Ziva sustained injuries; Gibbs speaks by telephone with Ziva, who says that Vance had tipped her about Roberts, who apparently was the target of the bomb. Vance tells Gibbs that an NCIS agent had blackmailed Vargo before he disappeared. After another shooting, Vance, Gibbs, and McGee reach a solution, and Ziva gladly returns to the NCIS. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.5
60 min | 60 min

In Los Angeles, Jenny, with Tony and Ziva as a protective detail, attends the funeral for a retired long-time special agent, who supposedly died of a heart attack; Jenny hears a name, sees a man, makes pictures, and summons Mike Franks from Mexico; she tells him that she's the next person to die. Jen and Franks visit the home of the dead man; there they meet his girlfriend, whom they send to Nevada, but who winds up dead in Santa Monica. Jen and Franks check out an insurance policy at a diner in a desert, and she refuses help from Tony and Ziva; Franks steps outside in the back, then four men enter the diner, and gunshots ring out; Tony and Ziva find a mess inside. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

Workers find a body at a retrofitting site at a Navy facility; Gibbs and company investigate. Palmer finds evidence, which promptly disappears, and he briefly sees a fleeing person, who takes a shot at him. Vance, the assistant director, continues to use management by intimidation, which does not work on Gibbs. Ducky says that the victim died not from the blow to his head but rather from the injuries resulting from his fall from the third story; Ducky shows Gibbs some curious evidence. The victim's home disappears, and Abby uses hypnosis on Palmer. The team find a second body inside a concrete column, and they figure out everything; Palmer sees the bad guy again and stops him. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.7

While Ziva, undercover, goes on a date with a suspected serial killer (an enlisted Marine), Tony enters the suspect's home and finds the body of the fifth victim; Gibbs and McGee pursue. Meanwhile the suspect threatens Ziva, who resists him and shoots him to death with his own piece; she experiences a strong emotional recoil. The team continues to investigate; Tony and Ziva go to the bar where she had met the guy, and she meets another man. Abby questions whether the dead guy acted alone, and she thinks there may be a sixth victim. Tony and Abby find some new evidence; the gang resolve the questions and apprehend the second killer. Finally, Ziva gives a favor to a friend. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Fornell and his Hoovers arrive in Gibbs's squad bay; he announces that the Baltimore PD has recovered the body of the Frog, and that the Gibbs team is in a shutdown and under investigation for the murder of the Frog. Gibbs and Fornell meet in a chat room; Fornell also interviews McGee, Ziva, Ducky, Abby, and Tony. Meanwhile the Gibbs gang starts investigating not the case but rather the FBI, and Ziva impedes the FBI; Gibbs meets Jeanne and talks with her; later Jen also speaks with her. Jen, Gibbs, and the team slowly put the pieces together, Jen and Gibbs explain them to the Hoovers, and they find the real shooter, whom they persuade to confess; then the suits leave. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.7
45 min

When the Gibbs gang seek to serve a warrant, they find cocaine, cash, and the dead body of the subject person; a dog bites McGee, who shoots (but does not kill) the dog. The victim was a Navy petty officer, based at the Naval Air Station, Patuxent (Pax) River, Maryland, near Lexington Park, and he was the handler of a drug-sniffing dog. It appears that the dog killed his handler. Against official reluctance and opposition, the team continues to investigate. Abby goes to unusual lengths to disprove the guilt of a party in custody. Abby and Jethro go to Pax River, where Jethro finds a buried canine skeleton. The bunch put all the pieces together and nab the person responsible, and Abby finds a new home for Jethro. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.7
45 min

Someone has stolen a new top-secret high-tech one-of-a-kind shipboard radar console; the NCIS receives an anonymous tip about its location. While the gang does a covert surveillance of the site, in a rough neighborhood in Washington, DC, McGee watches what appears to be a drug deal gone bad; a man dies. While the team continue the stakeout, the radar gear disappears again without their realizing; Gibbs decides for the NCIS to join the murder investigation by the Metro PD. McGee finds financial irregularities, Tony pursues those, and McGee finds coincidences; then a junkie provides a key service, the gang nab the bad guy, and a Metro homicide detective takes him away. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.4

A Marine lance corporal, of Arabic lineage, the Islamic faith, and the Sunni tradition, dies two blocks from his mosque, in Anacostia in Washington, DC; Gibbs and company investigate. The local imam is the father of the victim; he begs Ducky, through respect for the Muslim religion, not to cut into the body, so that his son can find peace in Heaven. Ducky and Palmer use an alternate method, and they get an unexpected turn of events; Ziva and the imam agree that too many deaths have occurred. Abby finds a residue of the most deadly natural neurotoxin on the Earth; Tony catches a jackrabbit bound for Paradise. A reserve personnel officer gives a tip, then justice prevails. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

A patient, Damon, a Marine corporal, escapes from a secure lockup psycho ward at the Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland; he then hijacks a car and kidnaps its owner, who's one of the psychiatrists on his case; Gibbs and company investigate. Damon has received two weeks of treatment for the post-traumatic-stress disorder after returning from Iraq, where he escaped and took his three men with him after killing their captors, who had tortured and questioned them. Abby finds that Damon is on a complex steroid regimen. At a rehab gym Gibbs, Tony, McGee, and Ziva encounter Damon, who attacks all of them. The gang figure out the whole thing, and they deal with it. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

