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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Because of a feared imminent Cardassian invasion, Vice Admiral Alynna Nechayev comes to the Enterprise on the USS Cairo, to replace Picard as its captain by Cairo's captain, Edward Jellico, who immediately makes his mark on crew and ship, tells Troi there's no time for a 'honeymoon' with either for he expects the negotiations with the Cardassians he's charged with to fail and hastily deploys big plans to prepare the flagship for battle. Meanwhile, Picard, Worf and Dr. Crusher have a top-secret mission, to find and sabotage the presumed biological superweapon which can wipe out all life on a whole system prior to invasion. After their training, the trio bribes a Ferengi smuggler ship to reach the suspected Cardassian planet, but by the time they have intruded the subterranean installation... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

Captain Picard, Ensign Ro, Keiko and Guinan are returning to the Enterprise aboard a shuttlecraft when they encounter a deadly energy field. They are all safely beamed aboard the ship but are transformed in the process - their minds are unchanged but their bodies have resorted to those of 12 year-olds. Dr. Crusher finds that their DNA has been slightly altered but may be able to returns them to their normal selves. Meanwhile, the Enterprise is on a mission to rescue a large Federation science team but come under attack by a group of rogue Ferengi. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

On a diplomatic mission to bring Ambassador Briam and his Kryotion planet's gift to a reconciliation ceremony with its rival, even warring planet, ruled by rivaling brothers' dynasties, the Enterprise beams suspiciously cheerful Ferengi traders Par Lenor and Qol aboard just before a containment field collapse makes their ship explode. One of them brings the gift 'accidentally' out of cryostasis, to the crew's horror a live 'gift', 'metamore' (empath) Kamala, whose destiny is to vow her entire existence to a mate's happiness, but alas bestows her enchanting love not on the other ruler but on crewmen, first startled Riker, then Picard who earlier feared Kamala may be held in 'slavery' as Crusher feels, she denies that but claims she must start bonding, within hours, now with Picard as 'substitute', to be ready by the arrival of arranged mate Chancellor Alrik, who proves far more interested in prosaic concerns such as trade concessions, his civilization being coldly cerebral... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.3
46 min

Shortly after the Enterprise saves a planet from an asteroid impact by exploding it, the ship experiences strange break-downs which are ultimately attributed to an impossible to detect timely metal parasite, which will destroy it unless eliminated, so Data suggests luring it to an asteroid. Deanna Troi counsels Worf to deal with his son Alexander's authority problems by drawing up a two-ways contract on paternal and filial rights and obligations, but is still practically terrified to hear her overbearing and impulsive mother, ambassador Lwaxana, announces her own arrival, soon meddling with the educational contract, and that of a planet's Third Minister Campio whom she decided to marry solely based on computerized profiles, but finds less compatible once he and his protocol master Erko arrive for the wedding... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.3
45 min

On a mapping journey the Enterprise hosts a party of Ullian 'mind historians', specialists who telepathically retrieve people's long-forgotten memories from many races. Keiko O'Brien and Dr. Crusher enjoy resuscitating pleasant memories, but the Ullian leader Tarmin's frustratingly overbore son Jev abuses his abilities on non-volunteers, against their code, and enters their thus nightmare-altered memories as a key character, leaving Troi and Riker in an apparently unprovoked coma which only resembles the rare neurosis irizine, without the associated histamine level change. Then it happens to Crusher the bad way, but Troi wakes up after three days, alas with a total black-out. After eliminating any other imaginable cause, Picard has to suspect the Ullians, Troi accepts a memory probe by Jev, who makes her believe it's Tarmin's doing, but Geordi and Data do some research... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.3
46 min

The Enterprise has two special visitors: first Counselor Deanna Troi's terribly flippant, meddling mother, Betazoid ambassador Lwaxana Troi, then also top researcher Dr. Timicin, who comes to try help his home planet Kelon 2 revitalize its since generations dying sun with helium emission and photon torpedoes. Both guests prove meeting opposites, falling in love. The experiment is a partial success, only promising scientific progress without immediate results. Alas the minister in charge refuses to allow Timicin to continue: their law dictates he must commit ritual suicide, called 'the resolution' when he turns 60 in a few days being then considered a burden for the younger generations, despite his excellent condition of mind and body. Picard has no choice but accept under the Prime Directive, Lwaxana tries to convince her flame by emotions and reason, as nobody is better qualified to continue the crucial research, which strikes a cord... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

