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IMDb: 8.0
44 min

The victim: Nika Reid, an assistant to renowned but sleazy photographer Eric Sharpe, who likes to party hard with his young female models and staff, most who will do whatever he says to gain his influence to get ahead in the business. The killer: Stacy Lawford, who works at a local online gossip blog called Wicked City, which specializes in salacious local stories. Stacy also happens to be Nika's roommate and best friend. Eric discovered Nika's dead body in bed with him when he woke up after a boisterous late night party at his live/work studio. The detectives believe Eric is the person who stabbed Nika to death as he seems to be doing whatever required to protect himself, including cleaning himself up and calling a lawyer even before calling 911. When Eric finally decides to talk, he vows that he remembers nothing between the time the cops came by the previous evening on noise complaints to shut the party down to when he woke to find Nika already dead beside him. Angie, the lead on ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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IMDb: 8.8
44 min

The killer: brew-master Joe Hillis, who is just about to open a craft brewery. The victim: tarot card reader Ginelle Mercier. Her mummified body is found in the wall of a for sale warehouse, which was being renovated for suspected asbestos. Because of the environment of the warehouse, Ginelle, who was placed there postmortem, could have been killed as recently as ten weeks ago. The detectives have to find who would have last had contact with her, including among her colleagues, friends and clients, the latter from who they learn that she was considered the best in the business. They learn from others who viewed her from an outsider's perspective that she was considered flaky. The detectives' search for electronic information is difficult as they also learn she felt many forms of electronics interfered with psychic energy. Stumbling on her hard copy contact list, the detectives find that a common name between her friends, clients and those that had access to the warehouse is Hillis, ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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IMDb: 8.3
43 min

The victim: Barb Birk, the owner of her own diner. The killer: Sasha King, a resident and worker at a women's shelter, and one of Barb's many disgruntled ex-employees. Who is eventually identified as Barb is found burnt to death inside her diner kitchen in what was an early morning fire on a day the diner was closed. The initial primary suspect as the person who started the fire, and thus the killer, is Barb's son, Jason Birk, who used to be a short order cook in the diner, and whose lighter was used to start the fire. He admits the lighter is his, but states that anyone who worked in the diner knew where he left it. He has been out of jail for three weeks, his ten month sentence for assault for beating up Ross Simpson, another of Barb's disgruntled ex-employees who often parked his food truck outside the diner. Jason, who is surprised to learn that he is the insurance beneficiary, admits that he and his mother had a love/hate relationship. They were somewhat estranged based largely ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The killer: Damian Cutter. The victim: Alicia Barclay. Her dead body is found washed up on the beach one morning. Although Betty is able to determine that Alicia did die from drowning, Betty also believes that Alicia was unconscious when she entered the water based on her sustaining two head wounds which were made with a combined sharp and blunt object, not consistent with something like a sail boom. The Homicide detectives discover that Alicia, who was still wearing a cocktail dress, was on a yacht party the previous night, that party which she organized with Meredith Taylor, the two being the wives of Peter Barclay and Kurt Taylor respectively, the two men who had just purchased the multimillion dollar yacht and who are business partners in a lucrative online gaming venture. Whoever the killer, the detectives believe that Alicia never made it off the yacht from the party conscious. They discover an interesting web of one-on-one relationships between the four of Alicia, Peter, ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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IMDb: 8.1
43 min

The killer: Ian, a photographer, who just got engaged to his girlfriend, who he had been dating for three years, their relationship which began following the suicide death of her former boyfriend, the biological father of her now six year old son. The victim: Kevin Carpenter, a former art school student, who had just returned to Vancouver following a three year traveling stint in India, Nepal and Thailand. His dead body is found in his motel room bathtub, his wrists slashed. Despite there being a suicide note on the scene - I never had the courage until now - which is later identified as being in his handwriting, Betty is able to determine that he was not the one to inflict the fatal wounds. Items on the scene also indicate that he was Buddhist. With no cell phone, Kevin made three calls from his motel room telephone - to his sister Shelly Carpenter who seemingly is the person closest to him, to a convenience store, and to directory assistance, in which he was looking for a Robin ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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IMDb: 7.8
44 min

