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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.8
23 min

Jerry accidentally knocks his girlfriends toothbrush into her toilet. He refuses to tell her and won't kiss her. Kramer adopts a section of highway and tries to improve it. Elaine tries to get chinese food delivered by using a janitors closet in a different building. George drops his Phil Rizutto key chain in a pothole, which gets filled and he tries to dig it out. Written by Jim

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.3
23 min

Kramer has a run-in with a gang named after president Van Buren, but he accidentally flashes their secret sign and becomes a member of the gang. Elaine finds this fascinating as she's ghost-writing Peterman's autobiography and needs some stories to use as filler material. George has to pick a scholarship recipient and picks an average Joe instead of an over achiever. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.8
23 min

Kramer tries to get a refund for Jerry's broken stereo. Jerry is against the idea until he gets a mysterious package in the mail. Newman accuses Jerry of mail fraud when Uncle Leo signs for the package and an explosion is heard while he is talking to Jerry. George, meanwhile, gets involved with Photo Store Shelia when she accidentally slips an enticing photo in George's pictures. George decides to send one back, but the plan backfires. And Elaine gets a rash and is barred from every doctor in New York when she takes a peek at her medical chart. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.2
23 min

George is convinced that the chairman of the Susan Biddle Foundation thinks he killed Susan. He tries to record their conversation when he's not there but doesn't quite get it right. Elaine meets some old friends all of whom now have babies. She of course does not want children and that leads her to a like-minded new boyfriend, Kevin. Jerry's new girlfriend Pam drops in on Jerry but it's Kramer who is smitten. The more Kramer says he likes her however, the more Jerry does as well. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.5
23 min

After Susan dies, George decides to live the high life by going the bachelor pad route. But his fun quickly ends when Jerry quotes Star Trek II and the Ross's decide to create a foundation in Susan's memory. Jerry gets reacquainted with Mulva (see episode The Junior Mint) and decides to do some research into which recent break-up story was more believable - his or George's. Elaine gets in trouble when J. Peterman flees to Burma and puts her in charge of the catalog. She doesn't think she is up to the task of running a large business until Kramer motivates her with some life lessons he learned in martial arts training. The stories do the trick until Elaine discovers who Kramer has really been fighting. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.3
23 min

George meets Susan's cousins. The wife is expecting a baby and they are having a hard time agreeing on the name. George reveals that he wants to name his kid Seven after Mickey Mantle. The cousins like the idea of naming their kid Seven, but nobody else does. Elaine buys an antique bicycle and hurts her neck in the process. Kramer fixes her neck and wants the bicycle in exchange for payment. Jerry's new girlfriend wears the same dress every single day. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.5
23 min

Elaine's birth control method of choice is being discontinued and she goes all over New York to find the last remaining case. After she successfully finds it, she then begins the agonizing process of determining whether or not her dates are sponge-worthy. Kramer participates in an AIDS walk but when he refuses to wear the ribbon, he suffers the consequences. Meanwhile, Jerry meets a woman and doesn't get her phone number. He then gets it from the list of participants in the AIDS walk. He tells George, who proceeds to tell Susan, who then starts a chain reaction of phone calls and ultimately winds up getting back to Jerry, who gets dumped as a result. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.6
23 min

George refuses to give anyone his secret code (BOSCO). Kramer buys a police scanner. Jerry does a series of ads for Leapin' Larry's Appliance Store. Elaine has dinner with J. Peterman but after she and Jerry bail on the dinner, George is stuck to dine with Peterman. George spills his secret code to Peterman's dying mother and gets in trouble for it. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.3
23 min

Kramer is pursuing his lawsuit against a coffee shop for selling him coffee that was too hot. Jackie Chiles represents him and thinks they're going to make a fortune. He may have a problem when Elaine's new boyfriend gives him a salve that cleans up his burn mark overnight. The boyfriend, who conducts the police band, insists that everyone call him Maestro which is just a bit too pretentious. George meanwhile goes shopping with Susan at a store owned by her family. He's not too keen on the clothes she thinks he should wear and he is bothered by the fact that the security guard has to stand all day. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.6
23 min

Jerry scores premium tickets to a New Jersey Devils playoff game. He invites Kramer, Puddy, and Elaine along. But Jerry gets weirded out when Puddy shows up at the game and paints his face to match the team colors. Puddy gets so worked up after the game that he freaks out a visiting pastor from El Salvador, who is convinced that Puddy really is the devil. Elaine tries to convince him otherwise. Kramer enjoyed the game so much that he tries to convince Jerry to get more tickets from the guy Jerry got them from. Meanwhile, George decides to tell his girlfriend that he loves her, only to have the plans backfire on him while Kramer battles a chimpanzee at the zoo. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.4
23 min