McGee, a leader of the Youth Rangers, gives his den a tour of the NCIS headquarters; Abby, while demonstrating her lab equipment, takes a fingerprint from a talkative boy, Carson, and runs it through the AFIS program, which finds a positive match, saying that Carson had become abducted while a small child. Carson's ostensible mother is a Navy lieutenant on active duty. Gibbs and company investigate; they uncover the history of Carson, his biological parents, and a custodial grandmother; Abby learns that police want his father for murder. Two detectives from the Metro PD deliver evidence and join the case. Another murder takes place, then the gang nab the two-time killer. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.5

While a Navy rear admiral rides in a taxicab, two motorcyclists, using silenced pistols, execute both him and the cabbie; Gibbs and company investigate. Abby starts a new program, and McGee receives unusual calls. Ducky says that the target was the driver, not the admiral, because the bad guys pulled one of his teeth and lifted the fingerprints on his right hand. The driver was a political refugee who, seven years before, immigrated into the US from Burundi (in East Africa). The hackie remains a John Doe, but the gang identify a distinct trend. The team narrow their attention to a suspect, whom they find shot to death as a motorcycle zips away; they keep going, and they work it out. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.7

Maddie Tyler, a special friend and playmate of Kelly, Gibbs's daughter, asks for help with an unwanted suitor, Rudi, a Marine sergeant, who has begun stalking her. Gibbs gives him the word; soon Maddie calls Gibbs and says that Rudi has returned; someone trashes Maddie's pad and takes her in Rudi's SUV. The gang find the tortured body of Rudi, who had died before the abduction of Maddie. They find a suspect, who calls the Pentagon. Gibbs leaves the office with his piece but not his badge; he's figured it out, so he sets into action; he attends a meeting and picks up Maddie; the two of them escape, but Gibbs makes a miscalculation. Tony, nearby, helps, so everything works out. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

In Washington, DC, a man, Michael, on an 11th-floor ledge, threatens to jump; the Metro PD calls the NCIS; Gibbs and company respond and investigate; Abby says that Michael is a Navy lieutenant. Gibbs goes onto the ledge and talks with Michael, who gives Gibbs a hand and allows him to help him back down; then someone shoots the jumper, who falls to the ground and dies; the gang continues to investigate. Tony and McGee speak with Michael's civilian shrink; Abby says that the last call to Michael's cellphone originated in the headquarters of the NCIS; the Gibbs team temporarily gets another member. The gang identify a mole and catch it, then Gibbs makes a difficult telephone call. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Using the cadaver of a John Doe, Ducky demonstrates an autopsy to a group of military officers; however, Ducky soon says that the death resulted from murder. Gibbs and company investigate; while making inquiries they meet a woman FBI agent, Courtney, who names the victim, Marvin, and says that he worked for the FBI. Courtney relates that Marvin was a client of a service for the eradication of personal history and the creation of a new one, and that the FBI is more interested in the provider than in Marvin; Fornell explains serious implications. A big bunch of federal agents find what appears to be a three-in-one. The NCIS gets one bad guy, and the FBI gets another one. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

The Gibbs gang joins Hollis to investigate the death of a Marine captain due to a harpoon through his torso in the study of his home in family housing at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, an Army post. The victim worked under an Army major on an inter-agency task force at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The NCIS seizes and keeps the victim's laptop computer, but the DIA sends a techie to shadow Abby while she works on it; Abby starts frozen, but she thaws quickly. The team find a network of love interests, including one of Gibbs's exes. Tony and Ziva find a partial print, Abby cracks a song, and McGee cracks a code, which allows the bunch to nab the bad guy and Abby to slug him. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.5

The NCIS gang investigate the death of a Navy petty officer second-class in a hit-and-run wreck; however, Ducky and Gibbs soon realize that it's also a shoot-and-scoot; Ducky further questions the circumstances of the wreck, then nearby he finds the body of a young woman; later he finds that she had died before the wreck, and that she had just given birth. While the gang follow a lead, they find a nursery, prepared and waiting; then they find two adults but lose a baby. After confronting a car mechanic about some bad brakes, Gibbs delivers a baby, whom Ducky then checks out. Tony continues to feel bad about his recent breakup with Jeanne; he reads a note and burns it. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Tony meets Jeanne's father; Abby's fingerprint search on behalf of Jen gives a match; Jen tells the gang who Jeanne is. While with Jeanne and her father, Tony excuses himself to move his Mustang, which soon explodes while the gang watch via the traffic-cam system; however, Ducky says that the victim is not Tony. Kort, a CIA guy, arrives in the squad bay, as does Tony shortly; Kort grumbles mightily. The Frog meets Jen in the study of her home, and Gibbs joins them; the Frog leaves, and Jen and Gibbs disagree. Tony tells the gang that he told Jeanne about himself, then she takes some time off but leaves a card. Gibbs, McGee, and Ziva pursue the Frog, but they arrive too late. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Jen returns from Paris; seconds later a taxicab at Dulles hits a pedestrian; at home Jen finds a curious sight in her study; at Jeanne's hospital she meets the injured walker, Dee, who's agitated and uncooperative. The Department of Homeland Security has ordered all NCIS agents in Washington to take polygraph tests; Fornell tells Gibbs the who and why behind that. Dee receives two strange visitors, and he arrests; Tony sees that Dee had just returned from Caracas, Venezuela, and he comments on that; Dee dies; later Tony and Jeanne encounter the visitors in the morgue; they together deal with a problem. Jen summons most of the gang back to the shop on a Friday night; Gibbs gives McGee an unusual assignment, and he finishes it; Abby gets a surprising fingerprint match. Jeanne introduces Tony to her father. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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