The killer: Felix Hausman, a young man who has had trouble finding his place in life. Having just been fired from his latest job, Felix has tried to make a living through high stakes gambling. But he was hoping that his life would turn around by some information provided to him from his father's old partner, who is currently in prison. Felix grew up in St. Roch Orphanage, since his father left him when he was a child. The victim: Father Noel Barnett, the tough but caring parish priest at St. Roch, he who was basically Felix's father figure growing up. Father Barnett was found dead in the church with blunt force trauma to the head and his throat slashed. Father Barnett managed to call 911 just before his death, but the call was barely audible. Angie and Oscar have to decipher some cryptic information in Father Barnett's day planner to discover his last movements. They learn that he was working on a domestic abuse case of the Sopressas, Rita Sopressa who he managed to get into a ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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IMDb: 8.0
43 min

The killer: Torontonian Barry Ketchum, who recently celebrated his one year sobriety at his AA meeting. The victim: Eric Chase, a mortgage broker, who was killed one evening outside his office by strangulation. Homicide lucks out when Betty discovers the killer's DNA under Eric's fingernails. Homicide looks at Eric's family life - including his new marriage to Ronnie Chase, and being awarded sole custody of his son Chad Chase over his ex-wife, Claudia Powell, an activist who lost custody largely because of her chronic unemployment - and his professional life, where potential clients may have despised him for turning down their mortgage requests. Eric was a seemingly well liked man, so Homicide believes that the tension between Claudia and Ronnie played some role in Eric's death, especially as Claudia has open hatred for the police, although they also know that both women are physically incapable of the killing. Partly through eyewitness accounts, Homicide is led to a low level Toronto... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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IMDb: 7.2
43 min

On his way home home from a business trip to Hawaii, Joe calls Allison to let her know what time he's arriving. He never makes it however. Flash-forward to seven years in the future, Allison is a successful Assistant District Attorney working as second chair prosecuting a major drug dealer, Luis Amenabar. She's raised the girls on her own and has done a good job. Ariel is now married and will soon have a baby; Bridgette is going to college; and Marie is now a teenager. It all begins to change when she dreams that Joe survived the plane crash and has suffered memory loss. He's tied into Amenabar somehow and she sets out to find him. Not everything is as it first seems however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.1
55 min

A man desperately seeks Allison's help to determine the true nature of his wife's disappearance. Meanwhile, Joe and Allison become concerned when Marie breaks down during a spelling test. Written by CBS Publicity

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IMDb: 7.7
55 min

Allison dreams about her brother Michael being down and out and talked out of jumping off a bridge by an unknown individual. When she contacts him the next day however, he's more than fine and is actually on his way to Phoenix to see her. Well dressed and looking great, he's been working quite successfully for a year as a pharmaceutical sales rep. He claims to owe his turnaround to a book written by the now deceased Carson Churchill. As her dreams continue however, Allison realizes that Michael has actually made a pact with Chrchill's spirit, one that is resulting in several deaths. Manuel Devalos' run for mayor isn't going very well with one of his opponents is scoring points with negative ads. Manuel's campaign manager, Justine Goderich, wants to use Allison to get some dirt on his opponent but when the DA flatly refuses, she turns to the next best thing. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.8

The police are investigating the death of a man who fell, or was pushed, in front of a commuter train. There were no witnesses and the only thing other commuters remember was a street person who reeked of urine but no one can really remember what he looked like. At the scene, Allison has a vision of the body with a fast food name tag on his lapel but as Det. Lee Scanlon points out the man is wearing a suit and looks a bit too old to be someone who worked in a burger joint. He's eventually identified as Adam Talmadge but they find little else. When Allison dreams of a woman being pushed in front of a train by the same homeless man, they search for a connection between them. Joe meanwhile has to travel to Minnesota when Allison dreams that his mother is severely ill. His mother refuses to accept the fact she will die based on the fact that Allison had told her some years before that she would be at Bridgette's college graduation. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9
42 min

Allison and Joe are concerned when they learn that a convicted rapist, Clark Kerwin, moves into the neighborhood. They aren't the only ones concerned as their neighbors begin to organize to take action. Someone doesn't wait however and throws a rock through his living room window. Allison's dreams however begin to show that Kerwin, a onetime teacher who was accused of raping one of his students, may have been falsely convicted. When a neighborhood teenager is killed and the evidence points to Kerwin, Allison isn't convinced he's responsible. Joe meanwhile gets an interesting offer from his boss: get an executive MBA on his own time and he will get a senior management position in the firm. Allison still plans on going to law school but they may not be able to afford tuition for both of them. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.6