George's girlfriend's mom thinks he is a bum when she catches George eating an éclair out of the trash can, among various other coincidences. Jerry dates a woman who is a former Olympic gymnast and ventures into the territory of sexual pleasures that most men dare not dream of. Elaine tries to pry Mr. Pitt away from looking at Kramer's new 3-D art poster. Meanwhile, Kramer gets a kidney stone. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.4
23 min

Elaine dates a moving guy, and things are going well for her until Jerry wants to know what his opinion on abortion is. Poppy returns and he and Kramer are going into business together to create a restaurant where you make your own pizza. Meanwhile, George goes out of his way to cheat on a book club test by renting Breakfast At Tiffany's instead of reading the book. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7
23 min

Jerry is more than a little puzzled when his new girlfriend, Audrey, refuses to share a piece of apple pie with him. He's determined to find out why. When he goes to her favorite restaurant the chef, Poppie, promises them a special dinner. When Jerry sees that Poppie fails to wash his hands after going to the restroom, he faces his own dilemma. George comes across a new suit that he's told will go on sale in a few days. He goes out of his way to make sure it's still there when the sale starts. Elaine is taken aback when she sees a store mannequin that looks just like her. Kramer finds the perfect solution for a back itch. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.3
23 min

When Jerry runs into an old college friend, Diane, she asks how George is and what he's doing now. Not knowing what else to say, Jerry says George is a marine biologist - George had been talking about a science program on TV - and she takes a definite interest. They start seeing each other but a walk on the beach proves fateful. Kramer has gotten himself a car trunk full of golf balls and decides to go to the beach to practice his golf. He also gives Elaine a electronic organizer. Elaine is thrilled at the prospect of meeting famed Russian author, Testikov, but one of Jerry's practical jokes backfires. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.4
23 min

Jerry regrets giving his longtime barber the heave-ho after he gets a ridiculous-looking haircut. George gets a job interview but the boss leaves him with a very cryptic ending. Kramer begs Elaine to let him take part in her charity bachelor auction. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.0
23 min

Kramer's new girlfriend is what Jerry calls a low-talker, someone whose soft voice makes her unintelligible. She's a clothing designer and her latest idea is a puffy, pirate-like shirt. What Jerry doesn't realize is that he agreed to wear the puffy shirt on the Today Show. George has moved back in with his parents and his mother is driving him crazy about getting a job. A chance encounter leads him to become a hand model. Suddenly his hands are his main concern until he has an unfortunate encounter in Jerry's dressing room. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7
22 min

After dinner, Jerry gets his car back from the valet. He and Elaine get in the car and realize that the valet has really bad B.O.. Jerry goes to great lengths to get the smell out of his car while Elaine goes to great lengths to get the smell out of her hair. Jerry soon realizes that the smell isn't just a mere odor, but an entity unto itself, and finally decides that he has to get rid of his car. Meanwhile, George gets reacquainted with Susan and discovers that he drove her to lesbianism, and Kramer dates Susan's girlfriend. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.4
22 min

A woman is eavesdropping on the conversation that Elaine has with Jerry and George at the coffee shop. Elaine decides to give the woman the impression that Jerry and George are a homosexual couple. Unfortunately that woman is a reporter from NYU who is doing an interview with Jerry for the school newspaper. She goes to Jerry's apartment and the suspicions are confirmed when Jerry and George get in a fight over a piece of fruit. She publishes an article using the angle that Jerry and George are a homosexual couple. Things get even worse when Jerry's birthday gifts don't help his case any when Kramer gives Jerry a faulty two-line phone and George gets Jerry tickets to the musical Guys And Dolls. George doesn't help his case any when he uses the homosexual angle of the article to get out of a bad relationship and his mother freaks out and is admitted to the hospital. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7

Susan Ross invites George to dinner to meet her parents and he's worried about what to say when the subject of the now destroyed cabin comes up. Susan's father doesn't take it very well. When a metal box containing letters from author John Cheever is retrieved, a Ross family secret is revealed. After Jerry makes a remark to Elaine about her chatty assistant, the woman quits forcing Jerry to apologize and take her out for a drink. It doesn't go well. In need of more Cuban cigars, Kramer visits their offices at the UN. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.2
23 min

Jerry's parents are in town so that his father Morty can see a specialist about his aching back. Morty is upset when he finds his wallet is missing from his pants pocket after leaving his clothes unattended in the examination room. Jerry has to do some quick thinking after his parents ask why he doesn't wear the watch they gave him. In fact Jerry threw it away because it didn't keep the correct time. George decides to play hardball with NBC, demanding a better deal for their show about nothing. Elaine returns from Europe determined to break up with her psychiatrist boyfriend but he's not making it easy for her. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.5
23 min

George asks NBC executive Susan Ross out on a date and is convinced that the network's decision to film a pilot is thanks to his romancing her. George isn't too keen when he hears how much they're offering to pay. Kramer has an encounter with Crazy Joe Davola who kicks him in the head. Fortunately, he was wearing the helmet he got from Newman. He begins to act strangely however. Newman is intent on beating the speeding ticket in court and drags Kramer along as his a witness. His story is that he was was racing home to prevent his friend Kramer from committing suicide. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.8
23 min