The Enterprise checks on the Argus array, a giant Federation outskirts astronomical telescope, which stopped signaling data months ago. Geordi and mentally rehabilitated engineer Lieutenant Reg Barclay, try to repair it but an intense energy surge from an alien probe of unknown technology electrocutes Barclay and even causes serious damage on board the ship. Barclay soon recovers while the probe follows closely, building up a dangerous field but unresponsive to full phasers. Now Barclay demonstrates surprising insight and knowledge, saving the situation by repairing power and getting photon torpedoes ready which destroy the probe. Reg's useful but inexplicable erudition proves invaluable for telescope repairs too. Even his theatrical, romantic (towards Troi) and formerly inexistent violin performances improve suddenly , thanks to a confidence boost. When Dr. Crusher finds his brain improved more then any human causing unprecedented intelligence, he is also considered a potential risk.... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

Commander William T. Riker is charged with hosting Klingon commander Kurn, who takes his place as first officer as part of an exchange program. As expected, his ruthlessly authoritative command style gets on everyone's nerve, but the worst is yet to come: Kurn reveals himself as Lieutenant Worf's younger brother, and demands he joins him in dealing with a blood feud, as their late father's honor is challenged by accusations of treason to the Empire in league with the Romulans during a bloody attack. The Enterprise sets course to the Klingon first city, while Picard fears legal and diplomatic repercussions. Data finds indications the Klingon records were doctored, possibly at Klingon High Council level, so the Enterprise crew sets out to find out the truth... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.8
60 min | 45 min (DVD)

The Enterprise is to engage in war gaming exercise with a master strategist, Sirna Kolrami, on board. As part of the exercise, Riker will command an old vessel, the USS Hathaway, and act as the 'enemy'. Riker takes along Laforge, Worf, Wesley Cusher and several others as his crew and their first task is to get the vessel operational. Kolrami is supremely confident and arrogant, convinced that his superior skills will result in an easy victory over Riker. When they are attacked by the Ferengi who want the Hathaway as their prize, Picard and the crew stage a clever deception. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

When the Enterprise arrives a few days early at its rendezvous point to meet the USS Victory, the crew have a bit of leisure time on their hands. For Data and Geordi Laforge, it means a trip to the holodeck and 221B Baker St. With Data in the role of Holmes and Laforge as Dr. Watson, they take on a challenge from Dr. Pulaski that Data couldn't solve a genuine mystery. Data has a bit of time adjusting to a real mystery - as opposed to one for which he knows the outcome. In giving the holodeck computer its instructions however, Geordi's specifications for an opponent results in a far superior creation than expected putting them and the entire ship in danger. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.3
46 min

The Enterprise responds to a disturbance in the neutral zone with reports of a possible Romulan attack on a Talerian freighter. There is debris in the area and the freighter has obviously suffered some damage. On board, they find 3 Klingons with one of them seriously injured. The survivors are not very forthcoming about what happened on their ship nor how three Klingon warriors even ended up on a space freighter. After the injured Klingon dies, the remaining two try to recruit Worf to their cause by appealing to his Klingon heritage and pride. They tell him they were looking for a new world where they could be true Klingons and that the debris the Enterprise found was actually that of a Klingon battle cruiser they fought and destroyed. The Enterprise soon comes into contact with a second Klingon cruiser that wants the renegades arrested and turned over to them. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

