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IMDb: 7.8

When Allison dreams of a young woman who has had a serious fall, she contacts Det. Lee Scanlon and Deputy Mayor Lynn DiNovi, a close friend. There is little to indicate foul play but subsequent dreams show others also dying in strange circumstances. The focus seems to be adulterated over-the-counter headache medicine, but the question is just who is responsible. Joe meanwhile is convinced that Marie needs glasses but she passes her eye exam with flying colors. He's not sure that it was the eye chart she was reading, however. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.2

Allison finds herself working with FBI Agent Edward Cooper with whom she had previously worked (see Episode 3.6) and who didn't hesitate to execute a suspect when the criminal justice system failed to convict him. He's now looking for a serial killer and when Allison tells him she's seen the killer in her dreams, he insists that she work with him. Joe meanwhile is still trying to find investors for his solar energy project. He's been turned down pretty well everywhere but when someone finally comes forward, it's on the condition that they get 51% ownership of the new undertaking. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9

Allison dreams of a sexy, attractive woman who seems to be an expert at picking up men in bars and then killing them. The murders are quite violent but when the police finally arrest the woman in Allison has seen in dreams, she turns out to be a best-selling author on how to meet the opposite sex. But is she the killer? Manuel Devalos launches his campaign for District Attorney but Allison senses that one of his biggest supporters is conspiring with the current DA to blacken Manny's reputation. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.9

Allison continues to dream about Cynthia Keener's daughter and manages to determine where her daughter's remains are to be found. Both she and Cynthia are convinced that Joanna Wheeler is the culprit but cannot find any evidence to prove it. When the one potential witness they do have is murdered, Cynthia is left with only one solution. Bridgette tells her dad that she had a dream about him getting a loan at the bank. All he has to do is go to the white-haired man and all his problems will be solved. The solution isn't quite as simple as getting a loan however. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.6

Allison dreams of Cynthia Keener's daughter Suzie who was kidnapped and vanished in 1998. From her dream, she knows that she was kept chained in a basement or bomb shelter along with another young woman. As the dreams continue however, Allison realizes that she may have transposed Cynthia's daughter with a more recent victim. While helping Bridgette with a science project, Joe develops a theory on enhancing the capture of solar energy. Allison is dead set against his suggestion that they use the girls' college fund to invest in the idea. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9

The police arrest Graham Stacey when they learn that his wife's life was insured for $7 million. Allison's dreams confirm his version of events. Allison continues to dream about the missing prostitute and the sadistic dentist but Cynthia Keener doesn't think the information is very useful. Allison eventually realizes there is a connection between Mrs. Stacey's death and the dentist. Ariel has information however that provides a vital clue in solving the mystery. Joe's mother shares a secret with Allison and that she may be able to help. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9

Soon after Ariel dreams of a woman who sets herself on fire, the mother of one of her classmates is killed in a house fire that the police believe was arson. Manuel Devalos asks Allison to assist him when the police question the woman's husband, Graham Stacey. Det. Lee Scanlon is the investigating officer. Private investigator Cynthia Keener asks Allison to look over some old cases. She has a dream about a young prostitute who is picked up by a dentist and who has now been missing for 9 months. Joe's mother agrees to lend them some money to help them out and she also comes for a visit. The ghost of Joe's father also stops in. Det. Scanlon is on the outs with his fellow police officers when he shows up for work when everyone else has the blue flu. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Devalos makes a bid to reclaim his old job. But Allison's dreams contain clues that his old friend and staunchest political ally, Senator Jed Garrity, is secretly embroiled in dark dealings that could harm her former boss's run at the D.A. office Written by

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IMDb: 7.9

Attracted by the money being offered, Allison goes against her better judgment and agrees to work for her one time nemesis, defense attorney Larry Watt. The case involves John Edgemont who has been charged with murdering his wife. Allison is concerned that he may in fact be guilty and her initial dreams indicate that he may have been involved. As she gets more information on the case however, especially about one of Edgemont's two daughters, she realizes that there is a far more complex knot to untangle. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.1

After dreaming about a preteen girl who finds an intruder her house, Allison finds that she has gone totally deaf. Private investigator Cynthia Keener meanwhile has a case for her: that of a 12-year-old deaf girl who had been kidnapped two nights before. The men wore masks and used sign language, so Keener is quite sure this was a well-planned kidnapping rather than a crime of opportunity. The girl's parents want to pay the ransom and refuse to involve the police. When Allison manages to identify one of the kidnappers, the case takes on an entirely different complexion. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Joe finally gets a lead on a job with a local aerospace firm headed by Peter Barrister. When Allison starts to have nasty dreams about the man's daughter Melissa however, there are a number of issues that arise. Allison dreams that his daughter is being held against her will and eventually suspects her former husband to be behind it all. When Melissa goes missing, Mrs. Barrister believes in Allison's abilities and believes the information she is giving them, but Mr. Barrister is somewhat more skeptical - if not downright hostile - affecting not only the daughter's rescue but also Joe's employment prospects. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.2