Allison dreams of a teenage girl caught in a room with a fire raging around her. In her second dream she sees the girl being saved by a fireman and so relaxes a bit. In her third dream however, she sees the same fireman receiving a large amount of money to kill someone, who just happens to be DA Manuel Devalos' principal witness against a major drug dealer. When the witness dies in a hotel fire, Allison thinks the fireman may have killed the girl as well. She isn't quite ready when she learns the relationship between the two. Yet another dream explains it all. Devalos thinks of running for Mayor of Phoenix but is worried that his opponent will go to any lengths to win. With the possibility of Manny leaving and with a younger generation starting to work as Assistant DA's, Allison makes a major decision about her future. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.7
55 min

Allison wakes up unable to understand a word anyone says. She can speak and be understood by everyone but when they speak, all she hears is gibberish. That is until she overhears a woman, Jane Livingston, speaking on a cellphone. Allison can understand her perfectly but Jane isn't speaking English but Navajo. She and Jane soon form a friendship with Jane acting as her interpreter. Her knowledge of the the Navajo community also comes in handy as Allison has had two dreams where Navajo men were killed by someone searching for something. Her dreams don't reveal all however. As for Joe Dubois, Allison's latest bout of weirdness is one too many and he finds it very difficult to be the understanding husband. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.7
55 min

After an earthquake, Allison gets a premonition that Phoenix is going to get another ground shaker of sorts. She knows that the event will occur at 9:18 a.m. She doesn't know the exact day but sees several everyday events that will occur just prior to the event: Det. Scanlon will spill coffee on his shirt and she sees the headline on D.A. Devalos' newspaper. She also dreams about it, realizing that someone will place a car-bomb in the underground parking garage of a downtown building. One of her dreams also shows husband Joe defacing a neighbor's garage door with spray paint, also on the morning of the bombing. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.6
55 min

After Allison has a skin graft on her left hand after a kitchen accident, it begins to act rather oddly. Her hand will grab onto people or objects, including the television remote control where is will constantly change channels. At the same time she is having dreams about a young woman, a doctor, who is assaulted and put into the trunk of a car. She eventually concludes that the skin graft she has received came from the dead woman but how to prove that her hospital colleague is responsible for the young woman's murder is the puzzle Allison has to solve. Bridgette meanwhile seems to have become a soccer star all of a sudden. She hasn't told her parents about her sudden success - they think she is the team's equipment manager - and for good reason since she is actually receiving ghostly coaching. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.1
55 min

While investigating a missing girl's murder, Allison experiences more friction with Scanlon after finding a possible link to his late brother. Also, Ariel deals with her siblings' reactions to her leaving for college.

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IMDb: 7.9
55 min

Scanlon is haunted by dreams of his late brother, leaving Allison concerned about her colleague. Also, while making her final preparations for college, Ariel has visions of missing young women, past and present. Written by CBS Publicity

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IMDb: 7.6

While investigating a rash of murders, Allison sees floating symbols above people's heads, signs that she thinks could match them with their perfect mate. Also, Joe is put in a tough situation when one of his employees accuses another of sexual harassment. Written by NBC Publicity

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IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Allison is approached by Gary Durant who wants something done about the harassment directed at his elderly father. Someone has been posting videotapes of the old man, now a street person, performing humiliating acts for a few dollars. Both Allison and Bridgette dream about him but are soon having their own 'Freaky Friday' of sorts when they wake up to find that they are inhabiting the other's body. As a result they have an interesting few days where Allison goes to school and Bridgette goes to the office. Their dreams reveal more of the mystery about Durant's father but when the old man is killed, Allison believes there is another solution to the murder. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.7
60 min

After Allison receives a letter from her Doctor about her tumor, she dreams of what would happen to her family if she were to die. As a spirit she meets a recently deceased woman, Mary-Louise Graff, who points her in the direction of her killer. Graff isn't being entirely honest. Ariel can see her and she gets her to continue her work with DA Devalos. It all takes a toll however. Ariel has to give up her plans to go to Dartmouth College and grows weary of her mom's constant presence. When Allison wakes up, she takes steps to deal with Graff and ensure Ariel gets her wish. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Allison's dreams of pigs may lead to finding a young animal rights activist, Melissa Treynet, who has been missing for a few weeks. The DA's office has been asked to mediate between Victoria Gossett, the head of an animal rights group, and a local pork processing facility. Gossett is slinging wild accusations that Melissa, who was sent in undercover to work in the plant and document acts of animal cruelty, was killed because of what she found. A little pig with unique markings around one eye gives Allison all the information she needs. At home meanwhile, Joe has to deal with Marie who seems to have taken to shoplifting toys from a comic books and collectibles store she visits with Bridgette. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.6