After finishing his stand up act at the Improv Station, Jerry is approached by two men from NBC who say they would like him to think about a TV show based on his stand up routine. George suggests several ideas to him and then comes up wit the answer: he should do a show about nothing. NBC has a bit of trouble with the idea but George takes a liking to one of the executives, Susan. Kramer meanwhile swaps his radar detector with Newman for his helmet. He doesn't tell him it doesn't work leading Newman to get a speeding ticket. Jerry just happens to mention to Joe Davola that Kramer is having a party. He doesn't take the fact that Kramer failed to invite him very well. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.5
22 min

As a thank you for getting him a job at her own place of work, George wants to get Elaine a thank you gift. When he sees a cashmere sweater marked down from $600 to $85, he's immediately interested. The only problem is that there's a red mark on the front which everyone can see and annoys Elaine to no end. At his new work meanwhile, George's tryst with the cleaning lady beings to have ramifications. So does the fact that Elaine's boyfriend falls off the wagon after Jerry mixes up the glasses on a table at an office and he drinks liquor by mistake. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.2
22 min

George quite likes his new girlfriend Audrey but isn't quite sure he will ever get over the fact that she has a rather large nose. When Kramer, to everyone's embarrassment, blurts out in Audrey's presence that all she needs is a nose job, she begins to seriously consider it. The results aren't what she hoped for leading to a typical reaction from George. Kramer meanwhile is still obsessing over the jacket he was forced to return to the owner two years after it was left at his mother's house. He gets Elaine involved in a scheme to get it back for him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.9
22 min

Having gone to a mall in Jersey so Kramer can buy a new air conditioner, George, Jerry, Elaine and Kramer find themselves unable to find their car when they're ready to go home. George has an outing with his parents, Jerry is in dire need of a bathroom and Elaine's repeated attempts to get help from other shoppers are a dismal failure. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 7.9
23 min

While eating out, Jerry, Elaine and George stamp out a menu that has caught on fire at a nearby table. George casually mentions that the busboy had just put it on the table. He cringes however however when the busboy is summarily fired. He obsesses over the incident to the point where he feels he has no choice but to track the busboy down and apologize in person. He manages to find him only to let the man's cat out the door and it promptly disappears. Meanwhile, Elaine has a friend staying with her for a week and he's driving her mad. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.8
23 min

Waiting for a table at a Chinese restaurant where they've been told it'll be 5 or 10 minutes, Elaine, George and Jerry find people arriving after them being seated ahead of them. Elaine is starving and Jerry dares her to walk to a table and eat someone's food. He also sees someone who he can't place. George meanwhile is desperate to call Tatiana and gets upset when others in the restaurant lobby hogs the pay phone. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.0
23 min

When Jerry hears that his 94 year-old neighbor Mrs Hudwalker has died, he arranges for Elaine to get it. He almost immediately regrets it when Elaine starts to talk about how much time they'll be able to spend together. He's elated when he hears that it will cost her $5000 to get the place but Kramer comes up with a solution. George decides to wear a wedding band after he's told it will attract women. Kramer meanwhile decides on a new look. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.1
23 min

Jerry attends a family anniversary dinner with Elaine as his date but he puts his foot in it when he says he can't stand people who had a pony as a kid. Well, the hostess Manya did have one growing up and leaves the table upset. Jerry feels embarrassed by it all but when he learns that Manya died in the night, he feels responsible. To make matters worse, her funeral is scheduled at the same time as his baseball team is playing its championship game. Meanwhile, Jerry and Kramer have a disagreement over the meaning of a bet. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 7.7
23 min

George convinces Jerry to invest with him in a particular stock that almost immediately drops in price. Having lost half his investment in a just a few days, Jerry panics and wants to sell. Meanwhile, Jerry isn't very successful at getting his dry cleaner to admit they ruined his shirts. Elaine loses a grape in her kitchen. She also has doubts about her cat-loving boyfriend. Jerry asks Vanessa to go to Vermont with him for a weekend. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 7.7
23 min

While Elaine is apartment sitting for Jerry who's off to Minneapolis to work, the place is burglarized. Jerry returns to find his TV, VCR, computer and answering machine missing. Turns out Kramer left the door open but got distracted leaving the place wide open. Jerry begins to think that George's suggestion that he move to a newer and bigger place may have merit. Elaine would very much to get her hands on his apartment and away from her singing roommate. Turns out George decides he wants the place as well. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.3
24 min

Roy moves into his new flat and is then mistaken for a window-cleaner; and celebrity status for Moss comes easy when he reaches new heights on the renowned quiz show Countdown, leading to exclusive membership of the 8+ Club. Jen is envious to know just what is going on in the Heads of Department meetings where soft, white dressings gowns are involved. She's feeling very left out and eager to find out. Written by Cinema_Fan

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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