Allison is nearly frantic when she dreams that her 14-year old daughter Ariel is involved in a car accident. What she doesn't realize is that Ariel is also having prophetic dreams where she and her mother are the same age and in high school. Complicating matters is that Ariel has been asked to go to a concert by a 16-year-old boy and her parents won't hear of it. Things aren't going well on the job front either. Allison has been hired by private detective Cynthia Keener to help locate a missing teenager but she hasn't been of much use so far. Allison eventually realizes Ariel's and her own dreams are linked to the fate of the missing girl. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Joe is out of a job and Allison is persona non grata at the DA's office after having been outed by a journalist. So when she starts having dreams about a young boy who was abducted in a toy store, she has no one to turn to. Devalos is away and Detective Scanlon relegated to making police presentations to school children. She knows from her dreams that the abductor likes to dance and was wearing a green denim jacket. She finds an ally when a private detective, Cynthia Keener, contacts her. At school, 9th grader Ariel desperately wants to get the lead in the school musical, The Sound of Music, but faces tough competition from a 10th grader. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.2
45 min

With the revelations about Allison gaining more and more news coverage, DA Devalos finds himself increasingly frozen out. Soon his old friend who he had brought to help them out, Tom Van Dyke, is acting DA and both Allison and Detective Lee Scanlon find themselves on the outs as well. Allison's dreams continue to paint the picture of what happened to the murder victims and she soon concludes that there had to be two killers at work, likely working together. The only problem is that she can find no one in the new regime to listen to her. Allison's outing as a psychic has an effect on her family as well when the children are teased at school and Joe is faced with a very particular dilemma in relation to the lawsuit he is contemplating against his employer. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Allison is confused when her dreams of a man murdering his wife keep occurring, even after she helped Devalos convince the jury of the suspected killer's guilt. Through her troubles she manages to make a new friend named Debra. Meanwhile, Joe is frustrated by the therapy sessions that his job enrolled him in, and can't express his feelings to Allison because the recent hostage situation he was in is still greatly affecting him. Written by Anon

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IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Allison is constantly dreaming about Nathalie Paxton who was decapitated. Her husband Walter is currently on trial for her murder, all of which jibes with her dreams. Under pressure to make a deal with Paxton to make sure they get a conviction, DA Devalos is talked out of it by Allison who is convinced of his guilt. Paxton maintains his innocence, a fact that is reinforced when another woman is decapitated and her head replaced with that of Nathalie Paxton. Allison then dreams that the next victim is a young woman she has recently befriended, Debra. Joe has been trouble re-adjusting since the hostage taking and goes to see a therapist. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Allison dreams about a coed, Jennie Heffernan, who has gone missing. A waking dream leads Allison to the girl's body but the man the police arrest is not the same man she has seen. Joe meanwhile is having trouble settling back into work after the hostage-taking incident and his boss tells Allison Joe may need some therapy. Joe and Ariel have a major falling out when he decides they can't afford to send her to summer camp. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.6
43 min

Allison finds herself working alongside her brother, Michael, who has been working as a telephone psychic in Los Angeles. One of his telephone clients has asked him to come to Phoenix and help solve the recent murder of her husband, Gregory King. Broke as usual, he's more than happy to take the job but when he's visited by King's spirit, he gets the information needed to crack the case. The only problem is that Allison's dreams suggest they've arrested the wrong man. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

While attending the company's monthly project management meeting, Joe and his fellow workers are taken hostage by Bruce Rossiter who was fired by the company the previous week. Both Allison and Ariel both had feelings of dread prior to the incident. Allison learns who is keeping Joe hostage and Ariel provides vital information as to what may have caused Rossiter to act this way. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.8
42 min

In a scene right out of The Exorcist, Allison dreams about a priest dealing with an obviously disturbed young woman whose bed levitates before him. At work the next day, she learns that DA Devalos' life long friend, Father Armando Avilar, was killed in a fall down the stairs at a wealthy family's home. It's the same man as in her dreams. As the dreams continue, she begins to doubt that his death was an accident. At work, Joe is hoping to get involved in a secret government project but is having trouble passing the mandatory lie detector test. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Allison wakes up as her teenaged self, who is having dreams about her future adult life where she is married to Joe and has her three kids. Her teenaged and future lives intersect when a new boy moves in next door. He's a bit creepy and Allison tries to avoid him. In her dreams, Allison meets him again as an adult and learns that he is a registered sex offender having been convicted of raping a 14 year-old girl. When the police have a dead 13 year old on their hands, they think they know who did it. There may be something teenaged Allison can do about it however. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.0
42 min