Ariel is having a difficult time time. She seems to be jumping ahead in time but without any memories of what has happened in the intervening period. She is babysitting for her teacher, Mrs. Lisa Kerrigan, when she finds the woman in the living room shot through the head. She then jumps forward a short time to where the police want a statement from her. The biggest jump occurs where it is now 10 years into the future. She is married to a high school sweetheart Liam and has a 5 year-old child but in her mind, she still a teenager in high school. Ariel's future self begins to have visions of what happened the night Mrs. Kerrigan was killed. When Lisa's balaclava-wearing killer is identified as the mother of her child, the evidence seems to support that her husband Daniel is the killer. There is another answer however. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.6

After a neighbor is murdered, Allison's fears for her own family prompt her to install a high-tech talking burglar alarm, which she later suspects may be communicating with Marie. Also, Ariel meets a ghost who could help her get into the college of her choice. Written by CBS Publicity

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IMDb: 7.9
60 min

With Jennifer living in her house, Allison begins to better understand that her young ward has been seeing the murders through the killer's eyes. As a result, she has never seen his face but for some reason, a clown's face stands out in her memories. Allison's own dreams begin to provide other clues not only to the killer's identity but also as to why Jennifer began to dream only after she was in a serious car accident that killed her parents. She also has to act quickly since it's become obvious that Jennifer is now a target. At his work, Joe's boss Keith has vanished and it falls to him to make a presentation to Defense Department officials. When Keith re-appears Joe learns what his problem is all about but he's not too sympathetic. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Allison dreams about a young woman who asks if that's all she does with her gift and then slits her own throat. Soon after, both Ariel and Bridgitte dream of the same girl where she again takes her own life. Allison is also called in to one of the most bizarre cases ever. The police find a family sitting in the living room as if they were watching television. The only thing is they are all dead, with their blood having been drained from their bodies. When a second family is found a few days later, this time seated at the dinner table, they also find a homeless 17 year-old, Jennifer, hiding in the closet. Meanwhile, Joe's always erratic boss seems to have gone off the deep end completely when the pressure is on in a major project. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.7
42 min

As their wedding approaches, young Joe and Allison are having to deal with a number of challenges. She is going to meet Joe's parents for the first time and they learn over dinner that they have now officially separated. Allison is also having to come to terms with her dreams and her psychic powers. She keeps dreaming of people and events she is not yet familiar with, including a man who is assaulting young women - one of whom is a teenaged Ariel, who for obvious reasons Allison does not yet recognize. She recognizes the killer however at the rehearsal dinner and knowing what will happen, questions whether she should go ahead with the wedding. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.0
42 min

After being mugged in a mall parking lot, Allison meets another assault victim, Kira Hudack. With her dreams showing her being attacked again by the same men who mugged her, she decides to take the self-defense classes Kira offers. Soon her dreams show her the man who attacked Kira; or so she thinks and makes a terrible error. Det. Scanlon has to deal with family issues when DA Devalos tells him his sex offender brother Paul Scanlon is the suspect in the recent rape of a 15 year-old girl. The DA's office has an undercover officer in Paul's group therapy class but when Lee confronts him about the rape, Paul denies it and claims to be on the road to recovery. When the undercover cop is found dead, Paul becomes their main suspect but Allison's dreams reveal otherwise. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.2
42 min

A perplexed Allison must figure out why she keeps seeing the face of one man in the faces of other people in her daily life, including that of her husband, Joe. Also, Ariel makes an interesting acquaintance while babysitting a challenging young boy. Written by CBS Publicity

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IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Allison dreams of a schizophrenic child, who she later meets as the well-adjusted roommate of a missing psychiatric patient, and questions whether she was responsible for killing her own parents. Also, Bridgette is confused about her feelings for a boy. Written by CBS Publicity

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IMDb: 8.3

The anniversary of his daughter's death re-opens old wounds for Devalos, but Allison's dreams and other clues could lead to the girl's true reasons for her actions. Also, Bridgette meets an interesting character while working at the library. Written by CBS Publicity

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IMDb: 7.8
42 min

The police hunt a serial killer targeting innocent women, but when the prime suspect dies, his ghost contacts Allison to clear his name, contact his girlfriend and maybe help the investigation. Also, Joe's boss asks him to critique his new novel. Written by CBS Publicity

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