The Enterprise is sent on a diplomatic mission where Captain Picard has to master a very difficult language and deliver a welcome address faultlessly or face the end of any hope of establishing relations. Stressed and tired from his efforts, he decides to take Counselor Troi's advice and spend some time on the holodeck. He chooses his favorite program, that where he plays a private detective named Dixon Hill in 1940's San Francisco. Accompanied by the ship's historian, Dr. Crusher and Data they live out the wonderful world created for them in the holodeck but when they are scanned by aliens, it causes a malfunction that traps them there. Not only that, but the safety mechanisms malfunction as well leading to one of the participating crewmen being seriously injured. With the clock ticking away, time is growing short for Picard to make his address to their hosts. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.0
60 min | 46 min (DVD)

After exhausting activities to help a human colony settle, the Enterprise crew is delighted to take their first-ever shore leave on Edo, an extremely friendly planet. Half in jest, Picard says it seems to too good to be true, an Eden-like playground. Alas, it is, for while teaching native adolescents football, Wesley unwittingly commits a minor transgression in the zone where all errors suffer the single punishment: death by painless injection. Back aboard Enterprise, the senior officers struggle with an entity defying even the known laws of nature, which is facing and testing them. It turns out to be Edo's 'god', who is fiercely protective of his 'children', and learned all Federation knowledge from their database, and intends to hold them to their laws. Thus, violating the Prime Directive to save Wesley might arouse the fatal wrath of this 'god'. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.6
45 min

Picard and the crew of the Enterprise are set to rendezvous with a Federation scientific vessel studying the collapse of a super red giant star into a white dwarf. As they near the ship however, they receive odd communications from the vessel, almost as if they are all drunk. When one of the crew blows an outer hatch, the crew is killed. An away team investigates but acquire a virus-like disease that makes them appear drunk and removes all inhibitions. As it spreads throughout the ship, Picard and Riker try to maintain discipline while Dr. Crusher tries to find a cure. Riker recalls a similar situation in the history of ships named Enterprise and that gives them a head start but not before an infected Wesley Crusher disables the engines just as the sun explodes leaving the ship in destruction's path. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 7.9
48 min

Rory quickly develops a crush on Richard's replacement TA and feels compelled to confess the attraction to Logan. But she feels really bad about it and he completely understands and the two of them reassure each other that in the end they are crazy about each other. Meanwhile, Lorelai distracts herself from thinking about Christopher by arranging a memorial service for Michel's dog. Christopher seeks her out, however, and the two are forced to face their problems. Christopher feels like he's been trying to get Lorelai to fall in love with him, and Lorelai realizes that she can't make the marriage work ...

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 8.1
47 min

Lorelai and Rory receive unexpected comfort and some grief while at the hospital and at Richard's side: Christopher won't return Lorelai's calls, but Luke is there for her and the family; Emily is so distraught that she tries to distract herself by maintaining her rigorous social calendar, with Luke offering to help her out in keeping up her appearances; Rory is met by Logan, who flies to the hospital in a helicopter; and, when Christopher finally does arrive, he speaks the words of sympathy to Lorelai, but his emotions betray him: he's still mad at her from their fight and he can't respect her when she needs him the most. Suffice it to say, Emily is far from impressed upon witnessing Christopher treat Lorelai so poorly.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 8.9
44 min

Emily and Richard renew their vows. Rory experimentally kisses Logan, triggering a turf battle between Luke and her father Chris, who insists that Lorelai's attachment to Luke is temporary, because Emily has convinced Chris that he and Lorelai are meant for each other. Written by bronto1

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

After finding out that Emily started dating again, Richard's jealousy forces him to reconcile and they both agree to renew their wedding vows. Rory offers to help Logan with an article and Emily lets Christopher know Lorelai and Luke are getting serious. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Rory continues to give her dad the cold shoulder until she learns his father has passed away. Lorelai spends time comforting Christopher but keeps it from Luke, and Richard and Emily find a lost dog.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Jackson has his hands full between Sookie's food cravings and his town selectman duties. Lorelai invites Christopher to lunch, but Rory tells him off and asks Lorelai what Luke thinks of her and Christopher having lunch. Emily decides she's still a viable commodity and asks Lorelai to help her start dating. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Rory, desperate for a story idea for the Yale paper, finally decides to research and write about a secret Yale society which happens to have connections to Logan. The Dragonfly Inn's accountant suggests dropping the lunch menu till the money situation improves, which has Sookie upset with the regularly lunching Norman Mailer, who only orders ice tea. With Luke and Lorelai hitting it off, Rory asks her dad to stay out of the picture. Sookie realizes she's pregnant again. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