Serial killer Sonny Troyer is again on the loose when he manages to escape from the Arizona State Prison. As in their previous encounter, Allison and Troyer are sharing the same dreams, but Allison is having trouble keeping up with him. When their dreams focus on two roommates, Allison makes a deadly mistake. Things get really out of hand when Troyer goes after Allison and her police protection is withdrawn. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Allison dreams that a teenaged Marie is in hospital dying of leukemia. Little Marie is in good health but that doesn't stop Allison from obsessing about the future and Joe has a bit of trouble with her logic. She becomes convinced that environmental factors must be the cause and insists that they sell the house and move. Det. Lee Scanlan investigates the death of a close friend who died from a drug overdose. Although the man was a recovering addict, Scanlan suspects foul play. Allison's dream and the death of Scanlon's friend are connected, however. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Allison wakes up one morning believing she is Sandra O'Bannon. She obviously knows a great deal about the woman - where she lives, the location of the spare key and the access code to the house. She dreams that she and her husband, Tom O'Bannon, are in a car accident and subsequently meets Tom and Sandra at a hospital finally realizing that something is very wrong. Her dreams however provide an explanation to what happened to the real Sandra O'Bannon. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Captain Push has dreams about a series of crimes committed in Phoenix and contacts Allison to tell her about his visions. Allison believes that Push's visionary ability is due to his long coma in the past but Push has doubts. In the meantime, Push has to submit himself to another medical operation and encounters some people in the hospital whom he had seen in a different context and circumstance before. Written by lil

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IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Allison has a dream where the Dubois family are dolls under the control of a young boy, Oliver. When the boy's father is found dead, apparently having fallen off a ladder, her dreams reveal Oliver may have been an abused child. The Devalos' have to deal with the anniversary of their daughter's death. She committed suicide 6 years before without leaving a note or saying goodbye. Joe has been putting in a number of late nights on a major project and is a bit obsessed that one of the kids may have given him chicken pox. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.0
42 min

Allison has a dream where two ghosts, the ethereal remains of two men who met violent deaths, meet and discuss what happened to them. The first is someone who was stabbed and then cut up by his wife. Allison reports it to the police but has no idea when or where the murder took place. The second death involves a young man who was shot during a mugging. It turns out he left a $1 million life insurance policy to a woman he didn't even know. As Allison learns more about the case, it becomes apparent that the young man's death was not random and someone very much stood to gain by his early demise. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.5
56 min

The DA asks Allison to accompany him when a local State politician has died. The paramedics call in the police when there are clear indications of strangulation. The dead man's widow admits that she found him hanging in the study in a position that was clearly meant to cause embarrassment. Allison has a dream of the killing but also of a young boy trapped in what appears to be a cave. Turns out the boy died over 15 years ago. She now has to figure out the connection between the two. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.3
60 min | 49 min

Ariel has hopes to attend the big spring dance at school an has a particular dress in mind. When she and Allison go to the dress shop how they find that the shop owner and her teenage daughter have both been shot dead. Subsequently, both Ariel and Allison start having dreams; Ariel from the teenager's point of view and Allison from the mother's point of view. We learn that the mother had recently ended her relationship with a married man and that her daughter was receiving nasty e-mails from someone unknown. As the dreams follow their day to day life in the shop - including having to deal with irate customers - the solution to the murder can only be found when Ariel and Allison combine the information they have. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8
52 min

Allison dreams about a serial killer, Richard Gomez, against whom charges had been dropped some years before when a key piece of evidence disappeared. The FBI agent in charge of that case, Edward Cooper, is now in Phoenix tracking a serial killer that he believes has moved there but Allison's dreams suggest that Gomez may be responsible. When she learns that Gomez was killed many years before in a cheap motel in Mexico, her dreams also reveals his killer's identity. Joe meanwhile has become concerned at Marie's interest in watching a static-filled TV screen. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9
50 min

Allison buys husband Joe a video camera for his birthday and despite the fact there is no battery and no tape in the machine, she soon starts to see images on the view screen of a woman named Kathy and a man named Travis. The two are obviously having an affair and as the images continue to tell a story, it is obvious they are planning a crime. Meanwhile, the police are investigating the shooting of woman who was just sitting in her car. The shooting was the work of a sniper and the entire city is now in panic. Allison comes to believe that the video images she is seeing and the sniper shooting are somehow connected. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Allison is again dreaming about the serial killer Dr. Charles Walker only this time, she is dreaming about his past including the death of his wife in the 19th century and the fact that his mother was a psychic. She believes he is after a young woman she meets in the grocery store and actually thinks she sees him but in fact meets his doppleganger, Jack Walker, who is possibly his descendant. He is taking medication since he hears voices and Allison believes he may have inherited his ancestor's psychic abilities. She also thinks that Charles Walker may be using his descendant to get to the young woman he wants to kill. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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