After reflecting on her lack of social life, Rory decides to try dating and finds it harder than it looks. Lorelai is still adjusting to an empty house and has Luke over to try to fill the gap. Meanwhile Lorelai is somewhat disturbed after discovering that the designer she just hired to decorate the inn used to work for Emily. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Christopher and his girlfriend Sherry visit Stars Hollow leading Sherry to push for a Friday night out alone with Rory to bond. So Lorelai takes Christopher to a tumultuous Friday night dinner at her parents. Lorelai, thinking she missed out on a life with Christopher, confesses her self-realization. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

Rory and Dean fight, because Dean likes the idea of a 50s type house wife. Rory ends up pretending to be such that type of woman for an evening.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

It's snowing, and Lorelai is giddy. She runs into Max in Stars Hollow, and invites him back to her place. But they run into someone unexpected when they get there. Lane feels left-out of Rory's life.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Gilmore Girls

Gilmore Girls


Gilmore Girls

IMDb: 8.6
45 min

It's Rory's birthday. She gets two parties. An elegant and horrible affair thrown by her grandmother and an informal fun party thrown by Lorelai.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Fawlty Towers

Fawlty Towers


Fawlty Towers

IMDb: 9.2
32 min

One of the hotel's guests dies in his sleep but Basil doesn't really notice and just goes about his business, delivering the man's breakfast to his room and then complaining that he was rude and didn't thank him. Polly soon realizes he is dead and Sybil asks another guest, Dr. Price, to attend to the situation. Basil thinks the out of date kippers were the cause, but he's been dead most of the night. Pandemonium sets in when they try to remove the body without any of the guests knowing what has happened. It doesn't quite go as planned. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Fawlty Towers

Fawlty Towers


Fawlty Towers

IMDb: 8.6
28 min

Over his wife's objections, Basil hires his usual firm of incompetents (O'Reilly's) to do some carpentry work in the hotel lobby. With both Basil and Sybil out for the afternoon, they leave Polly in charge. She decides to have a nap, leaving the English-challenged Manuel in charge. When Basil returns, he finds a solid wall where once stood doors to the dining room and still no door to the kitchen per his work order. Sybil takes an I-told-you-so attitude and insists he hire a qualified builder to fix the mess, but Basil decides to get O'Reilly back to right the wrong, but he still makes a mess of it as well. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Fawlty Towers

Fawlty Towers


Fawlty Towers

IMDb: 8.7
30 min

Basil is delighted when a member of the aristocracy chooses to stay at the Fawlty Towers, snubbing the normal guests who frequent the hotel. What Basil does not know, however, is that the man is not a Lord but a confidence trickster who attempts to steal his collection of rare coins. As Basil's desperation to keep such an 'upstanding' guest increases, he becomes increasingly tolerant towards the man's behavior, only to have the guest arrested in a police raid on the hotel. Written by t

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Skärgårdsdoktorn




IMDb: 0

Genre: Drama,
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HD Jericho




IMDb: 8.9
41 min

Just when Jake's position seems hopeless, Major Edward Beck is convinced by the evidence and risks a court-martial by ordering everyone's release. Jake joins Hawkins on a spy mission to prevent the JandR conspiracy and deep throat's terror alternative. They must locate and steal the nuclear bomb and deliver it with documentary evidence fast, to dissuade Texas from siding with the corrupt Cheyenne government, which fights them all the way, even on a diplomatic flight. The boys back home consider a deal with Constantino. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Jericho




IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Stanley's murderous execution of Goetz convinces major Beck to take off the gloves and come down hard on all Jake's men, who wisely surrender to the superior force. The shadow fight for the bomb and its secret continues. Hawkins learns only now his deep throat has a terrible agenda of his own: using it against the Cheyenne government as retaliation for its atomic war mongering under JandR's control. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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